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David Josephs

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Posts posted by David Josephs

  1. Ran into Rob in Dallas, was great seeing him...  thanks as well for the kind words... but there is something worth burning into one's memory:

    I think one of the newer things missed in my presentation was the fact when the Chicago FBI arrived at Klein's, the only info they knew was

    1 - Crescent &
    2 - C2766... 
    that was it.

    By the evening of the 23rd, the FBI had reconfirmed that "N"2766 was shipped from Crescent to KLEIN'S in June 1962.
    By the evening of the 23rd, the FBI also established a MARCH 27, 1963 order was received with C27"4"6

    IOW - the June 1962 order they checked and rechecked DID NOT HAVE C2766 IN IT....

    So instead of looking at all the orders from Crescent... Waldman/Scibor and FBI look at "SALES TO CUSTOMERS" trying to find "C2766"

    So one has to wonder how the FBI was able to find an order blank with C2766 on it  AND  now they had a FEBRUARY 1963 order
    which just happens to contain the same exact 100 rifles for which Feldsott provides packing slips....  Italy to USA packing slips showing "38  E" rifles as opposed to the domestic T-38's.

    If there was no February order on Friday eve, all day Saturday and into Sunday... what does the FBI do?

    Using FBI-doublespeak they first reiterate that C2766 comes from Italy (bottom right) yet was still subsequently sold to KLEIN'S on June 18, 1962.... in a carton with 9 other rifles.

    Nothing is written in the WCR about "N"2766, or the remaining rifles in the JUNE order, or the remaining rifles and their type from the MARCH 27 '63 order... or any of the 99 rifles supposedly in this FEB 63 order.   (It looks like it has a real paper trail, I just believe KLEIN'S used the Feldsott 100 rifles on the packing slips to "UPDATE" this order at KLEIN'S.  I believe they VC#836 was used twice...  the other order being "1259" as written on the receiving form listing serial numbers... 

    None of the investigations to date has provided any answer for why "1259" and "Page 1 of 2 pages" (and 2 of 2 on the other page) even appears on these sheets.... the order was 1243...
    and this lone piece of paper is all the evidence there is which connects all the dots...



    https://drive.google.com/file/d/11ktSVaiM-OixQFRqoXDHjnLPWHnT4AZz/view?usp=sharing (contact report from FELDSOTT reconfirming June 18, 1962)





  2. Some other Tippit related thoughts...:

    1. SCOGGINS last fare prior to parking by his "club" on Patton by 10th... was at 321 N. Ewing
    2. TIPPIT reports being at LANCASTER & 8th which is literally around the corner... 250 feet.
    3. 325 N. Ewing is where Mrs Harry Olsen lived
    4. 223 SOUTH EWING is RUBY's apartment     and is only 250 feet from the site of this stabbing at 12th and Marsalis


    So some speculation....   Tippit, Scoggins, Kay's apartment and a man dropped off 5 mins before Tippit is shot.... and during this altercation at 10th/12th & Marsalis
    which is but a short walk from Ruby's

    https://drive.google.com/open?id=1nJ0uEee8bZcHddXRoNpXtn3h2jw4BV6d is the map showing all the key locations....

    Any thoughts on these connections and close proximities?  (Nagy and Vaganov are also within this geo circle, FWIW)

  3. Which tools Mark?  Math is math...


    The problem here being the SS Queen Mary on the limo’s rear would either also make the turn or cut it more sharply but have to wait...  it’s 81 frames for that motorcycle to traverse that corner and is still not at POS A.


    As you mention, Towner “looks” smooth but the anomaly I show might be what accounts for that.... Furthermore, if you search this forum for the MATH RULES thread, we determine quite a few things about that turn, Towner (whose camera had to be set to the ridiculous 22+FPS when it ran at 16 just like zapruder), and Zapruder....

    51 minutes ago, Mark Tyler said:

    The mistakes that the FBI made are rather unfortunate

    Mark, with the original survey we learn Shaneyfelt and the FBI altered the data to make it impossible to place the limo correctly within Zapruder... these were deliberate moves of the limo path to account for 3 and only 3 shots fired....

    this suggests they saw shots in 6 different frames, or simply calculated shot frames using reverse engineering and not the visual record. Life’s scenario seems closest to auditory evidence yet the big Q about that is how they determined the first and second shots and why use 18fps instead of the camera’s 16fps natural setting?

    ...hint: the run/rise of Elm from the Tsbd to the overpass is 1:18.3 iow, Each second of Zapruder moves the limo 1 foot vertically lower.... and that little fib adjustment winds up making CE884 necessary...

    Peace...  DJ



  4. https://kennedysandking.com/images/pdf/JudythBaker-DJ.pdf

    With JVB in the room, her friend ANNA LEWIS states not once, but after the camera is off and on again.. twice that she and JVB and husband and Lee went
    out together between Jan - April 1962 when Oswald was in Russia.

