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David Josephs

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Everything posted by David Josephs

  1. Hi Paul... you may be interested in Peter Dale Scott's Phase 1/2 theory of the assassination whereby you are dead-on... Cuba/Russia are the desired targets for the JCS, CIA, FBI, etc.... and so much evidence is created initially to point in that direction... Taking the Alvarado case as the perfect example... A Cuban pays Oswald to kill Kennedy - his story... (and classic DA Phillips SOP) But then everything changes.... and he MUST recant the story since LHO was a Lone Nut, unconnected with anyone or anything.... "After a LONG INTERROGATION - HE CONFESSED...." (edit: btw his MOTIVE is also exactly what was desired for Phase 1) Hunt and/or Phillips couldn't have said it better themselves...) (Thanks Bart)...
  2. So..... y'all don't think the Beckley address - known in advance - was placed on something within the disappearing wallet held and brought by WESTBROOK.... with all the Fritz, Decker et al blowing smoke about it after the fact.... Look who his 1959 buddies at FBI Academy were.... talk about hitting a sweet spot!
  3. CE1986 is the list of contents of Oswald's one and only inventoried Wallet... nothing listed has the Beckley Address We've all seen the frame grab of 2 men looking at a wallet at 10th and Patton... that has to be occurring just around 2pm or so. Many feel this is Westbrook with the only reason for their being a real piece of fake evidence so early in the game would be to get DPD to Beckley... my $.02 The fact this occurred was never mentioned by anyone.... yet it seems to me the only way they could know that fast where Oswald's room was - and at the hands of WESTBROOK the man in charge of personnel... given how embroiled Westbrook appears to have been, his telling his buddies about 1026 Beckley and then having it disappear to history seems par for the course....
  4. 2 paths for 2 different pistols.... never noticed the screws, great catch and thanks for helping prove my paper... but compare to the CE of the pistol, the screws look the same.... besides, FBI took all evidence, what’s he doing with it? How many snub nosed .38 Specials do you suppose were at DPD? .38 ammo too? ...and these come out of a box...
  5. Works exactly the same... I posted the REA postcard above.... REA postcard to POBox, Box holder brings notice and ID to pick up package and pay the COD or any due amounts at the REA station... REA was simply another way to ship in the 60's but soon faded away... it was a RR consortium from what I remember and it was not a matter of size or weight but just shipping meather... e.g. UPS, USPS, or FEDEX. I get a text now to pick up my Amazon shipment at our apartments Amazon hub locker room.... again, same concept. No postcard, no Oswald, no REA, no COD.... no shipment of a pistol... no shipment of a rifle...... as I said in Dallas, as of Sat evening the 23rd, C2766 was shipped in June 1962... Do we have a June 1962 order? yes but it had N2766 in it... and there was a March 1963 order with C2746... but we don't get to see those... FBI rules and all As to the pistol being so "used" looking... only the shell hulls match the pistol... again, standard issue police force pistol - .38 special. Nothing actually connects THAT PISTOL with the murder or whether it was ever in Oswald's possession... The article I wrote shows the real possibility that a different pistol was ultimately used as "the" murder weapon.
  6. In the recent release: I was able to find a few things.... was Wesley G. Grapp aka James O'Connor FBI ?? https://www.archives.gov/files/research/jfk/releases/docid-32312899.pdf
  7. Pretty sure - that little building there is REA 1961 from Hillsboro TX.... And there is also a Receipt given to the person paying for and picking up the merchandise: 1-26-62 from Atlanta. Ozzie - if he actually picked up an REA shipped pistol - should have gotten one... with master copy at REA... Just another in-depth investigation by the good ole FBI
  8. Bentley says simply that after giving the pistol to HILL he then initials the pistol as HILL gives it to Lt Baker and Fritz.... We must remember that no one initials this pistol until AFTER it is at the DPD for some time.... Try this version Bart.... shows more of the underside where HILL claims to have etched his initials... and a large version from the 23rd when initials SHOULD be there
  9. https://kennedysandking.com/john-f-kennedy-articles/the-pistol I had written up this post and it crashed... not saved. REA's business is freight and the fees related... REA did not collect the COD from Consignee (Hidell) REA would have sent one of those postcards to Oswald's PO Box to come get his package... never happened The carton would probably not fit in the PO Box so the same notice for the 5' rifle carton should also have been sent... Rose/Seaport gets these pistols early January and shortens some of them - yet a 1/27/63 order is not shipped until 3/20/63 The same day the rifle is supposedly shipped to his PO Box and the entire Postcard thing begins again... Informants place the source of the CIA's 4 million rounds of ammo as provided via Century Century International Arms (CIA) and "the" CIA had a very close and long term relationship. Another real possibility is the other "CIA" Cummings Investment Associates aka INTERARMCO... Bullets kept in a box show the telltale signs of having spent time in an ammo belt.. the pistol attributed to Oswald was standard issue to police forces around the US.. These bullets are found hours after at least 2 body searches of Oswald had been done... and then that bus transfer which adds so much credibility to the story.
