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Thomas Graves

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Everything posted by Thomas Graves

  1. Jimbo, Lance said he was looking at the narrow issue of whether or not the money order should show evidence of endorsement by FBN and the Federal Reserve Bank. . Maybe you missed that. In a way you remind me of Fetzer and Cinque. They seem to think that Oswald's innocence would be in jeopardy if "Doorman" was someone other than him, and to perish that thought they really go off on a paranoiac, quasi-mystical "everything was altered" trip. You seem to think that if the money order was properly endorsed and deposited into Klein's bank account through normal channels, and in a timely manner, then Oswald must have ordered the (wrong sized by mistake) rifle and shot the President with it. But that doesn't necessarily follow, does it? --Tommy
  2. Jimbo, Lance said he was looking at the narrow issue of whether or not the money order went through the depoisiting proess. Maybe you missed that. --Tommy
  3. Jimbo, He said he was looking at a narrow issue. But now, because you feel frustrated, you're demanding that he explain the whole freaking enchilada. Take some deep breaths, relax, and try to learn something. You can do it. --Tommy
  4. Relax, Jimbo. In through the mouth, out through the nose. In through the mouth, out through the nose... --Tommy
  5. Edited and augmented on 11/17/15: Jeanie, Dark-complected and athletically-built (a football and track star in high school according to his buddy Ruben Carbajal) David Sanchez Morales is not visible in the Zapruder film to my knowledge. I do believe, however, that Morales was monitoring Oswald's leafleting activity in New Orleans on August 9, 1963, and was "captured" on film by 14-year-old Jim Doyle during the arrest-of-Oswald-incident. I think Morales is the guy who walks into the scene from the left, scratching his neck (to sneakily point out Oswald to a confederate, to try to hide the fact that he has a camera's strap around his neck?), and watches Oswald walk past him at 3:55 in this Black Op Radio video: .Interestingly, a Garrison investigator, Richard Billings, wrote about a coat-and-tie-wearing "Spanish (read: Hispanic-looking) Trace / Shepherd" whom Bringuier and his buddies noticed was monitoring and taking photos of Oswald that day. http://www.jfk-online.com/billings4.html I'm presently trying to determine if the historical David Sanchez Morales had an inch-long scar on or above his left eyebrow like Garrison told Billings the photo-taking "Shepherd" had. Edit: Yes he did. See the 45-degree scar above Morales' left eyebrow in the photo below. --Tommy Edit: Upon further close "freeze frame" viewing of "Neck Scratcher" in the Jim Doyle color film clip (around 3:55), I've come to realize that "Neck Scratcher" has a thin, brown, shiny leather camera strap (barely-visible) around his neck. Just like David Sanchez Morales did in this 1966 photo! ------ Bear in mind that according to Richard Billings, Garrison was told by witnesses Carlos Bringuier and Miguel Cruz that the "Shepherd" or "Spanish Trace" was taking photos of Oswald on Canal Street that day. Synopsis: Dark-complected "Neck Scratcher" had a camera with him while he was watching Oswald on August 9, 1963, just like Bringuier and Cruz said the dark-complected "Spanish Trace / Shepherd" had had with him that day. Garrison told one of his researchers, Richard Billings, that this dark-complected "Shepherd" had a one-inch scar on his left eyebrow. I have shown here and in earlier posts that David Sanchez Morales had a one-to-two-inch scar on his left eyebrow. In earlier posts I also showed that white-fingered "Neck Scratcher" was very dark complected. Question: Was David Sanchez Morales the dark-complected, suit-wearing man with the scarred left eyebrow who was seen watching and taking photos of Oswald on August 9, 1963? I believe that he was.
  6. Tall, dark-complected, athletically-built (a football star in high school according to his buddy Ruben Carbajal) David Sanchez Morales is not visible in the Zapruder film to my knowledge, but I think he might be visible (wearing a grey suit and standing with his back to the camera) in the crowd in front of the TSBD several minutes after the assassination. I believe Morales was monitoring Oswald's leafleting activity in New Orleans in August, 1963, and was "captured" on film by 16-year-old Jim Doyle during the arrest-of-Oswald-incident. I think Morales is the guy who walks into the scene from the left, scratching his neck the whole time (to hide the fact that he was "packing" from the camera?), and watches Oswald (wearing his placard on his chest) walk past him to Morales' left. This short Morales-and-Oswald scene starts at 3:55 in this Black Op Radio video: .Interestingly, Garrison "investigator" Richard Billing wrote about a gray suit-wearing "Spanish trace / shepherd" whom Bringuier and his buddies noticed monitoring and taking photos of Oswald that day. http://www.jfk-online.com/billings4.html I'm trying to determine if the historical David Sanchez Morales had an inch-long scar on or above his left eyebrow. Edit: Yes he did. Final thought: I don't want to sound politically-incorrect here but I gotta say that any dark-complected man (Morales was so dark that his colleagues referred to him as "El Indio") wearing a business suit in the southern cities of New Orleans and Dallas (in hot, muggy August in New Orleans!) in 1963 would have stuck out like a sore thumb as not being from those uhh.. racist areas. So, who is this guy or should I say, "who are these guys, in the photos I'm talking about, anyway?" --Tommy Edit: Upon further close "freeze frame" viewing, it's apparent that "Neck Scratcher" has a camera's thin brown leather strap around around his neck in the Black Op Radio video clip of Jim Doyle's color film , just like he did in this photo:
  7. Ray, that is a very good question which was thunderously ignored. Because its ramifications go to the heart of the matter. We shall soon see why. Lance, thanks for that. Its also a point John Armstrong will address soon. Devils Advocate: If Klein's in Chicago had gotten the money order from Dallas by airmail on the 13th, then Holmes could logically rule out the possibility that the MO had been purchased on the afternoon of the 12th for the simple reason that that would have been to late for Klein's to have received it when they did. But that raises a question: Question: Would that (the sending of a letter by airmail in the morning from Dallas to Chicago in 1963 --- and the reception of it the next day) have been possible? Tangential Questions: Assuming that he actually did purchase and send the money order by airmail on the morning of the 12th, why was the notoriously stingy Oswald in such a big hurry to get the rifle? (Why else would he have sent the money order by more expensive airmail if not to speed up his receiving of it?) If he was in such a big hurry, why didn't he just a buy a rifle in a Dallas store? The only remotely-plausible "official" explanation is that "he had to have a 6.5 caliber Mannlicher-Carcano as soon as possible." More Questions: Were Mannlicher-Carcanos available in Dallas? If so, could Oswald have saved any money by buying one from Klein's, instead? --Tommy
  8. Yes, yes, yes! Then we can roll Pearl Harbor, the Kennedy assassinations, the MLK assassination, the Malcolm X assassination, the Apollo Program, 9/11, Oklahoma City, ISIS, etc, etc, etc, all into one grand theory!!! (Waving arms in the air and foaming at the mouth) I mean. Only then does the JFK assassination make any sense! --Tommy edited and bumped
  9. War leads to inflation. Dollars chasing dollars, spurred by government spending. Nothing of real and permanent value produced for consumers to buy. War leads to inflation.. --Tommy .
  10. not much debate there, there are no "researchers" on the lone nut side of the equation. Just adherents (paid and otherwise) and WCR zealots including .john-ites. So who is attacking who, Mr. Roy? whom --Tommy
  11. Why would it have to be cashed instead of deposited into Klein's bank account? --Tommy
  12. David, as difficult as the following will be to accept, you must in order to move forward.... DVP, you've been left in the dust. You are ringing hollow as do most self-defined lone nut, LHO did it all by his lonesome whiners... So why don't you just ignore him? --Tommy
  13. Yes, yes, yes! Then we can roll Pearl Harbor, the Kennedy assassinations, the MLK assassination, the Malcolm X assassination, the Apollo Program, 9/11, Oklahoma City, ISIS, etc, etc, etc, all into one grand theory!!! (Waving arms in the air and foaming at the mouth) I mean. Only then does the JFK assassination make any sense! --Tommy
  14. To bow to any corrupt system is to legitimize it and stunt your own thinking ability, especially when corruption in peer review is recurrent and proof of that is publicly available. When is this elitist charade going to be called out? I won't be lead to ignore the human biases embedded in the peer review system that is deliberately used as a tool by dividers and conquerors of society from an intentionally academic vantage point to uphold authoritarianism and crush dissension with a pen. Not only has the internet made it easier for anyone to publish a non-peer-reviewed book, it has also made it easier for "the establishment's" peer review participants to exert their bias with no immediate repercussions for doing so (I only link proven examples, but there are thousands more proven examples if you seek them out). Your constructs are very hard to follow. Do you really believe that all writings are of equal validity? Of course not. That'd be as naïve as thinking that corporate state-controlled peer review is the answer to validation. When you qualify it as "corporate state-controlled," one might regard it as naive, but I disagree with your world view that it is a deliberate state-controlled thing. It is a much less nefarious tool which publishers used to use for reasons most rational people would understand. Stephen, By "rational" hope and assume you mean "non-paranoiac"? --Tommy
  15. So I guess Dane doesn't cover it. Pity. --Tommy
  16. That's an excellent question, Jon. Maybe one of our photographic experts knows the answer. In lieu of that, I can tell you what I believe the case to be, based on my rudimentary understanding of the overall context. Since I believe that Altgens 6 was taken 2-3 seconds after the first shot hit JFK, and that Couch and Darnell started filming about 20 seconds after the final shot, then I believe, if my arithmetic is correct, that about 25 seconds (plus or minus 5 seconds) separate the two images. Just curious: Why do you ask? Do you .... know? --Tommy bumped for Jon G. Tidd
  17. Lance, Exactly. I, too, am a CTer of sorts -- I'm undecided as to whether or not Oswald was a witting participant in the conspiracy. Regardless, your point is well taken. It reminds me of how the Harvey and Lee crowd assert that "Harvey" (aka "Marina's husband") and the mysterious CIA operative and putative assassin "Lee" must have looked a lot alike at times, but quite different at other times. --Tommy
  18. Thanks Larry. The reason I ask is because I think I remember reading in SWHT that (when you wrote that book) you thought Oswald was waiting to meet someone by the rear door, or something like that. --Tommy
  19. Does it deal with the four "buttons" that Duncan noticed, or did it go to the press too late for that? --Tommy
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