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David Josephs

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Everything posted by David Josephs

  1. Has a great map ... wonder why Judy decides to live so far from the clinic...?
  2. For the JVB loyalists.... a question she says she took a bus to and from work at Reilly for 11 weeks with her lover Lee....she was set us to pretend to be a secretary for a V.P. there.... if I remember correctly... When was she at Ochsner’s clinic working with lead scientist Mary Sherman? (please don’t tell me those 2 met at Ferris to perform these experiments all night, and jvb goes back to work with Ozzie, we all know what a bunch of bs that is given what was claimed to be developed) Cant be a scientist working at Ochsner and be at Reilly all day....
  3. The players involved in the acquisition of Bell Helicopter “wanted” their war due to the immense profits war generates and how it refuels the Cold War with Russia. I see the CIA simply as the fallguy for the military. While the big bad CIA is accused and stonewalls, military intelligence.... ONI, MID, etc continued to do whatever they wanted with CIA as the tip of the spear ... so to speak. The CIA nor anyone there could, IMO, ORDER LeMay, Galloway, Burkley and the rest of the military medical staff to follow their orders... but they had to follow the orders of rear admirals and 4 star generals.... we can have a Domino theory discussion yet that starts with George Kennan and makes its way to Eisenhower. The Dulles brothers also pitched this bs theory to explain away their actions on the world stage. Chuck, search for TEXTRON in this forum.... the players in Bell lead back to General Cabell... the brother a the Dallas Mayor and CIA Deputy Director
  4. According to the evidence Dave, he was searched 2, maybe 3 full times before those critical items were “found” between 4 and 4:30pm before the lineup Bullets which specifically fit the pistol used by the Dallas, if not most major city’s police departments. And a useless bus transfer, other than to put him on a bus he was provably not on... both McWatters and Whaley said you could pick the man out just by listening to him.... that and he was so different from the others in the lineup. Mr. BALL - Do you know who that was? Mr. McWATTERS - Just like I told them, I didn't know who was who or anything. Mr. BALL - Did you ever learn who that person was? Mr. McWATTERS - Well, I don't know whether that was really the man or not, I don't know. Mr. BALL - I see.
  5. Icing on the Secret Service cake..... CE399 comes into existence as we know it when SS Chief Rowley hands SA Johnson a bullet.... ... and Johnson finally says ce399 is the same bullet he gets from Rowley..... all the others, not so much
  6. “Searched him good and found nothing” 2.5 hrs later 5 bullets and a bus transfer are supposedly found in his pants pocket and shirt pocket, respectively. Thx Bart, that about blows those items of evidence out the window...
  7. Jim.... this overlay tells me the two images are not compatible based on sizes of things within the photo. We do not know the angle of the BYP rifle with respect to the Camera...as it is tilted toward or away the size gets skewed smaller... the ce139 images are all straight on so the rifle appears larger.... sizing them for an accurate comparison is greatly restricted due to the details of each photo. With Frazier getting C250 from Klein and 700 of the same rifles are at Century Intl Arms, having more than 1 FC Carcano was no big deal.... while the rifle in the BYPs may not be 139, it is still a Fucile Corto with a standard cheap scope.... The sizes in the BYPs are all off due to the composition of the photos....