  10. The pistol ultimately came from the same place as the rifle and ammo... Century International Arms in Montreal. I have to run now... but will address your questions... the article I link to above does go into some of it... More soon DJ
  11. "went to Captain Westbrook's office to make a report of this arrest".... The murder of officer Tippit is reported to the Captain of Personnel?... If you read my article on the Pistol you'll see that the pistol in evidence is actually taken from Westbrook's desk.... Per Hill, BENTLEY is in on the arrest when he twists his ankle... in the image below the theater, Bentley is on crutches.... with the first page of his report... "BALCONY"
  12. Seems to me Ed, without the modern buildings there, the view from the backyard balcony/top of the steps in the BYPs to the corner of Elsbeth was very possible...
  13. Given the after stories for Neely and Elsbeth... the concept of multiple locations creates truth which conflicts... Seems to me he was at all three locations at some time or another... while doing his FBI job of trying to infiltrate Left-wing orgs.... question is WHERE'S MARINA and child if not at Neely?? According to Mr. GEORGE (on Nov 23rd) he was there from April 1 thru May 31... He doesn't leave New Orleans until Apr 24th ! ??? He also says that someone has been using the apartment since May 31st... He changes his dates on Nov 24 when SA's WULFF & SWINFORD interview him - they are now March 2nd thru May 1st.... (Isn't this the same description of the Oswald's who where driving around South Texas... Alice area... ??) A lot of this has already been covered....
  14. Larry/Ed/Bart - aren't we talking about the semantic different between "Living there" and "staying there"... ? Before the apartment building was put in on Elsbeth, one could see from NEELY to the corner of ELSBETH where an apartment used to be... As I made the point earlier, Marge is taken from San Saba to 2220 Thomas to pick up some of her belongings.... she appears to have had stuff in a variety of houses including BIRCHMAN and BYERS..... the point being, the little room used for grandchildren might have simply been a place to store some things so they are not found at Neely or Elsbeth... It could even go as far as to explain how the rifle stays in Dallas/Ft Worth (if one was to make a LN argument) it was not loaded into the wagon at Neely cause he had moved it to one of the other locations.... (edit: and then of course there Ruby at 233 Ewing....) The things NOT photographed are as egregious as the evidence gathered.....
  15. Couldn't agree more Bart.... once one's mindset is aligned to the proper perspective to absorb this info... (and we remember that Oswald did not kill anyone) the manner in which the evidence was manipulated by DPD and FBI can be a book series on its own DJ And then the two paths for the pistol thru the DPD ices it... There are obviously two separate and distinct paths the pistol travels once back at the Dallas Police Station on November 22, 1963: 1. McDonald/Carroll > Hill > (initials from McD, Carroll, Hill, Bentley supposedly etched in handle by screw, yet no photo in evidence shows these initials) > Fritz > T.L. Baker > gone 2. Fritz > Davenport & officers > Doughty/Barnes > SA Vincent Drain > FBI Could the pistol which Hill gives to Baker in front of Bentley and Fritz be the same pistol which Davenport gives to Doughty?
  16. I ask cause I respect his opinion and his work ethic... plus it's real evidence in the case which conflicts with everything we know... thank goodness for "IGNORE" so the drivel you call posting isn't in the way anymore... Hey - have a GREAT time ---------------------- presenting your evidence and supportive reasoning -
  17. You seem to me the only clown at this circus Steve... how about quit while you're neck deep before you drown completely?
