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Norman T. Field

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Everything posted by Norman T. Field

  1. "I am not a crook." "Read my lips: no new taxes." "I did not have sexual relations with that woman." People lie, Norm. And other people, by their own words, display their complete ignorance of the subject matter being discussed.
  2. "I didn't shoot anyone Mister, I'm just a patsy". How does this LN theory explain this remark?
  3. Enjoy the Mac immunity while you can, Mac viruses are on the way. I have read that the Mac OS is actually easier to hack now than Windows.
  4. How about Chicago Mayor Anton Cermak? Frank Nitti's biggest hit. All that stuff about Cermak blocking a bullet for Roosevelt is a story that the two of them concocted in the weeks between Cermak's shooting and his death in return for Federal aid to Chicago. Once Cermak tried to hit Nitti using a couple of policemen, only one response was forthcoming. Why was Cermak in Florida in the first place? He was hiding from the outfit. While the Mafia clearly wanted JFK gone and could have killed him, they never could have managed the coverup that goes on to this day. That requires a different type of company.
  5. I am sorry, but there is very strong evidence of massive vote fraud in Chicaqo in the '60 election, much of it in wards that were in fact controlled by the Outfit. This was a time where you often could not get nominated for office without the ok of 'the boys'. What a lot of people are not aware of; the fraud may have been not in JFKs behalf, but over the local State's Attorney race. Ben Adamowski was running as a Republican, and promised to indict everybody in Daley's party once elected. Yes I have read the paper about the '60 vote totals being similar to the '56 numbers and therefore no fraud took place. This argument overlooks a couple of important factors: the city lost thousands of voters between '56 and '60 owing to 'white flight', and the vast number of normally Democratic Polish voters who went Republican to vote for Adamowski.. In 1960, excepting Warsaw, there were more Poles in Chicago than any other city in the world. In order to match the '56 totals, mucho vote fraud was necessary. William Roemer, who headed the FBI's Chicago organized crime squad, has publisher transcripts of bugs where Giancana was selling the boys on Kennedy over Nixon, whom they had already lined up behind. Mooney apparently had a lot to do with organized crime siding with Kennedy.
  6. Jesus Christ is merely the lastest of a series of attempts by aliens to organize and alter humanity. Their previous attempt was Julius Ceaser who, despite his genius and control of the then know civilized world was killed by those pesky humans. After Ceaser was killed, the aliens realized that a better approach was control of human minds thru religion rather than thru government. Christ's miracles can be easily explained if you have the starship Enterprise orbitting overhead. Consider the Sermon on the Mount: "Mr. Scott, I need more loaves and fishes!" "But Captain, (with scottish accent) the reactor oven is on the merge of overload! Any more and we will be a hyperspace protonic fish sandwich." "Mr. Sulu, route extra power to the transporter, we've got to feed those people!"
  7. Have you considered the Lone Nut Bed and Breakfast in Langley, Va?
  8. Don't you people realize that this is all a cover story while Fuhrman continues to search for the 'real killers' who framed OJ? I didn't think my opinion of the integrity of the LA police force could drop any further, then I read Bill Turner's RFK book. My grandfather (an associate of Anton Cermak) retired to LA from Chicago. Even he was amazed at the level of corruption out there compared with Chicago. "They don't take a back seat to anybody when it comes to fixin things, my buddy boy", spoken with an awed look on his face.
  9. Yup, that little bit of news just accidentally slipped out during his testimony. How convenient.
  10. Yup, Lemay was the man. But; to say that the Tokyo firestorms killed many more than the nuclear bombs, we would be speaking of millions of deaths in Tokyo. Wouldn't a fairer statement be that the firestorm caused a comparable number of deaths?
  11. Don't forget the General's proposed Viet Nam strategy, "We'll bomb them back into the stone age".
  12. In fact, if you look at the background of Ben Bradlee and Bob Woodward, it could be argued that all the Washington Post reports on Watergate was an example of a "limited hangout". Of course Felt was one of Woodward's informants. However, he was never one of the important ones. The information that really got Nixon came from Richard Ober and Alexander Butterfield. Re: The information that really got Nixon came from Richard Ober and Alexander Butterfield Care to elaborate? I am all ears.
  13. Re: "McCloy had his fears of the summit meeting slated for May of 1960. The Summit did not occur because a U-2 was shot down. Oswald was a radar operator at U-2 basis. Oswald defects to the Soviet Union. Kennedy is shot and McCloy ends up on the Warren Commission. Interesting connections that I feel are worth continuing to research." Unless the U2 was sabotaged to prevent the summit from occurring. I am unaware of any proof that a Soviet missle brought down the U2.
