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David Josephs

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Everything posted by David Josephs

  1. Is it possible he had this book all along - that he never BOUGHT it but had it as a family heirloom? And what about AMALIA GARDOS? Could that be EMIL's sister taking care of JOHN when Grace and Emil leave? (It's Grace {Fred BLAIR's sister} Gardos btw, so AMALIA is still a mystery) EDIT: IS AMALIA Grace's middle name? Furthermore, the town where JOHN GARDOS was born in 1940, is literally on the Michigan/Wisconsin border... And finally, Fred BASSETT BLAIR's mother's FULL NAME was - Mary AMALIA/AMELIA BASSETT So Grace BLAIR marries Emil GARDOS yet we have an AMALIA GARDOS living at 217 E 86th - same address as Grace and Emil.... 217 E 86th and 325 E 92nd (Pic's apartment) are only blocks from each other with PS155 Yorkville Community School also just blocks away.... (Pic claimed that Lee went to a nearby school but did not like it - he seems to have been off by a street as PS155 is east of 1st on 88th.) Who, exactly, was AMALIA GARDOS? Mr. PIC - No, sir; my mother did. I think this is a public school in New York City located on about 89th, 90th Street between Third Avenue and Second Avenue. Lee didn't like this school. I didn't much blame him.
  2. A few measurements related to that image.... the 5'4" 115lb boy ENTERING 7th grade Sept 1952 (inset) the 4'10" 95lb boy ENTERING 9th grade Sept 1953 (photo by Robert Oswald August 1953) Amazing how a 13 year old LARGE child becomes a scrawny, soon to be 15 year old who is not yet 5' tall.... {edit: look at his 6th grade class photo... remember? they put the tall kids in the back row, standing.. that's Lee in the back row and everyone remembers him as the biggest kid in the grade, best fighter, and good friend.}
  3. LEE 1945-9-7 Grandbury Rd - R5 - Box 567Benbrook, TX 1st Benbrook Common School - 82/15Rental house with Ekdahl, MO, LEE 1945-10-31 Grandbury Rd - R5 - Box 567 Benbrook, TX 1st Benbrook Common School - 82/15Address on enrollment card is "Worth Hotel" 7408 Ewing which is not bought until 1948. MO lists LEE's Bday as July 19, 1939 to get into school 1946-2-8 Grandbury Rd - R5 - Box 567Benbrook, TX 1st Mastoiditis surgery Harris Hospital HARVEY 1947-9-5 Lucille HUBBARD drives MO to a house near Stripling to pick up furnitiure 2220 THOMAS PLACE Benbrook Common School 2nd grade Benbrook 101 San Saba / 2220 THOMAS PL The Elementary school by 2220 Thomas was SOUTH HI MOUNT at 4101 Birchman... a 5 min walk. No reason to assume that any and all records would be confiscated ala Frank Kudlaty.... ============================ I'm going back over the timeline and bringing it more up to date on the Lee side prior to 1947.... I'll let you know what turns up
  4. He is also the only person who can be placed in the SE corner of the 6th floor within 15 minutes of the shooting.... where the rifle is found and Truly denies the FBI taking finger prints of the employees... and given his testimony - there would be not available time for anyone to get up to the 6th floor, assemble the rifle, and be ready AFTER 12:15 when by all indication JFK would be passing by between noon and 12:15... If Oswald has to get to his spot and assemble the rifle he has precious little time to do so... In fact, I feel this precludes his assembling the rifle at all, and that we MUST spend some time determining who placed that rifle there.... If not Ozzie - who? ---- As I elude to in one of my papers... after the first shot - IF and only IF the shot is 12-15 feet above their heads - these 3 men wouldn't have been able to hear anything let alone the "clink" of shells or the working of a bolt... "The National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD) says hearing damage occurs with noises of 85 dB or louder. Higher caliber guns produce a louder sound than their small caliber cousins; however, any shot fired next to an unprotected ear can be damaging. According to USA Carry, a .32 LONG fires a 152.4 decibel (dB) blast while a .44 S&W Magnum blast registers 164.5 dB." I also think that EUINS mentions the muzzle sticking well outside the window... Mr. EUINS. Yes, sir. I was looking where the barrel was sticking out. Mr. SPECTER. How many shots did you hear altogether? Mr. EUINS. I believe there was four, to be exact. Mr. SPECTER. Now, where were you looking at the time of the third shot, if you remember? Mr. EUINS. After he shot the first two times, I was just standing back here. And then after he shot again, he pulled the gun back in the window. And then all the police ran back over here in the track vicinity.