  18. I plan to Ed... and it truly is great having another strong voice of reason around... With regards to the 2nd post... it amazes me as well that readers and players don't get that many of what is perceived as "lying" was, at the moment, the truth to those telling it... that's the point of operations like this... everyone telling the truth AS THEY KNOW IT which in turn creates too many narratives to argue with the BS BIG lie that Oswald did it. People will still argue vehemently that Oswald bought the rifle... despite it easily being proven he didn't... yet the legend continues... Or he had enough time to get from the window to the lunchroom - despite not being at the window and the lunchroom charade never happening. yet THAT's what people "know" unless they know better. Finally - the greatest problem at this point is 2020 thinking analyzing the 1963 world. We have gotten to the point in time when fewer and fewer of us can remember the mindset of the young adult, and even every adult in 1963 with regards to the FBI, "Gov't" in general and the police... when and if that mind shift can be done is up to each of us... Yet to continue to pass judgment on behavior that is simply misunderstood today... is doing a disservice to those who approach the evidence with the understanding. Ed.... BTW - take a gander at the NANCY LEE thing I posted... this is real... and it makes literally no sense at all... Furthermore, these records CAME from some other source material created at the schools themselves... NANCY LEE was recorded by someone at some time... As for Benbrook school in 45-46... there is no Oswald or Ekdahl listed... same for 54, 55, 56 when he was back in Tarrant supposedly going to a few different Jr High Schools... Ever see this photo of Oswald? (sorry for being off topic this far... but as much as those who do not want to acknowledge H&L as possible... the explanation for who may have been at locations attributed to Ruby's Oswald, could have been Lee. If Lee is at Elsbeth or Neely... making an appearance to incriminate our man Ozzie is not so inconceivable. )
  19. You truly do not understand a single thing about this case.... and yes PLEASE make this the last time you ask me if there was anyone who needed a lecture - I'd bet you only do jigsaw puzzles with a single piece, right...? Not possible for 2 or more puzzle pieces to fit together and create a NEW IMAGE.... and a much better idea of what the ENTIRE picture is, not just your little myopic view ===== Since you're all "100%" this or that as if anything in this case was 100% anything... who is NANCY LEE OSWALD age 7 living with HARVEY OSWALD age 8 at 1505 8th during the 47/48 school year? Here is 8 year old Lee in 2nd grade. NANCY would be in 1st grade... by 1949 she has disappeared. And why is her bday 1 day after Lee;'s actual bday? There is no LEE OSWALD listed in any Tarrant county record for the years he supposedly attended school... With 100% certainty, tell us who NANCY LEE OSWALD was.... and why Marge here only has a son named HARVEY... Then maybe...MAYBE you'll have some idea of what may or may not have happened at 1026 Beckley.... Bu-Bye now...
  20. Great point about HARVEY being sent directly to Yokosuka.... yet I need to mention Oct 7 - Oct 13, 1958 CE1961 says Oswald was in the Hospital again... And then from Oct 14 to Nov 1 LEE Oswald is still in Atsugi being treated... then on Nov 2 LEE OSWALD leaves from YOKOSUKA for SF, USA If this is all LEE OSWALD with him winding up at El Toro... HARVEY could conceivably go straight to Santa Ana from Taiwan or Yokosuka. There is nothing I can find that placed HARVEY back in Atsugi before LEE leaves on Nov 2 The following is the only notation in his Marine Med record AFTER 10/31/58.... Here is my timeline... If HARVEY never makes it back to ATSUGI while LEE is finishing up his treatments, there is no conflict. HARVEY - the man who will be used to defect to Russia - travels from Yokosuka to Santa Ana mid October 1958. John/Jim - can you point me to anything that shows HARVEY in ATSUGI in October 1958?
