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David Josephs

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Posts posted by David Josephs

  1. 25 minutes ago, Jim Hargrove said:

    So which is it?  Does the “Re-Ad” column represent the number of school days in a school semester or year, or the number of days a student actually attended during that period?

    Is this document authentic or an FBI creation to represent Oswald entering BJHS on 1-12-54, attending the end of 2 of 5 or 6 classes and then starting the Spring 53-54 semester in 8th grade.


    25 minutes ago, Jim Hargrove said:

    Malone wrote, "Oswald's attendance record at PS #44 from 3/23/53 to 1/12/54 was 171 and 11 half-days present and 18 and 11 half days absent. If LEE Oswald's 182 days of attendance (171 full days, 11 1/2 days) and 18 absences are plotted on 1953 and 1954 calendars it is easy to see that LEE Oswald attended PS 44 full time during the entire 1953 school year.

    171 + 18 = 189 + 11 = 200 days of school TOTAL from 3/23/53 until 1/12/54....


    There are 90 days in a semester - approximately - 180 in a school year

    March to January includes 90 days of SUMMER... NO SCHOOL

    If it's 180 school days from Sept "year 1" to Sept "year 2" (or any month from one year to the next)
    how can it be 200 days for LESS THAN A FULL YEAR (March to Jan) and including summer (90 days fewer of school)? 
    At most  you have 1.5 semesters or about 130 days of school, TOTAL....  (edit: actually less with Youth House - more like 110 but the FBI did not account for that in these docs offered as evidence)

    25 minutes ago, Jim Hargrove said:



    The 109 3/2 and 15 3/2 in NYC school records for 7-8 grade tries to account for all these days with no regard for ACTUAL SCHOOL DAYS....

    Let's please remember these documents are FBI PROPS...  The Evidence IS the Conspiracy...



  2. Jim,

    If Oswald attended BJHS in the Fall of 1953 for the 1953-54 school year,  how does he get off only taking 2 classes?  Cause he gets there with only 2-3 weeks left in the semester.

    Can we please remember that this too is an FBI bait-n-switch?  So while I disagree with the conclusion that is NOT TO SAY there isn't something very wrong with these documents... just not what you and John are concluding...

    A... Biggest problem is there are not 125 1/2 days in the semester in NYC when he starts on March 23, 1953.   With 20-21 days of school per month... April, May June is 60-70 days of school at the most.... then summer, then he starts on Sept 14, 1954....  

    again, he did not go to summer school and they completely forget about the days in April/May 1954 spent at Youth House... no School administrator in their right mind would have put 109 3/2 days attendance from March 23 till the end of June.

    B...If you have access to the BJHS grade cards you'll see that ninth grade has a few problems... grades don't match and it only shows 5 total absences (8 on one card)...  also notice they do not all have a homeroom number...

    With regards to Myra, the only thing I can figure is that she is talking about the Spring semester and her homeroom, not fall....  as I read the different passages on Myra I see she NEVER SAYS SEPTEMBER...  The part time student in the FALL semester did not get a homeroom... but in the Spring he was now full-time...   obviously LEE attended BJHS as well....  this would be Lee's grade card if it is authentic, which based on the grade and attendance discrepancies, is not likely.

    One interesting question then, is where was Harvey after North Dakota.... 2220 Thomas?  B)





    On 9/22/2019 at 6:04 AM, Jim Hargrove said:

    1.  The IMPOSSIBLE 1953 school scenario: Lee HARVEY Oswald attending Beauregard JHS in New Orleans for 89 school days during the fall 1953 semester, all the while Lee has good attendance for the very same period at PS 44 in New York City.

    The New York City Board of Education record below shows that LEE Harvey Oswald attended Public School 44  starting 3/23/53 and extending through mid-January 1954.


    In New Orleans, the 1953 Beauregard JHS record below shows that Lee HARVEY Oswald attended 89 days of school during the fall semester of 1953, at the same time LEE Oswald attended PS 44 in New York City.