  5. Thanks John... and if you see anything that needs fixing please feel free to email me... I haven't worked on it for a while... As to the "mental testing" this was relayed to us by a woman claiming to have been their housekeeper in NYC... Louise ROBERTSON (I suggest going to Baylor's site for John's notebooks and download those that are most needed... I have scores of them now... here is the one for Louise: http://digitalcollections.baylor.edu/cdm/ref/collection/po-arm/id/18246) On Nov 27th she presents herself to the FBI and tells this story of MARGE hiring her to clean their apartment (amazing right? she is ALWAYS complaining about money yet has a housekeeper who just happens to live literally around the corner from 825 E 179th. https://www.google.com/maps/dir/825+East+179th+Street,+The+Bronx,+NY/2039+Southern+Blvd,+The+Bronx,+NY+10460/@40.8437413,-73.8847891,148a,35y,331.5h,42.28t/data=!3m1!1e3!4m14!4m13!1m5!1m1!1s0x89c2f4897dd3a6f3:0x77d590bf0e5635ae!2m2!1d-73.8857213!2d40.8449435!1m5!1m1!1s0x89c2f4897d72136f:0x4535ad7a2c3f1fbd!2m2!1d-73.8852334!2d40.8449063!3e2?hl=en She claims they spoke of testing Harvey at the Jacobi Hospital in the Bronx... she claims they spoke before they left for North Dakota at the end of the summer 1953... One BIG problem.... Following several years of construction, Van Etten Hospital opened in September 1954 with 500 beds, named in honor of Dr. Nathan B. Van Etten, a well-known Bronx practitioner with deep concern for the sick poor. About one year later on November 1, 1955, Jacobi Hospital, opened its doors for pediatric and infant care, with 898 beds
  6. But if they did not ask Stone for his permission to use him in their/her ads.... That could be a bit of a problem, no?
  7. They were discussing a sale.... on good authority I understand JVB owes this bridge.... bought it years ago and now is once again trying to sell it.... (Someone mentioned that the W-2 from Reilly was proof positive.... maybe ask JVB how she got to retain COPY B which the rest of the world sends to the IRS while not retaining COPY C.... and why her W-2 does not look like any W-2 ever sent out by the IRS...???? https://kennedysandking.com/john-f-kennedy-articles/poking-more-holes-in-judyth-baker p17)
  8. Yeah... and 20+ years ago when H&L was published John wrote about Emil KARDOS... who he learned about in the 10 years prior.... GP... a little too little too late
  9. "SOMEONE" is standing there yet not a single soul in all of the research done mentions even seeing a person there... And btw - SHELLEY is mistaken here... quite badly in fact... any reason to mix up MOLINA with VILES?? (not picking on you Larry... I just find FRAZIER's entire story hard to swallow... right from the time he puts a paper bag in Oswald's hands Mr. BALL - And who was out there?Mr. SHELLEY - Well, there was Lloyd Viles of McGraw-Hill, Sarah Stanton, she's with Texas School Book, and Wesley Frazier and Billy Lovelady joined us shortly afterwards. Mr. BALL. Where were you standing?Mr. MOLINA. Right at the front door; right at the front door.Mr. BALL. Outside the front door?Mr. MOLINA. Yes, outside the front door I was standing; the door was right behind me.