    At 1:45 of this video she states: "In February 1962 I met Lee Harvey Oswald in the park..."  the park by 544 Camp and again 19:05...
    "First time I seen LHO was in 1962, after Jan and before April"

    When they leave New Orleans and then return she sees LHO at the restaurant she worked in... he would not acknowledge her at all... 3:50

    Problem is that even if she meant 1963, in February, March and April of 1963 Oswald was in Texas. He does not get to New Orleans until the end of April 1963.


  5. Always good to learn new things....

    I read all of Wilcott... and to me it just screams hearsay and idle chatter speculating about Oswald....

    I get the impression the Oswald project is talking about LEE unless Harvey as CIA was also doing FBI infiltration work...

    Looking closely at April-June 1963 it was almost all FPCC work via 544 Camp.  Bringuier and his 2 friends seem more CIA-connected... and they are anti-FPCC
    and seem to be trying to out Oswald as a spy.... allegations of Oswald saying "throw a punch Carlos" or something like that kind of brings Oswald around to the CIA side
    with a desire to pigeon hole the FBI... which I think they did with the BS trip to Mexico at the end of this "Project" albeit a few months late.

    In the same vein as Newman's new work... placing blame at CIA's feet when it was ACIS/JCS and Military Intel who seems to have coordinated the assassination...

    as I see it at least.... FWIW

  6. 4 minutes ago, John Butler said:

    From Steve and David's comments one can rationalize the notion that Harvey didn't care much for this mother.  I wonder why?  Lack of parental bonding at an early age?

    That woman was not HARVEY’S mother....  Emma Keating the practical nurse house cleaner versus Marge the retail sales lady mother of the natural born Lee Oswald....  

    Mr. RANKIN. Now, you have produced a number of letters that you described as being letters received from your son, Lee Oswald, while he was in the Soviet Union. 
    Mrs. OSWALD. Yes, sir. 
    Mr. RANKIN. And we have asked you if you could identify the three letters that the Secret Service brought back to you and asked you to give a receipt for. You said it is very difficult, if not impossible, £or you to do that. Is that right? 
    Mrs. OSWALD. No, sir, I did not say that. I said that one letter I was sure of, because it stated that her uncle was an officer in the Soviet Union. That letter I am sure of. The other two letters--I would have to go through the letters. I think I could spot them, because it would be of importance to our country and the Secret Service to know--in other words, it was important for them to know she had an uncle in the Soviet Union. And the other two letters would be on that order. And I believe maybe I could-I would not want to state a fact that these two letters--I think I would be pretty close to choosing the other two letters as the proper letters. 
    Mr. RANKIN. Mrs. Oswald, I wonder if it would be agreeable to you if we would identify all of those letters that you received from your son while he was in the Soviet Union, and then possibly when we recess you could look them over and see---- 
    Mrs. OSWALD Yes, sir, that's perfectly all right. 
    Mr. RANKIN. See if you can pick out the ones you gave a receipt for. 
    Mrs. OSWALD. That is perfectly all right. Any way you want to do it is all right with me. 
    Mr. RANKIN. Mr. Reporter, I will ask you to mark them, and Mr. Liebeler. will you help in the marking, because the letters are covered with glassine, and it may be hard to mark them with ink. I think by putting those stickers on we can help you. 
    Mrs. OSWALD. Not all of the letters have dates. I think by taking the date on the back of the envelope it would be all right. And we had them in order. I don't know if they are still in order. But we had them by the dates. 
    Mr. RANKIN. Mr. Reporter, I offer in evidence Exhibits 170 to 179, both inclusive, being pictures of the funeral and the casket that Mrs. Oswald has produced here for the Commission, and ask leave to substitute copies. 
    The CHAIRMAN. They may be so introduced. 
    (The photographs referred to were marked Commission Exhibits Nos. 170 to 179 inclusive for identification, and received in evidence.) 
    Mr. RANKIN. I then offer the various letters that Mrs. Oswald produced, that she said were sent to her by her son, Lee Harvey Oswald, from the Soviet Union.

  7. 8 minutes ago, Steve Thomas said:

    Just as an aside, in looking at this 1959 passport application, did somebody mess up his birth date?

    Look at the line just above his picture.


    and it says “postal m o” at bottom... how he paid maybe?

    As I mention, the timing is virtually the same as John and MARGE PITTMAN go to Moscow... 

    That section is if children are to be included on the passport....  

    and ya know Steve, the mixture of block and cursive always seems to telling to me... you?


  8. But it’s important to remember that Mrs Reid sees A different Oswald.... with a coke walking thru the office

    Mr. BELIN. Do you remember what clothes he had on when you saw him? 
    Mrs. REID. What he was wearing, he had on a white T-shirt and some kind of wash trousers. What color I couldn't tell you. 
    Mr. BELIN. I am going to hand you what has been marked Commission Exhibit, first 157 and then 158, and I will ask you if either or both look like they might have been the trousers that you saw him wear or can you tell? 
    Mrs. REID. I just couldn't be positive about that. I would rather not say, because I just cannot. 
    Mr. BELIN. Do you remember whether he had any shirt or jacket on over his T-shirt? 
    Mrs. REID. He did not. He did not have any jacket on. 
    Mr. BELIN. Have you ever seen anyone working at the book depository wearing any kind of a shirt or jacket similar to Commission Exhibit 150 or do you know? 
    Mrs. REID. No; I do not. I have never, so far as I know ever seen that shirt. I have been asked about that shirt before, I have seen it once before but not since all this happened. 