  3. Ok Tracy - why would the US Marines offer the image on the right... when in the real world the man we know as Oswald is on the left?

    Unless the man on the right is a distance from the size chart (again - only reason to do that would be to distort the man's size) or the image was pasted onto a size chart
    the size of the man on the right is not accurate - not "true life size" but much larger than life.

    If in reality, 5'9" on the left is 5'11", the distortion on the right is even worse....

    The man on the right, entering the marines is Lee...  Harvey there on the left from New Orleans....
    The scale of inches is the same across both images...




  4. On 9/20/2019 at 4:03 PM, Paul Jolliffe said:


    Are you suggesting that these Fox photos of the autopsy were not taken in the Bethesda Morgue? I mean, surely President Kennedy's body was there at some point on 11/22/63 and surely photos were taken, right? 

    I'm obviously not the first to suggest this was not Bethesda's Autopsy Room - especially since these photos were so terribly lit and from terrible angles. etc....

    And I know thing...  "surely" would not be a word I'd use in this case about almost anything other than it was a conspiracy... at least not related to anything posed as "the truth"





    A meeting in Dallas organized by Mr. Livingstone in 1991 was attended by autopsy technicians Paul O'Connor and James Jenkins and photographer Floyd Riebe. Part of the discussion is described in High Treason 2 as follows [1]:

    "There was a moment of quiet as the men studied the autopsy photographs. Then the bomb exploded: 'This doesn't even look like the morgue!' Paul said.
    'What?' I exclaimed.
    'That's true,' Jenkins said. 'It doesn't look like the morgue [at Bethesda].'
    Floyd Riebe said, 'No, I just noticed the floor.'
    'What did the floor look like?'
    'Well it was similar in design, but it was white!'The floor at Bethesda was stone tile. It was put in there so it would last for years.'
    'What color was it?'
    'It was white and black.'
    'This area does not exist in that morgue,' Jenkins said.
    'Does not!' Paul said. 'We have no wooden structures in the morgue.'
    'The Bethesda floor had the small dots,' Floyd said. We saw them in the picture.
    'We didn't have anything wooden in there,' Paul said.
    'It does not look like the morgue,' Jenkins said."

  5. 30 minutes ago, Chris Bristow said:

    I have never taken the time to unpack the possible issues with the cutouts, it is all a bit cloudy to me. But looking at your last photo I do see it is rotated farr to the right. Is Oswald's image a cut and paste you did based on the feet or is this an original image from the Dallas PD?

    It's copy pasted from 133-C so Ozzie fits into the ghost....  Here's the rotation I was talking about

    Given this, the ghost background is from a different time (no leaves on the trees) so the cutout/ghost could have been from 133-C (even though they were not supposed to know about 133-C for many years) and just placed over the blank background photo... but then when we put him back, it's all skewed....

    Doesn't that conclusively prove that at least 133-C was created?



    If that doesn't prove it... this does... no?


  6. As much as I respect JA and JH and the H&L conclusion, I'm with Bart on this one.


    Bledsoe is given the ARREST shirt description to use in her testimony...  we all know now that the shirt and pants he wore to work were in his room...
    A button-down Briarloom... not missing 3 buttons or with a torn elbow as he hadn't gotten ganged up upon at the theater yet...

    Yep, Bledsoe here is real believable, especially since McWatters recants....  and Milton's statement is below that...  the entire bus charade was created - I think - to avoid dealing with those who saw Oswald leave in a station wagon... and for what Fritz tried so hard to distance himself....   

    Craig:  And the suspect interrupted him and said, "That station wagon belongs to Mrs. Paine"---I believe is what he said. "Don't try to tie her into this. She had nothing to do with it."




