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David Josephs

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Everything posted by David Josephs

  1. Vince - the man in the glasses - 45, 6'2", 185-190, Grey hair.... ??? This person looks like none of these. Also says the Mystery FBI man never showed credentials.... How/when does this man become CIA ?? https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=1135#relPageId=809&tab=page
  2. Hi Jim... Yes, I did consider that... my feeling is if Ruby's LHO is supposed to leave a trail of breadcrumbs to Mexico and back, he does an amazingly terrible job. A single 4 part ticket to and from Mexico City does the trick... he doesn't even really have to go.... but at least have the tickets... Yet that is not what we see... at every junction along the way the evidence gets worse and worse in support of anyone making the trip... Additionally, wouldn't there be real evidence of a person taking this trip, being in Mexico... Wouldn't the summary reports related to all the wire tapping have picked up something before Nov? A real person leaves a real trail... Nothing suggests that any of what we have is Authentic Evidence of a real person doing anything.... And this report is a classic... What the FBI concludes he did - is not possible, so instead of realizing there was something terribly wrong with the Mexico info, LEGAT (FBI) is sent back to the drawing board to find another way he could have made it.... You'd have to read my work on the trip back to Dallas to see how absurd it truly was.... FBI Mexico and assets were on it from 11/22 on....
  3. And completely disregards Max Phillips Ths zfilm timeline says this though.... Army doesn’t fly out of Naval bases, do they? 10:00 pm Schwartz and Zapruder delivered two prints to Sorrels. Sorrels asked them to take one to the Dallas Naval Air Station in nearby Grand Prairie, where a jet was immediately dispatched to take the print to FBI investigators in Washington, D.C. Mr. LIEBELER - Now, Mr. Zapruder, after you had the film developed I understand Mr. Sorrels from the Secret Service came over and helped you get the films developed and you gave two copies of your films to Mr. Sorrels, is that correct?Mr. ZAPRUDER - Yes. One we have sent to Washington the same night and one went over for the viewers of the FBI on Ervay Street.Mr. LIEBELER - That's the Secret Service?Mr. ZAPRUDER - The Secret Service--I brought one roll there and they told me to dispatch it by Army plane or I don't know what they had done with it but it was supposed to have gone to Washington and one of them, I believe, remained here with Mr. Sorrels. He came to my office quite a few times to show them to different people.
  4. Couldn't have said it better... No matter where you go KM, there you are...
  5. Paul... nothing is "attaching" the photo to the carbon copy... she said she stapled both... she didn't. #1 option - As I'll be writing an updating article about Mexico... all I can say here is how did he get out of New Orleans? According to the WCR - MARINA tells them he took a bus.... and since Marina's word is GOLD.... ... we are to take her word for it at face value despite there not being a single item of evidence which connects Oswald to a bus leaving New Orleans... The WCR says Continental since the Mexico equivalent is Flecha Rojas - one of the bus lines they claim he was on when traveling from Monterrey to Mexico City.... the Aussie girls took Del Norte.... #2 option - (assuming you can indeed actually get Oswald into Mexico)... the impostor returns from ???? with photos (or brought them) and they are replaced at some point in the future Nothing begins to happen related to LEE HARVEY OSWALD at the Cuban/Soviet Embassy/Consulate until October 7th.... Phillips arrives. the supposed calls were Sept 27, 28 and Oct 1... The Sept 27th tapes are dropped of SAT Sept 28th and picked up Monday, Sept 30th with Sept 28th tapes dropped off at the same time... Then picked up Oct 1st... Anne Goodpasture would have the transcriptions in her hands by the 1st or 2nd of Oct. She claims it was sent to Tarasoff because the caller tried speaking Russian.... in Tarasoff's April 1978 HSCA interview he says that all the SPANISH calls were taken from him due to the volume - that he was to stay focused on Russian... yet by all accounts, the call on Spet 27th was in Spanish and all three calls on the 27th were BEFORE 2pm... AZCUE says the building closed at 2pm... As of the 27 of Nov, the CIA claims that there is no info on Oswald - yet Harvey CASH had already sent on the 23rd detailed info from Cards typed in Mexico about our man Ozzie.... More importantly, here is a piece of the call from the 27th... in SPANISH and mentioning Odessa... something the offered CIA transcripts don't do... NEEDED A VISA TO ODESSA.... the CIA claims the calls on the 27th occur after 4pm.... again, when no one is there... While I like the thoughts Paul, until you put someone at the Cuban/Soviet buildings... we need to get them there first.... DJ So Paul, BEFORE you have an impostor at the embassy on Sept 27th... he has to get there. if he travels with others - the FBI is shown to be FOS.... if he travels in a car, FBi again FOS... Not to say that he didn't travel to Mexico with others.... there is simply no authentic evidence - in fact, we have the amazing investigation of the BRILL's as the only couple who came thru when MAYDON was the inspector... except their names were M/M ALLEN...
