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David Josephs

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Everything posted by David Josephs

  1. Mr. JENNER - Did he then move into the 4801 Victor Place?Mr. PIC - Yes, sir; she took a short honeymoon for a day or two and came back and moved in.Mr. JENNER - In the summer of 1945 did you and Robert continue on at--through that summer in Dallas?Mr. PIC - Yes, sir.Mr. JENNER - That following September, however, you transferred to some other school; did you not?Mr. PIC - Yes, sir; and we were aware of this school before the school session ended in 1945. I knew before we left Davy Crockett we were going.Mr. JENNER - What was the name of that?Mr. PIC - In September 1945, sir, Robert and I entered Chamberlain-Hunt Academy, military school for boys, Port Gibson, Miss. John wrote that the Victor house is sold June 29, 1945.... If they stayed in Dallas thru September and then late registered Lee... Where did they stay in Dallas? H&L doesn't say... furthermore it is MARGUERITE EKDAHL listed in February 1946 for the mastoidectomy yet it is MARGARET OSWALD with a Mr. "ALLEN" who is involved in July 1948... Lee also being from BENBROOK. (The Bell FBI report on the right is in direct contradiction to what BELL says she said. She knew it was 1947 as the had just finished building their house when a woman and her son moved into 101 San Saba, across the street) in 1948 they moved from 8th street to Willing st and finally to 7408 Ewing... I think it's possible that EKDAHL OWNED 7408 EWING all along.... but I need to look further DJ "Allen 5" is dated Oct 1945 from the WORTH HOTEL telling Chamberlain-Hunt their new address on GRANDBURY (sic) Rd Route 5... I checked and the writing appears the same as other, earlier docs with her signature... Does this letter/note look like it had been folded and mailed? Not to me it doesn't.... The TARRANT COUNTY books on students for Ft Worth does not show any OSWALDS for either the 44-45 year or 45-46.... in 1947-48 we get that Nancy Lee and HARVEY with Mrs. Ekdahl...
  2. If they did find a Mauser it couldn’t have a scope as the mounts cover the Mauser stamp and 7.65. The graphic should say the Stripper clip doesn’t go into the Carcano... when it was realized the Carcano needed a clip, a clip was produced.... I’ve also felt, “why designate the caliber and model in an affidavit that day or the next when, ‘we found a rifle’ would have been fine”? There was no need for them, AFTER Day claims he says it’s stamped 6.5 (not to much actually) Made in Italy... It actually says Made Italy... and the Cal stamp looks more like a 3 than a 5... the rifle Day carries out of the TSBD doesn’t appear to have a Cal stamp, at all...
  3. Thx Jim... in the records she is 1 year younger than “Harvey” Oswald. I wish I knew what the lines thru children’s names meant.... btw... the glasses, no glasses ... Caretaker vs Lee’s mom pretty well settles it.... did a comparison of their teeth to... no match there either... Also, PIC has the years messed up... in summer ‘45 he claims they are in Dallas... except Lee, Marge and Edwin drive to Boston early, like July... while Pic claims they dropped them off on their way in September... 46 is no better.... and 47-49 is just a hot mess.... In 49... FWIW, in 45 when applying to the school, in July, she signs her name Oswald, 2 months after getting married... in October on Worth Hotel stationary she talks of their new address on GRANDBURY (sic) Rd and signs it Ekdahl....
  4. yeah, and Jarman says he sees Wesley THE NEXT DAY AT WORK after the assassination Norman isn't sure how often... Shields is completely unreliable And Roy Lewis talks 50 years after the fact.... === Just saying you might want to rethink that conclusion Rob... he simply did not take Oswald to and from each day... In fact, it's not until Thursday that Oswald even asks him to take him home THAT NIGHT to Irving... if he was driving with him every day, he could have asked that morning on the ride in (not) or that evening since as you claim, Wesley would have taken him home... I don't get that impression from this exchange... do you? Mr. FRAZIER - Well, I say, we were standing like I said at the four-headed table about half as large as this, not, quite half as large, but anyway I was standing there getting the orders in and he said, "Could I ride home with you this afternoon?"And I said, "Sure. You know, like I told you, you can go home with me any time you want to, like I say anytime you want to go see your wife that is all right with me." Mr. BALL - About what time in the morning?Mr. FRAZIER - I would say sometime between eight and ten, because I go to work at eight and I would break at ten.