    Mr. BALL - Now, what color shirt did he have on?
    Mrs. BLEDSOE - He had a brown shirt.
    Mr. BALL - And unraveled?
    Mrs. BLEDSOE - Hole in his sleeve right here [indicating].
    Mr. BALL - Which is the elbow of the sleeve? That is, you pointed to the elbow?
    Mrs. BLEDSOE - Well, it is.
    Mr. BALL - And that would be which elbow, right or left elbow?
    Mrs. BLEDSOE - Right.
    Mr. BALL - Did he have anything on. Was the shirt open or was it buttoned?
    Mrs. BLEDSOE - Yes; all the buttons torn off.
    Mr. BALL - What did he have on underneath that?
    Mrs. BLEDSOE - I don't know.
    Mr. BALL - Do you know the color of any undershirt he had on?

    Mrs. BLEDSOE - No.





  7. 15 hours ago, David Josephs said:

    Yet we need to orient the picture to a straight horizon....  to get the person into the image they had to rotate the background to the left

    if we put Oswald back, the change just jumps off the page....  rotate the image to the left to get the real extent of this lean....



    One ghost has the two white parallel lines, the other on the left, not....  



    I’m sure I got something mixed up Chris...

    The image with the parallel white lines on either side of Oswald’s ghost image on the left. The center horizontal fence post is truly horizontal or the 2 to 4 degrees you mention.


    But In the actual image pasted into the ghost photo on the left, The center horizontal fence post support seems to need much more that 4 degrees of left rotation to make it true horizontal or at least much closer to the ghost images.

    Oswald is directly within the ghost cutout.... see the feet. My gif shows it even better....


    I think this image shows what the fence SHOULD look like with Oswald standing in that position... but of course  it doesn’t....

    so, from which image is the ghost image on the left created, that pasting him back in does such strange things to the background?

    And doesn’t it make some sense that those white lines are guides so the composited Oswald matches the background more closely than what that top image suggests?

    I think i’m Saying the top image proves the byp images were created, composited.... as we felt or knew all along cause the 2 identical but not, images, are mutually exclusive.  The ghost image on the left could not come from 133-C as is obvious from the above image....


    edit... I see now that ghost image is not cut from 133-c, yet the argument remains valid...  why would the background be so rotated n the 2 images?

  8. 26 minutes ago, Chris Bristow said:

    Josephs point about finding level also makes a difference here. The photo you used has the fence at 3 1/2 degrees. I the original thread I offered a proof that the fence really sits at 2 1/2 degrees.

    Chris... it appears to me  with the image of Oswald in the ghost background, that that's much more than a few degrees....

    Take my image and rotate it left until the fence is horizontal using a photoshop line guide or whatever you like...
    I have little room to post images left, but that looks like a rotation of 20-30 degrees...  his nose is to the left (facing the image) of his right knee

  9. 1 hour ago, Chris Davidson said:


    Did you have a specific shot/limo location in mind?

    I was thinking more along the lines of the height as I thought you were of the opinion a 3rd story origin was way too high...

    Yet you do mention the idea of multiple Dal Tex shooters....

    The top of the van is 10-12 feet it appears.... and from that angle - looking at Elm - I'd have to think the shot originated much higher up.

    2nd AND 3rd floors?

  10. 4 hours ago, Steve Thomas said:



    If that is Leavelle sitting with her (and I think it is), and they are going over her affidavit, he took her affidavit on Saturday, November 23rd

    See CD 81 p. 548



    That's interesting. Those two pages (pp 218 and 219 of the Police Case book are missing from the chronological order of the DPD Archives in Box 5, Folder# 5, Item#'s 30-32. They could be somewhere else in the Archives, but they're missing from that chronological order in Box 5)



    Her affidavit is in Box 5, Folder# 2, Item# 51

    Patsy Collins, the Notary Public, dates it as November 23rd.