  6. I usually hate being tautological... but, Hoover covering for extensive CIA lies, for years now, yet specifically in the Mexico construct... leads me to ask what other reason makes sense...? Hoover simply had to allow for a lone nut trip to and from Mexico at the same time he was “caught” doing his job by Odio when being set up for a shooting.... I wish I had a better answer for you... seems he was working thru Bannister and that office... what was mailed, what was dropped off... and then the handoff to Dallas, ... to me agents like Nat Pinkston, Dolan in Chicago.... and many others.. were actively protecting their FBI... Hoover’s FBI... That name will make for an interesting research project..... it still may have been US Military in guise of FBI informant... FBI Agent.... Be fun...
  7. Btw, the nov report is not sent until January 1964.... when it should have been Dec 8th or so.... CIA finally mentions Oswald...
  8. Offers nothing from Oct 1, ... 3,4,5 do not mention an American of interest, or any American...
  9. The summary on Oct 8th does not include the amazing events of sept 27 and 28th. . By the 8th, you’d think they knew about Oswald, by name.. and the only mention is in Nov summary and with little fanfare.
  10. I see the Same group Paul... Oswald's work at this point, on this trip is FBI despite having CIA assets surround him... and potentially an ongoing CIA relationship due to his Russia days (either sending him initially, or learning as much as possible afterward)... Everyone.. EVERYONE is watching. There are few reasons, at this time, for the complete lack of coverage of our man Ozzie by the FBI... other than to remove any connection. For Phillips et al, Ozzie playing the FPCC role accomplishes both dips, and maybe gives Oswald Bona Fides for more work supporting Castro and finding others like him for his FBI buddies.. But the 2nd dip kills him... When accused and caught he is now a Castro supporting Commie Marxism blah, blah.... with obvious proof which only Oswald can, or would refute. Multi-use idiot.... a real patsy in the truest sense of the word.
  11. Jim, there’s another memo from MX saying to send the pouch to Choaden... I think to make it appear as if there are 2 diff people? Plausible deniability? Kinda like Maurice Bishop.. This doc is Oct 1... Phillips is headed to Cuban desk, Mexico City. So it is Choaden who Mexico City says will pick up the held pouch at registry... wonder if there are not the tapes/transcripts already... idk...
  12. I'm sorry Matt but anything Marina says has to be taken with some pessimism ... (see below) imo. With regards to staples... All I refer to is the Carbon Copy of the application with the photo on it... it looks more like a bad photo copy and there are no staples holding the photo to the application like the original... and below that are 2 other versions supposedly found with Oswald's possessions. Furthermore, Azcue places the date of this occurrence a day or 2 earlier....
  13. Hey there Matt... Guy on the left is LEONOV as you said (CIA can't spell for sh!t)... I think that's Jon Voight on the right...
  14. I look forward to Bill's reply.... We do know that FBI agents do hear a tape and do state it was not Oswald.... I do believe tapes of people talking to each other were brought for transcribing.... most of the phone calls were in Spanish btw, and that terrible, broken Russian as Tarasoff describes.... You will also notice the CIA tries to distance itself from the Sept 27th transcript... the actual one being at a different time and about different things than what we are told
  15. Thanks for confirmation Greg... Greatly appreciated... Below are 2 docs you may not have seen... The first announces Phillips' arrival in Mexico... the second talks of a request for AMMO with a comment stating the ammo was .38 special ammo... the coincidence is hard to ignore despite not really knowing what that specific discussion is about... (Choaden is Phillips btw, if you didn't already know) Take care and welcome to the Forum DJ
  16. I also posted something on this other thread that made me realize something... Both DURAN and AZCUE basically (or directly) say the person claiming to be Oswald was not the man Ruby killed.... So I have to wonder... how does Oswald's photo get onto those applications if the person at the Embassy wasn't Oswald?
  17. In the new release of docs I found a discussion with AMMUG-1, a defector who described the Standard Procedures at an Embassy staffed with intel assets when someone not knowing the "password" tried to make their way to Cuba shows up.... Especially an American wanting to go .... Duran reiterates the bogus 15 day visa expiration timeline which is strange wince she should know better... with his paperwork supposedly showing a Sept 26th entry to Mexico, she should know the 15 days started then, not the day he gets his tourist visa... Below that are the words of Duran and Azcue - both describing a person who was definitely not our Oswald.... so if this is the case, how did Oswald's photos get onto the applications Duran took...??