  5. I think you're reaching here Rob.... He only works for the TSBD 5-6 weeks... Wesley drives him to and from Irving on Mondays and Fridays.. He takes the Beckley Bus to a stop literally outside his rooming house.... (which is why his getting on the Marsalis bus makes no sense at all) === With regards to Wesley, I get the feeling you are correct about his knowing much more than he lets on... btw - SHIELDS says a number of things about that morning which turn out to be false.... He claims he was told by Givens that Wesley drops Oswald off at the building, yet Givens does not corroborate this at all... Nor is there any testimony which claims that Wesley picks Oswald up daily... unless you can point me to some.... DJ Mr. BALL - At any time coming back after a weekend did you ever stop at a restaurant for breakfast?Mr. FRAZIER - No, sir; we never did.Mr. BALL - Did you ever stop on the way home on Friday night and buy anything?Mr. FRAZIER - No, sir; stopped one time and bought some gas, I remember. Mr. BALL - Your memory is that he went,, he rode home with you every Friday and came back the following Monday?Mr. FRAZIER - Yes.Mr. BALL - Except this one weekend?Mr. FRAZIER - Right, that is what I say. If he went home with me on Friday afternoon he always rode back with me on Monday morning. It wasn't no added job when he would come with me on the weekend. He would ride home with me on Friday and he would come back with me on Monday.
  6. Couple of things.... #1 - Marguerite Francis Claverie Oswald Ekdahl NEVER WORE GLASSES.... #2 J.E. PIC describes the house on San Saba while denying any knowledge of San Saba and giving us the year they moved in yet those who lived around 101 San Saba do not remember anyone other than short fat Marge and a single boy... (Where Nancy Lee went after she was 7 and at school with Harvey is a mystery as is Nancy herself) Why do you suppose Edward denies San Saba as being this house he describes? As the records show it was bought on 7-7-47... Robert and John Edward stay at Chamberlain that summer (at least according to PIC's testimony) and then Georgia Bell tells John A that they leave by then end of November... with the 2 other boys still at Chamberlain WE THINK Marge and the boy move to 2220 Thomas with the boy going to South Hi Mount elementary.... but that's not supported by facts, yet. ...I was told by her that she was contesting the divorce so that he would still support her. She lost, he won. The divorce was granted. I was also told that there was a settlement of about $1,200 and she stated that just about all of this went to the lawyer. Right after this is when she purchased the house in Ben-brook, Tex., the little house.Mr. JENNER - Describe that house.Mr. PIC - It was an L--shaped house, sir, being the top of the L was her bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, and living room with a screened-in porch. She and Lee slept together. My brother and I slept in the living room in the screened-in porch on studio couches. When we moved into this house and after the divorce and everything became final, I was--Mr. JENNER - Excuse me, was that 101 San Saba?Mr. PIC - No, sir; I don't know nothing about 101 San Saba.Mr. JENNER - Do you recall the street you were on in Benbrook; this first house?Mr. PIC - There were no streets. We used a post office box number up at the post office there. Because I was sending away for stamps at the time from different companies, and I was collecting stamps and I would go pick up the mail at the post office.Mr. JENNER - The first house in Benbrook was on Granbury Road, that is your recollection? That is the one you have already mentioned heretofore?Mr. PIC - Granbury Road is familiar, sir, if that is the one that is way far south of town on Granbury Road, then that is it.