  8. I wrote it Jim... since the negative the magazines got was a poor copy of the negative from 133-A... except the negative for 133-A was either lost or never actually recovered... or made it too obvious the image was a composite.... Once in possession of a decent photo, creating and retouching the negative is not that difficult.... In Jeff Carter's great series on the BYP: We are to remember that both LUMPKIN and WHITE were well-versed in photography as well as being associated with Military Intel. An internal FBI memorandum dated March 25, 1964 is far less circumspect, stating: “Based on our investigation it would appear all of the photographs emanated from the Dallas Police Department.” The Dallas Police, as the HSCA would later confirm, “made numerous copies and did not control the dissemination.” Life Magazine negotiated a price of $5000 with Marina Oswald’s business agents for the publication rights to the photo, but the photo itself came from “an enterprising young man in the Dallas Police Department.” Life had an “original copy negative” of the photo, made in Dallas. (Shaneyfelt Exhibit 10)2 Yet as I reread the 1979 report excerpt from below... An [sic] April 1, 1977, the committee received from Jeanne de Mohrenschildt, the widow of George de Mohrenschildt, a photograph of Oswald standing in a yard and holding a rifle in one hand and two newspapers in the other hand.(58) A gun was strapped in a holster on his hip. This photograph, which was similar to other photographs recovered in a search of Oswald's property on November 23, 1963, had never been seen by the Warren Commission or law enforcement official. Any idea why George would mess up the cover story for his CIA masters? http://jfkassassination.net/russ/jfkinfo4/jfk12/hscademo.htm III. KNOWLEDGE OF OSWALD'S POSSESSION OF THE RIFLE George de Mohrenschildt testified before the Warren Commission that one evening when he and his wife visited the Oswalds at their Neely Street address in dallas, Marina Oswald exclaimed that Oswald had bought a gun and showed the gun to Jeanne de Mohrenschildt.(45) De mohrenschildt testified that this took place around Easter in the spring of 1963 and that the occasion of the visit was to take an Easter present or toy to the Oswald's daughter.(46) In his testimony de Mohrenschildt related that during that visit he and Oswald stood talking in the front room.(47) Marina Oswald opened a closet door to show the gun to Jeanne, and Jeanne in turn called out to George who was in the next room that Lee had a gun.(48) De Mohrenschildt said he did not look at the gun, but that Marina said Oswald used it for target shooting and that it had a telescopic sight.(49) De Mohrenschildt said he then asked Oswald "jokingly" if Oswald had taken the shot at General Walder, which had occurred in Dallas on April 10, 1963.(50) De Mohrenschildt said Oswald became tense, 'sort of shriveled" and made some kind of face in answer to the question without specifically answering the question.(51) Nevertheless, in an interview at the American embassy in Haiti in December 1963 with State Department officials, the de Mohrenschildts claimed that the gun incident had occurred in the fall of 1962.(52) Mrs. de Mohrenschildt stated that Marina Oswald had said "Look how crazy he is, he has bought a hun."(53) Mrs. de Mohrenschildt said she thought Oswald had only recently purchased the gun, that it was about 4 feet long, and that she did not know if it was a rifle or a shotgun.(54) she said Marina Oswald told her there was something special about the gun, that it was either automatic or had a telescopic sight.(55) In that interview, de Mohrenschildt claimed that the last time he and his wife saw the Oswalds was in January 1963 and that the de Mohrenschildts were too busy preparing for their upcoming trip to Haiti to see the Oswalds after that.(56) De Mohrenschildt had contacted the American Embassy in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, immediately after the assassination and said he had been acquainted with Lee harvey Oswald, volunteering to be of assistance during the assassination investigation.(57) An April 1, 1977, the committee received from Jeanne de Mohrenschildt, the widow of George de Mohrenschildt, a photograph of Oswald standing in a yard and holding a rifle in one hand and two newspapers in the other hand.(58) A gun was strapped in a holster on his hip. This photograph, which was similar to other photographs recovered in a search of Oswald's property on November 23, 1963, had never been seen by the Warren Commission or law enforcement official. On the rear of the photograph was the notation "To my friend George from Lee Oswald," with the date "5/IV/63" and another notation "Copyright Geo do M", and an inscription in Russian reading "Hunter of facists, ha-ha-ha!"(59) a handwriting panel engaged by the committee determined that the writing "To my friend George" and the Oswald signature were the writing of Lee Harvey Oswald.(60) The panel was not able to conclude whether the other writing was written by Lee Harvey Oswald, Marina Oswald, or George de Mohrenschildt.(61) On April 1, 1977, the committee also received from Jeanne de Mohrenschildt a copy of the manuscript of the book, "I Am A Patsy, I am A Patsy," which George de Mohrenschildt was writing about his relationship with Lee Harvey Oswald at the time of de Mohrenschildt's suicide on March 29, 1977.(62) In that manuscript, de Mohrenschildt wrote that he and his wife had stumbled upon the gun photo in February 1967 in boxes of their belongings that they had placed in storage in early 1963 before their departure for Haiti im May 1963.(63) De Mohrenschildt speculated in the manuscript that Oswald had in a sense left them a "gift from the grave," placing the photograph where it could later be discovered by de Mohrenschildt.(64) He explained that the photo was among English practice records that he and his wife had loaned to Marina Oswald, and that somehow the Oswalds had managed to return those records, including the photograph, to the de Mohrenschildts's possessions.(65) In the manuscript de Mohrenschildt identified the handwritten date of the photograph, "5/IV/63" as April 5, 1963-and stated that at that time he and his wife "were thousands of males away in Haiti."(66) That statement contradicts the statement de Mohrenschildt gave to Warren commission and State Department official about the dates of his travel to Haiti. The circumstances of the de Mohrenschildts's learning that Oswald owned a rifle, de Mohrenschildt's comment to Oswald about the Walder shooting, and the circumstances of the "discovery" of the gun photograph in the de Mohrenschildts' possessions may indicate knowledge the de Mohrenschildts had about the violent turn Oswald's political inclinations had taken that have not been fully explored.