  21. Do you honestly believe WHALEY and the DPD does not know where Beckley and Neely is? Do you believe it makes sense to pass your room for rent getting closer to the ultimate destination, the theater, and saving the time being seen getting back up to 1026 and then back down to the theater... if he lived at 1026, he would have stopped at 1026... instead he is in the same exact vicinity as the El Chico and Tippit murder... Why do you suppose WHALEY is allowed to get away with a lie which contradicts his signed statement? So you tell us Steve - with 100% surety - where was Oswald left off on his journey leading to his supposed room to pull the pistol from the holster and carry it in his pocket? and Speaking of that pistol... https://kennedysandking.com/images/pdf/JosephsPistol.pdf the duplicity here rivals that of Beckley, the Tramps, the rifles, the forensics, the bullets and on and on and on.... Ya see Steve, unlike you and your myopic approach to this case where nothing interacts or connects to anything else... your arguments stand a chance... but since that's is simply not the case... it helps if you understand a bit more than the 3 lines of rebuttal you've memorized and spew non-stop... Whaley dropped him at 500.... if it was Oswald at all. HE proceeded SOUTH on Beckley (toward Theater, Tippit and Ruby)... It's nice that Whaley places every identifying item of Oswald's into his memory... 2 jackets including the big blue one found later at the TSBD, silver accented shirt which he changed at some point, and jewelry... but we know our Oswalds did not have a jacket on when leaving... So why all this lying related to getting Oswald from Dealey Plaza to the room you claim he lived in...? Mr. BALL. Here is Commission No. 162 which is a gray jacket with zipper. Mr. WHALEY. I thank that is the jacket he had on when he rode with me in the cab. Mr. BALL. Look something like it?And here is Commission Exhibit No. 163, does this look like anything he had on? Mr. WHALEY. He had this one on or the other one.Mr. BALL. That is right. (LEADING THE WITNESS MUCH?) Mr. WHALEY. That is what I told you I noticed. I told you about the shirt being open, he had on the two jackets with the open shirt.Mr. BALL. Wait a minute, we have got the shirt which you have identified as the rust brown shirt with the gold stripe in it.Mr. WHALEY. Yes, sir.Mr. BALL. You said that a jacket--Mr. WHALEY. That jacket now it might have been clean, but the jacket he had on looked more the color, you know like a uniform set, but he had this coat here on over that other jacket, I am sure, sir.Mr. BALL. This is the blue-gray jacket, heavy blue-gray jacket.Mr. WHALEY. Yes, sir. Mr. BELIN. Now when this man that you picked up on November 22 got into your cab, where did he say he wanted to go?Mr. WHALEY. To the 500 block of North Beckley.Mr. BELIN. I will take you back to November 22.You turned south on Beckley and then where did you go as you turned south on Beckley?Mr. WHALEY. I went right up on Beckley headed toward the 500 block.Mr. BELIN. Then what happenedMr. WHALEY. When I got to Beckley almost to the intersection of Beckley and Neely, he said, "This will do right here." and I pulled up to the curbMr. BELIN. Was that the 500 block of North Beckley?Mr. WHALEY. No, sir; that was the 700 block.Mr. BELIN. You let him out not at the 500 block but the 700 block of North Beckley?Mr. WHALEY. Yes, sir. Not sure if you know anything about Vaganov, http://digitalcollections.baylor.edu/cdm/ref/collection/po-arm/id/23343 but you might want to do a little reading Driving in Dallas with a red Thunderbird convertible and living in the same small area centered on 500 N Beckley.
  22. Confused? That's why I posted Whaley telling us after 37 years as a cab driver he knows every corner in Dallas... Neches is a short walk from 1026 N Beckley... and in general just a short, tiny street. It has 6 total cross streets (one being Elsbeth) In fact, that red dot at Neches is actually 500 NECHES... the map is way too small to see if Whaley actually marked it with an "X" https://www.google.com/maps/dir/1026+N+Beckley+Ave,+Dallas,+TX+75203/500+Neches+St,+Dallas,+TX+75208/@32.7569274,-96.8269572,18z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m14!4m13!1m5!1m1!1s0x864e999d1b785c03:0xf4b8e76beb3a162d!2m2!1d-96.8225987!2d32.7558221!1m5!1m1!1s0x864e998220a5384f:0x485c57192e86ac84!2m2!1d-96.829127!2d32.75613!3e2?hl=en - this is the short walk from 500 NECHES to 1026 N Beckley... There is no mention of NEELY.... Yet, he writes "500 N Beckley" as the place he was told to go and twice where he let him off? "I got in the 500 block of N Beckley and he said this will do"... and then he walks SOUTH on Beckley... not North to his room... why you may ask Also at 500 N Beckley is the EL CHICO RESTAURANT and Mack Pate's garage... so moving it to 700 and closer to NEELY when he's supposed to be living up the road at a spot WHALEY passed just seconds ago.... also real close to 500 N Beckley is where Tippit is killed.... So Steve - Is there anything in WHALEY's written statement that leads you to 700 N Beckley?
