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Norman T. Field

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Everything posted by Norman T. Field

  1. One of the original posts in this thread makes reference to Richard Cain's work with Cubans on the NE side of Chicago. There is not a NE side of Chicago, nor has there every been any reference to one by any Chicagoan. The NE side of Chicago is Lake Michigan!
  2. Exactly what PROOF do you have that Giancana was a Democrat? The same for Rosselli? They are mobsters so they must be Democrats? Yet another one of your barrels stuffed with the residue from a male bovine.
  3. According to Robert Caro, and other, JFK was blackmailed into selecting LBJ as his VP. Why would he not want to get rid of him?
  4. Mad Sam DeStefano was a class 1 sadistic sociopath lunatic. Anyone attributing logical action to him clearly does not understand the person they are describing. If Mad Sam was involved, its cuz somebody told him to. My understanding is that for the last several years of his life, most of the other high ranking members of the Outfit wanted nothing to do with him, such was the level of his strangeness. Check out the work he did on William 'Action' Jackson. The man had a private torture shop in the basement of his home. 15 years after his death, an Outfit wannabe type tried to intimidate me during a business deal. He turned real pale and polite when I pointed out that my girl friend's mother's maiden name was DeStefano. Such was the man's reputation. I suspect people confuse the two Sams, substituting DeStefano for Giancana. Even William Roemer, the former FBI head in Chicago, claims Mooney Giancana had notice of the asassination well in advance. I suspect his info came from Johnny Roselli, but that's a guess.
  5. I think Norman meant "Executive Action." Despite the lack of sourcing and uncertainty about authorship, I consider Farewell America to be one of the most succinct, consistent with the facts, renditions of the JFK assassination ever published. Below is a diagram of the Dealey Plaza action contained therein, including the Classic Gunman location, identified as #1. T.C. Yup, instead brain fade. Executive Action it is. You actually get to hear LHO say, "I'm just the patsy". Everyone agrees? Must be a conspiracy!
  6. I think Norman meant "Executive Action." Despite the lack of sourcing and uncertainty about authorship, I consider Farewell America to be one of the most succinct, consistent with the facts, renditions of the JFK assassination ever published. Below is a diagram of the Dealey Plaza action contained therein, including the Classic Gunman location, identified as #1. T.C. Yup, instead brain fade. Executive Action it is. You actually get to hear LHO say, "I'm just the patsy".
  7. What makes you think such a threat no longer exists? Richard Nagell was apparently murdered in the mid '90s cuz it looked like he might say somethings. Then there are the suggestions that the publication of 'Farewell America' was funded by the Kennedy clan, also rumors that they financed the movie 'Executive Decision'.
  8. Having studied the Chicago Outfit for much of my life, I have a real hard time with the idea the Chuck Nicoletti was involved. It appears Mooney (Sam) Giancana did have some knowledge of what was coming, beyond that I have yet to see any serious research results suggesting involvement by local Chicago hoods. I know that Chuck Giancana's book claims Nicoletti was one of the shooters, but I find Chuck's credibility right up there with Gerald Posner. While much research does suggest that John Rosselli did report to Chicago, he spent most of his time on the west coast.
  9. My employers network won't let me reach the site, but everything in my house leans left, even the cat.
  10. What if the Kennedy family already knows who performed all three assasinations (don't forget Mary Joe) and doesn't want anymore of their children killed? Wouldn't that explain their public posture?
  11. Richard Nagell seems to think that LHO did fire a weapon. Could LHO have been duped into thinking he was the 'phony' killer who would just fire into the sky in a simulated assasination attempt?
  12. Regarding Mr. Jacob Rubenstein and the mob. He was not 'in trouble' with the mob, he was a member from early on in Chicago. He was relocated to Dallas a 'punishment' for killing a cop in Chicago and had to get out of town. Don't think that being Jewish makes this impossible, the Chicago Outfit has been a multi-ethnic organization since the Capone days. Greeks, Welsh, Irish and Jews all had their place. Heck, Lenny Patrick, who was Jewish, lived a couple of blocks down the street from me. Try the book 'The Outfit' for a lot more info.
  13. Y'all do know who built La Costa don't ya? Built by the mob, funded by the teamsters.
  14. Perhaps the word is communtation? As in, his sentence was commuted.
  15. As if Carter hasn't been threatened with reprisals to his children already? I think he would have already said whatever he could, if he were so inclined. Now I am starting to wonder if the 'killer rabbit' story was another plant to make him look weak and ineffective.
  16. The HSCA determined that Ruby had help from inside the Dallas Police Department. How about the DPD as a place to begin investigating? Do that a bunch of old retired police officers will suddenly die of heart attacks, car accidents and suicides. Have pity on their families.