  9. Well... Armstrong’s notebooks are what I go there to download.... Weisberg’s archive is amazing as well....
  10. Mr. McBride.... The very last thing with which you need to concern yourself is the opinion of one Paul Trejo.... You, I am sure, have much better things to do with your time.... as do we all DJ
  11. We all truly need to become acquainted with the SHANEYFELT exhibits in the WCR..... The "copy" negative for this image is what Newsweek and Life apparently received... A negative made from the DeMohrenschildt print I believe. Not exactly sure how one would add a scope ... we do know they made the stock look straighter than it really was (#1 alteration) So we have a composite image of Ozzie's face and a body. Notice too how the newspaper's shadow is lightened in the LIFE cover whereas in the 133-B print it betrays how the nose shadow SHOULD look... not straight down but to Ozzie's right... should we see more of a shadow from the newspaper on his torso? How and why does the scope in this photo have any bearing on CE139? We don't even know that's the same rifle at all.... We don't know what happened to the rifle Drain sent cause Frazier doesn't tell us CE139 was the rifle which arrived from DALLAS the morning of 11/23... Would Eisenberg be guilty of leading the witness here – ya think? What value is there initialing evidence AFTER it gets to the lab? That proves nothing as ANY RIFLE could have been used... as to the BYP and the scope... I just see Butler wrong as he has been in each and every photographic analysis he's done and posted to these pages... Remember he's the one claiming Hill and Moorman were moved from up Elm as well as completely changed.... Another quality analysis from our man JB... Pu-leeze already with that man's opinions. Mr. EISENBERG - Mr. Frazier, I now hand you a rifle marked Commission Exhibit 139. Are you familiar with this weapon? Mr. FRAZIER - Yes, I am. Mr. EISENBERG - And do you recognize it by serial number or by your mark? Mr. FRAZIER - By serial number on the barrel, and by my initials which appear on various parts of the weapon.