    Steve Thomas

    Box 3: Folder 8

    1. Report On Officer’s Duties, by J. R. Leavelle. Report on officer's duties in regards to the President's murder, (Original), date unknown. 00000955 1 page 03 08 001 0955-001.gif

    2. Report On Officer’s Duties, by J. R. Leavelle. Report on officer's duties in regards to the murder of Officer J. D. Tippit, (Original), date unknown. 00000958 3 pages 03 08 002
    0958-002.gif  (Image below)





  11. 3 minutes ago, Pat Speer said:

    OSWALD: Uh, I saw Junior and Shorty walk by while I was in there. They may have noticed me. I don't know. 

    Fritz then makes a mental note that Oswald said Junior and Shorty might have seen him during lunch and conflates it into Oswald's saying he had lunch with them. This kinda thing happens all the time. All day long. 

    It's why the tape recorder was invented. 


    ok... so then Pat, what does this have to do with Lee Oswald being in the 2nd floor lunchroom between 12 and 12:30 and being seen by Mrs Reid, and then seen again around 12:33 coming from the same place she had seen him before only this time with a coke wearing a t-shirt?

    Those 2 events needn't be mutually exclusive... it would also give some credibility to the notion he had his lunch in a paper sack which he usually brings....
    "cheese sandwiches + apple"

     ====  you recent post with Piper.... Oswald says he's going "up or out"

    7 minutes ago, Pat Speer said:

    Mr. BALL. And that Lee said, "I'm going up to eat?"
    Mr. PIPER. He said either "up" or "out"---that's the way I reported it.
    Mr. BALL. That's what you told them?                                                                                              
    Mr. PIPER. Yes, sir.  

    Does this sound like he's staying in the Domino Room to eat?  

    Whether this is or is not a 2nd Oswald in that building at the time, very little other than Fritz claiming Oswald said..... puts him down there eating lunch on the 1st floor.

    Mrs. REID now sees the T-shirted Oswald walk to the front of the 2nd floor;  he then goes down and ultimately out.   CRAIG sees Harvey as the overshirt he was wearing would look quite a lot lighter in the direct sun of Dealey...  the image of CE150 is also very dark....  The man REID saw simple vanishes into the crowds.

    Mr. BELIN - I hand you Exhibit No. 150. Have you ever seen a shirt like this before? Does this look familiar to the shirt that the suspect might have been wearing when you saw him, or this man running toward the station wagon?
    Mr. CRAIG - It's the same type of shirt.
    Mr. BELIN - I believe you used the phrase, "light shirt". Would Exhibit 150 be darker than the shirt he was wearing?
    Mr. CRAIG - Uh--it looks darker in here--yes, uh-huh.

  12. Y'all seem to forget that the FBI - SA DOLAN in fact - both took the microfilm and left it with Waldman

    There is absolutely no way to authenticate that what we see on the microfilm from "HIDELL" was ever on a Klein's order or ever on that microfilm...

    In this version (p188 WCD7) - with 3 FBI AGENTS - Waldman keeps the microfilm after they "find the records" and is reported as the GO TO MAN in the event the reel of film was necessary as evidence.





    Problem being page 189 - the very next page in WCD7 states that we no longer have 3 FBI AGENTS but only one, SA DOLAN
    who provides a receipt for said microfilm and TAKES IT...  we learn from the image below this that he has the film reproduced with a copy returned to WALDMAN...

    Since the original film is no longer in its box, sure would like a look at the COPY film...



    3 FBI Agents sign a report saying the film was left with WALDMAN
    SA DOLAN writes his own, virtually identical report, but takes the film and has it reproduced....  

    We have no idea what images were on what films...  And it is easily proven that payment fro said rifle is FUBAR....




  13. On ‎9‎/‎8‎/‎2019 at 12:22 AM, Pat Speer said:

    Jarman and Norman were the only two depository employees to admit coming in the north entrance when Oswald claimed he was sitting right by this entrance, and they were the only two depository employees Oswald recalled seeing while he was sitting there. 

    What are the odds?