  7. Not New York, NEW HAVEN.... and why would NEW HAVEN have any info on NYC communists who lived in Wisconsin, Michigan as well? This - to me - was another way the FBI hid what they knew.... Don't ya think we'd be more interested in what the New York Field Office had on EMIL and FRED?
  8. The FBI was focused on keeping San Saba in the summer of 1948 for some reason - (Georgia Bell report) I don't think Marguerite or Edwin lived at the San Saba House... in fact only Lee may have ever been to that house.... ======== While Georgia Bell describes the short, fat Marge... the timing is in direct conflict with records: from H&L... Lee Oswald completed the 1st grade at Lily B. Clayton Elementary on May 30, 1947. His grades were listed as two "A's" and the rest "B's." At the end of the spring semester at Chamberlain Hunt, John and Robert returned to Fort Worth and moved into the apartment at 1505 8th Avenue with their mother In the summer of 1947 John Pic worked at Walgreen's for a few weeks and then began work at the Tex Gold Ice Cream parlor. The store was located at 1920 8th Avenue, four blocks south of the apartment at 1505 8th Avenue. By the end of the summer 15-year-old Pic was promoted to assistant manager (go to Baylor and find the "San Saba" notebook" page 26 is the TARRANT CTY record of sale on 7-7-47 to Marguerite EKDAHL of 101 San Saba Mr. PIC - It was an L--shaped house, sir, being the top of the L was her bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, and living room with a screened-in porch. She and Lee slept together. My brother and I slept in the living room in the screened-in porch on studio couches. When we moved into this house and after the divorce and everything became final, I was--Mr. JENNER - Excuse me, was that 101 San Saba?Mr. PIC - No, sir; I don't know nothing about 101 San Saba. https://taxdeed.tarrantcounty.com/ViewDocument.aspx?DocID=9664352 is the tax deed for 101 San Saba, a tiny L-shaped house.... see page 2 Much of Pic's testimony if incorrect when it comes to this time period and where they were.... I can't find where the "other" house on Granbury would have been....
  9. Wilcott is the lynchpin to the Oswald Project.... yet as I say... The evidence is virtually all about what Wilcott heard after the fact... He was not in Japan when Lee Harvey was there.... 9-16-78 Station Finance Tokyo Bill Schaap - Committee did stress analysis on Jim Wilcott. Cuban stress analysis verified Wilcott validity. Approximately April-June 1963, Cryptonym for Oswald Project approx. RX-ZIM. Standard two consonants followed by 2,3,4 letter pronounceable word. Two case officer money dispersal methods: . USSR SR Branch - believed responsible for Oswald Project. Korea: Korea Branch All stations operate the same, especially Class A Station. Special Base deep cover CIA base - Atsugi. True name file destroyed in seconds - told to Committee. Principle agents - subsidiary agents. Wilcott- includes Diet members. Code ex. AN AIM 1, AN AIM 2, AN AIM 3, etc. AN AXCL (approx.) project code name. Moral Rearmament - CIA project funding (talking to ministers, etc..) One goal: placing CIA agents in strategic locations. . Washington, D.C. Sept. 64 - May 65: disbursed and audited funds to National Student Association, AFL-CIO, universities (Columbia V.I. Oswald Project Summary: submit project outline to Chief of Japan Branch; submit outline to desk of Japan Branch HDGT. Project returned to Japan Station. Nothing sent by mail. Use diplomatic courier. Allotment determined. Quarterly allocations from approved disbursement. Two withdrawal methods. Advance request signed: a. agent, b. branch officer C. finance d. station auditor checks project code number under cryptonym. TSD - logistics, etc. all under number code. Funds withdrawn accounted by agent monthly: a. difficult to account for all agents expenditures; b. if balance existed, refunded. C. If deficit, advance to cover deficit. d. some advance requests. Some revolving funds. Some agents used own funds. .