  12. Not sure what this is doing in a Mexico City thread..... as for PT's pithy comments, Paula does indeed mention that the MAN THEY ARE TALKING ABOUT was wearing a similar sweater to Oswald when he was killed.... Obviously it was not the same sweater... yet wouldn't it be more telling that Paula and guest, McFarland and Bowen are all put on a Del Norte bus while our man Oswald arrives - according to the WCR - on Flecha Rojas and/or Anahuac As for his entering in an "AUTO" as the FM-11 claims.... if he is going to Mexico to get money from companions to kill JFK - he is involved in a conspiracy to kill POTUS... exactly as the CIA had planned phase 1. When he HAD to be a Lone Nut, the car "STORY" becomes the bus "STORY" A "false story re Oswald's trip to Mexico" is a false story no matter how many different ways you want to cut it. FLECHA ROJAS - CD1245 also has the bus manifest from Monterrey (where Pam and guest supposedly get on the Flecha Rojas bus) to Mexico City... They are not on that manifest either... Flecha Rojas Baggage Manifest leaving Nuevo Laredo... this is interpreted as BOWEN on line 15 AND A GUEST on line 16 (just like M/M McFarland) Bowen/Osbourne also denies it was Oswald... if he was a CIA/FBI asset, he sure didn't do his job convincing them it was Oswald.... "NO OTHER AMERICANS OR ENGLISH SPEAKING PERSONS ON THIS BUS" Mr. BALL. How was this boy from Texas dressed? Miss MUMFORD. He was dressed casually. I don't remember what color trousers he had on. He had on a dark sweater. I know that. It was a wool sweater, a sort of a charcoal gray color. When we saw him on television. being arrested or being taken down to the Dallas County jail, Patricia was the first to recognize that that was the same sweater. We were reluctant to believe this. of course, at first; that we knew this man. But she said the thinning hair on the top, the thinning, curly, wiry hair, plus the sweater that she recognized right away, and I recognized afterwards, made us almost certain that this was the same man. I collected a variety of POSTMARKS and while most have a number after the location, one says "Terminal Annex" after Dallas, TEX. suggesting to me that these are locations and not machine numbers... Every post office has postal zones for which it serves.... you can then tell where mail originated. "MIAMI's" for example has no number or designation... ergo no MACHINE processed it? Don't think so. Besides - who microfilms an envelope and neglects the Money Order unless there never was a money order (or rifle order) in the first place? Plus, What's the point of printing a machine # on a postmark....?
  13. Thanks for the image with which to work Jim.... Playing devil's advocate here... isn't possible that the scope issue was simply a case of a very poor image? I see some of the telltale signs of the scope in that poor newspaper image... (it's set to repeat 3 times... need to refresh page to see again)
  14. FWIW.... I’ve been going thru the recent release and adding detailed notes to each document I view.... over 4000 done so far, concentrating on the records with no date or source.... when finished maybe I can add the index to Poage Baylor. Also, the more books that are digitized and searchable, the better.... I think Archive.org may be a helping hand.... The tougher part is identifying the red herrings from the tidbits of truth in the docs. He can be filmed handing out leaflets, but knowledge of his buying and retrieving a 5 foot cartoon which should have been marked FIREARMS... eludes them.... Being that broken record... the Evidence IS the Conspiracy, and not representative of the truth.... figuring which is which... now that’s what I see as our task here... do we accept certain evidence or see it for what it was.
  15. FWIW As Day walks from the TSBD with a rifle we get a decent photo albeit the rifle is slightly turned compared to the CE139 image Everything else seems to fit... including the scope... yet any off axis turn would cause the comparison to only be guesswork... This is the back of the scope on the opposite side of the bolt... notice the notch in the rifle hand-rest indent is exactly the same.... the fixed front sight is in the same place In the B&W image the rifle is rotated as a whole about 10 degrees AWAY from the viewer... yet taking a cylinder and rotating it does nothing to change it's width. While the images Mr. Butler offers look convincing... taking an image of the same subject with different focal lengths from different cameras and different angles makes a true comparison inexact.... until the scopes are measured using photogrammetry (which I cannot do) we are guessing... The two images that I even use are not identical... yet the overlay of key landmarks which works in the comparison leads me to believe the comparison is sound. Do we have any idea when CE139/FBI C14 was photographed for the report? Is it realistic to assume that when the RIFLE was at the FBI LAB brought by Vincent Drain the night of 11/22 that Frasier would remove the scope and mount to examine them? Mr. EISENBERG - Could you describe the telescopic sight on the rifle? Magnification, country of origin? Mr. FRAZIER - It is a four-power telescopic sight employing crosshairs in it as a sighting device, in the interior of the scope.It is stamped "Optics Ordnance Incorporated, Hollywood California," and under that is the inscription "Made in Japan." It is a very inexpensive Japanese telescopic sight.The mount attached to it was also made in Japan. Mr. EISENBERG - Have you removed the mount? Mr. FRAZIER - Yes, I have.
