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Thomas Graves

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Everything posted by Thomas Graves

  1. I've been saying for a long time now that I think the person's sleeves are rolled down (notice the cuff line near the wrist), but have more sunlight reflecting off them than other parts of his / her body, thereby creating a large area of light-colored "spectral highlights" which many people have mistaken for that person's having a bare forearm. Let me add that FWIW, I still think that the person in question is probably Oswald. But PM's "buttons" are intriguing. And the cuff of the "shirt" is up the forearm a bit, not unlike like the woman's coat / dress. BTW, as many of you already know, a fairly recent post (on another thread?) said something about the WC's knowing that there was an unidentified person on the steps who was taking photographs during the motorcade. Prayer Man / Prayer Woman does seem to be lowering both arms / hands from his / her face area about the time that the shots started ringing out, as though he or she was holding a non-TLR type camera (or binoculars) from his / her eyes... --Tommy Edit: Duncan's blond-haired lady in the black dress was also captured in the Cook-Cooper film. (It is generally believed that the arrow is pointing to Vicki Adams.) Yes, here she is in motion, carrying the bag(s) Duncan, If she worked in the TSBD, I think it should be possible to identify her even at this late date. Or was she just an off-the-street ... amateur photographer? How likely is that? --Tommy PS Where's Linda when we need her?
  2. I've been saying for a long time now that I think the person's sleeves are rolled down (notice the cuff line near the wrist), but have more sunlight reflecting off them than other parts of his / her body, thereby creating a large area of light-colored "spectral highlights" which many people have mistaken for that person's having a bare forearm. Let me add that FWIW, I still think that the person in question is probably Oswald. But PM's "buttons" are intriguing. And the cuff of the "shirt" is up the forearm a bit, not unlike like the woman's coat / dress. BTW, as many of you already know, a fairly recent post (on another thread?) said something about the WC's knowing that there was an unidentified person on the steps who was taking photographs during the motorcade. Prayer Man / Prayer Woman does seem to be lowering both arms / hands from his / her face area about the time that the shots started ringing out, as though he or she was holding a non-TLR type camera (or binoculars) from his / her eyes... --Tommy Edit: Duncan's blond-haired lady in the black dress was also captured in the Cook-Cooper film. (It is generally believed that the arrow is pointing to Vicki Adams.)
  3. You have the right, reasonable questions, Tommy. One thing is certain, however -- just because "Lee Oswald's" name was on the package -- that package will probably be famous for centuries into US History. Another thing that will make the package famous is that it contained only one piece of WRAPPING PAPER! I cannot think of a more ridiculous package in US history. What I doubt is the nonsense of JUMPING TO CONCLUSIONS on the basis of this puny bit of data. Ray wants to connect this WRAPPING PAPER with the WRAPPING PAPER alleged to have covered LHO's rifle on 11/22/1963, and calls this leap of faith a "slam dunk". Brown paper is brown paper -- big deal. But really, people, all we have here are dozens of QUESTIONS, and some pretty flimsy theories. Tommy, you're asking the right question: W-H-Y ?? Why in the world would anybody send a package containing one piece of Wrapping Paper to "Lee Oswald" at a fake address, and include insufficient postage on it? The very idea makes no sense in any PLOT or CONSPIRACY that anybody can name. Finally -- what in Hades does any of this have to do with Ruth Paine, the Quaker Charity lady? One really has to be desperate enough to grasp at straws to try to make hay out of the "Undeliverable Package." Regards, --Paul Trejo Paul, Because Ruth Paine received a "12 cents postage due" letter / post card / note from the post office on 11/23/63. That's why. --Tommy
  4. Jim, Where did the bad guys expect that paper bag, theoretically / ideally with Oswald's fingerprints on it (but, strangely, with no gun oil on it), to be found? In Ruth Paine's wastebasket? Since the theory would be that Oswald had made the bag for transporting the rifle to the TSBD, how would the finding of it at Ruth Paine's house after the assassination help to frame Oswald? --Tommy Paper of the same type as the bag in the TSBD found in the Paine's Household with Oswald's fingerprints on. Slam dunk. Why did the sender make the package undeliverable? Just to have a plausible reason to send Ruth Paine a "12 cents postage due" notice which she received on 11/23/63? For what reason? (So the post office could put some microdots under the package's label?) Or did someone intentionally / unintentionally give the sender an incorrect address for Oswald? How did the post office know to send Ruth Paine the "postage due" notice (for a package addressed to Oswald) before (or immediately after?) Oswald was captured at the Texas Theater, anyway? The package was undeliverable for several reasons. Twelve cents short on metered (!) postage, no return address, non-existent "601 West Nassau Street" address on label. (It is unknown if there was any kind of a "correct" address for anybody under the label.) Questions: Was there any metered postage on the package at all? How much did it cost to send a comparable package from someplace in Irving, Texas to an address in Irving / Dallas in 1963, anyway? Twelve cents? More than twelve cents? Is it too late for the National Archives or FBI to find out if there was an address under the label? Isn't there be some kind of high-tech way to "see" under the label without removing it today? Has the handwriting on the label ever been analysed to try to identify who wrote it? Was the paper determined to be exactly the same kind of paper as the bag allegedly found at the TSBD was made from, or just kinda similar? What's really strange is that the FBI said it found no fingerprints on the package. If true, makes me wonder if the person who put the "601 West Nassau Street" label on it wearing gloves at the time... --Tommy
