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David Josephs

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Posts posted by David Josephs

  1. 53 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:

    But that is not Kostikov right?

    Ed and Danny identified him as I think a guy named Moskalev?

    And I think they said that Goodpasture should have known him before she sent it up.

    No, that is not Kostikov.  I did find this



    Oswald regular                                             his right side duplicated                        left side 


  2. 5 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

    In addition to the declassified record above produced by Mr. Josephs, the day after the assassination, no one at the Russian Embassy mentioned Oswald being there.



    Not only did they not mention him afterward, they did not mention him while he was supposedly actually there at the time - with the only actual taping of phones going on against the Russian compounds.


    That so much happens between Oct 8 and Nov 7 for the October Summary Report to be so casual about the "english speaking American" and how it was Oct 1st's transcript that supposedly connects the two calls/callers.

    M/M Tarasoff remain one of the most misunderstood links in the MX City chain of "evidence".  According to Boris, the transcribed tapes of "those" conversation on the 27th and 28th would be in the hands of CIA/MX by Oct 1st yet nothing is said until the 8th, the day after Phillips arrives and is sent by Goodpasture and the Russian desk as they are Russian intercepts.

    Boris only translated Russian while his wife took care of Spanish.  The first call on the 27th was in Spanish.  






    Tarasoff sends some of these photos to a CIA friend (Millie Rodriguez) for identification and reports claim she said it was Kostikov.  This info comes from NARA copies from Malcolm and is not online.

    RIF # 104-10307-10045972857863_MexicoOswald-collage-manonTSBDsteps.thumb.jpg.e1a7fc7145841ee101d7e778c808c179.jpg

  3. Seems pretty simple, straightforward book marketing at its finest.

    Doesn't matter what he's said all along - you think anyone but us even has a clue? - by questioning the SBT he almost guarantees a best-seller.

    Worse yet, despite scientific impossibility, Landis' words will be taken seriously and confuse those looking into the case for years to come. {sigh}.  The man blew off his primary responsibilities, got plowed until 5am and NOW wants to come clean with a best selling book and more confusion about the facts of the case.  Red card!


    @Vince Palamara Hope you don't mind but found this in my stuff... not sure if all this remains the same today for you yet this was a great recap... thanks!



    The Secret Service and CE 399
    by Vincent Michael Palamara 

           The following is a compendium of all the anomolies
    pertaining to what I like to refer to as the "legitimacy" of
    CE399, including the Secret Service's handling of it:

    [in no particular order]

    1) CE2011-O.P. Wright, Darrel Tomlinson, Chief James J. Rowley,
    and SA Richard Johnsen could NOT identify CE399 as the bullet
    they all allegedly  handled on 11/22/63 ("over-the-counter"
    references: "JFK-Conspiracy of Silence", p. 133; "Crossfire", p.
    365; "Reasonable Doubt", p. 70);

    2) 24H412-Although two FBI agents (Todd and Frazier) initialed the
    bullet they received from the Secret Service, Johnsen and Rowley
    did NOT, breaking the legal chain of custody;

    3) CD7-Although the bullet was "officially" found on a stretcher 
    in a corridor of  Parkland Hospital, the FBI(Sibert and O'Neil)
    reported that it was found in the emergency room!;

    4) a)Sibert and O'Neil  interview of  SAIC Jerry Behn,
    11/27/63-the same FBI agents bypassed Johnsen and spoke instead
    to Behn(not even IN Dallas) about "the location of a bullet which
    had been found on a stretcher at Parkland";

    4) b) RIF#180-10104-10481:HSCA interview of SAIC Behn-
    Incredibly, Behn "stated that he was in the chain of custody of
    CE 399-Behn received the bullet from Johnsen, then turned it over
    to the FBI" [DJ: Johnsen gives it to ROWLEY who gives it to TODD who gives it to FRAZIER, no BEHN];

    5) Price Exhibits, Warren Commission Volume XXI - O.P. Wright, 
    the man who allegedly gave the bullet to Johnsen at Parkland, 
    does not even  MENTION this very important find at all in his

    6) Darrel Tomlinson, O.P. Wright, Nathan Pool-all described a
    DIFFERENT bullet than CE399(pointed, hunting-type)["Six Seconds
    in Dallas"; "High Treason", p. 102; HSCA document-interview with
    Nathan Pool, 1/10/77; etc.]. According to research done by Josiah
    Thompson, the bullet was found on a stretcher used by a young boy
    named Ronny Fuller!;

    7) LBJ Library document-Memorandum to File-According to Chief
    James J. Rowley, CE399  "was found amongst the clothes on one of
    the stretchers." If that wasn't enough,  Governor Connally 
    stated in his autobiography called "In History's Shadow"," But 
    the most curious discovery of all took place when they rolled me 
    off the stretcher, and onto the examining table. A metal object 
    fell onto the floor, with a click no louder than a wedding band. 
    The nurse picked it up and slipped it into her pocket. It was 
    the BULLET FROM MY BODY, the one that passed through my back, 
    chest, and wrist, and worked itself loose from my thigh" 
    (emphasis added-p.18; "The Investigator" Feb-May 1994). 
    Corroborating Connally's memory, from the 11/21/93 Dallas Morning
    News interview with Henry Wade:" I also went out to see 
    Connally, but he was in the operating room(note the time frame).
    Some nurse had a bullet in her hand, and said this was on the 
    gurney that Connally was on...I told her to give it to the police,
    which she said she would. I assume that's the pristine bullet"
    ("The Investigator" Feb-May 1994). Finally, Gary Shaw (in the 
    11/22/93 "Dateline: Dallas" issue) came across this passage from 
    the Warren Commission testimony of Parkland nurse Jeanette 
         Specter: "Did you notice any object in Governor Connally's
         Standridge:"Not unusual"
         Specter:" Did you notice a bullet, specifically?"
         Specter:" Did you hear the sound of anything fall?"
         Standridge:"I didn't"
     Is THIS "CE399"? What's going on here?

    😎 Bill Greer-Although it is an "official" fact that Agent 
    Richard Johnsen gained possession of CE399 (a.k.a. "the magic 
    bullet," linked to Oswald's gun) via O.P. Wright (who obtained 
    it thru Darrel Tomlinson AND Nathan Pool, who obtained it in the
    PRESENCE of Secret Service agent[s]) at Parkland Hospital, what 
    has never been widely reported is the fact that Agent Greer 
    maintained VERY close proximity to Johnsen and the bullet in
    question (18H799-800):

          a) BOTH agents guarded the emergency room(Trauma Room
    1)-Greer inside, Johnsen outside(2H126; 18H798);

          b) IF the FBI's report is accurate(see # 3[CD7] above),
    Greer was the ONLY agent stationed inside the emergency room with
          c)Johnsen rode with Greer in a car on the way to Air Force
    One (along with fellow agents David Grant, Samuel Sulliman,
    Ernest Olsson, and Paul Landis)-and we're supposed to believe
    that ALL these agents remained  silent about the bullet!(18H799;

          d)Greer rode with Johnsen near the casket in the REAR of
    Air Force One(from the point of time starting with the swearing
    in of LBJ, when the MAJORITY of agents/people were up
    front[18H799; 2H126))...

