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Norman T. Field

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Everything posted by Norman T. Field

  1. There is another possible explanation. In Masonic legend, the Juwes are the original Masons who supposedly built the Pyramids. Add this to the claims that the corpse mutilations strongly resemble curses uttered during Masonic initiations as what will happen if Masonic secrets are revealed and suddenly suspicion swings away from illiterate Polish butchers. This, I believe, is the reason that the police, likely all Masons, imediately removed the chalked words. They knew what the word Juwes meant.
  2. So the cover up spontaneously and independently occurred following the hit? Then how come so many CIAish folks are in Dallas the day of the hit? And OC on their own spent over a year positioning LHO as the patsy? Santos lied under oath? Big deal, people like that lie (or take the 5th) routinely about anything. Nothing in this argument holds water. Have a read of "I Heard You Paint Houses" or some of Bill Roemer's work if you think Mr. Trafficante was the only OC Don in the loop. What does ring out loud and clear is the incredible level of organization and detail within both the hit and the coverup, which strongly implies intertwined, long term advance planning. Castro knew Kennedy was his best hope for normalized relations with the US, so did the USSR. Kennedy sabotaged BOP, pulled the ICBMs out of Turkey and tried to negotiate us out of VietNam. When that failed, he signed an executive order to begin bringing the troops home only several days b4 Dallas. I am aware that my spelling is often poor, so please spare me any complimentary spell checking. Thanx to all for agitating the little grey cells.
  3. Re: "It is absolutely INCREDIBLE that a person as intelligent and well-read as Mr. Dunne can still deny that Castro was not the chief beneficiary of the death of JFK. " Castro derived more benefit than LBJ? Or the folks moving opium out of the golden triangle? Or the OC folks Bobbie was harrassing? I find it incredible that someone would make the above statement.
  4. OK, 4th attempt to post a reply. Yes I am aware that Mafia Kingfish ranks Dallas under Marcello. Numerous other books, including the Giancana bio 'The Don' and the encyclopedic 'Outfit' say that with the exception of the at the time 'open' cities of Phoenix and Las Vegas, everything west of the Missippi reported to Chicago. Mafia Kingfish also theorizes that JFK was a OC hit pure and simple, which I don't buy. OC did not have the contacts to suppress and derail the subesquent investigations, we have to look to agencies of our government for that kind of pull. I believe that OC was a contractor to the hit, but not the GC. There doesn't seem to be any doubt that Ruby was a member of Chicago OC, I think he came up throught the 'Patch' faction. Anybody know why Ruby had to leave Chicago? He killed a cop! You have to be carrying some heavy clout to do that and your only punishment is exile. I recall numerous reports of phone traffic spiking between Ruby and Chicago in the months before the hit. Also, Bill Roemer who was FBI at the time, claimed to have overheard Giancana bragging that a hit was in the works. All this strongly suggests to me that Jacob Rubenstein still reported to Chicago.
  5. Many have suggested that Hoover became aware of the plot via FBI bugs on OC, specifically in Chicago. Hoover hated Kennedy and wanted him gone real bad. It was Hoover's dirt that enabled LBJ to become Vice President, so what is to lose by keeping quiet?
  6. Suddenly, Mr. Trafficante and his associated become a supplier of wet work contractors? The series TMWKK on HC, sez he brought them over from France.
  7. Ah Mr Holmes, the Englewood, "Murder castle" killer. Nearly a contemporary of my old friend Jack the Ripper. Give me a few days, Norman, and I will attempt a profile.... Steve. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You are an ambitious man. Did you know there is a movie coming? Produced by Tom Cruise and starring Johnny Dep as Mr. Mudget. I wished to heck that his 'house' hadn't burned down. Gawd knows what else was in there. And what about all the weirdness of his burial? An oversized coffin filled with concrete, buried in a double lot filled with concrete. What other serial killer supported his habit by selling the victims skeletons to medical schools. "I may be crazy, but I'm not stupid.
  8. McWillie had Ruby knock off Oswald because Lansky and Fidel were such good buddies. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Folks, Jacob Rubenstein reported to Chicago, which controlled the Dallas organized crime biz. The only folks issueing orders is Giancana or his messengers, not Santos or Carlos or Meyer. If they wanted sumthin from Jack, they had to ask Chicago for the favor. Unless he was told by Chicago "Do what Santo sez", but he is still going to report back to his people on what he was doing.
  9. Could it be possible that the Domino theory was contrived to justify our presence in Viet Nam? The real reason for our being there might have something to to do with the rumored to be very large oil deposits off the Viet Namese coast and the large amounts of opiates ferried out via Air America.
  10. I'd be real interested to read a profile of H.H.Holmes, the legendary Chicago serial killer most folks have never heard of.