  10. Spent a wonderful few hours with Neale.... An extremely interesting, curious, joyful, intelligent person I hope we get the opportunity to hang out again together and just talk and explore the possibilities... DJ
  11. Y’know John, I’ve been thru the Walcott stuff. I didn’t see it going so far back in time... April to June 63.... Reilly Coffee... 544 Camp.... but there is a comment about how Fred Korth had a special relationship to Lee... with no further comment... here, I found it.... xplanation
  12. you got them right... the Bronx Zoo kid is HARVEY.... PIC would recognize the boy inset as his brother from that time period... 6 inches taller, 15-20lbs heavier... The inset is October 1951 (school photo time), the zoo is August 1953 When he enters school in NYC he is recorded as 5'4" and 115lbs....
  13. How about the fact in the 1940 Census at 2109 Alvar... in addition to Marge, John Edward, Robert and Lee there is a border: ANN G BURROUGHER age 22... I've spoke to John about this... he also has no idea who Nancy Lee or who this ANN person is/was.... Also strange is that in 47-48 she is listed as Marguerite Oswald yet in 49-50 it's back to Marguerte Ekdahl despite having gotten a divorce already and having used "OSWALD" while she was married to Ekdahl. ?!??!??! Lee's behavior at the Pic apartment had me thinking that maybe the switch was already made but I was wrong... the controlling Lee was just that, a fatherless, large boy becoming a man in NYC and not caring a lick about what mom has to say.... in fact anytime mom is in the room Lee is most troublesome. This is a BIG BOY, who knows how to fight and win... not the quiet little boy who reads and keeps to himself... I think it very possible that the Marge imposter at San Saba, stayed in the south when Marguerite and Lee go to NY, or goes to NY subsequently... and it is HARVEY who returns from NY... probably with the Marge imposter.... they go to Robert's place to stay.... if Robert did actually take the Bronx zoo photo, then he knows full well HARVEY is not Lee. Harvey Lee would be Robert's wife's Brother-in-law... right?
  14. I was born in NYC-Queens... I live in Northern Cal.... if I am asked where I'm from, "I'm from NY"... Original location of birth/childhood doesn't change unless consciously.... She may have been "from NY" but that doesn't actually mean she was living in NY at the time... It was Mrs. Tippit who suggested the newspaper article connection, not the caller.... Option 1: This is a set-up; the woman is given the number to call and a script to follow to create an even greater connection between Oswald and Communists Option 2: This is a complete crank (if so the FBI would have included it with the other batch of crank letters they published in the WCR) Option 3: It's legit and somehow this woman learns not only of JACK TIPPIT of CT but gets the phone number and comes "here" to make a local call. I'd imagine getting a phone number wasn't too hard if you knew where someone lived.... FWIW John K: CRIME STOPPERS HUNTS KILLER OF STEPHEN TIPPIT FOR NEWS RELEASE: TUESDAY, APRIL 20, 1982 This week, Crime Stoppers is offering a $1,000.00 reward for information leading to the arrest and Grand Jury Indictment of the person or persons responsible for the execution style killing of Stephen Allan Tippit. Steve Tippit was murdered in the winter of 1980 and Police still do not have any solid leads in the case. On December 5, 1980, Stephen Tippit left his motorcycle shop located at 3600 South Lamar at approximately 11:00 AM. Tippit had in his possession the daily deposit from the business and had stated to employees that he was going to make the deposit at the bank, but that he was going by a friend's house first. The friend was going to show him the proper way to carry and use a . 45 caliber automatic pistol. Tippit drove to the home of Henry Johnson at 602 B Kinney Ave. where he remained for a short period of time before leaving to conduct his business. At approximately 3:00 PM employees of Tippit's motorcycle shop saw Tippit driving southbound on South Lamar in front of the shop in his yellow 1972 Volkswagen 2 door, accompanied by a white male passenger. The vehicle was headed in the direction of Oak Hill. This was the last time Stephen Allan Tippit was seen alive. On the afternoon of December 6, 1980 Steve Tippit's vehicle was found abandoned in the Westgate Mall parking lot in front of Woolco Department Store. Inside the vehicle was Tippit's wallet, bank deposit and his .45 automatic