          When we consider that  both Greer AND Kellerman remained
    silent about this bullet until it was announced by Chief Rowley
    that night during the autopsy (via a phone call TO Kellerman!),
    we have to wonder about the implications of this "silence"-- in 
    a recently uncovered HSCA document, Roy Kellerman stated that 
    SA Johnsen told him about the  bullet  while they were still at
    PARKLAND(HSCA document, interviews with Kellerman, outside
    contact report, 8/24-8/25/77)!!!! This early knowledge is
    troubling because of the following:
         Once the autopsy at Bethesda Naval Hospital was underway,
    Greer "said that a bullet had been found on a stretcher-or rather
    as it fell from a stretcher- in Parkland Hospital...could this be
    the bullet that went INTO THE NECK and, in the jostling of the
    President on the stretcher, FELL OUT?" As author Jim Bishop
    reported (thru his interview with Greer [and Kellerman])," GREER's
    THESIS had a supporter. Roy Kellerman ... said he remembered a
    Parkland doctor astride the chest of the dead President, applying
    artificial respiration. Kellerman...thought the bullet in the
    BACK...might have been squeezed out by manual pressure..."("The
    Day Kennedy was Shot", page 498,530; see also Tomlinson-2H412;
    Greer-2H127; Kellerman-2H93)!

          Why would they even need Rowley's call to "alert" them to
    the bullet found at Parkland and given to the FBI (two agents --
    Sibert and O'Neil -- were in attendance with Greer and
    Kellerman at the autopsy)? Why would Rowley "order" Kellerman to
    tell the autopsy doctors about something he already knew about?
    It gets better (or worse, depending on which way you see it)...    

    9) During an interview conducted on 9/29/92, the author learned
    that Agent Richard Johnsen DID NOT REMEMBER having possession of
    CE399!?!? ("The Third Alternative-Survivor's Guilt:the Secret
    Service and the JFK Murder", p. 43-see also pages 30,31,52,53,
    and 65;"The Investigator" Dec '93/Jan '94-article by author).
    Furthermore, Johnsen mentions in his first report that the
    bullet, quote, "may" have originated from Governor Connally's
    stretcher -- obviously, one of the components of the "single 
    bullet theory" is having the bullet on Connally's stretcher; if 
    the bullet was found on JFK's stretcher (or Ronny Fuller's, or
    elsewhere), the theory is in big trouble. Interestingly, Johnsen
    retired in 1979, having never been questioned by the FBI, the
    Warren Commission, or the HSCA, and when I tried, I received very
    cantankerous responses(it was the day after contacting Johnsen
    that I received  the infamous call from the Executive Secretary
    of the Former Agents of the Secret Service, "Percy" Hamilton 
    Brown, telling me very angrily to "cease and desist from
    contacting any more of my associates...I gave you no authority to
    do so." As former agent Bob Lilly told me, "Who died and made him
    boss?!" Sam Kinney told me, "Hey, it's a free country!"). As for
    Johnsen's "second" report, a sort of mini-report enclosed with
    his first report having to do with the acquisition of CE399, it
    is UNSIGNED. (18H799-800;this report actually exists seperately,
    as new documents uncovered from the LBJ Library reveal, although
    the same report as reproduced in the Warren Commission Volumes
    gives the impression it is part of the same[first] report, due to
    its juxtoposition on TOP of the first report). There may be more
    to Johnsen's present "amnesia" over this evidence than meets the

    10) CBS' Eddie Barker [whose son is a Secret Service
    agent!] interview of O.P. Wright ("Postmortem", p. 46)-"...I got
    hold of a Secret Service man and THEY[sic?] didn't seem to be
    interested in coming and looking at the bullet in the position it
    was in then. So I went back to the area where Mr. Tomlinson was
    and picked up the bullet and put it in my pocket, and I carried
    it some 30 or 40 minutes. And I gave it to a Secret Service man
    that was guarding the main door into the emergency room..."Who
    was the first agent Wright spoke to? And was his use of the word
    "they" a mistake? NO...

          HSCA attorney Belford V. Lawson*, in charge of the Secret
    Service area of the "investigation," is the author of a recently
    uncovered memo in regard to an interview with Nathan Pool
    conducted on 1/10/77 and headlined "POOL's CO-DISCOVERY OF THE
    'TOMLINSON' BULLET." In the memo, Pool mentions the fact that TWO
    Secret Service agents were by the elevator, one of which "
    remained there throughout most or all of  Pool's stay". Before we
    can catch our breath, a THIRD Secret Service agent enters the
    picture; although all these men were in the immediate vicinity of
    the discovery of the bullet, one particular  agent "was within 10
    feet when Pool recognized the bullet". According to Pool, the
    bullet was pointed, and he added that it "didn't look like it had
    hit anything and didn't look like it had been in anything".

         Lawson felt that further development of Pool's testimony may
    reveal the following:


    And you thought only "assassination buffs" came up with
    compelling  assertions...

    *a former adviser to JFK on civil rights; a D.C. political
    figure; any relation to WINSTON G. LAWSON, in charge of the
    advance security in Dallas?

  4. 1 hour ago, Bill Fite said:

    And there's another bullet found in the car according to Navy Dr James Young:


    from Dr. Young's letter to then president G Ford:


    @Vince Palamara 

    Bill - the Queen Mary was the Secret Service Car... not the limo.

    "they brought back in an envelope a spent misshapen bullet which they had found on the back floor of the “Queen Mary”[sic] where they had found the pieces of skull bones."

    I too have that report.  Emory Roberts - if I remember correctly - claimed to have found skull bone in the Queen Mary as well but since that suggested a frontal shot - he changed that to "the limo" (That wasn't Boring was it?)

    So if there really were bullets and skull in the Queen Mary...  frontal shots are a certainty.

    Vince - Wasn't LANDIS part of the SS drinking party the night before?

    @Matthew Koch

    The bullet known as CE399 is only acknowledged as the bullet ROWLEY gave TODD (with the timing conflict to Frazier).  Nothing else prior to that represents CE399 but a pointed bullet which was claimed to fall to the floor, picked up by a nurse and disappears.   

    Yet we've had this info for many, many years (the memo) and little if anything is done to connect dots.  :huh:

    What I don't understand is why this memo and this story does not constitute proof of more shots, more bullets and complete l-i-e-s.

