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Robert Howard

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  1. One thing that I recently thought of if, it was applicable to the films showing Prayerman is more or less a substitution of the seemingly? impossible task of computer enhancement of said footage. I hope someone well versed in the field of video technology reads this, before the idea is summarily dismissed by non-experts. Colorization....I know enough about the technology to realize cinematographers will colorize B&W films, using actual color photos of a certain area or event. Does anyone else think this is a applicable area. If so or even if not, I would be curious to see what people think.
  2. Persons interested in this thread may also want to take a look at CE 167, it is a photo prior to the beginning of Lee Oswald's funeral. A Navy officer can be seen quite clearly, I even posted it on my facebook page... https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1429796353902242&set=pb.100006156731382.-2207520000.1443031575.&type=3&theater I have also posted a genealogy link to Thomas Hilmon Bookout http://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=cmd&id=I1235 At first I was thinking about James Bookhout, the FBI agent....but as you can see the spellings indicate two distinctly different surnames. Another Stuart L. Reed who provided 14 hi-res photos [1 was of of Oswald under arrest outside the Texas Theater], was a high ranking U.S. military who was commander of a U.S. base in Panama, as was Sooy. See http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=16712&hl=stuart reed&page=1
  3. July 21, 1998 Amarillo Globe Longtime Dallas police reporter dies The Associated Press DALLAS (AP) - Johnny Rutledge, a longtime police reporter for The Dallas Morning News whose white Stetson often caused others to mistake him for a lawman himself, died Sunday. He was 74 and had battled emphysema and throat cancer for five years, The News reported. Rutledge covered Jack Ruby's killing of Lee Harvey Oswald, the man suspected of assassinating President Kennedy, in 1963. He was called to testify as a prosecution witness at Ruby's trial, said his son, Daniel M. Rutledge of Bryan, because he had seen Ruby hanging around the police station just before the killing. Ruby shot Oswald in the basement of Dallas police headquarters as he was being transferred to the county jail two days after the assassination. Known for his thorough, consistent crime coverage, Rutledge was held up as a model for new police reporters. Warren Bosworth, former city editor at the Dallas Times Herald, said he told his reporters, "You watch every single move that Johnny Rutledge makes. He is like a college of journalism right there in front of you." Serving the readers was what drove Rutledge, said Daniel Rutledge, who remembers his father as a loyal supporter of Dallas and its residents. "This was his city, his town," Daniel Rutledge said. Johnny Rutledge, a Dallas native, graduated from Baylor University, where he received a degree in journalism after a college career interrupted by service in the Navy during World War II. He started at The Fort Worth Press in 1948 as a copy editor and a police reporter. Three years later, he moved to The News as a rewrite clerk and later became the night police reporter, the job he kept until his retirement in 1992. Johnny Rutledge went into journalism, his son said, because "he loved action, being around excitement, adventure." His funeral will be at noon Wednesday at Restland Funeral Home. In addition to his son, Johnny Rutledge is survived by his wife of 49 years, Marjorie Moreland Rutledge of Dallas; another son, John Moreland Rutledge of Dallas; two daughters, Amy Louise McMullen of College Station and Sally Ann Scott of El Paso; and seven grandchildren. © 1998
  4. Nice to see you hereabouts......After all the time in the old days we discussed John Hurt, I eventually started buying up old books on cryptology, as well as James Bamford's works. While this isn't addressing the topic of this thread. I believe one of the dynamics of the assassination, has to do with a generation gap, ie The Greatest Generation vs The Best & The Brightest. The former, I believe felt JFK didn't pass their litmus test for what constituted leadership. I might add thank God, he didn't because if he had listened to the JCOS and their ilk, the world, as we know it, Cuban Missile Crisis with a different endgame, in a nuclear cloud.....always treasure the old days on the Forum....we were personally committed, and could exchange thoughts and beliefs without mocking our parentage.....Cheers
  5. Additionally Jack died soon after his book was published; I consider that a great loss, as well.
  6. You could say this is a addendum of sorts to the whole issue of Finland, as some of us remember LBJ as VP went on a Northern Countries diplomatic goodwill mission in September of 1963, where, he was in Finland, players [at one time] Ambassador to Finland Carl Rowan, his press attache Edward J. Savage, others John D. Hickerson and Finnish Amb. to the United States Richard Seppala. Of all dates...... September 11, 1963 LBJ's driver while he was in Finland Klaus Bertil Granblom [of Finland] died in an automobile accident. The newspaper coverage of that day Fort-Worth Star Telegram 9-11-63 mentioned this event in an article entitled "Johnson succeeds where Powers Failed." Granblom had died two days earler. As is not too surprising, I have never run across JFK Assassination documents that detail that event. Makes one wonder what else we don't know about that trip..... http://www.jfklibrary.org/Asset-Viewer/Archives/JFKPOF-128-024-p0010.aspx https://history.state.gov/historicaldocuments/frus1961-63v16/persons
  7. What if Oswald's missing third letter was the one that Shanklin told Hosty to burn after the assassination? Hmmmm....
  8. Jim, reading what you wrote reminded me of what Jack Ruby said when the Warren Commissioner's visited his jail cell before he died. Not sure if it is verbatim, but it was something along thelines of.....I am as innocent as all of you gathered here. Sarcasm?