pistol. Later that same afternoon two men driving down Cooke Road in Southwest Travis County near Oak Hill found the body of Steve Tippit off to the side of the road. There appeared to be no sign of a struggle and robbery did not appear to be a motive as Tippit still had $400.00 cash on his person. Tippit seems to have been forced to get down on his knees and shot in the back of the head twice in an execution style killing. If you have any information as to who killed Stephen Tippit or can help bring some light to this case, give Crime Stoppers a call at 472-TIPS. You could earn a $1,000.00 reward if the information leads to an arrest and Grand Jury Indictment. Callers do not have to reveal their names and all calls will be kept confidenta1. Crime Stoppers will also pay rewards on other felony crimes https://www.ncjrs.gov/pdffiles1/Photocopy/94236NCJRS.pdf The NORWALK HOUR ran a story on page one Nov 25, 1963 about their local Jack D Tippit The newspaper was founded in 1871.[1][2] It was published under the title The Evening Hour from 1895 into the 1900s, at which point it was renamed The Norwalk Hour. Some time after 1971, it became simply The Hour.[3][4] The newspaper covers local news, business, sports, and entertainment,[2] and as of April 2003, had a circulation of 16,070 That small a paper I also find it amazing that anyone outside of Norfolk would be aware of that article.... and unless it was picked up by AP or UPI there'd be no reason to have it published in NY or anywhere else for that matter.... Major newspapers are not going to list all the Jack Tippit's in the US - and even if they did... why this Jack D TIPPIT in CT? So we're back to what leads this woman to NORWALK CT's TIPPIT. As you both say, the caller never tries to say "Oswald" is anyone different than OSWALD, only that she knew his father and uncle as NYC communists.... the caller also never says that Marge is not his mother.... only the repeating of BROTHER-IN-LAW All I'm saying is to start with a fresh, blank page. That although Emil is Fred's brother-in-law we have a Marge Oswald and son at 101 San Saba in July 1947... and we KNOW this is not Lee's mother. We KNOW there are two boys/men with records claiming they are each Lee Harvey Oswald in identical locations yet at different times and with different people. We KNOW the communists were pretty powerful and free to ply their trade in the US.. Mostly creating Unions and trying to protect the workers while denigrating the owner/bosses. If we believe this woman, we KNOW Robert E Lee Oswald was not Harvey's father... but does the caller know there is a Lee and Harvey Oswald? I don't think so. To her, there was one LEE OSWALD whose father and uncle...blah, blah, blah... :-) We also know that Lee's mother had more important things than her kids on her mind... I wonder if Lee's mother didn't actually hire a woman to care for her little son while she was off doing whatever... Lee was only 5. When Lee and Mom show up at the Pic's in Sept 1952.. it IS Lee's mom and appears to have been Lee with her given what Pic says about the first few weeks... It seems it is my wife's impression that whenever there was an argument that my mother antagonized Lee towards hostility against my wife.My wife liked Lee. My wife and I had talked several times that it would be nice if Lee would stay with us alone, and we wouldn't mind having him But we never bothered mentioning this because we knew it was an impossibility. Mr. PIC - Well, prior to this particular incident, I would consider us the best of friends as far as older brother- younger brother relationship. My wife always says that he idolized me and thought quite a bit of me.Mr. JENNER - Up to this time, the relationship between you and your brother Lee, and your brother Robert, all three of you, had been a cordial normal friendly relationship that you expect to exist among brothers?Mr. PIC - That is correct, sir. And then they move to Sheridan and it goes off the rails Mr. JENNER - Then right below that is a picture of a young man standing in front of an iron fence, which appears to be probably at a zoo. Do you recognize that?Mr. PIC - Sir, from that picture, I could not recognize that that is Lee Harvey Oswald.Mr. JENNER - That young fellow is shown there, he doesn't look like you recall Lee looked in 1952 and 1953 when you saw him in New York City?Mr. PIC - No, sir.Mr. JENNER - Commission Exhibit No. 284 do you recognize anybody in that picture that appears to be Lee Oswald?Mr. PIC - No, sir.