    What are the odds two black men in Texas tell the DPD what they need to hear?

    Pat, can you address the following please as it relates to your claims...  I see nothing in what they say to support what you conclude.???

    JARMAN does not say he ate lunch in the Domino room Pat....:

    Mr. BALL - What did you do there?
    Mr. JARMAN - I was eating part of my sandwich there, and then I came back out and as I was walking across the floor I ate the rest of it going toward the domino room.
    Mr. BILL. You say you ate the rest of it when?
    Mr. JARMAN - Walking around on the first floor there.

    Mr. BALL - Were you with anybody when you were walking around finishing your sandwich?
    Mr. JARMAN - No; I wasn't, I was trying to get through so I could get out on the street.
    Mr. BALL - Did you see Lee Oswald?
    Mr. JARMAN - No; I didn't

    Mr. BALL - After his arrest, he stated to a police officer that he had had lunch with you. Did you have lunch with him?
    Mr. JARMAN - No, sir; I didn't.

    How much more clear does this need to be Pat?  No lunch in the Domino Room, no sitting with Norman in the Domino room (And there's the Dr. Pepper Machine next to the fridge, the case for the empties is leaning against the wall by the stairs


    Mr. BALL - When you finished your sandwich and your bottle of pop, what did you do?
    Mr. JARMAN - I throwed the paper that I had the sandwich in in the box over close to the telephone and I took the pop bottle and put it in the case over by the Dr. Pepper machine.
    Mr. BALL - And then what did you do?
    Mr. JARMAN - Then I went out in front of the building.

    Mr. JARMAN - We went around to the back of the building up to the fifth floor.
    Mr. BALL - You say you went around. You mean you went around the building?
    Mr. JARMAN - Right.
    Mr. BALL - You didn't go through and cross the first floor?
    Mr. JARMAN - No, sir; there was too many people standing on the stairway so we decided to go around.

    Now why do you supposed BALL wanted them to go THRU the first floor inside the building?  Maybe to support the falsehood that they say Oswald in the Domino room at lunch... but they didn't.  Both men tell us they did not see OSWALD in the Domino Room during lunch....

    Now, What does NORMAN say?

    Mr. BALL. Did you remember seeing him at any time that morning?
    Mr. NORMAN. Yes; around about 10 or 10:15, somewhere in the neighborhood of that.

    Mr. McCLOY. You testified that you had not seen Oswald except this one occasion in the morning. Did you hear any of your friends or coworkers say whether they had seen Oswald on that morning?
    Mr. NORMAN. Not until after
    Mr. McCLOY. After the assassination?
    Mr. NORMAN. Yes, sir; that is the only time.


    So Larry, I'd wait a second on setting this in stone, at least until this testimony is accounted for....

    Mr. BALL - You went in the back door?
    Mr. JARMAN - Right.
    Mr. BALL - That would be the north entrance to the building, wouldn't it?
    Mr. JARMAN - Right.
    Mr. BALL - Did you take an elevator or the stairs?
    Mr. JARMAN - We took the elevator.
    Mr. BALL - Which elevator?
    Mr. JARMAN - The west side elevator

    There are 3 entrances on the NORTH of the TSBD... one right next to the WEST ELEVATOR in fact...  NORMAN makes your argument even worse by claiming to have gone out the front with Jarman....   who, while going out the front door with NORMAN also goes out the back door with JARMAN  :huh: 

    Mr. BALL. After you ate your lunch, what did you do?
    Mr. NORMAN. I got with James Jarman, he and I got together on the first floor.
    Mr. BALL. Where was James Jarman when you got together with him?
    Mr. NORMAN. He was somewhere in the vicinity of the telephone, I believe. I am not for sure.
    Mr. BALL. Out near the bins?
    Mr. NORMAN. Yes.
    Mr. BALL. What do you call James Jarman?
    Mr. NORMAN. Junior.
    Mr. BALL. And you and Junior did what?
    Mr. NORMAN. We went outside.
    Mr. BALL. You went out the front door, did you?
    Mr. NORMAN. Yes.
    Mr. BALL. That is the Elm Street?
    Mr. NORMAN. Yes, sir.

