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Jim Phelps

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    JFK Assassination

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  1. Cannes Awards are out. Oliver got zero mentions---that I can find anyway.. All washed up like dead fish on the beach. It is a TV film----nobody seen it on TV. No body seen it streaming. Cannot find any DVD for it. I might be time to give it away for free. I guess we gotta find Greta Thunberg to Holler "How Dare You" make a flick on a US Icon and not show it to the US. I guess there might be one viewer----Deuterium--Engenio. Who won't provide any full video proof of his claims. Perhaps it won't stand up for inspections in the US. Oliver is part French and they left him stuck in hotel rooms. https://www.forbes.com/sites/sheenascott/2021/07/17/cannes-film-festival-2021-the-list-of-winners/?sh=38530f9838db
  2. After 11-22-63, JFK and RFK were going to clean corrupt Masonic Mega-Duo Hoover's and his Lap Dog LBJ's plow---LBJ was headed to Prison: They should have printed and exposed LBJ before Dallas---very bad move. When Oak Ridge helped helped the CIA's kill Castro Project in New Orleans via LHO----the Oak Ridge Masons landed in JFK's sights to knock out the CIA, Corrupt Secret Society Truman Masons, and the Mafia. The Chicago Mob was CIA connected on the Kill Castro deals, which all failed. JFK was getting ready to wipe out Masons LBJ and Hoover, and the corrupt Oak Ridge and their deuterium cover up games. Crooked Hoover and LBJ black mailed LBJ onto the JFK ticket---as they knew a Catholic President would destroy the Masonic insurrection take over of the US, especially from Masonic Truman's games and CIA run by corrupt Mason Dulles. JFK was about to get even with crooked Masons Hoover and LBJ and push LBJ into prison via a Time Mag article designed by RFK to exposed LBJ criminal acts. In Nov 63, the JFK folks shut down Oak Ridge's Prize Plutonium reactor for flooding the area with deuterium emissions for 20 years, and they were furious, as the USAEC's deuterium health cover up would put them in jail for crimes against humanity. https://insidethearrb.livejournal.com/547.html
  3. So, the deal in 1963 is LBJ did not want to blame the Russians or Cubans as that would be like serving them with a declaration for war, and the Russians would blow the US and LBJ off the map for trying to frame them with International War Crimes. They had to have a dead Guy American to get the easy out to frame a made up "Lone Nut American", who was JFK's agent LHO. They had to be taken out together to have all work. So, some of the book fabricators imaginations use the Russian or Cuban claims to mislead the world that the total blame goes on the corrupt British and their Pike insurrection gang that JFK was wiping out slowly. In Nov or 63, LBJ and Hoover were in the JFK wipe out cross-hairs and the Kennedy were going to slam LBJ into prison. Thus ole British bought and paid for Stone is pushing the safe deal for the British that it was American Dulles. That makes old Stone a ton of British backing and a ton of profits by selling a scam to save British Masons roles in killing JFK, framing LHO, making up a totally fake News Warren Report. The Stone scam with the British is very obvious, as well as those that killed JFK and fabricated a British protection report called the Warren Report. WR was Masonic Produced to protect Pike British Masonic JFK killers in the US Basically, it is so obvious as aiding and abetting that Stone needs treason charges for the JFK crime. JFK is solved as to who did it, who designed it, who all made up the fake cover stories and who needs to land in jails and who all needs to be known as US criminal Insurrection take over of the US Govt from within. Who is paying Stone? British money What is Stone concealing--Pike/Truman Masons. What else is Stone concealing--LHO and Oak Ridge's deuterium knowledge and that deuterium mixed with SV-40 is a fast growing cancer tumor bio-weapons method back in 63. And that Deuterium has a deep Royalist Family history and is used in massive Health racketeering.
  4. The New York Dulles Gang and the Rockefellers have been extremely close on deuterium health racketeering and anyone helping to Aid and Abet anyone not learning about DDW health methods will have Committed Crimes Against Humanity. Or attempts to attack the top US deuterium special projects person who is an informant of these serious issues that have killed millions in the US alone. Anyone doing that sort of attacking a messenger will no doubt be considered as terrorist activities. https://slideplayer.com/slide/6188429/?fbclid=IwAR3KlIG5oy9E7btpQXNSAuWVWYf-4a9W0KyAnBqE6OyypbNPydMR2BUNkOI High deuterium levels in the US are the prime cause for all low metabolic energy illnesses, which is diabetes, heart disease, and many others. The high deuterium levels is the prime risk factor for all that died from COVID-19. So, all attempting, in any fashion, to attack the top deuterium special projects person in the US will be at very high risk of being called terrorists.