  16. Kinda like the lunchroom encounter... or Baker even going up the front steps.... it's become part of the LEGEND with little regard for the facts. LOL... aren't we all? I for one don't accept the evidence which places Oswald on that bus, compared to the sight and memory of a Dallas Detective, especially one so harshly treated in the years after. While I do think much of this treatment came from his insistence and mentioning of the RAMBLER, it could also have come as a result of giving away Harry Weatherford's position on the County Records Building with a rifle. If Oswald gets into a Rambler driven by someone else the entire LONE NUT backup story crumbles. And didn't DECKER claim to say he told his men NOT TO LIFT A FINGER TO HELP? What WAS Harry doing up there? Despite all the evidence which attempts to prove CRAIG wrong - and that OZZIE took the bus, when finally questioned on April Fool's Day 1964 he sticks to his convictions. Mr. BELIN - Do you feel, in your own mind, that the man you saw at Captain Fritz's office was the same man that you saw running towards the station wagon?Mr. CRAIG - Yes, I feel like it was.Mr. BELIN - Do you feel that you might have been influenced by the fact that you knew he was the suspect---subconsciously, or do you----Mr. CRAIG - Well, it's---it's possible, but I still feel strongly that it was the same person.Mr. BELIN - Okay. That's it. Thank you.
  17. I truly cannot say for sure one way or the other Paul. If it was HARVEY, which I conclude, he was driven to a spot close to his room, possibly even the bus stop on N. Beckley. How would the police car which honks KNOW that Oswald had arrived? Ironic that WESTBROOK would be the source for car #207's location - but only kind of.... there is nothing which precludes WESTBROOK/CROY from taking #207 and being in the Oak Cliff area. IMO, The "Honk-honk" is his ride to the theater.... if we can believe Ms. Roberts the car which honked was a black police car. WESTBROOK writes a report claiming that car #207 (per Roberts) was at Elm/Houston unattended by its operator JM Valentine. I think it very possible that WESTBROOK/CROY are in this car and are the men who drive by Beckley to take Ozzie to the theater and bring themselves closer to the Tippit murder scene. But this is only speculative based on where people were. If you read WESTBROOK's testimony it is filled with mysterious PATROLMEN who drive he and others around - when as the man in charge of DPD Personnel, he SHOULD have contacted Mrs. Tippit and dealt with THAT situation... not run all over G~d's green earth doing detective work. I believe this is CROY at 10th/Patton - please correct if I'm mistaken. The problem for me is our basic assumption derived from the evidence.... McWatters recants, Jones describes a diff person, and Bledsoe is fed clothing details. McWatters never mentions the 2 cops (if one of them took a transfer or two it might have made him a bit scared to mention it... do we know if ANYONE corroborates Roy's Policemen boarding the bus story as there were 15 people on the bus according to ROY... why do we not have a statement or report from the 2 cops who boarded the bus or from any one of the other passengers? As for WHALEY... it's hard to accept there was no fare and ride at all... yet 500 N. Beckley is where the El Chico Restaurant was and where TS White sees an Ozzie-like person at the wheel of a car.... the 1961 Red Ford Falcon with plates belonging to Carl MATHER of COLLINS RADIO - and close friend to one JD TIPPIT. I am of the opinion that Whaley drops off either LEE or one of a few lookalikes including Vaganov... **** NOTE & QUESTION ***** If Stuart Reed was so aware of the goings on to have taken critical photos, including the bus EXTERIOR... why not wait a few minutes and take a photo of Ozzie leaving the bus and catch him red handed ....? ****************************** As for the Speculation of JA... I believe he is close to how confusion was sowed in Dealey and Oak Cliff using LEE and/or other look-alikes. I disagree with the McWatters bus conclusions for reasons stated. We should also remember that citizens in the early 60's did what they were told, believed what they were told by authority especially the FBI... So while others feel it too far-fetched that so many would go along... I see them thinking with 2019 sight rather than with 1963 vision.... DJ
  18. Just a thought... he'd be going home after work Friday anyway.... he'd shower at home for the weekend.... Could "someone" have taken Whaley's cab to the 500 block of N. Beckley? - Sure... How many different "Oswald's" would YOU plan to have leave Dealey Plaza to confuse the issue? Each witness tells the truth, yet they ALL can't be Oswald. again, Just a thought.