  15. Paul - how do you know it was FBI and not John A who I believe made the copy at NARA? ===== Now for some research results: The mention of TIPPIT is connected by Mrs Tippit to an article on Nov 25th in the Norfolk Hour Newspaper.... History[edit] The newspaper was founded in 1871.[1][2] It was published under the title The Evening Hour from 1895 into the 1900s, at which point it was renamed The Norwalk Hour. Some time after 1971, it became simply The Hour.[3][4] The newspaper covers local news, business, sports, and entertainment,[2] and as of April 2003, had a circulation of 16,070 I have a tough time seeing how a woman in NYC would be aware of a tiny local paper's report... and I doubt the NYTimes would mention every TIPPIT in the NE due to an occurrence in TX. https://06880danwoog.com/2013/11/24/j-d-tippit-and-jack/ is a link to an article mentioning and showing the CT Jack Tippit (sadly it's a Dale Nyers article where he attributes things to JA which he never did) Her being "from" NYC doesn't mean she was "in" NYC at the time she came "here"... to Westport, Ct where the Tippit's lived. How else would this woman know about the CT Jack Tippit unless she was in the Norwalk/Westport area to read this paper? ======= I was able to find the listings for ALL THE SCHOOL CHILDREN IN TARRANT COUNTY in the 40's and 50's.... (but since so many of my attachments are in locked threads I cannot delete them to make more space... is there a way to post the URL of the image itself from Google drive?) Anyway... you will see that in 1947-48 Marguerite OSWALD has both HARVEY OSWALD age 8 and NANCY LEE OSWALD age 7 living at 1505 8th (going to Lily B Clayton) in 1948-49 we now have MARGUERTE EKDAHL as parent/guardian, HARVEY OSWALD with his July 9th birthday supposedly to allow him to enter school early since Sept 1 was the cutoff... and a line thru NANCY LEE OSWALD with MARGUERTE EKDAHL and a 10/19/39 birthdate... https://drive.google.com/open?id=17K-_v16OhQklf6exfqbq0qBwK5jQ1ajb https://drive.google.com/open?id=1JUZ7ogZc6ipPe73N6dCjvZlTLPBZJ4lh is for the 49-50 school year.... ROBERT OSWALD is both parent/guardian and student (10th grade) 4/7/34 bday HARVEY OSWALD with MARGUERTE EKDAHL and 10-19-39 bday The next line: TED L OSWALT with a 4/6/34 bday seems out of place.... what happens to NANCY LEE? I also checked to see if OSWALD was listed at Stripling in 54, 55, 56 with negative results... Something worth noting... on the TARRANT COUNTY LAND Docs for Section 5 Lot 1 (101 San Saba) shows it was bought by Marguerite C EKDAHL on 7-7-47 http://digitalcollections.baylor.edu/cdm/ref/collection/po-arm/id/38349 Edward and Robert were at the Chamberlain Academy so they would not have been seen at San Saba (yet still does not explain Pic's response re: San Saba) Ekdahl spent most of his time in Ft. Worth... it seems that Mrs Ekdahl buys the home yet never actually lives there.... the Marge imposter does... btw - the FBI report on Georgia Bell is complete BS... when John showed her the report she was livid about not having said those things.... After She and Harvey leave San Saba around Thanksgiving 1947 I THINK they go to 2220 Thomas where Harvey attends South Hi Mount elementary... not too long before they leave San Saba Marge has a neighbor, Lucille Hubbard drive her to 2220 THOMAS to pick up some furniture... While Mrs Ekdahl is living at 1505 8th.... Marge and Harvey are at San Saba and Thomas Place.... at least that's how it appears... So, who is NANCY LEE OSWALD ???