  18. the truth Tracy... open your eyes and use that big brain... Phillips arrives in Mexico on Oct 7th.... on October 8th the fan gets hit pretty hard by the BS flying around and the entire Mexico City charade begins... if one takes a look at SOP for Phillips in the other theaters of operation he performed so well within, it is obvious we see the tell-tale signs of his work in Mexico as well. Y'know Tracy.. CONTEXT... try it some time... Alvarado was a Phillips asset - remember him? $6500 and the red-headed negro with Oswald at the Embassy? Remember Alvarado was identified as a CIA ASSET and that he initially pegged the date as Sept 18th (Nagell)... and why does this Nicaraguan need to have Oswald connected to Cuba for the USA - other than at the direction of Phillips? And who, other than Phillips who was in on the interrogation, could get Alvarado to recant... despite his refusing to do so until physically intimidated.... I have the documentation of course... yet am not sure how much of it you are aware of... seems to me not much. Are you really going to sit here and post that Hunt and Phillips did not use CHESS PIECES as aliases? That Hunt wasn't known as KNIGHT That Phillips wasn't known as BISHOP That both used numerous aliases over their careers.... Here is part of the Veciana transcript.... pretty amazing how Phillips continually is trying to find assets who will help him PROVE Oswald was ever at the Cuban Embassy in Mexico... Phillips suggested to Mr. Veciana that he persuade his relative, Mr. Ruiz, to defect to the United States in exchange for a significant amount of funds on the condition that upon his defection, he publicly declare that Oswald came to the Cuban consulate to discuss with members of the Cuban security forces at the consulate plans to assassinate John F. Kennedy.
  19. And here we are just before delivery of the published report Sept 22, 1964.... and they are STILL justifying Mexico City Am I seeing things or is that actually Anne Goodpasture and DA Phillips in the signature stamp... And really... how hard is it for the CIA to secure a Visa application from a consulate in which they have numerous assets.... ?? Quite amazing that in Sept of '64 they are still looking at authenticating the paper and the typewriter... did they not believe Duran?? (edit: btw - thanks Jim... the idea that no one was at the Cuban or Russian consulates/embassies and that these were all just stories is reinforced by the contemporaneous Summary reports from the LI- projects as well as the fact not a single word about "the American visiting the Embassy" is heard spoken among any of the half-to-a-dozen High ranking Russian "diplomats" who were being recorded at the time)
  20. Hey there Paul... There IS evidence... it's simply that none of it is Authentic. So I began to really wonder whether a real live person went to this embassy posing as Oswald, or was it possible that this was a cobbled together story using elements of truthful encounters with people in these places, just not Oswald and just not what they claim occurred. Gaudet for example, tells a story about his time getting his tourist visa number 1 before Oswald's.... the rest of the people in the room that day do not corroborate his story... Guadet is directly in the mix of intelligence going on in New Orleans and knows Bannister as well as knows Oswald had been working with/speaking with Bannister as well... A valued CIA agent who would simply need this office to give him the application with the next # already written on it... Then, when it is photographed as an exhibit it is split over 2 pages.... page 1 without the mention of this being a 6 month 180 day application (it is claimed the same application is used for both 15 and 180 day tourist visas yet there is no evidence to support this) the date stamp, or his actual signature, Counting 15 days back from Oct 2, 1963... takes us to Sept 17, 1963, the day we are told he gets his 15 day visa.... those involved in creating this evidence were not aware that the clock starts WHEN YOU ARRIVE IN MEXICO... not the day one gets their visa... this kind of oversight occurs repeatedly throughout the evidence. We find the same 15 days referenced in the bogus typewritten letter from the Paine's house... that they added 15 days to Sept 17 to arrive at Oct 2 as his MUST LEAVE DATE, and then pepper it around to reinforce it, is again, imho, pure Phillips/Hunt modus operandi ... and page 2 without the Number, Series or name. While this does appear to be Harvey's block letter writing style, the number of things wrong with this document... btw - he was never considered a "Catholic" ... Lutheran, Presbyterian, yes....