    Phyllis Hall, the very first nurse to enter Trauma Room 1, said that while she was cradling the president’s head, she saw a bullet in JFK’s neck.

    “I could see a bullet lodged between his ear and his shoulder,” she said. “It was pointed at its tip and showed no signs of damage. There was no blunting of the bullet or scarring around the shell from where it had been fired.”

    “I’d had a great deal of experience working with gunshot wounds, but I had never seen anything like this before. It was about one-and-a-half inches long – nothing like the bullets that were later produced. It was taken away but never have I seen it presented in evidence or heard what happened to it. It remains a mystery.”

    Phyllis’s description of the bullet sounds very much like a flechette, and JFK did apparently have a neck wound in that location. In 1989, Tom Wilson an electrical engineer and photonics expert, used special photo analysis equipment to examine the autopsy photos in 3D. He determined that the small defect in the neck was an actual wound.   https://www.quora.com/Could-nurse-Phyllis-Hall-be-telling-the-truth-when-she-said-she-saw-a-bullet-lodged-in-JFKs-neck-a-bullet-like-she-had-never-seen-before 




  5. 1 hour ago, Pamela Brown said:

    Is there a description of what he was wearing when he went to the Cuban embassy?

    Only the one from DURAN as posted above. 

    Does this ring true for you Pamela?  Of the 1 or 2 places she sends people for visa photos SHE CAN'T REMEMBER? 

    Would you supposed she'd send people miles away or within walking distance ?
    Why would the WC not want to show DURAN the application w/photo in 1964?

    CORNWELL - And what did you do with the photographs?
    TIRADO - Stapled them.
    CORNWELL - Stapled them?
    TIRADO - Yes.
    CORNWELL - On top of the application.
    TIRADO - Yes.



    If the man in the application photo was not the man AZCUE or DURAN describe or testify to, how can photos of our Oswald - the man they say was NOT the man in MX - how can the application photos be of the man they saw?

    CORNWELL - So, from all the circumstances, did it appear to your that he just went somewhere locally and had the pictures made?
    TIRADO - Yeah. I think that I already explained (to) him where he could take the photographs.
    CORNWELL - You told him some locations in town where he could go? Were there some right in the neighborhood of the Consulate there?
    TIRADO - That I don't remember.

    CORNWELL - All right. But at any rate you knew of some place at the time, mentioned one or two places to him?
    TIRADO - Yes.
    CORNWELL - Correct?... Did you look at the photos when he brought them back, careful about to be sure that it was the same man who was standing in front of you?
    TIRADO - Yes.

    (DJ - again interesting they don't ask if the man on the application is the man who came to her desk.. just that the photo and the man matched.  

    LOPEZ - Would you do me a favor and describe him for me now?
    TIRADO - Yes.
    LOPEZ - For example, let's start at the beginning. Was he tall, short?
    TIRADO - Short.
    LOPEZ - Short. Could you stand up for a minute, Gary?(Laughter.) Would you say he was as tall as Gary?
    TIRADO - Yeah, more or less.
    LOPEZ - Would you say he was taller than Gary?
    TIRADO - No, I think just the same. He was about my size.
    LOPEZ - About your height?
    TIRADO - Yeah.
    LOPEZ - Okay. And what's your height?
    TIRADO - 160. I think 160 or 162.
    LOPEZ - Was he skinny?
    TIRADO - Yes. Skinny.  (DJ: I get the impression she misunderstood and is talking about herself here)
    LOPEZ - Could you estimate how much he weighed?
    TIRADO - About your weight, more or less
    LOPEZ - About my weight. We already went over...
    TIRADO - He has stronger shoulders, perhaps, than yours.
    LOPEZ - Just for the record, my weight is 199 pounds
    . You told us before he had a suit on.
    TIRADO - That I don't remember very well. I think he was wearing a jacket but what I can remember is that he was not wearing nice clothers, expensive clothing. He was cheap, perhaps

    Interesting in that they showed DURAN the application (with or without photo in unknown) and she still describes a man possibly wearing a suit, very short, and although she says skinny, a 5'4" man almost 200 lbs is not skinny.

    When AZCUE says the man wasn't the Oswald Ruby killed...  is he being honest?
    When LITAMIL/9 says he was never there?
    When we have reports regarding where he actually was which the FBI stonewalled


  6. 12 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

    What is your response to the defector  Nosenko memo, that LHO had in fact visited the Russian embassy in 1963? 

    In the documents Clinton received from Russia there is a single page about how to talk about Mexico in which they are told to simply agree with the events as told in the press.  Once they did that, any Russian spoken to would have to have the same story and support the official line.  I do think you'll find McCoy's work interesting and really the only attack on JJA's faith in the man.


    [Handwritten number: 721 Top Secret. Copy no. 2 Appendix 2 Draft


    I agree with you that you should visit the MFA of Mexico (the minister or his deputy) and say, referring to reports in the press, that Oswald requested the consular division of the Soviet embassy in Mexico for a visa to enter the USSR, that the procedure for obtaining entry visas was explained to him at the consular division, and that afterwards he no longer contacted the Soviet embassy. According to information available at the embassy, the request for the entry of Oswald and his family into the USSR that he made at the Soviet embassy in Washington was turned down. You can reply in the same vein to other relevant questions by members of the Mexican and foreign press. k03413/GS



    I agree with you. You may send Rusk photocopies of the correspondence between the embassy and Oswald, including his letter of November 9, but without waiting for a request by the U.S. authorities. When sending the photocopies, say that the letter of November 9 was not received by the embassy until November 18; obviously it had been held up somewhere. The embassy had suspicions about this letter the moment it arrived: either it was a forgery or was sent as a deliberate provocation. The embassy left Oswald’s letter unanawered.


    Have you read the McCoy report on Nosenko Ben?   



    Would we agree that any direct, provable information about Oswald in MX during that time would be of immense help in proving he was there and for whatever reasons the CIA created.

    That if the Russians had met with this man - and the Russians were being watched and taped and followed virtually around the clock - then the CIA would have recorded such and activity summaries for that time would include this visit and the subsequent "chatter" over the American.  In the weeks following the assassination there was a heightened sense of awareness over what the Cubans/Russians were saying in the aftermath.  Again, Oswald is never spoke of by the Russians and only slightly mentioned by the Cubans - that DURAN gave a good performance (her words).

    There was none.  Not a single word uttered by anyone about the American trying repeatedly to get into the Soviet compound until the October LIENVOY summary report from Nov 7th in relation to the Oct 8th CIA report 6453 (below)

    Between the 8th of Oct and Nov 7th when this report is written quite a lot happens in identifying this man as LEE OSWALD including the original Oct 8th memo.  While the other people are specifically named, all we get re: Oswald is "English-speaking man". 