  16. Not sure.... also not sure if they are Elementary or Middle schools... just that they are much closer to the PIC's than Yorkville High. PIC does testify to a school: Mr. PIC - No, sir; my mother did. I think this is a public school in New York City located on about 89th, 90th Street between Third Avenue and Second Avenue. Lee didn't like this school. I didn't much blame him. That would be PS 30 - 230 88th St between 2nd and 3rd.... but since it is no longer there, I haven't been able to find out if it has a 7th and 8th grade.... yet unlike 2nd and 77th, this is around the corner from 87th and 2nd... if the FBI was messing with the addresses as 77th is not in Yorkville. Lee is holding his left arm behind his body... and is at the very edge of the photo... the others do not have their arms like that and are not at the edge.... Look again at the top left of your image... that shows the ANGLE at which the photo is laying on the table in relation to the camera.... Lay a photo on a table and then look at it thru the lens of a camera... not straight down at it but at the angle we see in the photo of the photo you posted... I think you will then see what I mean DJ
  17. Just making sure those reading here are not accidentally swayed into thinking there's more to that mountain than the mole hill it is...
  18. On that same website if you scroll down from the 1930 Manhattan map, they offer a 1955-56 map. https://digitalcollections.nypl.org/collections/atlases-of-new-york-city#/?tab=navigation&roots=3:02b2b6e0-bc6a-0132-6e72-58d385a7bbd0/30:705375b0-4662-0132-e8b4-58d385a7bbd0 PS 30 still exists on the 1955/56 map at 230 E 88th PS 151 at 1761 1st Ave and 91st street is literally around the corner from the PIC apartment and there in 1955
  19. OK John... if you look at that image closely you can see it's a photo of a photo taken at an angle as it sits on a table... At the top left you can see the edge of the actual photo being photographed... the angle creates a skewing of the image Here is the same thing un-skewed.... not perfect but much closer to the actual original image than what you posted.... As I said, image manipulation was only done IF NECESSARY... and how many times do you suppose images of Lee and Harvey would ever actually be seen together? They wouldn't.... The very last image of LEE is his PASSPORT PHOTO from 1959, under the image of Lee you posted....
  20. I did that Pat.... anything not printed by the IRS must meet some strict guidelines... but yes they can be used instead of the IRS printed forms.... Point being these are not station store printed items... and she should have sent in COPY B with her return.... she did it correctly with the other W-2 from 1963..... Just not for REILY.... what a surprise
  21. Then there is the fact this "FORM" has an ID which also does not match any known IRS forms: Y'know, just sayin'
  22. Really? Dave, then why does she offer the IRS copy "B" of her W-2 (instead of Copy C which everyone else gets to keep) and does not match a single W-2 ever sent to anyone? There is not a single W-2 where the person's name is ABOVE the dollar amounts.... not even the State version.... and the REILY W-2 comes from a carbon book which shows what is underneath and how off this top copy really is.... Notice how the bleedthru carbon copy is offset to the right since the top page was moved to the left (see holes at the right) Copy B Top page "up and to the left" yet Carbon copy bleed text is also higher than the writing on the top sheet when it should be lower based on where the holes are Cover jobs were supposedly facilitated by George Smathers - there is no reason to believe she ever worked or even spent time at REILY given she was supposed to be working at the Oschner clinic with Mary Sherman every day.... FWIW DJ