  11. I read the following in several places and then all mention of the story disappeared. Since Nixon took the US off the Gold standard, only one currency in the world has been used for oil payments, US dollars. Sadam was supposedly negotiating to accept Euros as payment for all. Had this come to pass, it would have had major effects on the US economy. Thus, our former ally had to go. I have yet to see anything which hold together better as a theory.
  12. Sirhan worked as a groom at a racetrack, know who owned the track? Mickey Cohen. And then there is the owner of the hotel where RFK was shot, owned by ..... Mickey Cohen! I dunno about an Ari connection, but there sure seems to be an organized crime connection. I believe that Sirhan told the truth, he was a hynotized Manchurian Candidate.
  13. Why dismiss the so called Chicago plot as a hoax? Were I Kennedy at that time, knowing what I know today about the Outfit's control of Chicago at that time, I wouldn't come to Chicago either. I believe the Outfit could have easily killed him in Chicago, where their control bordered on absolute. According to Bill Roemer, the FBI already had Sam Giancana on tape speaking about a planned hit to take place b4 the election.
  14. Of course, all these tests were invalid because they didn't use a bent Manlicher Carcano. If they had, the MB theory would have been confirmed. Right?
  15. I read the book years ago, not sure if I still have it, but I will look. A real interesting character who apparently fit the Ripper profile. Regarding small business traders as Masons, yes that seems possible, I don't know how restricted by class was Masonic membership in England at that time. But, how is the small business man to aquire the medical knowledge to cut these gals so precisely?
  16. According to 'Sins of the Father', it was JOE Kennedy who initiated the hit to shut Marilyn up. It claims she was on the edge of a nervous breakdown and going to sing to the press about her boyfriends. Interesting parallels for Joe with the Pantages rape case. There are claims that prior to her death, she was held captive in the Cal-Neva lodge by Giancana and Sinatra, again due to her instability. Strong circumstantial evidence, including Dr. Noguchi's opinion, is that she was killed with a poison supository, thus all the drugs in the body but no pills in the stomach. I think Chuck Giancana has a great imagination. He has all this news to spill about some great secrets, yet he has no insight on local outfit work in Chicago. I would expect it to be the other way around. Course, if he were to spill legitimate secrets, he would be trunk music ASAP. I will, however, believe in Chuck before Gerald Posner.
  17. I have two problems with the bum or common laborer or sailor theories: 1. The detailed anatomical knowledge and skill with which the victims were cut. Yes, a butcher might have this sort of info, but he will fail on #2. 2. Many of the mutilations and victim positions are suggestive of the very specific acts detailed in various Masonic oaths. How would some immigrant sailor or butcher have knowledge of these rites and oaths? There is an amazing book (that I can no longer remember the title of) about Dr. Tumbletee, who does satisfy these concerns.
  18. According to Robert Caro and other, JFK had no intention of nominating LBJ for VP until the day after JFK was nominated. That's when LBJ and Carl Rayburn met to 'discuss' the blackmail dirt they had received from Hoover that would go public unless LBJ was the VP candidate. Also, Nixon was apparently wanted to re-organize the CIA and threatened to use his private info about the Kennedy hit to force CIA cooperation (see both Erlichman and Haldeman's books, also Silent Coup). Watergate was thus born as a CIA response to RN. Or so the theory goes.
  19. I consider Chuck Giancana to have slightly more credibility than Victor Posner but only slightly. According to Chuck, JFK was a solo Chicago job and the hitters were all from Chicago. Also claims that Marilyn Monroe was a Chicago hit using a poisoned supository obtained from the CIA. I think Chuck enjoys selling books and won't let facts get in his way.
  20. Just saw the last segment and it made me sick. They lined up a couple of torsos and tried to replicate the wounds by firing a Mannlicher Carcano from a sixty foot tower. Although the wounds DID NOT line up (the bullet passed below the first torso's clavicle and out of the chest instead of out of the throat, hit the second torso four inches below the armpit, and failed to penetrate its thigh) and the bullet was bent into a "c" shape, they explained it all away by saying the bullet hit two ribs instead of one on the second torso and so therefore the single bullet theory was supported by their experiment. This is utter nonsense. I SCREAMED when I heard their conclusion. I nearly broke something. Obviously, they were too chicken-xxxx to say their test did not support the "magic bullet;" I'm wondering what executive made this decision. If the whole thing was a fraud they would have just faked their results. To make matters worse, they allowed Vincent Bugliosi, who was also featured on a recent episode of Penn and Teller's TV show Bullxxxx! dismissing conspiracy theories, to have the last word, warning people that an obsession with the assassination can be "toxic" Clearly Vince is getting ready for his book release this fall. This whole turn of events really makes me angry. I wrote "Unsolved History" a letter last year offering to help them create a similar program, but one with some credibility, and received no response. Instead they feed us this crap. Well, at least they showed us the tests and that is on the record. I believe I'll be using their test in my upcoming presentation on the medical evidence. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Obviously this test failed because they didn't use a bent Manlicher Carcano like the one LHO allegedly owned.