    The Oct 8th CIA memo connects this man to the SATURDAY Sept 28th visits to the Soviets... (yet M/M Tarasoff the CIA translators will tell a different story).

    I hope some of this helps clarify your thinking.  One needs to consider the "nod and wink" attitude of the intelligence community across country & political lines...  As long as Oswald did it, there'd be little reason for any backlash against the Russians...  fwiw








  7. 18 hours ago, Steve Roe said:

    The photo that was used on Oswald's Cuban Visa application was found in Oswald's possessions. They are one and the same (a copy). It was shown to Marina, and she didn't recognize it, but she recognized the tan pullover sweater.

    The Visa photo was stapled to the application when it was sent off to Havana. The other photo found in Oswald's possessions, naturally did not have a staple mark.

    The plausible answer was Oswald had one or more of those photos with him and took it down to Mexico City. That would explain why the FBI could not find any local photo shops in Mexico City that remembered him taking pictures. Even though Duran told him where to go take a visa photo, most likely he went back to his room and submitted the photo in his possession for his application. The clothes Oswald wore at the Cuban Consulate did not match what he had on in the visa photo. 

    The tan pullover sweater is CE 161 (FBI Q188). It was found at Beckley.


    Oswald was in Mexico City, and there's plenty of evidence to back it up. 

    The Visa photo was stapled to the application when it was sent off to Havana. The other photo found in Oswald's possessions, naturally did not have a staple mark.

    There were 2 applications, each with their own photo stapled to the top.  The image on the left is claimed to be of "the original" and shows no staples and is obviously the CC and not the original whereas the one on the right is the original (despite the WCR calling it the CC) and makes it hard to see how to identical applications could be so badly placed as to get all the CC writing in the wrong places.


    Again... this is only a copy with the FBI never showing or sharing the original



    Here is a photo of photos found in Oswald's possession including 2 more photos of the 4 supposedly taken for the applications.

    And no one finds it suspect that Duran - whose job it is to help people get their visas and recommends a place for photos to be taken - cannot remember the name of the photographic shop she supposedly sent this man.  BS.


    Also notice the photo used for the SSS/DoD cards including HIDELL at the upper right, with the place for the stamp already removed





    The plausible answer was Oswald had one or more of those photos with him and took it down to Mexico City.

    Well, the plausible answer involves including the rest of the evidence and situation in your conclusions and don't simply accept a single event, alone on an island, as indicative of what occurred.  This is where Duran describes a very different man than our Oswald...  and since when is a shirt and tie "not wearing nice clothes"

    I'd ask you - what makes you think the photo on the copies of the application was the photo of the same person who spoke with DURAN and was the original photo sent to Cuba when the WC would not show DURAN this application w/photo until 15 years later and both AZCUE and DURAN say it was a different man?


    LOPEZ - Just for the record, my weight is 199 pounds. You told us before he had a suit on.
    TIRADO - That I don't remember very well. I think he was wearing a jacket but what I can remember is that he was not wearing nice clothes, expensive clothing. He was cheap, perhaps.


  8. 12 minutes ago, Pamela Brown said:

    Then are you saying we cannot trust the report?

    That's what I'm saying Pamela.  All of the calls were intercepted within the Soviet compound supposedly called from Duran's phone.

    Lee Harvey Oswald himself probably visited the Cuban Consulate at least once since his application for a Cuban instransit visa bears his signature .

    An examination of the production from the electronic surveillance of the Cuban diplomatic compound's telephones failed to reveal any telephone conversation that directly mentioned Oswald or information that  clearly and directly referred to him.

    Page 83 of Part 3 talks of Ms. Tarasoff's recollection of an "Oswald " call which does not appear anywhere:
    Ms. Tarasoff testified that the transcript that she remembered was approximately two pages long.328  She testified that the caller identified himself as Lee Oswald.  She was certain that the 10/1/63 10:45 a.m. conversation was not the one that she recalled.

    I'd suggest you also reread part 7: Analysis.

    Everything in there is a discussion of the CIA offered information.  The FBI's work, OCHOA and untold aspects of the case were never investigated by LOPEZ nor any info offered up by the CIA tour guides.

    There was no investigation of the journey, none of the actual evidence outside of that provided by CIA was examined.

    All the report really does is bring to light questions that were never adequately addressed for which we now have much better answers.  


  9. 15 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

    So why no photos of LHO in MC?

    Uh, because he was never at either facility.  

    SLAWSON to COLEMAN about "fudging" the call contents.  1/4/64 Comments on First Draft Oswald in MX

    The RIF is 179-40006-10049 yet is NOT online - was received from Blunt's photocopied docs direct from NARA.

    The SLAWSON answer below goes to show how accepting of the CIA's transcripts as the "evidence Oswald was in Mexico" Slawson's "what's the point" comment is, to me, chilling.


    SLAWSON CONTINUES:  Entire last paragraph...  "No contacts by Oswald" to go along with the 30 or so FBI assets also looking for any sign Oswald was there.  The Hotel Registry also comes from OCHOA


    15 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

    The purpose of the arranged LHO-Kostikov meeting was to build the LHO legend-biography as a loser-loner-lefty, for a then-pending false flag op.

    Never happened Ben.  Meeting Kostikov never happened and Kostikov never actually associated with Dept 13.  FBI memo at the bottom assumes the connection yet asks for any CIA corroboration. 


    This is from Hoover to Helms/McCone - FBI has no info re Kostikov being Dept 13.

    Kinda like blaming Oswald for Walker...  bogus info to add weight to the charges against him.

    Here's Helms admitting that even their ruse didn't have the desired effect as Oswald was associated with YATSKOV and not Kostikov.  All part of the Oswald "legend" as a communist controlled killer.  (cough cough BS cough) with a couple more related docs.


  10. 7 hours ago, Pamela Brown said:

    In another place the report acknowledges that Lee himself must have come to the Cuban embassy at least once because he filled out and signed a visa with a signature consistent with his handwriting

    @James DiEugenio

    Much like the cards in Helsinki, the signatures, while "consistent" with his handwriting, these two items are supposedly signed within seconds of each other.

    CORNWELL - Was he required to sign the application?
    TIRADO - He sighned it, yes.
    CORNWELL - Did he sign one or both of them?
    TIRADO - I think both, it has to be.
    CORNWELL - Was there any requirement in the Consulate that he do it in any particular person's presence? Anyone have to watch him while he signed it?
    TIRADO - I don't know, I mean I just don't remember.
    CORNWELL - As a hypothetical, did Azcue have to watch people sign the applications?
    TIRADO - No. He was in his office.
    CORNWELL - So you could handle that all by yourself.
    TIRADO - yes.
    CORNWELL - Did he sign it in your presence?
    TIRADO - Yes.




