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Norman T. Field

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Everything posted by Norman T. Field

  1. It has been alleged that the pictures are of Roscoe White with LHO's face superimposed.
  2. "set limits on disinformation". The rabid lone nutters all seem to share a profound allergy to obvious truths.
  3. There is an orange complected Republican candidate who apparently thinks the world of Putin.
  4. Deliberate. According to the book 'Admitted Assassin' Roscoe White was tasked with eliminating some of the witnesses.
  5. I have often wondered if the characters in the 'badgeman' photos were Tippit and White.
  6. Jack White's current webpage: https://jfkcountercoup.blogspot.com/
  7. According to his mistress Madeline Brown, LBJ was informed of the hit the night before it occurred. She says he came out of a meeting and told her something like, "After tomorrow, the damn Kennedys will never embarass me again". Yes, LBJ's conduct in the limo is damning evidence of foreknowledge.
  8. I found both of Ray Locker's Watergate books to be quite informative confirming the torpedo. https://www.amazon.com/s?k=ray+locker+watergate&i=stripbooks&crid=U9EJIBDB5WX0&sprefix=ray+locker+watergate%2Cstripbooks%2C91&ref=nb_sb_noss
  9. I've read multiple claims that Ruby was the 'bag man' who distributed monthly mob payoffs to the police.
  10. Chauncey Holt's book makes it quite clear that there were two different sets of 3 tramps arrested. Harrelson was in Holt's group and Hunt was with the other trio.
  11. You would loose that bet, for it does make that claim. Selling off American war supplies to the Japanese was but one of his lucrative endevors.
  12. The book "The Soong Dynasty" is very interesting on this subject.
  13. Perhaps you could just stop wasting our time with this disproven theory that does not align with other known facts?
  14. There are credible stories in Chicago that the MM murder was done by Tony Spilotro and Frank Schweihs due to a request made of Sam Giancana by Joe Kennedy. Frank was then ordered to kill his girl friend after he told her what he had done and she started telling others. Her body was found floating in the Chicago river. It has also been alleged that MM's house was bugged by Fred Otash and a recording of the event was shared with Giancana.
  15. One might consider abducting LHO: no patsy to take the blame means no crime is committed.
  16. Yes, I find them credible. Through the years I have read multiple accounts from wise guys claiming to have seen pictures of JEH and Clyde in intimate circumstances. One guy claimed that Meyer Lansky had shown him the pictures, another claimed Frank Costello showed him the pics: so apparently there were multiple copies circulating. There is also the matter of JEH and Clyde getting comped for annual vacations at a resort in La Jolla CA that was owned by wise guys. Through the decades I have read dozens of books about La Cosa Nostra, but I don't recall which of them made these claims. I do recall that these claims were repeated in several different books. Hoover considered fighting communism to be the main role for the FBI, crime in general was a secondary concern.
  17. "Up until about 1957, Hoover did little about Cosa Nostra." There are very strong hints that JEH had a long time working relationship with La Cosa Nostra, including placing bets on fixed races thru a straw man flunky. All was well, until the Appalachia meeting broke in the press.
  18. "Sam Giancana hated the Kennedys and wanted to get even after his deportation by RFK. His personal pilot David Ferrie was connected to Oswald through the Civil Air Patrol and may have known of Oswald's employment at the TSB." I believe you have confused Giancana with Marcello.
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