  14. I have been having the same thoughts for some months now.
  15. Drinking the KoolAid is a Jonestown reference, their method of mass suicide. Interesting, I have read theories connecting Jonestown to our favorite agency, one of their mind control experiments gone bad. Re: adults and KoolAid. In my youth I heard references to a beverage enjoyed by poor folks in the black part of Chicago known as 'Shake and Bake'. It was KoolAid and grain alchohol, bet that went down real smooth.
  16. The only thing suggested by membership in the American communist party is the presence of the FBI. The party was riddled by FBI informants and agents. Without their dues, the party probably would have collapsed.
  17. Re: "Giancana was killed by Butch Blasi. While the timing is certainly coincidental, it also dovetails with intraorganizational warfare in the CHicago Outfit. " Long suspected but I know of no definitive statement of fact. Tony Spilotro has also been suggested as the shooter. Besides, if Tony Accardo (the real boss all along) received a 'request' thru someone like Trafficante or Lansky, which might have originated elsewhere from these men, Accardo still would have used someone local for the work. Sam was not an easy guy to get next to for this kind of task.
  18. According to R.C Nagell, he left a very large and complete account of his activities and knowledge with his friends in Moscow. That's the KGB file I want to see!
  19. I heard similar stuff in my school, which was on the very liberal and affluent North Shore of Chicago suburbs.
  20. The premise of the research is: As the vote totals for '56 and '60 are approximately equal, therefore - no vote fraud occurred. I still don't think this holds water, as it neglects the impact of the Adamowski race for State's Attorney. Chicago had (and still has) a huge population of Polish immigrants and their children. If the Polish vote went Democratic in '56, (which it did) and then went huge for Adamowski and the Republicans in '60, (which is again what happened) then MASSIVE vote fraud would be necessary for the Democrat vote in '60 to equal that of '56. I have read for years that Chicago has more Poles than any city in the world except Warsaw, this was a huge vote swing in '60 to the Republicans that was usually a solid Democratic vote. The issue of 'white flight', the exodus of urban whites to the suburbs as their neighborhoods experienced black immigration from Bronzeville also ought to be considered. Chicago had thousands fewer actual voters in '60 than '56 owing to white flight, which was in full swing by '60. Therefore: The mere facts that the vote totals are comparable does not prove that fraud did not occur.
  21. As I mentioned in my post in the Giancana thread, I am not buying this. I remember huge allegations of vote fraud after that election (I live in Chicago). And to answer another question, the OUTFIT had huge influence over many local unions. Heck, many of the local unions were founded by the OUTFIT. I do know that a local TV stations insisted that a new local of the electricians union be created for their facilities as they absolutely refused to have the OUTFIT controlled IBEW local 134 on their property. At that time, you literally could not be slated to run for many Cook county offices, including Judges, unless the 'boys' gave their ok. Check out the Robert Cooley book "When Corruption was King". Don't kid yourself about the depth of the OUTFIT's power in Chicago in that era.
  22. There was a huge push on to get votes out in Chicago and Illinois, but according to many, not for Kennedy but for Republican States Attorney candicate Ben Adamowski. Adamowski was a major Daley rival and enemy and wanted to get control of the States Attorney's office to investigate the Democrats. It was extremely important to defeat him and the mob shared in that. Check out the Daley bio 'American Pharaoh' and the Outfit history 'The Outfit'. The very high amount of REPUBLICAN vote fraud that took place in that election may have altered the results in the professors research. One reason Nixon didn't appeal the vote in Illinois is that he was allegedly told that such an investigation would yield at least as much Republican fraud as Democrat. I remember reading newspapers of the day and vote fraud was a major topic. Bill Roemer, the former SAC for Chicago has published tape transcripts of Giancana and other mobsters questioning why the change to supporting Kennedy when "we already got our own guy (Nixon)". Giancana made it clear that he expected smooth sailing and no hassles from a Kennedy administration. With few exceptions, I find the books from the Giancana family worthless, unverifiable fiction. The only exceptions I have found so far are Antoinette's memories of things like how the guy who used to fetch towels for her and her girlfriends at Daddy's Thunderbird motel is now the mayor of Rosemont, Illinois. I suspect that the professors statistics may be in need of some additional analysis and interpretation.
  23. After all that I have read about Mr. Bufalino and his power, I find it real hard to believe that he would be sitting in boat offshore. Why would he be there and what purpose would it serve? Men of his level use underlings to isolate themselves from the actions involved. It's called deniablity.
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