    I've always liked to line CC docs up to see what was going on...  The Application on the left is also supposed to show staples in the photo holding it to that copy as you can see the staples at top and bottom of photo on the right.  The white image is the reversal of the left application.

    Azcue claims the same man had come in previous to his application date by 1-2 days... which again conflicts with when Oswald would have been there based on the FBI bus trip.




    The WC decides not to show DURAN a copy of this application.  She does not see it until 1978.  And both Azcue and Sylvia tell us the man was not the same as the one they encountered.




    CORNWELL - Do you remember the date or dates upon which those three visits occurred?
    TIRADO - No, I saw the application. You showed me the other day, and in the Warren Commission was September 27, but I didn't remember, of course, until I read it.
    CORNWELL - All right. Do you have a recollection whether it was all on one day or on separate days.
    TIRADO - The same day.



    The above application was not in the WCR as far as I can see but was only introduced for the HSCA.  The provenance of the photos, where else they appear, what Marina said about them... are all suspect.  One wonders where the WC gets a larger, clearer UNSTAPLED version of the stapled to the application IDENTICAL version.  The 4 photos we have are terrible and not all the same by any means.



    The below is from 104-10413-10268 the September LIENVOY Summary report where anything of significant interest is mentioned.  This report left MX Oct 8th and is signed by Scott.  Not a single mention of OSWALD or an American thru Oct 1st on that contemporaneously written summary report sent at the same time / same day as documents are sent stating Oswald was picked up on tape Sept 27, 28 and Oct 1st.


    Even more damning is that during that exact time period a report was to be written about the effectiveness of these two programs... both of which completely missing the 27th and 28th communications while specifically monitoring them.

    I am willing to say Oswald was in and out of MX at the LUNA - possibly.  But our man was elsewhere when the events at the 2 compounds were either staged or completely fabricated or a combination thereof.


  11. @Pamela Brown @Benjamin Cole

    it seems as though they were incapable of coming completely to grips with the mystery that is Lee Oswald and Mexico City

    Or... they fully understood what was to be done related to Mexico City and did it by repeatedly claiming he went despite all the evidence to the contrary.

    Based on what they were told - this was their terrible conclusion.. So I reinvestigated it.


    As I've said, if Oswald was at the LUNA during that time, his presence there was not acknowledged in the official docs - while these same official docs were stolen and manipulated by MX FBI assets.

    "investigative assistance in the OSWALD case"





















  12. 3 hours ago, Tommy Tomlinson said:

    was there any documented attempt made to determine if Hidell was even real?

    So this is about an 11/24 meeting - "OSWALD ORDERED RIFLE" and then they lay out a number of "HIDELL" appearances.

    This being a message from CIA HQ to MX.  CIA claims no trace HIDELL, FBI has not established whether "HIDELL EXISTS OF ALIAS USED BY OSWALD"

    Let me ask you Tommy, Holmes claims to have found the money order in the name of HIDELL Sat mid morning, FBI was at Klein's the night before finding the microfilm with the "HIDELL" order and a ship to Oswald's PO Box... the message lists a number of other things... yet the FBI is still unsure if there are 2 people, or if O=H.

    Marina admitted to signing HIDELL on the FPCC card (CE1132).  



    The "Fritz" notes about Bud Owens is eerily familiar in that everyone else writes or says the same thing about Oswald and the SSS HIDELL card, "admits to having it but not to signature" and would not answer any more questions about it or why he had it.


    3 hours ago, Tommy Tomlinson said:

    were they actually GOOD fake I.D's or obvious phonies?

    To CLEMENTS of the FBI it seems he knew right away it was not real...  it is not supposed to have a photo.

    3 hours ago, Tommy Tomlinson said:

    It's certainly odd that he was carrying that Hidell i.d

    That's really the point here Tommy.  No point in carrying much of what they claimed was in his "wallet"... which is why we have so many wallets initially and then only 1 at the end.

    Everything about HIDELL is quite a joke and yes, I do think on purpose to set Ozzie up in as many ways as possible since all the items related to that name is either relate3d to intelligence, or to associating the weapons with the man.




    This comes from one of the John Armstrong Notebook CDs.

    It's the earliest thing I have relating Oswald to Alek "JAMES HIDELL" - Whether the note ever actually went with the photo, and its provenance, IDK.  Offered in good faith.  



  13. 3 hours ago, Tommy Tomlinson said:

    Do we know at what point the identity "Hidell" was known to be Oswald by the authorities ?

    That's a very interesting question Tommy.

    As I see it, until 11/22 there was no awareness by "authorities" that Oswald and Hidell were associated.  And Authorities I mean the DPD.  For the items of incriminating evidence to be produced, there had to have been some awareness of the name HIDELL prior to 11/22.  Nagell used HIDELL as well - at least it is said so.

    Supposedly, the January '63 order for the pistol says "AJ HIDELL" as the person ordering.  There is not a single thing about these orders which can be accepted as "normal SOP", right down to REA not collecting any COD/Shipping fees.




    Here are the other instances of HIDELL...  Even the Stamp kit HIDELL in ager JUNE 1963 (and FWIW was not part of Oswald's belongings sent to FBI, but it was there when the FBI returned all the items)

    Just as we do not hear a single word about a rifle or pistol being ordered or received - despite the FBI/CIA opening his mail and having assets at the USPS, not a single report is offered prior to 11/22 about a pistol, or a rifle - we do not see the use of HIDELL by "authorities" until after the fact.





    More importantly IMO is this change in WALLET CONTENTS between 2 FBI reports from the 22nd and the 24th related primarily to HIDELL.  See comparison image below.

    For CLEMENTS, he states they only have "PHOTO OF SELECTIVE SERVICE SYSTEM CARD", not the card itself;  and there are no other HIDELL items, on the 22nd. (Other items do not say "PHOTO".  We learn that Fritz provided PHOTOS of the items to BOOKOUT/FBI and gave the actual items themselves to HOSTY days later.

    The fact these items and the "wallets" they came from are never again connected is troubling and suggests these items were gathered and attributed to the lone OSWALD wallet we see today.




    This DPD exhibit says "ITEMS FROM WALLET FOUND AT IRVING HOME". The wallet is pictured above.  The wallets and the HIDELL association is one of the more telling signs of the conspiracy to implicate our man Ozzie.



    On the 24th we now have a photo from FRITZ of the ALEK JAMES HIDELL SSS Notice of Classification (below)

    As far as I can tell, there is no OSWALD=HIDELL association in the minds of the "authorities" prior to 11/22 - which is a bit suspect as I mention above, If they knew about the rifle order and PO BOX shipment and REA and the pistol order - there is no mention of it anywhere I can find, so far.