  19. no Jim... how many? How many were involved in creating the "Legend of LHO" as the guilty killer of Tippit and Kennedy? Asking open-ended rhetorical questions based on speculation and supposition is no way to "solve" anything. And you of all people should be fully aware of what the FBI, CIA, ONI, USPS, I&NS, ATF, Mil Intel... and on and on and on.. did to incriminate Oswald and the exclusion of all other possibilities. More importantly Jim... who would know - except those who wouldn't, couldn't or can no longer say anything? Bledsoe lied her buns off about Ozzie on the bus... Whaley tries to convince us that Beckley and Neches intersect while dropping the "fare" only blocks from Tippit's demise. McWatters recants and JONES describes a completely different person... McWatters does not say 1 word about policemen boarding his bus... EVER A DPD officer - Roger Craig - actually sees Oswald leave via a car looking much like Ruth's... Hey Jim, ya think that maybe the bus and taxi BS was created to negate one of Dallas' finest's recollection, brought up in front of Oswald and commented upon? Or do you think Craig was lying.... too? John and I agree on many, many things... we disagree and discuss even more... be nice if you'd try using your own analysis/deductive reasoning supported by some evidence and rely a bit less on the stated conclusions of our friend. He is right on many, many subjects.... I happen to disagree with this one in particular. Hope you're doing well.... DJ
  20. If we are to believe SIMS - the 5 bullets and transfer were missed at the theater, in the car to the DPD, and before he goes into Fritz's office around 2pm. When LEAVING Fritz's office for a line-up SIMS finally searches the prisoner (again according to Fritz) with BOYD and FRITZ in the room... this is when they claim to find the bullets and transfer.... And that TRANSFER which was so important... along with the 5 bullets - that these crack detectives with a safe-like memory offers us this.... pu-leeeze Mr. BALL. What did you do with the transfer? Mr. SIMS. I went back up to the office and I believe initialed it and placed it in an envelope for identification. Mr. BALL. Who did you turn it over to? Mr. SIMS. I don't remember. Mr. BALL. You don't remember? Mr. SIMS. No, sir; it was either in the lieutenant's desk or Captain Fritz' desk. Mr. BALL. Lieutenant who? Mr. SIMS. We have two in there---Lieutenant Wells and Lieutenant Bohart. Mr. BALL. And what about the five rounds of live ammunition, what did you do with those? Mr. SIMS. It was also placed in the envelope. Mr. BALL. And turned over to whom--Fritz? Mr. SIMS. I don't know who that was turned over to.
  21. If Roy Jones is truthful, why couldn't the DPD cops take "a" transfer at that point? And why don't you address any of my questions? HOW IS A TRANSFER IN A SHIRT WHICH HE CHANGED? HOW CAN HE STILL HAVE THE TRANSFER, IF IT WAS USED AT SOME POINT....? HOW MANY SEARCHES - ALONE IN FRITZ'S OFFICE - DOES IT TAKE TO FIND EVEN MORE INCRIMINATING EVIDENCE? In the entire evidence from Cecil McWatters, he NEVER MENTIONS 2 POLICEMAN coming onto the bus and holding it up for an hour.... CE2641 is the FBI report stating McWatters recants and names ROY MILTON JONES as who he was speaking of... CE2641 - JONES makes the claim that 2 policemen board and search everyone on the bus.... then they cross the Marsalis Bridge... This bridge is at the southern end of Dealey Plaza after the bus travels all the way south on HOUSTON.... 1 - WHERE was the bus when the police supposedly came aboard? 