    Mr. BALL. Where did you stand?
    Mr. NORMAN. We stood on the Elm Street sidewalk.


    Furthermore, even if they came in the small door, neither of the men say they saw Oswald during lunch... infact NORMAN says the room had "someone" in it - but no one with which to play dominoes...

    Mr. BALL. Where were you when you ate your lunch?
    Mr. NORMAN. In the domino room, as I recall.
    Mr. BALL. Who was with you at that time?
    Mr. NORMAN. I can't remember who ate in the lunchroom, I mean the domino room, with me.
    Mr. BALL. Did some other employees eat there?
    Mr. NORMAN. I think there was someone else in there because we usually played dominoes in there but that particular day we didn't play that morning.
    Mr. BALL. Why didn't you play that morning?
    Mr. NORMAN. Well, didn't nobody show up there to play like the guys usually come in to play.


  14. 13 hours ago, Pat Speer said:

    I must be missing something. Do you think she's lying? And that she saw Oswald in the lunchroom (which is on the second floor)?

    The evidence, IMO, points to Oswald being in the domino room (which is on the first floor) at the time of the shooting. 

    While the fact there were two lunch rooms is confusing to some, it makes perfect sense to me. Having worked in both the warehouse and the offices of a large music distributor, I know firsthand the culture of a place like the TSBD. And the fact is that the warehouse workers, no matter their race, would be expected to eat together. And leave the office workers alone. 

    It largely comes down to this...warehouse workers are sweaty and have B.O. And cuss. And make the ladies and gentlemen...uncomfortable. When you take into account that a number of the TSBD's workers had brown skin, and that this was 1963 Texas, for that matter, it's easy to see how the office workers and warehouse workers would barely know each other. Let's remember as well that a number of the office workers said they had little to no recollection of ever seeing Oswald. If he had swam against the tide, and had eaten lunch with the ladies, well, they would most certainly have noticed him, and talked to him, and discovered he'd just had a baby, etc. That they knew so little about him, then, is clear evidence to me that he did not frequent the lunch room, outside of perhaps buying a coke. 

    Yes Pat, I think she is hiding the fact she saw someone looking like Oswald in the lunchroom as well as walking thru the office in only a t-shirt...  we both know that Oswald wore that Briarloom button-down collared shirt over his white T-shirt...   Whether "Lee" to our man's Harvey... or another look-a-like, there was most definitely a second Oswald-looking character in that building....

    As for his being in the Domino Room....  Eddie Piper claims he was down there around 11:50-12:00  https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=35#relPageId=393&tab=page

    But then he leaves and goes to the front of the building on the 1st floor.... (and then lies his butt off IMO)

    You write:    "but recalled possibly two negro employees walking through the room in this period. "
    which does not sound like "having lunch with 2 colored boys"   - you SURE Oswald was in there during lunch?

    Mr. BALL. Where were you when you ate your lunch?
    Mr. NORMAN. In the domino room, as I recall.
    Mr. BALL. Who was with you at that time?
    Mr. NORMAN. I can't remember who ate in the lunchroom, I mean the domino room, with me.
    Mr. BALL. Did some other employees eat there?
    Mr. NORMAN. I think there was someone else in there because we usually played dominoes in there but that particular day we didn't play that morning.
    Mr. BALL. Why didn't you play that morning?
    Mr. NORMAN. Well, didn't nobody show up there to play like the guys usually come in to play.

    He says "DOMINO" 11 times yet no Oswald.

    Mr. McCLOY. You testified that you had not seen Oswald except this one occasion in the morning. Did you hear any of your friends or coworkers say whether they had seen Oswald on that morning?
    Mr. NORMAN. Not until after
    Mr. McCLOY. After the assassination?
    Mr. NORMAN. Yes, sir; that is the only time.