    When CROY hands WESTBROOK a wallet at the Tippit scene there is supposedly HIDELL ID in it.  But that wallet is not in evidence.

    The arrest wallet taken from Oswald in the police car was also supposed to have had HIDELL ID based on the testimony of the occupants...  but that wallet too is not in evidence.  Only a wallet from IRVING and 14-17 items associated with it.

    This is one of 2 wallets listed in evidence, and the photo related to it.  This is the last we see of this description, this photo and that wallet.  All other images of a wallet include "from home in Irving".

    As to the Postal Money Order's Hidell - from the work I've done, that PMO was created the night of the 22nd by Robert Jackson and Harold Marks.

    In reality there were only a small handful of time Oswald used HIDELL, and none as an alias for himself OTHER THAN the weapons orders.

    Hmmm.  B)







  14. @Allen Lowe

    1 hour ago, Matthew Koch said:

    is this one anti Semitic also in your opinion? 

    These articles are all written for the JEWISH TELEGRAPHIC AGENCY - there is even a section called



    In 1639, Sephardic Jews in Amsterdam—many of whom had fled religious oppression in their home countries of Spain and Portugal—founded a school and meeting place that was a testament to their newfound religious freedom. Today, Ets Haim (Hebrew for “Tree of Life”), is the oldest functional Jewish library in the world.

    Can you somehow explain how a JEWISH website with articles about JEWISH people and their history...

    ... can be anti-Semitic?

    Here are the titles of some other articles from this JEWISH website...  you think these are anti-Semitic too?  You really need to drop the righteous indignation and realize what you're saying about a JEWISH website...

    The Jewish Sport Report: Taking a trip to Jewish surf camp
    Israeli UFC fighter Natan Levy beats up online xxxxx who supports Holocaust denier Nick Fuentes
    The Ripped Bodice, Brooklyn’s new romance-only bookstore, reflects the values of the Jewish sisters who own it
    NYC Mayor Eric Adams heading next week to Israel, where he once said he hoped to retire
    Paraguay moves its Israeli embassy back to Jerusalem
    A Holocaust museum is launching in Fortnite. Can video games fight antisemitism?
    Super Bowl champion Leonard Fournette visits Jewish summer camp for children with cancer
    Tel Aviv’s long-awaited light rail system is finally opening — but not on Shabbat

    If, on the other hand, this was FOX NEWS or MSNBC's agenda - it STILL is probably not anti-Semitic.  There are far worse atrocities currently going on against the JEWISH people worldwide than to be fixated on a JEWISH journal's articles somehow being against the very people who are their readers.

    https://premierchristian.news/.  you think these people write anti-Christianity articles due to their mentioning the religion of those involved?

    Pioneer network launches ministry practice review following Gerald Coates complaint
    CofE sports bishop clarifies comments about skipping church to cheer on Lionesses
    Dante Bowe shares reason behind his Maverick City departure
    We cry out' Pakistan bishop as churches set alight over alleged Koran burning
    Vicar's husband grabbed cats and guitars after 10 minute warning in Tenerife wildfire
    Hillsong's Brian Houston speaks of persecution as he's found not guilty of covering up father's sex abuse crimes
    Pakistani brothers arrested for blasphemy after mob burns churches
    Sweden raises terrorist alert level as Christians attacked in Pakistan over Koran burnings

    https://wng.org/. -  or try this one.  What do you think JEWISH journals write about exactly?

  15. 4 hours ago, Evan Marshall said:

    What I learned as a Detroit copper is that "eyewitnesses" often aren't. Witnesses need to be separated early on so they can't share their version of the truth with other potential witnesses. Also, they need to be interviewed outside their comfort zone. At Homicide we found the results were much better if we are sitting in an interrogation room on the 5th floor of police headquarters.  Interviewing of prospective witnesses should be done ONLY after we gather as much info about the incident as possible. Rushing thru this process is never a good idea. AND witnesses that are not familiar with the sound of gunshots and violent events are often terrible witnesses.


    And cops are often horrible witnesses too.

    I wanted to thank you for you input Evan - a perspective only a small handful of us have experienced first hand.

    I'd like to ask your opinion of this statement:

    In this specific JFK/Tippit murder cases, the witness statements and their corroboration are much more important in determining the truth of the matter than the physical evidence in the record.

  16. 2 minutes ago, Tommy Tomlinson said:

    Cheers David... that whole discrepancy between casings and lead was something I heard a long time ago, and someone told me that it had been resolved through a "miscommunication" or "clerical error" of some kind and that I was being silly for mentioning it. Not being too focused on Tippit at the time I kind of let that fly... but having a recently renewed interest in that side of the mystery I tried to find that explanation. I'm not so sure it WAS put to rest. If you have any more on THAT, or can point me to a source to further expnad on that discrepancy I would be really grateful.


    As I understand it:  https://www.kennedysandking.com/images/pdf/JosephsPistol.pdf. Page 26 shows a composite document of the 2 shells KELLEY of the SS takes along with a note about the 5 bullets on Oswald, the 4 bullets still in the pistol and the 4 hulls found at the scene all given to DRAIN.  May help in your thought process in organizing the progression.

    There are obviously two separate and distinct paths the pistol travels once back at the Dallas
    Police Station on November 22, 1963:

    1. McDonald/Carroll > Hill > (initials from McD, Carroll, Hill, Bentley supposedly etched in
    handle by screw, yet no photo in evidence shows these initials) > Fritz > T.L. Baker >
    2. Fritz > Davenport & officers > Doughty/Barnes > SA Vincent Drain > FBI


    And this is one of the shells recovered from the Tippit scene - compared to the bullets "taken" from him later in the day at the DPD...  Notice the gunk where they might have been stored in a belt.. and the difference in the bottom of the shell casings.

    I get pretty deep into the subject in that paper...  We must remember the entire day was a charade of evidence with one purpose only.  



    That the only bit of physical evidence for connecting Oswald to HIDELL for the purpose of planting the murder weapons in his possession is provided to WESTBROOK by CROY... 2 of the most suspicious men within the DPD we know of that day.  Here is Croy at the scene with MARKHAM in the white hat... and the only piece of physical evidence connecting the wallet to the Tippit scene - despite that wallet never being entered into evidence.

    (The same location from where the pistol was shipped also provided 700 FC Rifles including one with serial # 2766 - provided the pistol:
    1963 - 3 Jan; George Rose and Co. of Los Angeles receives from Empire Wholesale Sporting Goods (Montreal, Canada) a shipment of 99 handguns: with these, a V510210 Smith and Wesson (St. W.).)