2 - Why doesn't McWatters mention such a time consuming and once-in-a-lifetime event? https://www.google.com/maps/place/Marsalis+Jefferson,+Dallas,+TX+75203/@32.7735209,-96.815391,14.75z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x864e990b478be349:0x1dd15fe134c00261!8m2!3d32.7628907!4d-96.8128116?hl=en Mr. BALL - Well, now, at that time, when you saw the lineup-- Mr. McWATTERS - Yes. Mr. BALL - Were you under the impression that this man that you saw in the lineup and whom you pointed out to the police, was the teenage boy who had been grinning? Mr. McWATTERS - I was, yes, sir; I was under the impression-- Mr. BALL - That was the fellow? Mr. McWATTERS - That was the fellow. Mr. BALL - You were not under the impression then that night when you saw the lineup that the No. 2 man in the lineup was the man who got off the bus, to whom you had given a transfer? Mr. McWATTERS - That is what I say. In other words, when I told them, I said, the only way is the man, that he is smaller, in other words, he kind of had a thin like face and he weighs less than any one of them. The only one I could identify at all would be the smaller man on account he was the only one who could come near fitting the description. If FRITZ's notes are the CONCRETE you claim... the shirt he wore riding on the bus was TAKEN OFF... if the transfer was in that shirt pocket when he left the bus... How does it get into the ARREST shirt? ----- Moving on to the numerous searches performed by the DPD which all miss the 5 live rounds and the bus transfer.... after his arrest we are told BENTLEY takes his wallet... yet misses every other thing on him... 5 live rounds and a bus transfer - excellent police work! He is at the DPD from 2pm, and in Fritz's office until just after 4pm.... Mr. BALL. He hadn't been searched up to that time, had he? Mr. FRITZ. Yes, sir; he had been searched. Mr. BALL. Wasn't he searched later in the jail office? Mr. FRITZ. He was searched, the officers who arrested him made the first search, I am sure. “I am sure”, says the Captain; yet if Hill didn’t search him, and Bentley pulls a wallet from his pants, and Walker is in the car as well, who performed the search which left 5 live shells in an accused murderer’s pocket? Mr. BALL. Did anybody keep notes? Mr. BOYD. I saw the FBI man writing--they had a little book--across the table over there. Mr. BALL. Did you have any microphones in there to record the conversation? Mr. BOYD. No, sir. Mr. BALL. Do you as a practice record the interrogations of your prisoners? Mr. BOYD. No, sir; we don't. Mr. BALL. How long did this take how long was he questioned at this time? Mr. BOYD. Let me see---we took him down to the first showup right after 4 o'clock, I think I have the exact time here 4:05 is when we left. Mr. BALL. Was he in Captain Fritz' office from the time you took him in there what time was that? Mr. BOYD. At 2:15---2:20. Mr. BALL. From 2:20 until 4 o'clock? Mr. BOYD. Yes, sir. Mr. BALL. Before you went into the showup, did you search Oswald? Mr. BOYD. Yes; I did. Mr. BALL. And what did you find? Mr. BOYD. I found five .38 shells, I believe it was five. Mr. BALL. Live? Live shells? Mr. BOYD. Yes, sir. But no BUS TRANSFER? BOYD does not say a word about that... cause SIMS was searching him at the same time ALSO IN FRITZ's office with no record or witnesses to contradict anything. Mr. BALL. Who was present besides you? Mr. SIMS. I couldn't say--I know Boyd was and I was present, but I don't know if he was in there all the time or not. Mr. BALL. Now, during this time, or sometime during this period--sometime between these three showups, you searched Oswald, didn't you? Mr. SIMS. The first one; yes, sir. Mr. BALL. And that was what time? Mr. SIMS. It was 4:05, I believe, but I will have to check my record here and see [checking his record referred to]. Mr. BALL. That was after the second showup? Mr. SIMS. No, sir; the first one. Mr. BALL. After the first showup? Mr. SIMS. It was before the first showup. Mr. BALL. It was before the first showup--the 4:05? Mr. SIMS. Yes, sir. Mr. BALL. And that was after the first interrogation? Mr. SIMS. Yes, sir. Mr. BALL. And where were you when you first searched him? Mr. SIMS. We was in the holdover, in other words, the showup room. Mr. BALL. When you took Oswald down for the first showup and waited in the room outside, the showup room, you searched him? Mr. SIMS. Yes; Boyd and I. Mr. BALL What did you find? Mr. SIMS. I found a bus transfer slip in his shirt pocket. Mr. BALL. And what else? Mr. SIMS. Well, Boyd found some .38 cartridges in his pocket. .