  5. Yeah--you definitely have that "Deer Trapped in The Headlight Look" for intentional violations of this https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/1512?fbclid=IwAR3sc43LjFyaYgny94Jh0qoQ2CQBuAZRVd5jGaVutVXtkQhK2XFi8OLJMX0 And attempting to conceal this type crimes against humanity: https://medium.com/@corey_nelson/what-you-need-to-know-about-deuterium-fatigue-cancer-metabolic-issues-82c8f6748e34 ====== One of the things that very experienced JFK list discussions folks notice is those that conceal their faces with dark glasses-----as they apparently think they are spies. And they all seem to use that as a signal to their fellow list controllers. All those that are abrasive, attempt to take control, and other methods to disrupt-----are generally one of the Mossad types----and everyone of them have the dark glasses and trying to hide from facial recognition systems of NSA.. And in many cases they'll have a Jewish Orthodoxy names and both those factors explain much for the experienced.. They come around and become pests if you notice Jack Ruby was Jewish. Or Ruby's best synagogue pals was Abe Zapruder---33rd degree Mason--- and how Abe knew just where to stand and have a female shield his back. Or deals like Hunt used Weitzman on a pamphlet to shut down Ruby trying to frame them, as Hunt knew Ruby was the JFK Hit's front-man and boxed Ruby in. That also told LBJ that Hunt knew what was going on and was more than capable to put rope around Ruby's neck, LBJ's neck, and the corrupt Mason's neck. That guaranteed that LBJ had to drop Ruby and run and not touch Ruby and let him die in prison. Hunt got everything he wanted---and total protection from Hoover----as Hoover knew Hunt could and would blow the Masons wide open.
  6. Just follow the money and you find the Perps as well as their paid Shills directly Aiding and Abetting their Crimes.
  7. Looks like more trickles: More like a UK floodgate that explains a lot "Oliver Stone: ‘There’s still a presence out there reminding people not to speak about JFK’s killing’" https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/films/features/oliver-stone-interview-jfk-documentary-b1882614.html ==== This one is a UK piece. They omit that Stone is now a UK owned Producer----as the English supplied the money and Stone has to play their game to give them returns on their investments. The UK also owns the distribution. The real story is the British controlled Royalists / Imperialists backing Masons both killed and covered up the facts on JFK. They had JFK killed. It is well seen via JFK's attacks on exposing them in the Secret Society Speech. Then the ORNL Mason, named Raymond W. Tucker, Sr., operations to have LBJ's whacko Zionist Jack Ruby become Dallas "Point men" to use Giancana's shooters to kill JFK and get out of town fast. Then those that concealed it all were Masonic Zionist LBJ and his best buddy that black mailed im onto the JFK ticket----the corrupt Imperialist backing Hoover who rigged all the data going to Warren Commission. Big Texas Mason LBJ tapped and forced Earl Warren to run the multi-part Masonic fabrication report to hide that the US was taken over from within via the Truman process of installing Imperialist English Masons in all US high offices. Like Dulles as CIA, like LBJ as President, Hoover as FBI, Curtis LeMay as JCS, Lyman Lemnitzer as JCS and a huge list of US insurrections by the British to control and use and abuse the US Money ad Power. Brittish have absolute control over Oak Ridge and the big time secrets on deuterium and Royalist family deals with it. Who do we see trying to prop up Stone's selling out America to the British and still playing blame an American and never mention what JFK's secret society speech was about US insurrection and take over of the US from within by the British using the Pike insurrection method. The whole world should be seeing the British new bought and paid for misinformation agent---Sir Oliver Stone---UK's pawn. Then he uses a Jewish and Masonic Prince Hall Masonic advertising actor. Oh really, what an idiot. Stone has been on the attack against Trump is another sign he is not a US Patriot. Stone is British Owned Agent and concealing that JFK was a British targeted hit, as JFK was going to take them out of US power. Hence, why Stone cannot explain the obvious deal with JFK and Secret Society Truman Masons were directly behind the JFK murder. I do think Stone will be heading off to jail when Trump comes back in--or he might run as a fugitive for intent to conceal and support JFK's murder. And, as well, a corrupt Hollywood Producer that has used his fame to attempt to play his "Cancel Culture" against Trump. The tangled Web by those that seek to deceive is becoming obvious now. I guess we see why no US Patriots wanted to support Stone very clearly now, and those that did were the ones that killed JFK.