    1964 - 12 Mar; "In connection with efforts to obtain documentary exhibits from Empire Wholesale, it was learned it is not active. It is operated by a brother in law of William Sucher, owner of (CENTURY) International (ARMS) Firearms Co., and is reported as probably fully owned by the latter company.” Sucher is interviewed again by the FBI.

    I go more into SUCHER and Century Int'l Arms (CIA) in my papers about the rifle - also on K&K.







  17. @Gil Jesus @Tommy Tomlinson

    Hope you don't mind my jumping in...

    1 hour ago, Gil Jesus said:

    I am not aware of any records describing who found what type of shell.

    The Dallas Police recovered the following expended cartridges from the Tippit murder scene:
    CE 594-.38 Winchester/Western
    CE 594-.38 Winchester/Western
    CE 594-.38 Remmington-Peters
    CE 594-.38 Remmington-Peters 20

    The Commission received the following bullets, recovered from Tippit's body, from the FBI:
    CE 602-.38 Win/Western-copper
    CE 603-.38 Win/Western-copper
    CE604-.38 Remmington-lead
    CE 605-.38 Win/Western-copper (20 & 21: FBI SA C. Cunningham's Testimony)

    2 hours ago, Gil Jesus said:

    witnesses who saw Tippit's killer before the murder walking on 10th Street

    The strange thing is nobody sees Oswald walking between Beckley and Patton at all... from my POV the car which honked at 1026 Beckley was the car that took Oswald to the Theater (we are to remember that the car that came by had been sold previously based on its number and should not have had DPD officers inside.)

    Jim Marrs interviewed Jack Davis who was in the theater when Oswald arrived and was surprised at the activity of this man for the 20 minutes prior to the arrival of the police and that he'd sit next to Davis when only 20 people were in the 900 seat theater.  Burroughs confirms to Marrs it was about 20 minutes from when he sold Oswald popcorn and when the police arrived.  IOW he went from the Beckly/Zang/Neches area to the Theater in a very short period of time.  

    Also to remember is that Tippit was looking for Oswald/someone, frantically.  Was this person just walking up and down 10th?  Was he dropped off by the car many witnesses talk about seeing drive away?  Per MARKHAM he is walking EAST along 10th - one wonders how Tippit knows to turn onto 10th in his search.  Quite a challenging mystery here.

    Surprisingly, people like TATUM who was at 10th and Denver looking WEST claimed he sees both the police car and the man walking... he turns left and drives to Patton (below is the view from Denver & 10th) I'm sure the actual distance appears much closer than in these photos...

    Mr. Tatum, if you'll repeat your statement slowly, I'll attempt to type it."

    Although I did not remember the exact time I remember it was early in the afternoon on Friday, November 22, 1963. I was driving XXXX north on Denver and stopped at 10th St. when I first saw the squad car and men walking on the sidewalk near the squad car. Both the squad car and this young white male were coming in my direction(East on 10th Street) <snip>

    The next thing I knew I heard something that sounded like gun shots as I approached the intersection. (10th & Patton). I heard three shots in rapid (illegible)I went right through the intersection, stopped my car and turned to look back.

    From what I can find, only MARKHAM would be at the scene early enough to see this person walk by... and obviously this would be the man walking EAST on 10th...

    Mr. BALL. Walking away from you, wasn't he?
    Mrs. MARKHAM. He was walking up 10th, away from me(DJ: East on 10th)
    Mr. BALL. To your left?
    Mrs. MARKHAM. Well, he was on the opposite side of the street to me like that.
    Mr. BALL. Had he reached the curb yet?
    Mrs. MARKHAM. Almost ready to get up on the curb.


  18. 4 hours ago, Paul Jolliffe said:

    Therefore, the CIA as late as 1978 was still trying to deceive the HSCA by linking the "Oswald" impersonator in Mexico City with Nikolai Leonov.

    Please notice the dates and times of the 4 photos...  the 2 of LEONOV at 1pm on Oct 2nd... According to the evidence offered, he left the hotel at 6:30am on the 2nd (despite other evidence claiming he never stayed the night of the 1st at the hotel).

    Same thing for the other photos from the 26th...  while they did intro these photos at the HSCA, they were in no way related to the dates Oswald was placed there.

    The CIA was aware of LEONOV as KGB since the late 50's (201 opened Oct 17, 1956).

    Also to remember that even by 1978, not many knew who LEONOV was - let alone he was KGB in Mexico City.
    The other man does not match the "OSWALD" description by anyone with a face much rounder than the way he was described by Azcue and Duran.

    There were no photos of Oswald since he was never there.  Mystery Man was a Goodpasture ploy with Scott/King knowing exactly who he was but never saying. 

    I'd say the only off word in your quoted statement is "trying" as the deception about MX and the entire assassination has never ended.

  19. 1 hour ago, Paul Jolliffe said:

    g. Key question: Did the visitor on the 27th actually resemble Nikolai Leonov, and if not, then why did the Mexican Security Service turn over pictures of someone who did resemble him to the HSCA?

    Did anyone at the HSCA ever show pictures of Nikolai Leonov to either Duran or Azcue and ask if he resembled the man who (supposedly) came to the Cuban consulate on the 27th? If the HSCA did not ask, why not?

    h. If the entire encounter at the Cuban consulate on the 27th was a total fabrication out of thin air, dreamed up later by David Atlee Phillips in the CIA, then what could possibly explain the adamant stories told under oath (and in spite of torture!) by both Duran and Azcue for decades to come?

    To me, Duran and Azcue come across as real witnesses to a real encounter with someone (but not our "Oswald") at the Cuban consulate on the 27th. 

    i. Last question:

    In what language, Spanish or English, was the man on the 27th speaking while at the Cuban consulate? When Duran called the Soviets later on the 27th, what language did she speak on the phone, Spanish or Russian?

    Is it possible the lack of any mention of the man/Duran/Azcue incident on the 27th in the CIA summary report for September was because the entire encounter was in Spanish? (And that the CIA was unaware when the monthly summary was written, a few days later presumably, that the (Spanish-speaking?) visitor to the Cuban consulate on the 27th had claimed to be an American?)

    Is that even possible?

    Thanks, David. 


    g.  All we can go by are the descriptions from AZCUE and DURAN who do not describe LEONOV and this recap from HELMS finally gives us an idea what the OSWALD that ALVARADO saw looked like:

    I am not aware whether either was asked about LEONOV...  very little truth was told about Mexico in the WCR and Sprague was thrown off the HSCA for wanting to know more about Mexico.  They didn't ask more since they didn't want to confirm the man down there was not Oswald... IMO.