  10. Mr. FRAZIER - Yes, sir; I told them and naturally Mr. Shelley and Billy vouched for me and so they didn't think anything about it.Mr. BALL - Did you hear anybody around there asking for Lee Oswald?Mr. FRAZIER - No, sir; I didn't.Mr. BALL - At any time before you went home, did you hear anybody ask for Lee?Mr. FRAZIER - No, sir; I don't believe they did Correct me if I'm wrong, but NOBODY asked these people if they saw Oswald on the steps... nobody anywhere was asked if they saw a person ion the corner there.... Using Larry's as last in the line about Frazier and Oswald on the steps... but what about Lovelady? Mr. BALL - We have got a picture taken the day of the parade and it shows the President's car going by.Now, take a look at that picture. Can you see your picture any place there?Mr. FRAZIER - No, sir; I don't, because I was back up in this more or less black area here.Mr. BALL - I see.Mr. FRAZIER - Because Billy, like I say, is two or three steps down in front of me. Mr. BALL - Which is Commission's Exhibit No. 362. Can you come over here and show us about where you were standing?Mr. FRAZIER - Yes, sir. Like I told you this was an entrance right here.Mr. BALL - Yes, sir.Mr. FRAZIER - We have a bar rail running about half way up here. This was the first step and I was standing right around there.Mr. BALL - Put a mark there. Your name is Frazier, put an "F" there for Frazier.Mr. FRAZIER - O.K. So this is CE362 - I guess that smudge on the top step landing is Frazier... but we know from Hughes that LOVELADY was over in the corner: and at some point moves to the center by the railing... at what point is LOVELADY down at least 2 steps? Are all of you saying that he did not notice the person in the corner from the image at the bottom left of this collage - or that he was simply not asked about Lee on the stairs as mentioned above? And are we in agreement about who that is in the left corner, white T-shirt and ruddy open shirt?... and that within seconds he person in the far left corner (facing the TSBD) is there as well. How does FRAZIER not even bother to put a person there - never mind it being Oswald or not ???? Mr. BALL - Did you see anybody after that come into the Building while you were there?Mr. FRAZIER - You mean somebody other that didn't work there?Mr. BALL - A police officer.Mr. FRAZIER - No, sir; (DJ: So Frazier cannot corroborate Truly/Baker?) In fact, I fail to see anything which shows FRAZIER on those steps prior to the motorcade - can anyone provide photographic evidence of FRAZIER prior to the image above at the bottom left? Mr. BALL - Did you stay on the stepsMr. LOVELADY - Yes.Mr. BALL - Were you there when the President's motorcade went byMr. LOVELADY - Right.
  11. Jim... no argument.... Name one person of interest who did not spend time in the military. In fact most even spent significant time with Military Intel of some sort.... who were the first CIA directors? ONI admirals... then Dulles... any Military connections there ya think? Bottom line, the CIA did very little without Military knowledge.. if that info is DIS info from CIA, it’s eventually figured out. And/or they let these things happen depending on which way the political winds are blowing.... The OSS, FBI’s SIS, then CIA all come after 100 years of MID and ONI. Do you truly feel those running US intel out of the Pentagon would just LET another agency take their intelligence roles unless they were in virtually complete control? As Facilitator and Mechanic yes.... CIA as sponsor? I see no evidence of that.... so, does the hammer, or the person wielding the hammer drive the nail in? take care... DJ
  12. Ran into Rob in Dallas, was great seeing him... thanks as well for the kind words... but there is something worth burning into one's memory: I think one of the newer things missed in my presentation was the fact when the Chicago FBI arrived at Klein's, the only info they knew was 1 - Crescent & 2 - C2766... that was it. By the evening of the 23rd, the FBI had reconfirmed that "N"2766 was shipped from Crescent to KLEIN'S in June 1962. By the evening of the 23rd, the FBI also established a MARCH 27, 1963 order was received with C27"4"6 IOW - the June 1962 order they checked and rechecked DID NOT HAVE C2766 IN IT.... So instead of looking at all the orders from Crescent... Waldman/Scibor and FBI look at "SALES TO CUSTOMERS" trying to find "C2766" So one has to wonder how the FBI was able to find an order blank with C2766 on it AND now they had a FEBRUARY 1963 order which just happens to contain the same exact 100 rifles for which Feldsott provides packing slips.... Italy to USA packing slips showing "38 E" rifles as opposed to the domestic T-38's. If there was no February order on Friday eve, all day Saturday and into Sunday... what does the FBI do? Using FBI-doublespeak they first reiterate that C2766 comes from Italy (bottom right) yet was still subsequently sold to KLEIN'S on June 18, 1962.... in a carton with 9 other rifles. Nothing is written in the WCR about "N"2766, or the remaining rifles in the JUNE order, or the remaining