  23. Steve... I've made the argument that the clothes BLEDSOE describes was fed to her after the fact... "3 buttons missing, hole in elbow, grey pants, unkept..." since the Briarloom shirt and grey pants are found in the bottom drawer at Beckley. Yet... you have this nice holster which 'probably' houses the pistol when not in use. He would then have to remove the pistol from the holster and leave the empty holster to be found? So I find out that there is a list of items NOT PHOTOGRAPHED... So what do we find? Yet ANOTHER Wallet, except this one does not list the faked ALEX HIDELL SSS card starting with "42" . We must remember that all these items were taken the night of the 22nd and returned on the 26th to be photographed and taken back... More items were returned from FBI than was taken. is the photo of the HOLSTER at the DPD 11/26.... wonder why they would list that in the NOT LIST ??? NONE of the items in this Wallet are claimed to have been photographed IN DALLAS... but of course we have the FBI photos of them. Finally - we'd have to agree that little if anything is 100% in this case.... we also should agree that the evidence designed to focus attention on Oswald was found to the point of overkill by our FBI and DPD men... the duplicity runs rampant in this case... (While living at 101 San Saba "Marge" is taken to 2220 Thomas by Stripling to pick up some things) - multiple residences were truly not uncommon as one looks thru the Oswald history... as well as Inventory page #11199/11200 which ends with Item #455 and then proceeds to list everything that might be found in/on a dresser & bathroom. I voice my support for Ed's work (among others tackling this question) and the ongoing duplicity of the evidence at every turn. What would be nice is dropping the "I'm right - You're wrong" POV and simply admit that while there is evidence supporting each argument, the focus of the investigation was LEE HARVEY... there is no advantage or disadvantage for Oswald being at Beckley... Steve - out of curiosity, can you explain Whaley here - NECHES and NEELY are no where near each other? The CHAIRMAN. The witness has been driving a taxicab in Dallas for 36 years.Mr. WHALEY. Thirty-seven, sir.The CHAIRMAN. Thirty-seven.Mr. WHALEY. You name an intersection in the city of Dallas and I will tell you what is on all four corners.Mr. BALL. Did you stop and let your passenger out on this run on the north or south side of the intersection?Mr. WHALEY. On the north side, sir.Mr. BALL. North side?Mr. WHALEY. Yes.Mr. BALL. That would be--Mr. WHALEY. Northwest corner.Mr. BALL. Northwest corner of Neches and Beckley?Mr. WHALEY. Northwest corner of Neches and Beckley. Mr. WHALEY. I am trying to find Beckley, the green light changed from red to green on Beckley, right here is an intersection; Zangs Boulevard goes on up, and Beckley turns off.Mr. BALL. Here is Neches right here.Mr. WHALEY. Let me see where Neches is, is that right? Yes, that is it.This is the intersection right there.Mr. BALL. We put an "X" there.Mr. WHALEY. That is where he got off.Mr. BALL. That is where you dropped your passenger, is that right?Mr. WHALEY. That is--as far as I can see that is Neches.Mr. BALL. That is Neches, that is Beckley.Mr. WHALEY. Yes, sir; that is right, because that is the 500 block of North Beckley.Mr. BALL. Now, we will mark the beginning of your trip on the large map as "Y", and where you dropped your passenger as an "X".Mr. WHALEY. Yes, sir.Mr. BALL. "Y" is the corner of Lamar and Jackson, and "X" is the corner of Neches and Beckley.Mr. WHALEY. Yes, sir.
  24. John... please comment on the CORPORAL TEST he took 15 JAN 58 and PASSED ?!?!? there is a line thru it yet IDK what that exactly signifies... I see what it says about TRAIL... so I went back to FOLSOM and found his "RECORD OF SERVICE" The page is a bit of a mess regarding 1958... duplicate entries etc... but this caught my eye... If he was in the Brig from June 27 thru Aug 12 1958.... Why does it list him coming back to work on July 1? While in the BRIG a cancellation of overseas tour is submitted... and also while in the brig it is approved... It seems to me while LEE is in the BRIG.. HARVEY is on his way back to Japan with LEE now scheduled to go stateside Nov 1958... which is the day LEE returns It appears HARVEY is only back in Japan to go to TAIWAN and then to Santa Ana... yet on THE SAME DAY LEE is set to leave Japan... Nov 1st 1958. The next dated ADMIN REMARK is AUG 19 1959 when the Dependency discharge comes up... Down the rabbit hole..... DJ
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