  8. Obviously, those like you that have the Asparkerger's Habbits and play little professors.and overdose on heavy water. "Admiralty law in the United States developed from the British admiralty courts present in most of the American colonies. These courts functioned separately from courts of law and equity. With the Judiciary Act, though, Congress placed admiralty under the jurisdiction of the federal district courts."
  9. Well---you do make a model for Asparger's Syndrome---drunk on heavy water perhaps !! But the "Bull Man" name defines your nuisance games perfectly Posting new listings is rather just listings----and what they mean in terms of what to watch for with Stone's descriptions that make him Crook and cover-up producer or America's enemy.. One of the things that very experienced JFK list discussions folks notice is those that conceal their faces with dark glasses-----as they apparently think they are spies. And they all seem to use that as a signal to their fellow list controllers. All those that are abrasive, attempt to take control, and other methods to disrupt-----are generally one of the Mossad types----and everyone of them have the dark glasses and trying to hide from facial recognition systems of NSA.. And in many cases they'll have a Jewish Orthodoxy names and both those factors explain much for the experienced.. They come around and become pests if you notice Jack Ruby was Jewish. Or Ruby's best synagogue pal was Abe Zapruder---33rd degree Mason--- and how Abe knew just where to stand and have a female shield his back. Or deals like Hunt used Weitzman on a pamphlet to shut down Ruby trying to frame them, as Hunt knew Ruby was the JFK Hit's front-man and boxed Ruby in. That also told LBJ that Hunt knew what was going on and was more than capable to put rope around Ruby's neck, LBJ's neck, and the corrupt Mason's neck. That guaranteed that LBJ had to drop Ruby and run and not touch Ruby and let him die in prison. Hunt got everything he wanted---and total protection from Hoover----as Hoover knew Hunt could and would blow the Masons wide open.
  10. Looks like "Daily Beast" went Open Source and not Members only, so everyone can read the whole thing now. Keep in mind that Stone's first 1997 movie pattern was blame the Americans---and had the Mossad's Arnon Milchan and basically the English and Mossad are in each other's pockets. So, the 1997 mystery said it was CIA, The Americans, but CIA is run by English Masonic insurrection Allan Dulles--and that is never mentioned. This latest is still pointing at Allan Dulles---the American. Masons and the British are never mentioned. The Masons and insurrection British need it to always be the American. They started with the American Lone Nut LHO frame up with Hoover/LBJ, and the shift Stone is moving or pressing the American Dulles. The real story is it was run by a lot of crooked Royalist / Imperialist SR Masons and the original US insurrection deal that JFK flagged in his Secret Society Speech against Truman. All the JFK haters were basically S R Masons and English loyalists----aka The British is the underlying criminal element that offed JFK, inserted Masonic loyalist LBJ. The real story is the CIA wanted to kill Castro, LHO was the runner for the CIA project and that led to Oak Ridge and the specialized deuterium knowledge to make fast growing cancer tumors. LHO was a JFK spy, so then JFK was going to rip the CIA and Oak Ridge into a million pieces. One of the ORNL Masons (Raymond W Tucker, Sr) knew Jack Ruby from Army Air Core and knew his Sam Giancana connections and they got Jack Ruby to work the Dallas hit on JFK and replace him with Ruby's old buddy LBJ. The origin of the successful kill JFK plan in Dallas came from one of the British insurrection of the US types, Masons at the Oak Ridge National Lab. They also wanted to hide the deuterium and cancer causality issues per nuke power and nuke weapons----and health. The big play to always notice is Stone always plays---Blame the American------never even mention corrupt Masons and that British insurrection methods that took over the US from within. As long as Stone plays that diversion from British deal---he is part of the criminal's efforts to conceal the murder's leading plotters and their deuterium motive connections. That is how one spots the Crooks---that dichotomy is the indicator. https://www.thedailybeast.com/oliver-stones-crackpot-jfk-revisited-through-the-looking-glass-is-a-hilarious-mess
  11. Well--true Maybe Stone has a big Red Sign on him? with stripes that Netflix spotted.. Plus, they are likely not British, Masonic, or into helping English subterfuge. They might be loyal American Patriots !!!