  17. _____________________________________ Gratz, Interesting question. Unfortunately I don't know the answer. Hey, have you ever noticed that the names "Abraham Lincoln" and "John F. Kennedy" both have an even number of letters?? _____________________________________ There are many "coincidences" between Lincoln and Kennedy: Abraham Lincoln was elected to Congress in 1846. John F. Kennedy was elected to Congress in 1946. Abraham Lincoln was elected President in 1860. John F. Kennedy was elected President in 1960. The names Lincoln and Kennedy each contain seven letters. Both were particularly concerned with civil rights. Both wives lost their children while living in the White House. Both Presidents were shot on a Friday. Both were shot in the head. Lincoln's secretary was named Kennedy. Kennedy's secretary was named Lincoln. Both were assassinated by Southerners. Both were succeeded by Southerners. Both successors were named Johnson. Andrew Johnson, who succeeded Lincoln, was born in 1808. Lyndon Johnson, who succeeded Kennedy, was born in 1908. John Wilkes Booth was born in 1839. Lee Harvey Oswald was born in 1939. Both assassins were known by their three names. Both names are comprised of fifteen letters Booth ran from the theater and was caught in a warehouse. Oswald ran from a warehouse and was caught in a theater. Booth and Oswald were assassinated before their trials. AND NOW FOR THE CORRECTIONS This just in: one week before his death, Lincoln spent the nite in Monroe, Maryland. One week before his death, Kennedy spent the nite in Marilyn Monroe!
  18. What about Truman? Born poor, lived poor and died poor. NO evidence he ever took a nickle from anyone. Kennedy did not 'buy the vote' in Chicago. There was a huge push on by the Democrats to crush the Republican candidate for States Attorney, Benjamin Adamowski. Adamowski hated Daley and wanted to put him in jail. The locals went all out to stop Adamowski, Kennedy came along on the coattails. Does this mean that they were not printing votes as needed late at nite in the river wards to put Kennedy over the top? Of course not, but Kennedy's election was not the main goal of the locals. Try the Daley biography 'American Pharoh'. As Tip O'Neill put it, "all politics is local".
  19. Arlen Spector is reputed to be the author of the 'magic bullet' theory. After that, anything that comes out of his mouth is suspect.
  20. While I don't recall the author, it was once said of Tricky Dick "If you were drowning 20 feet from shore, Nixon would throw you a 13 foot rope and tell you that he was meeting you more than halfway!" Richard Nixon, The first Sith Lord President?
  21. I have read that opium was 10% of the East India company's gross business and contributed 90% (!!!!!) of the firm's net profit. Yow! I think this is an important point: the involvement of the high and the mighty in drug trafficking and slave-trading is nothing new. The British Empire, among others, was built on such things. I was at the U.N. last year and they had a very powerful exhibit demonstrating the links between the British business elite of the 1700's, including members of royalty, and the American slave trade. It seems that all money starts out as dirty money... "Behind every great fortune is a great crime", one of the Rothschilds. "Steal a little and they throw you in jail, steal a lot and they make you king", Robert Zimmerman.
  22. I have read that opium was 10% of the East India company's gross business and contributed 90% (!!!!!) of the firm's net profit. Yow!
  23. Richard Cain could easily have been a double, if not triple agent between the government and the outfit. So far, it has been real hard to tell if he was a law enforcement agent for Richard Olgivie infiltrating the outfit or the other way around. The book 'The Outfit' has a lot of detailed information on him, concluding the outfit was his primary loyalty. I have read every Chuck Giancana book and have lived in Chicago all my life. I have yet to find a single, verifiable bit of new information in any of his books. All of his 'revelations' turn out to be attributed to dead people who can't argue the issue, never anything at all about anyone still alive. The one exception may be in the book he co-authored with Michael Corbitt. Mr. Corbitt definetly has significant knowledge about organized crime. But once again, the book is mostly about those who are gone. There is nothing to suggest that either Cain or Nicoletti were true marksman, which is what I would want for an assassination like JFK.
  24. Those who misquote the Chinese are confucused. Confucius say "Woman who shoot off mouth, must expect to lose face." Are you referring to Dorothy Kilgallen? I guess, if a man can write like Dorothy, he'd be compared to Hemingway. Are you saying that Dorothy should have kept her mouth shut, to save her face? I can only stand back in wonderment at the tortured, and twisted logical path your thought processes must have meandered down to arrive at the above conclusion. I have already indicated that this sort of disjointed thinking is indicative of a paranoid complex. Your mental health is at risk, please, for your own sake, stop posting this utter drivel, and seek urgent professional help...... Prozac has already been suggested and rejected. Abandon all hope.
  25. Tim, how much of a politician was Anton J. Cermak and how much of a mobster? I think he used politics to give his activities a “legal” touch and of course to gain more power. He and one of his buddy’s Roger Touhy were in competition with Al Capone. After unsuccessfully trying to get rid of F. Nitti he was put on the list. So his death was no surprise but Giuseppe Zangara was not really what you would call a “hitman” and his performance was more an act of a LN than a professional killer. IMO there was no need for an active cover and the fact that FDR was present and it happened in Miami made it automatically an attempt to kill the president. Just some thoughts. George According to the book 'The Outfit' an encyclopedic history of Chicago organized crime, Zangara was in deep doo-doo with the Outfit and was allowed to perform this service to wipe out his debts, provide for his family and ensure their safety. He was definetly doing the bidding of Frank Nitti's organization. Remember that Cermak sent two Chicago cops to assasinate Nitti, who survived. From that point onward, Anton was a dead man.
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