  23. You make some interesting points and some good observations John... thanks... Yet I don't think activity at this late a date has much to do with the addition of a NY Hungarian to the mix.... The "6-month" period you discuss dovetails directly into this statement from GORSKY... Instead of Sept 11, 1959... 6 months earlier is MARCH 1959: In the spring of 1959 Major William P Gorsky was the Assistant Provost Marshall at the Marine Corps Air Station at El Toro. According to Gorsky's files LEE Oswald had been arrested for hitch hiking and was discharged from the marines in March, 1959. Once again the FBI and Warren Commission avoided this problem by simply failing to conduct a proper investigation and failing to obtain Oswald's discharge papers from Major Gorsky. Their refusal to investigate LEE Oswald in El Toro, or interview Marines who knew him, is another very important "smoking gun." Yet at the same time, as you admit, there are some misstatements: No it doesn't and for good reason... more importantly, it does not say "RADAR" Operator.... Occupational guide : job description for radio operator I 0-61.30, United States Employment Service, United States Department of Labor 0-61.30 refers specifically to "Gov service".... what you seem to have missed was what it says in the box near 0-61.30: "Related Civilian Occupation" and the related Military Specialties in the 6700 series: 6700 Basic Air Control/Anti-Air Warfare Man6711 Air Traffic Controller-Tower Trainee6712 Air Traffic Controller-Tower6721 Air Traffic Controller-Radar Trainee6722 Air Traffic Controller-Radar6724 Air Traffic Controller6741 Aviation Electronics Operator6751 Air Control/Anti-Air Warfare Operator, Trainee6752 Redeye Gunner6753 HAWK Missile System Operator6754 Anti-Air Warfare Batteryman6755 System, Air Control Electronics Operator, Manual6756 System, Air Control Electronics Operator, Automated6757 Air Support Operations Operator6758 Air Controller, Automated Systems6759 Supervisor, Air Command, Control and Defense System6781 Airborne Radio Operator, Trainee6782 Airborne Radio Operator6785 Aerial Navigator, Trainee6786 Aerial Navigator6788 Airborne Electronic Countermeasures Operator Also - the course THEY claim he took is for AIRCRAFT EARLY WARNING - and not aircraft mechanic http://link.library.in.gov/portal/Occupational-guide--job-description-for-radio/ccqHpZ_pPsg/ https://books.google.com/books?id=jGF321JtLocC&pg=PA13-IA9&lpg=PA13-IA9&dq=Radio+Operator+0-61.30&source=bl&ots=IN9anHCsvw&sig=ACfU3U30lwdmnU-We4eoTnTCaUHM_aWtSQ&hl=en&ppis=_e&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiAuqKI5brmAhWH_J4KHQJeCbsQ6AEwAnoECAcQAg#v=onepage&q=Radio%20Operator%200-61.30&f=false
  24. I really wish you wouldn't come to absolute conclusions and then offer them as such John.... Until you can actually PROVE an image has been altered, your track record in coming to conclusions regarding images is pretty poor.... I'm not going to get into it with you now... but the image and anomaly you describe are not signs of alteration... BTW - if you look at his Marine record - it state4s he was an aircraft MECHANIC, not a radar operator... JA shows how the courses he took where slightly different than the courses Harvey did.... but please take a moment BEFORE your image alteration conclusions to consider what you're saying... and why. Thanks DJ
  25. I'm quite anti-Facebook... yet I guess if one puts things out there, one takes one chances.... so it's up to you... Back to the subject.... WHO do you think are the likely candidates for those who would kill the caller if given her NAME...? I get the impression she's more afraid of the Communists than the US government... Plus, by process of elimination we should be able to narrow down who could have even known about Oswald's father and uncle... maybe look for other GARDOS children born from 1935 to 1942 or so... ? Also the process of her finding out about Dallas Tippit and deciding to find M/M Jack Tippit in CT... where does one get the info on the OTHER Tippit's? Interesting how GOSSI and this Jack Tippit are both artists/cartoonists fwiw.... So who, living in NYC Nov 1963 would have known about the Oswald doubling in the 40's AND know about the relationship... and spoke with an accent.... Would Fred Blair have told his wife Mary? They did disappear for most of the 40's... right? DJ
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