rifles and their type from the MARCH 27 '63 order... or any of the 99 rifles supposedly in this FEB 63 order. (It looks like it has a real paper trail, I just believe KLEIN'S used the Feldsott 100 rifles on the packing slips to "UPDATE" this order at KLEIN'S. I believe they VC#836 was used twice... the other order being "1259" as written on the receiving form listing serial numbers... None of the investigations to date has provided any answer for why "1259" and "Page 1 of 2 pages" (and 2 of 2 on the other page) even appears on these sheets.... the order was 1243... and this lone piece of paper is all the evidence there is which connects all the dots... DJ https://drive.google.com/file/d/11ktSVaiM-OixQFRqoXDHjnLPWHnT4AZz/view?usp=sharing (contact report from FELDSOTT reconfirming June 18, 1962)
  13. Some other Tippit related thoughts...: SCOGGINS last fare prior to parking by his "club" on Patton by 10th... was at 321 N. Ewing TIPPIT reports being at LANCASTER & 8th which is literally around the corner... 250 feet. 325 N. Ewing is where Mrs Harry Olsen lived 223 SOUTH EWING is RUBY's apartment and is only 250 feet from the site of this stabbing at 12th and Marsalis So some speculation.... Tippit, Scoggins, Kay's apartment and a man dropped off 5 mins before Tippit is shot.... and during this altercation at 10th/12th & Marsalis which is but a short walk from Ruby's https://drive.google.com/open?id=1nJ0uEee8bZcHddXRoNpXtn3h2jw4BV6d is the map showing all the key locations.... Any thoughts on these connections and close proximities? (Nagy and Vaganov are also within this geo circle, FWIW)
  14. Please let us not forget the statements of JASPER CLAYTON BUTLER the ambulance driver picking Tippit up... 4 pages: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1gYSmuhdW5iPXhKnF6sM9xeJTtMmswpZ3 https://drive.google.com/open?id=1ws5NVX__ijsa39pq3BQwcTV683occkgJ https://drive.google.com/open?id=1N-r8T8hT2bBlle58iLO5ySWsrDTHlzkd https://drive.google.com/open?id=13AJM_znAhRDZW1NtLieRX881wBbZ-JTk
  15. They planned to change NSAM 263 to 273... and kept that plan... and weren’t the film people meetings to talk of spreading art to the countries leaning communist under the thought that artistry tends to make communism look even worse... thought I read that recently...
  16. Nice work John.... You got me excited about maybe finding the real Harvey... I'll need to start over and reread the thread... Here is an image from John's CD... Harvey.. NYC? https://drive.google.com/open?id=1FWrxNBDwucVObPJwFAgOmfm4XuZA6p6X
  17. Nice work Mark... kudos.... how many frames would think are missing between 132 and 133?
  18. FWIW.... Nat Pinkston’s name appears a lot on reports from Early Dec back at the TSBD including the reporting on the clipboard and a reinterview of Shelley... I only mention cause his reports and stories told later conflict with other first day evidence including Day, the rifle and Odom driving Day to DPD with the rifle DJ
  19. Which tools Mark? Math is math... The problem here being the SS Queen Mary on the limo’s rear would either also make the turn or cut it more sharply but have to wait... it’s 81 frames for that motorcycle to traverse that corner and is still not at POS A. As you mention, Towner “looks” smooth but the anomaly I show might be what accounts for that.... Furthermore, if you search this forum for the MATH RULES thread, we determine quite a few things about that turn, Towner (whose camera had to be set to the ridiculous 22+FPS when it ran at 16 just like zapruder), and Zapruder.... Mark, with the original survey we learn Shaneyfelt and the FBI altered the data to make it impossible to place the limo correctly within Zapruder... these were deliberate moves of the limo path to account for 3 and only 3 shots fired.... this suggests they saw shots in 6 different frames, or simply calculated shot frames using reverse engineering and not the visual record. Life’s scenario seems closest to auditory evidence yet the big Q about that is how they determined the first and second shots and why use 18fps instead of the camera’s 16fps natural setting? ...hint: the run/rise of Elm from the Tsbd to the overpass is 1:18.3 iow, Each second of Zapruder moves the limo 1 foot vertically lower.... and that little fib adjustment winds up making CE884 necessary... Peace... DJ
  20. https://kennedysandking.com/images/pdf/JudythBaker-DJ.pdf With JVB in the room, her friend ANNA LEWIS states not once, but after the camera is off and on again.. twice that she and JVB and husband and Lee went out together between Jan - April 1962 when Oswald was in Russia. At 1:45 of this video she states: "In February 1962 I met Lee Harvey Oswald in the park..." the park by 544 Camp and again 19:05... "First time I seen LHO was in 1962, after Jan and before April" When they leave New Orleans and then return she sees LHO at the restaurant she worked in... he would not acknowledge her at all... 3:50 Problem is that even if she meant 1963, in February, March and April of 1963 Oswald was in Texas. He does not get to New Orleans until the end of April 1963.