  12. I am a scientist engineer type. Not a film-maker.. Movies are expensive---waste my time. I did the simple thing---wrote down what happened and shared it. Novel concept. JFK left big fat flags on where the problems with the US being taken over by the corrupt British and using and abusing Americans. Common Sense---simple.
  13. Lots of the real deals on the English Mason Gangster has been well known for a long time. Solving the JFK hit is very easy for people that really want to solve it. LHO was standing on the TSBD's front steps in all the shooting and the crooked Masonic gangster Hoover took up all the photos with the TSBD's front steps showing. They burned the cellulose in movie frames You have be an idiot not to have read this. Anyone seen Stone speak to the obvious? Who took the Pic's----corrupt Masonic British FBI's Hoover. The answer to who the real JFK thugs were is the crooked English Mason's US insurrection thugs that JFK spotted. No doubts, as I knew the one Crooked Mason that set-up JFK from Oak Ridge http://22november1963.org.uk/bertrand-russell-16-questions-on-the-assassination They did not collect all the LHO on front steps pics.
  14. I don't think anyone in the US is going to see Stone's DVD for a long time, if ever. On the one hand, some of the latest de-class shows part of JFK 1997 was correct. Most on EF folks follow all the Trump De-class and the 2021 Stone stuff is just old news. I've never needed Stone's deals as I knew what happened on 11-22-63. I've known WC was a faked up UK British Masonic over up to blame an America since Mason LBJ started and used it to shut down the US finding Criminal English Masons taking over the US. JFK was going to hit them with insurrection charges and remove the take over from within by UK's Pike crooks forever. So, we track the News and Reviews. Their signatures are important. I know what happened, I trust that. When Stone goes against what I know I go against him. It is what it will be---but don't count on ever seeing this Stone--2021 deal---as all the world is going to be watching Stone and see the money men, the UK's distributors. Once all this is out---most of Stone's blame the Americans dies on the vine. All will See that Stone has not exposed those who did JFK for the same reason they did FDR. Stone is not exposing the Pike take over the US Masons made worse by Truman. Stone has not exposed all the deuterium and cancer methods the CIA got from Oak Ridge and has not exposed all the very old religious issues of deuterium from the times of 1st temple and before. Hiding Deuterium is a very old Rockefeller medicine racketeering method to exploit stupid American's health. Tune in. Perhaps you may rise above Asperger's levels of intelligence. But if you wanna jack me up---you'll find my data being exposed will confront anything you might muster.. Plus have a huge focus on you. So, go for it.
  15. Well, I know who did JFK and Why and Stone is just way off. If anything, Stone is now right in bed with the criminals now. However, he is showing his cards now---and I and others are watching. The people that know what happened in intelligence are watching closely. All Stone is doing is more Mass Confusion and pushing solving JFK off another 60 years. Stone is very obviously helping the British cover up---which is why they fund his crap. Stone is pushing the UK's dodge---which is blame the Americans----it was a Masonic British insurrection hit job. Same motive as FDR hit over Four Freedoms plans. I am after solving JFK---not on Stone's and UK's forever method. I don't trust Stone at all---after looking at all the latest. Follow the money, it always leads to the criminals. Standard criminal investigative methods that you appear to need me to ignore.. It Won't happen. I know all the Intelligence agency tricks---including UK's. II also know that JFK attacked the English control over the US---Truman's Masons. The Secret Society Speech told exactly who they were. I've studied Pike, all the Masonic and KKK games.. Don't expect to lecture me or fool me. It won't happen. I know JFK found out about deuterium----which is a big Royalist's deal I am witness to lots. I am no ignorant new by. I have been around important places. Trouble is that you are not on track for what I follow and have been following for decades---so I cannot agree. You appear to mislead me? As far as reading all the reviews---I find them interesting to see who has Stone's back for the UK's Masonic take over of the US. It is all very very obvious to highly informed JFK folks looking at the criminals. So, I look for Stone naming Masons, the UK gang that JFK called out in Secret Society Speech. Stone's silence on the obvious UK S R Masons speaks volumes. Stone not speaking to LHO and Oak Ridge---the S R Mason's deuterium capital and the very obvious connections to rapid tumor growth for Oschner's CIA project also speaks voluminous. I like to teach others how to locate and see all JFK involved criminal elements in the US AND the UK. It will continue. I know who you are and I don't support your agenda and trying for distractions on what I see as totally obvious to honest JFK investigators.
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