    Mr. BALL. Did you remember seeing him at any time that morning?
    Mr. NORMAN. Yes; around about 10 or 10:15, somewhere in the neighborhood of that.


    Sure doesn't sound like a person who ate his lunch with Oswald and Jarman....  but more like your quote...  "walking thru the room"
    From the evidence it appears no one was left in the Domino Room after Piper, Jarman and Norman see Oswald around noon.

    PAT - How exactly does this preclude him from being in the 2nd floor lunchroom between 12 and 12:30 when REID is there?

    An 11-23-63 statement to the Dallas County Sheriff’s Dept. signed by depository janitor Eddie Piper confirms:Yesterday, at 12:00 noon, this fellow Lee says to me 'I’m going up to eat' and I went on to my lunch. I went to a front window on the first floor and ate my lunch and waited to see the President's parade go by. I saw the President pass and heard some shots and looked at the clock there and saw it was 12:25PM.” (19H499)

    Pat, "I'm going up to eat" surely suggests that Oswald did NOT eat in the Domino room as the rest of the evidence shows....  I read MRS. REID's testimony at that spot and it seems to me she is avoiding saying that while she was left alone by the younger girls, "THEY" = "MEN" from BELIN's question

    Mr. BELIN. Were there any men in the lunchroom when you left there?
    Mrs. REID. I can't, I don't, remember that.
    Mr. BELIN. All right.
    Mrs. REID. I can't remember the time they left.

    While I appreciate your colorful description of the circumstances... but it amounts to you guessing, speculating, adding facts where there are none... etc.
    Mrs REID and Mr. CRAIG see a different man they call Oswald than was the man Ruby killed.

    Sorry - but these two men aren't the same person...  that more was afoot inside the TSBD than we know is no real big surprise....




    Mr. BELIN. How did you know the person you saw was Lee Harvey Oswald on the second floor?
    Mrs. REID. Because it looked just like him.
    Mr. BELIN. You mean the picture with the name Lee Harvey Oswald?
    Mrs. REID. Oh, yes.
    Mr. BELIN. But you had seen him in the building?
    Mrs. REID. Other than that day, sure.

    Mr. BELIN. Do you remember what clothes he had on when you saw him?
    Mrs. REID. What he was wearing, he had on a white T-shirt and some kind of wash trousers. What color I couldn't tell you.
    Mr. BELIN. I am going to hand you what has been marked Commission Exhibit, first 157 and then 158, and I will ask you if either or both look like they might have been the trousers that you saw him wear or can you tell?
    Mrs. REID. I just couldn't be positive about that. I would rather not say, because I just cannot.
    Mr. BELIN. Do you remember whether he had any shirt or jacket on over his T-shirt?
    Mrs. REID. He did not. He did not have any jacket on.
    Mr. BELIN. Have you ever seen anyone working at the book depository wearing any kind of a shirt or jacket similar to Commission Exhibit 150 or do you know?
    Mrs. REID. No; I do not. I have never, so far as I know ever seen that shirt. I have been asked about that shirt before, I have seen it once before but not since all this happened.

    Mrs. REID. Well, I kept walking and I looked up and Oswald was coming in the back door of the office. I met him by the time I passed my desk several feet and I told him, I said, "Oh, the President has been shot, but maybe they didn't hit him."
    He mumbled something to me, I kept walking, he did, too. I didn't pay any attention to what he said because I had no thoughts of anything of him having any connection with it at all because he was very calm. He had gotten a coke and was holding it in his hands and I guess the reason it impressed me seeing him in there I thought it was a little strange that one of -the warehouse boys would be up in the office at the time, not that he had done anything wrong. The only time I had seen him in the office was to come and get change and he already had his coke in his hand so he didn't come for change and I dismissed him. I didn't think anything else.

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