  21. Always good to learn new things.... I read all of Wilcott... and to me it just screams hearsay and idle chatter speculating about Oswald.... I get the impression the Oswald project is talking about LEE unless Harvey as CIA was also doing FBI infiltration work... Looking closely at April-June 1963 it was almost all FPCC work via 544 Camp. Bringuier and his 2 friends seem more CIA-connected... and they are anti-FPCC and seem to be trying to out Oswald as a spy.... allegations of Oswald saying "throw a punch Carlos" or something like that kind of brings Oswald around to the CIA side with a desire to pigeon hole the FBI... which I think they did with the BS trip to Mexico at the end of this "Project" albeit a few months late. In the same vein as Newman's new work... placing blame at CIA's feet when it was ACIS/JCS and Military Intel who seems to have coordinated the assassination... as I see it at least.... FWIW
  22. Korth was Sec of the Navy.... one might think he'd be aware of ONI activity related to Oswald given how much he was involved with the Ekdahls and Oswalds... "Played a part in LEE's Life".... Maybe I'm just reaching....
  23. Confusing for sure Jake.... until you seriously consider the Harvey & Lee scenarios which are rinse and repeated for years on end... That almost white, medium sized jacket... look familiar?
  24. That woman was not HARVEY’S mother.... Emma Keating the practical nurse house cleaner versus Marge the retail sales lady mother of the natural born Lee Oswald.... Mr. RANKIN. Now, you have produced a number of letters that you described as being letters received from your son, Lee Oswald, while he was in the Soviet Union. Mrs. OSWALD. Yes, sir. Mr. RANKIN. And we have asked you if you could identify the three letters that the Secret Service brought back to you and asked you to give a receipt for. You said it is very difficult, if not impossible, £or you to do that. Is that right? Mrs. OSWALD. No, sir, I did not say that. I said that one letter I was sure of, because it stated that her uncle was an officer in the Soviet Union. That letter I am sure of. The other two letters--I would have to go through the letters. I think I could spot them, because it would be of importance to our country and the Secret Service to know--in other words, it was important for them to know she had an uncle in the Soviet Union. And the other two letters would be on that order. And I believe maybe I could-I would not want to state a fact that these two letters--I think I would be pretty close to choosing the other two letters as the proper letters. Mr. RANKIN. Mrs. Oswald, I wonder if it would be agreeable to you if we would identify all of those letters that you received from your son while he was in the Soviet Union, and then possibly when we recess you could look them over and see---- Mrs. OSWALD Yes, sir, that's perfectly all right. Mr. RANKIN. See if you can pick out the ones you gave a receipt for. Mrs. OSWALD. That is perfectly all right. Any way you want to do it is all right with me. Mr. RANKIN. Mr. Reporter, I will ask you to mark them, and Mr. Liebeler. will you help in the marking, because the letters are covered with glassine, and it may be hard to mark them with ink. I think by putting those stickers on we can help you. Mrs. OSWALD. Not all of the letters have dates. I think by taking the date on the back of the envelope it would be all right. And we had them in order. I don't know if they are still in order. But we had them by the dates. Mr. RANKIN. Mr. Reporter, I offer in evidence Exhibits 170 to 179, both inclusive, being pictures of the funeral and the casket that Mrs. Oswald has produced here for the Commission, and ask leave to substitute copies. The CHAIRMAN. They may be so introduced. (The photographs referred to were marked Commission Exhibits Nos. 170 to 179 inclusive for identification, and received in evidence.) Mr. RANKIN. I then offer the various letters that Mrs. Oswald produced, that she said were sent to her by her son, Lee Harvey Oswald, from the Soviet Union.
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