  9. 4 hours ago, Jake Hammond said:

    Another Q.... 

      Who was it that stated that Oswald was wearing a brown shirt before leaving the TSBD ? Or did no one ? Thats kind of an important one . I can't see it in Bakers testimony, unless i'm reading the wrong one !

    Mr. BELIN - What shade of blue? Dark blue, medium or light? 
    Mr. CRAIG - No; medium, probably; I'd say medium. And, a--uh--light tan shirt, as I remember it.

    The briarloom button down shirt was indeed a lighter version of his arrest shirt



    Mr. BELIN - I hand you Exhibit No. 150. Have you ever seen a shirt like this before? Does this look familiar to the shirt that the suspect might have been wearing when you saw him, or this man running toward the station wagon?
    Mr. CRAIG - It's the same type of shirt.
    Mr. BELIN - I believe you used the phrase, "light shirt". Would Exhibit 150 be darker than the shirt he was wearing?
    Mr. CRAIG - Uh--it looks darker in here--yes, uh-huh.
    Mr. BELIN - Was this man running towards the station wagon wearing a jacket?
    Mr. CRAIG - No; I don't believe he was.

  10. 1 hour ago, Mark Tyler said:

    If she didn't zoom, its hard to think of an innocent explanation for this change in size while the sprocket holes remain the same.

    If she did, everything in frame gets larger, even vehicles moving away....  

    The spot involves that crazy wide turn Truly said the limo made... and Position A... which FBI states the limo does pass thru, just not on film.

    It is also the critical transition from Towner to Zapruder....  


  11. For an in-depth look at the duplicity of the pistol involving WESTBROOK....


    I also come to learn that George Rose and Co may actually be George Rhoades and Co... parent to SEAPORT
    who gets the pistol from Century International Arms, Montreal... The SUCHERS

    {edit} After giving the paper a read I see I only mention the Personnel Office as the place the shells are picked up....
    Westbrook's office appears to have been pistol central, when one gets into the thick of things....

  12. 37 minutes ago, Paul Jolliffe said:

    So the FBI's most successful Communist spy was also the editor of "Oswald's" favorite newspaper, "The Daily Worker". 

    Then we have John and Marguerite PITTMAN who are sent to Moscow at almost the exact same time Oswald is...

    to work as a correspondent for The Worker.... (TBH, not sure if The Worker and Daily Worker are the same)

    The info on the PITTMAN's is heavily redacted... FWIW 


    List of Denied in Full records in JFK Assassination Records ...

    May 1, 1975 - Whiting Wlllauer, John Irwin, General. Gray. et al. ... 01/0111964. CIA. 201-289248. CIA. JFK. 0612911993 1. Unclassified OSW17:V3 1993.06.29.09:19:02:840800: ...... MOSCOW. STATE. 11/01/1959 ...... MARGUERITE ...... PITTMAN, JOHN (LOOSE DOCUMENTS) ..... OP FILES ON (STAFF EMPLOYEE).

  13. 47 minutes ago, Paul Jolliffe said:

    Ekdahl would seem to be the only person in a position to notice the resemblance between Lee and "Oswald."

    See, now I personally don't see as much of a resemblance - and as you said, other than photos on a table side by side, the two would rarely if ever be compared to each other.

    Or the fact that quite a few involved in and around this case looked like him...  I think as he got older, it was easier to find more men who looked like HARVEY...

    The photo just below and on the right end is the last photo I know of... of LEE.



    BTW - I realize he was closer to 5'9" than 5'7"... but still not just shy of 6 feet....




    Then there is this complete impossibility.... shows you how bogus that "Marine" image is....



  14. ---- thanks Jim, glad to hear it continues to help.----

    With regards to THE WORKER and a comment that he was reading it all the time....

    The BYP show him holding two different papers....the Worker and The Militant which as I understand it would NOT be read by the same person if
    they held a single belief about Communism.  While the Worker started in a more Socialist vein, as I read it, they went more pure Communist as time went on so that by 1963
    the two papers represented quite different views.  (My personal opinion is that whoever created these photos were showing what types of groups Oswald was infiltrating for the intelligence agencies he "worked" for.

    The Militant is an international socialist newsweekly connected to the Socialist Workers Party (SWP)

    The Daily Worker was a newspaper published in New York City by the Communist Party USA
    In politics, the Daily Worker consistently adhered to a Stalinist party line from the time of Joseph Stalin's rise to power in the Soviet Union.

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