  9. Albert Charles Davies http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=pv&GRid=27028644&PIpi=10840358
  10. Some time after the events in Dallas, Senator Thomas Dodd was investigated and, I believe even censured by his fellow Senator's. There was a book written about this and although the name escapes me, the Saturday Evening Post and Jack Anderson gave quite a bit of attention to this. In the Saturday Evening Post series of articles that were written, which, I believe was actually excerpts from the then forthcoming book, it was alleged that Dodd had a former FBI agent on his staff and that Dodd had connections to the West German government, i.e. Julius Klein and a Dr. Carstens. Although this post doesent address the title of the thread, I posted this because if Oswald was helping the Dodd Subcommittee and Dodd himself had connections to the WestGerman government, considering the Walker/National Zietung issue, maybe there is more to this area than previously thought. See Below https://news.google.com/newspapers?nid=1891&dat=19660201&id=nq8fAAAAIBAJ&sjid=KdcEAAAAIBAJ&pg=644,21725&hl=en
  11. One thing I felt fairly certain about after viewing the aforementioned JFK program, was that there was more than one railroad worker, and/or man with hardhat that was regarded bythe police as a suspect. Then awhile later after posting on this thread, I stumbled onto a passage from "No More Silence," containing an interview with Union Terminal Railroad employee Clemon Earl Johnson [pps. 79-83]. Since I can't write up the entire section, I will say....He mentions himself, S.M. Holland, Dodd, Sam Cox, Dudley Neath, two boys named Potter, Simmons, "Doc" Halbert and "others." The key portion of his interview is....... .....After it [assassination]happened, I said, "Well, its all over now! Let's get back to the engines, because if we don't they'll all have us in jail right quick!" They were gathering everybody up, and a fellow by the name of Dodd, and at that time our boss, Holland went running around to some bushes. They kept saying, "The shots came out of those bushes! The shots came out of those bushes!" They had turned to their left around into the street that came up beside the Book Depository Building which was put there for the benefit of the railroad. It was there because that's where two of their towers that throw the switches for the trains were located, and that street always had to be there to give an opening in and out to the railroad, as they owned that property all around there. Anyway, Holland was our foreman out in the railroad. He and Dodd went around to those bushes and were taken into custody. And for that I understood they kept them in jail until around midnight or after before they let them go. But Holland and Dodd, if both were living today, they'd almost fight you that they saw smoke coming from out of those bushes........After the shooting, we stayed maybe just a minute. We then ran towards where the engines were as they were leaving at one o'clock. I was supposed to always be there when the engines left to be sure they functioned right, and I had to ride them out. I guess the others were of the same opinion I was. They figured they might carry them in because the police came running up on the railroad and just picked up everybody they could. One last thing, I read Brennan's book, and he mentioned that he had a relationship by marriage to the wife or sister to the Shah of Iran, I really wanted to know if that was true or not because I felt it was important. I dug quite extensively, and never found one iota of evidence to support that claim. Q: Why would somebody make up something like that?
  12. Tom, you seem to have a premise for your idea. See Below San Diego Union-Tribune, The (CA) - November 16, 1995 Deceased Name: CAPT. DAVID A. SOOY Pioneering Navy flier, 92 Capt. David Aubrey Sooy , a pioneering Navy aviator who developed land for shopping centers and custom homes after a 30-year military career, died on his 92nd birthday Nov. 5 at Scripps Memorial Hospital-Encinitas. Capt. Sooy , who died of natural causes, was credited with making the first night landing on the carrier Saratoga in 1931. He also was among Navy aviators whose trick maneuvers in public performances paved the way for the advent of the Blue Angels, family members said. He helped install the first Link trainer for student aviators while serving as a flight instructor at Pensacola, Fla. Capt. Sooy was stationed at North Island Naval Air station when Pearl Harbor was bombed. He was again attached to the Saratoga for the duration of World War II. The carrier suffered damage from torpedoes in the Pacific, but returned to action in the Mariana Islands and in New Guinea. After World War II, Capt. Sooy attended the Naval War College in Newport, R.I. He was commanding officer of naval air stations in Dallas and Trinidad before retiring from the military in 1960. Capt. Sooy began his career in real estate in northeast Dallas, where he became president of a land development company. When President John F. Kennedy was fatally shot in Dallas in November 1963, Capt. Sooy was sitting in his car, waiting for the presidential motorcade to pass the school depository. A native of Chicago, Capt. Sooy grew up in Indiana and moved to Southern California in 1921. While attending the University of Southern California, he became fascinated with aviation. Capt. Sooy rebuilt a disabled airplane, learned to fly and later taught flying in the Los Angeles area. He moved to San Diego County 25 years ago and was living in Del Mar Highlands before being hospitalized. Capt. Sooy is survived by his wife, Evelyn; a daughter, Chundra Worley; three grandchildren; and two great-grandchildren. Cremation was planned. Services were pending. Donations are suggested to the medical library at San Diego Naval Medical Center in Balboa Park or to a favorite charity. San Diego Union-Tribune, The (CA) Date: November 16, 1995 Edition: UNION-TRIBUNE 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 Page: B-10 Record Number: SDUN2877102 Copyright 1995 Union Tribune Publishing Co.
  13. The threat Jim Di Eugenio mentioned did not go un-noticed here on the Forum, I updated it, for those who forgot about it.
  14. For Jim DiEugenio's new thread. http://www.dailykos.com/story/2007/07/04/353992/-Bizarre-1979-plot-to-Assassinate-President-Jimmy-Carter#
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