  22. Ok, FRITZ's NOTES are CONCRETE... Since everyone says OSWALD said he went home and changed his pants and shirt... how does BLEDSOE ID the arrest shirt instead? Mr. BALL - Now, what color shirt did he have on? Mrs. BLEDSOE - He had a brown shirt. Mr. BALL - And unraveled? Mrs. BLEDSOE - Hole in his sleeve right here [indicating]. Mr. BALL - Which is the elbow of the sleeve? That is, you pointed to the elbow? Mrs. BLEDSOE - Well, it is. Mr. BALL - And that would be which elbow, right or left elbow? Mrs. BLEDSOE - Right. Mr. BALL - Did he have anything on. Was the shirt open or was it buttoned? Mrs. BLEDSOE - Yes; all the buttons torn off. Mr. BALL - What did he have on underneath that? Mrs. BLEDSOE - I don't know. Mr. BALL - Do you know the color of any undershirt he had on? Mrs. BLEDSOE - No. and the BUS DRIVER says it was not him.... it also says here that he IDENTIFIED the #2 man in the lineup. Mr. BALL - You didn't--as I understand it, when you were at the police lineup, you told us that you didn't--weren't able to identify this man in the lineup as the man who got off, that you gave the transfer to. Mr. McWATTERS - I told them to the best of my knowledge, I said the man that I picked out was the same height, about the same height, weight and description. But as far as actually saying that is the man I couldn't-- Mr. BALL - You couldn't do it? Mr. McWATTERS - I wouldn't do it and I wouldn't do it now. You going to believe the 2nd hand after the fact notes of those incriminating OSWALD, or the driver himself? You don't suppose he was slightly intimidated the first time around when asked about OSWALD? So much so he contacts the Commission himself to recant... A guilty conscience has Amazing power, no? Mr. BALL - Anyway, you were not able to identify any man in the lineup as the passenger? Mr. McWATTERS - No, sir. Mr. BALL - As the passenger who had gotten on? Mr. McWATTERS - No, sir. Mr. BALL - You said there was one man who closely resembled in height, weight and color? Mr. McWATTERS - That is right. Mr. BALL - Do you know who that was? Mr. McWATTERS - Just like I told them, I didn't know who was who or anything. Mr. BALL - Did you ever learn who that person was? Mr. McWATTERS - Well, I don't know whether that was really the man or not, I don't know. Mr. BALL - I see. Hosty, Bookout, Kelley all wrote reports related to those interviews Jim... not just Fritz. Each of them recalls him saying he took the bus - but with different details... "OSWALD stated he then went home by bus and changed his clothes and went to a movie" - Hosty & Bookout "OSWALD stated it was not true that he took a bus....." - Bookout alone "OSWALD said...., he went by bus to the theater where he was arrested" "Fritz asked him if he had ridden in a taxi that day and Oswald changed his story.... the first time he had EVER ridden in a cab" - Insp KELLEY USSS 1st time ever - pretty amazing right Jim... So many FIRST TIME things incriminate our man Ozzie, no? And sure... you wanna play with the transfer evidence and how they got it from McWatters... we can, but first deal with the above... thanks DJ
  23. Sorry Jim... That photo proves nothing directly.... a photo of a bus which we do not even know is McWatter's... If Oswald MUST BE ON THAT BUS.... why let McWatters recant in the name of MILTON JONES.... No Jim, BLEDSOE screws it up by her "After the changing of clothes" description of the shirt when he had not yet changed them.... Speculation is good and all... but nothing concrete puts Oswald on that bus...
  24. McWatters finally admits he was mistaken about OSWALD on his bus.... He claims to have given only 2 transfers out from that book he only received that morning.... 4452, 4453.... what happens to 4454 thru 4458 so that we get 4459 related to Oswald? ....I only put out two transfers and I told them that there was one man in the lineup was about the size and the height and complexion of a man that got on my bus, but as far as positively identifying the man I could not do it. Mr. BALL - Anyway, you were not able to identify any man in the lineup as the passenger? Mr. McWATTERS - No, sir. Mr. BALL - As the passenger who had gotten on? Mr. McWATTERS - No, sir.
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