  21. To bring HARVEY CASH full circle... the evidence of withholding info as needed is rampant... and most probably due to the fact so much of this evidence needed "alteration and omissions" before it was presentable.... like John Ely's biography of Lee Oswald. How much more blatant can the evidence be here... ?? What would be so important in his BIO that would require MATERIAL ALTERATION - one wonders
  22. There's more to Oct 3rd than the YMCA... The reason he needs to have been in Dallas Friday night was his visit to the TEC which was claimed to be at 2:30pm that afternoon... so the FBI has him arrive in Dallas at 2:20pm... This is what I meant about the trip itself... the appointment appears to have been at 11:30am.... and the page below is exactly what I mean... when they figure out the bus they put him on doesn't work, they simply change tracts and put him on a different one.... https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=946#relPageId=760&tab=page Last paragraph, last line... "arriving in Dallas at about 2:20pm on the same day" (Oct 3rd) since that's the only time the correct buses leaving earlier locations could get him there... https://kennedysandking.com/john-f-kennedy-articles/mexico-city-part-4-leaving-mexico-part-1 MEXICO CITY TO LAREDO OCT 1, 2 OR 3- DEL NORTE While we can talk about our traveling Oswald asking PEDRO RODRIGUEZ LEDESMA to call for a taxi between 6:30 and 7am for his leaving early in the morning of the 2nd (while evidence suggests he left the 1st and did not stay at the hotel that night), the taxi evidence winds up recapped in FBI reports which only have the most dubious of corroboration. This man signaled with his hands and said "taxi" which PEDRO interpreted as his not being able to speak Spanish. We are to believe that Pedro does not know the name of the taxi driver nor his passenger's destination and simply left this gringo in a cab without any word of help. We are to remember from his arrival that the bus terminals are within a short walk of the hotel and that no one sees this man with more than a small brown zippered bag. The report of this activity is contained within CE2121 p56 and CE2532 p13-14: ------- https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=1140#relPageId=692&tab=page is the WCR copy of the FM-11 page in question. Please notice that Mr. LEE is alphabetized as Mr. Oswald even though all of the travel plans for the exit from Mexico are made out to H.O. LEE. Mr. OCHOA was directly responsible for this document.... and as I wrote in my articles, he unilaterally decided to add notes and make changes to this FM-11 to help "clarify the evidence" http://jfk.hood.edu/Collection/FBI Records Files/105-82555/105-82555 Section 089/89d.pdf page 9 shows the entry and exit cards... "HARVEY OSWALD LEE (H.O. LEE)" leaves Oct 3rd... Lee Harvey Oswald arrives Sept 26th We must remember that for months FBI reporting claimed he left in the afternoon of the 2nd since they had photos of the unidentified American on Oct 2nd not the first... when this was learned his departure was changed to the morning of Oct 2nd.... and the entire BS Taxi cab ride from the hotel, just a short walk from the terminals, as told by hotel employees via the FBI. Finally, there is the Month long attempt by the FBI to find any info on Oswald being in Mexico.... including his assets at Gobernacion on the 8th of Nov As many of you have said, the FBI had their own sources down there... and not one of over 20 of them could find neither hide nor hair of our man Ozzie... all they knew was what the CIA told them... As the report snipet from 11-22 shows, as of 11-22 the FBI assets in Mexico could not confirm ANYTHING about Oswald in Mexico....
  23. We can let people’s own eyes decide... One wonders the reasons behind NOT showing Duran this Application... given how much she did... especially with helping him get photos made... Given we now know he was not there.... the applications are props... and right up Hunt’s alley and skill set.... just sayin’ And yet it seems the WC does not know the significance of this photo... where does one get such a clean clear version and without staples, like the carbon copy of the app... what’s holding the photo to the carbon app? Take a look at the exhibits.... and how the 2 diff sigs compare to the hotels in Helsinki....
  24. As I see it Larry, right from the beginning with how the 2 different cables went out to Mexico and to FBI/State/Navy. I saw thru my research how CIA/Immigration lined up against FBI/State Dept with regards to what information they were finding/sharing and when. To me, the basic conspiracy was on whom to lay the blame... Most of the planners focused on creating Cuba/Russia connections to get the green light to invade (Military, not CIA) I still believe Scott's Phase 1 / Phase 2 approach whereby Phase 1's Cuba/Russia focus eithe3r works and they get to send the bombers, or it doesn't and it keeps people in line when Phase 2 - "the lone nut" is introduced.... The dropping and removal of most anything conspiracy-related was, to me, amazingly fast as if planned from the start... but with enough of the shadow of WWIII to be used as leverage where needed. Without Mexico, nothing challenges the Odio story. Add now the entire traveling Oswald's - job hunting show at around the same time and my guess is these travels are back up for where Oswald was if not in Mexico.... We'd have to both agree I think, that what transpires is vintage Phillips/Hunt layered onions. Where else do we suppose the Elena de la Paz story comes from and who continues to support it years and years afterward.... From Sept 24 until Oct 31 there is not a single FBI report, or attempt to report on Lee Oswald... and amazingly enough the Oct 31 Kaack report has no idea where he is other than having moved to TX with his wife... he had already been working at the TSBD for 2 weeks... I firmly believe Oswald believed he was doing FBI work identifying Castro supporters... possibly at the request of his CIA masters as both a great source of info and doing the sheepdipping that will eventually be used to help incriminate him in public opinion... (edit: and that's why I find it makes sense that Hoover assists the CIA with their Mexico false story... or risk it being exposed that Oswald was an informant for the FBI) FWIW... DJ
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