    Mr. CORNWELL. Directing your attention to the period of time immediately after the assassination, the day of the assassination or the day after the assassination, did you during that period of time have an occasion to see pictures of the alleged assassin in the newspapers or to observe on television the man identified at that time as Lee Harvey Oswald?
    Senor AZCUE. Yes, sir, not so close to the date, not in the first few days, not immediately thereafter. Some time I calculate approximately-and I say this because I am not a great movie fan, but it was in mid-December approximately--I saw at that time the film in which Ruby appears assassinating the Oswald who was there, and I was not able to identify him and only 2 months had gone by since I had seen the Oswald who appeared at the consulate. And I had a clear mental picture because we had had an unpleasant discussion and he had not been very pleasant to me and I did not recognize when I first saw him. I did not recognize Oswald. The man who went to the consulate was a man over 30 years of age and very thin, very thin faced. And the individual I saw in the movie was a young Man, considerably younger, and a fuller face.
    Mr. CORNWELL. What color hair did the individual have to the best of your memory who visited the consulate?
    Senor AZCUE. He was blond, dark blond.
    Mr. CORNWELL. Did the individual you saw in the movie, the person who was killed by Jack Ruby, resemble more closely the individual in these photographs to your memory than the individual who visited the consulate?
    Senor AZCUE. I believe so.
    Mr. CORNWELL. I would like to show you JFK exhibit F-434. Do the representatives from the National Archives have the original or a small photograph of that exhibit? While they are looking, Mr. Chairman, I believe we neglected to ask that JFK exhibit F-407 be admitted into evidence.
    Chairman STOKES. Without objection it may be entered into evidence. [The information follows:]

    JFK EXHIBIT F-4073p137f407.jpg

    Mr. CORNWELL. That is a passport. May we have that exhibit admitted into evidence, Mr. Chairman, JFK F-434?
    Chairman STOKES. Without objection it may be entered into evidence. [The information follows:]

    JFK EXHIBIT F-4343p138f434.jpg

    Mr. CORNWELL. Did the individual who visited the consulate look like that individual?
    Senor AZCUE. No


    h. As to the entire thing being made up...
    We must remember that Duran is saying this man did not return after the early afternoon when he supposedly brought photos (from a place Duran cannot remember telling him to go).  Nothing about this summary suggest the call originated from Duran's desk, or that the "Oswald" fellow was even with Duran at this point.



    I mean how much BS can the HCSA throw?

    CORNWELL - Let me read something to you, and ask you if it at all refreshes your memory or if hour(sic) have a memory of a conversation similar to this? I don't believe I read this to you before, when we talked the other day, or did I? Did I read and excerpt from Daniel Schorr's book to you?
    TIRADO - No, you told me.
    CORNWELL - Okay. I'll read it to you then at this time. It's an excerpt from a book called Clearing the Air, written by Daniel Schorr, published in the United States in 1977. And page 177 reads as follows: "In and interview in July 1967 with a British journalist, Comer Clark, Castro (meaning Fidel Castro) said that Oswald had come to the Cuban Consulate twice, each time for about fifteen minutes. The first time, I was told, he wanted to work for us. He was asked to explain but he wouldn't, he wouldn't go into details. The second time he said he wanted to free Cuba from American imperialism. Then he said something like 'Someone ought to shoot that President Kennedy.' Then Oswald said, and this is exactly how is was reported to me, maybe I'll try to do it." Do you recall any conversation like that in either what was said to you by Oswald or that was said by Oswald to Azcue or anyone else that you might have overheard?
    TIRADO - No, I don't remember.
    CORNWELL - Did any part of that conversation occur?
    TIRADO - No, because I don't remember that he says he was to go to work in Cuba because he only that he wanted to go in-transit. That's what I remember.

    LEAP - At any time during you conversation with the Consul, did you discuss the possibility that Oswald was a penetration agent? Intelligence agent for a foreign power? Did you discuss that possibility?
    TIRADO - No. I don't think so because we didn't have time. Because this man was in my office and I was in Azcue's office so I couldn't leave him many times alone.
    LEAP - Did you ever have conversations with Ascue out- side of Oswald's presence relative to the issue?
    TIRADO - Repeat the question please.
    LOPEZ - Did you ever have a conversation with Azcue when Oswald was not in the office about the possibility that he was an intelligence agent for some country?
    TIRADO - No, no. I don't think so. We only thought that he was a crazy man, an adventurer, or something like that.
    LEAP - Did it ever enter your mind that that he was a penetration agent?
    TIRADO - Perhaps. Perhaps, because it happened, it happened sometimes that somebody came and say this is a policeman or something like that.
    LEAP - That's all the questions that I have.

    Paul - I only speculate that the entire thing could have been made up due to the complete lack of corroboration of anything which occurs within the Cuban Embassy.  All we have are the words or AZCUE and DURAN... when AZCUE's close friend and CIA double agent LITAMIL/9 repeatedly confirms no Oswald appeared at that embassy.

    What we have from these 2 is taken from the "interrogation" of Duran, hand their HSCA transcripts.  Who else in Mexico puts Oswald at the Cuban Embassy?

    i.  ENGLISH

    DURAN and PROENZA both claim the man who came in was speaking ENGLISH.

    CORNWELL - On the very first visit, would you describe to us what the man said and did, and what you said in response?
    TIRADO - Yes, he, well, he enter and he ask me if I speak english and I say yes, and then he start asking me about requirements to go to Cuba, to get a visa to go to Cuba, and I explain it.

    DURAN never called the Soviet Embassy on the 27th... or during that week - at all - related to the man calling himself Oswald.  

    The calls on the morning of the 27th were all in Spanish - not Oswald
    The OSWALD-character disappears 2x.  Once after the final call on the 27th to the Soviet Embassy, and then after DURAN claims he returns with photos and completes the application.

    The calls on the 27th are all in Spanish... the calls on the 28th are a mixture of English and poor Russian.
    The real point being, as you see from other Monthly Summary reports, there were simply not that many people saying the things they supposedly said related to this AMERICAN wanting to travel to Cuba/Russia...  (I believe the woman mentioned in the Sept Summary was FERRER - the woman in contact with LEONOV... but I am only speculating)

    104-10004-10257 is the RIF with the transcripts of all the calls.  Calls from after 4pm on the 27th and those on the 28th do not mention LEE OSWALD.. only the call from OCT 1 - from which Tarasoff claims to be able to recognize the voice from the 28th calls... calls we all know were not of DURAN/OSWALD.

    Calls from the 28th include the "OSWALD" character asking the SOVIETS to speak Russian and not English. (imagine the wire taps picking up the Russians speaking English to an American who speaks in terrible Russian and asks they speak in Russian and it NOT being reported).   Mostly nonsense is exchanged before the call ends.  Oct 1 - "Hello, this is LEE OSWALD speaking"

    Right.  :rolleyes:

    Hope that addresses your questions with a little background...


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