  21. Mafia Kingfish by (I think) Davis. Sins of the Father. I Heard You Paint Houses. On the Trail of the Assasins by Mark Lane. The History Channel Series, The Men Who Killed Kennedy.
  22. I saw the HC doc on Mr. Rubenstein, IMO, disinformation worthy of Victor Posner. No mention of Jack's Chicago connections at all. Anybody know why Jack had to leave Chicago? He killed a cop! His punishment is exile? Tell me he is not connected. Also no mention of Jack's tearful pleas to Justice Warren to get him out of Dallas and Jack would tell him everything he knew. Plus, no reference to the huge increase in phone traffic at his club in the months prior to the hit. Lots of calls to Chicago and Miami and New Orleans. I remember reading an interview with Castro, where he was asked about involvement in the JFK hit. His response was along the lines of 'why would I kill my best chance for reapproachment with the US?'. Castro likely new that JFK pulled the plug on the air strikes, which doomed the invasion. Castro certainly knew that JFK pulled the missles out of Turkey. In the USSR, Kruschev was considered to have won a great victory by getting the missles out of Turkey, why would the KGB or the GRU have wanted to hit the guy who was their friend? Then go ask various right wing types in the US how they felt about the missles in Turkey being pulled after JFK folded on the airstrikes. Who has the motive now?
  23. Greetings all, while my 1st post, I have been following this subject since '63 when I was 12 years old. Was Organized crime involved? Absolutely. Bill Roemer (FBI in Chicago at the time) makes numerous mentions in his books about Sam Giancana bragging that a hit on Kennedy was in the works that were picked up on illegal FBI wiretaps at the time. There is much other corroboration, including "Mafia Kingfish" by (I think) Davis (who is a Bouvier, Jackie's cousin) and some real tantalizing stuff in "I Heard You Paint Houses", which details the life of one Frank Sheehan, who apparently killed Jimmy Hoffa. Did they originate the plot, I doubt it. The hit is easy, the coverup is hard, even with Meyer Lansky's alleged dirt on J. Edgar Hoover (pictures of him going down on Clyde). Particularly in view of subsequent Watergate events, I really like a CIA - right wing coalition. This is a true coming together of many factions who all wanted the same thing. The Mafia: payback for Joe Kennedy setting his sons after his old business partners, plus anger over the loss of casinos in Cuba. The #1 rule for these folks is; you take our money you leave us alone. JFK never would have been nominated if not for what Giancana did for him in West Virginia, let alone in the actual election in Illinois. Add in things like Bobby's ilegal deportation of Carlos Marcello or Hoffa's request to Russel Buffalino that Kennedy be hit (see "I Heard You Paint ... referenced above) and you have a bunch of real angry people with a lot of useful connections. Don't forget that Jack Ruby was the Outfit (Chicago organized crime) man in Dallas (which reported to Chicago, as did almost everyone west of the Missisipi at that time). He was no minor flunkie, he was the man in charge of bribing the local police. Now we know why he had access at any time to the police station. The CIA: JFK was apparently ready to pull us out of Viet Nam, I have read that he signed an executive order to begin this process b4 he left for Dallas. This would shut down the CIA heroin pipeline that used Air America to ship opium from SE Asia to Charley Luciano's heroin labs in Sicily (the famous French Connection). Big Texas Oil men: JFK wanted to repeal the oil depletion allowance! I imagine this would be enough to make people like H.L. Hunt go ballistic. Here is all the funding and political connections anybody would want. Plus, their man is currently the VP. Let's not forget that Lyndon became the VP cuz he blackmailed the Kennedys with dirt obtained from J. Edgar Crossdresser. Backing down on the ICBM's in Turkey to resolve the Cuban missle crisis could set some veins bulging on these guys as well. Frustrated Cuban revolutionaries: After JFK pulled the plug on the BOP air support, these guys were mad enough to hit the Pope, what a perfect source for trained, expendable personel. This is a coalition with the will, means and resources to perform not just the hit, but also the coverup. Which worked so well that they did it again and again. MLK, RFK, George Wallace, maybe even John Lennon (who Hoover despised beyond reason). I eagerly await the next volume of Robert Cairo's LBJ biography, which I suspect may not be published until after his passing. The man's research is truly amazing. There are stories attributed to the Secret Service man in Johnson's car that Johnson was on the floor of his limo before the 1st shot rang out. I doubt he was a principle, but I am confident that he was in the loop.
  24. Amateur historian for many years, major areas of interest include 20th century American political assasinations, American organized crime (particularly the Chicago branch), and modern world history.
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