  5. Jim, Where did the bad guys expect that paper bag, theoretically / ideally with Oswald's fingerprints on it (but, strangely, with no gun oil on it), to be found? In Ruth Paine's wastebasket? Since the theory would be that Oswald had made the bag for transporting the rifle to the TSBD, how would the finding of it at Ruth Paine's house after the assassination help to frame Oswald? --Tommy
  6. I'm also curious to know how someone gets locked in a bathroom. Bathroom door locks don't normally work that way. In fact, I don't ever recall seeing a bathroom door that could be locked from the outside that did not have a latch or device to allow the occupant to unlock the door from the inside. Some institutions like hospitals and places of business have the ability to lock their bathrooms but in a normal domestic household this would be a unique (and dangerous) feature. Maybe she locked it from the inside and then closed the door and Oswald couldn't figure it out. LOL --Tommy
  7. Chris, His tripod was too big for what? --Tommy
  8. Yes, Jim, I know. That policeman from Irving said he told the others not to pay any attention to it because, he claimed, it looked broken. --Tommy LOL Jimbo, If you could learn how to incorporate (instead of just leaving it out and hoping it will go away) seemingly harmful evidence (e.g. what the one Irving policeman said) into this argument / any argument, by showing how implausible and / or contrived such evidence really is (e.g. the IR couldn't have looked broken to him because it didn't look broken when it was finally turned in by Robert Oswald; e.g. it shouldn't have mattered to him if it was broken because it was still allegedly Oswald's camera and therefore it was still potential evidence), you will strengthen your "case." --Tommy
  9. Yes, Jim, I know. That policeman from Irving said he told the others not to pay any attention to it because, he claimed, it looked broken. --Tommy
  10. Great observation! Actually, according to one Irving policeman, the Imperial Reflex was there at the time, but the alleged "reason" he hadn't reported it or taken it in as evidence was because, he lamely said, it looked to him to be in such bad condition (but it wasn't) as to be inoperable. As though that (even if true) would bear on it's possible evidentiary value! --Tommy
  11. Karl, Now that really is interesting. If true, I wonder if he met with Dave Phillips or David Morales. As I mentioned a long time ago on another thread, I think I've spotted Morales watching Oswald as the latter was leafleting in New Orleans, and I may have spotted the same guy (wearing the same grey suit) standing in the crowd in front of the TSBD several minutes after the assassination... Thanks, --Tommy
  12. Oswald wasn't just a scapegoat, and a way of pressuring LBJ into invading Cuba after the assassination, or to to carry it a step further, a way to ensure the cover up by correctly anticipating that LBJ would not allow WW III to occur at that time. I believe he was also manipulated and moved around, like a chess piece. Rhetorical question: Did the bad guys only start considering using him when they learned that the motorcade would pass by his place of work? If so, they must have been overjoyed at their good fortune. --Tommy edited and bumped
  13. Oswald wasn't just a scapegoat, a way of pressuring LBJ into invading Cuba after the assassination, and to carry it a step further, a way to ensure the cover up by correctly anticipating that LBJ would not allow WW III to occur at that time. I believe he was moved around the board like a chess piece. Did the bad guys only start considering using him when they learned that the motorcade would pas by his place of work? If so, they must have been overjoyed at their good fortune. --Tommy
  14. When I was living in the Czech Republic (formerly part of communist Czechoslovakia) in the 1990's, I noticed that older houses and apartments didn't have closets. They had large, free-standing pieces of furniture that we would call wardrobes. Maybe American closets were a new thing for Marina. Maybe she was proud to have an American closet, and wanted to show it off. --Tommy
  15. Just wondering out loud here -- Is it logical that DeMorenschildt would have contacted the CIA about Oswald's alleged assassination attempt against General Walker? Why wouldn't he have contacted the FBI, instead? Or did he? Another question: Why didn't Dallas FBI confidential informant T-2 contact the Dallas FBI office about Oswald's alleged April, 1963, leafleting activities in Dallas? Why did he or she contact the New York office about it, instead? --Tommy
  16. Jon, You seem to prefer to believe that Altgens 6 shows Oswald leaning forward by the center handrail, not Lovelady. In spite of the fact that Wiegman shows us that that figure by the center handrail is Lovelady. --Tommy
  17. Jon, There is no Lovelady-Oswald figure in Altgens 6. There is only Lovelady leaning forward by the center hand rail. Prayerman-Oswald is not visible in Altgens 6, for the reason I explained to you in another thread. Have you read it? --Tommy
  18. Linda, Also see Gerda Dunkel's three gifs on this jfkassassinationforum page: http://www.jfkassassinationforum.com/index.php?topic=5649.msg%msg_id% . Note that Roger Craig's trousers are lighter than his coat in the top gif (in which he's shown walking through the parking lot / railway yard with Buddy Walthers). This is important because it means that Craig has been misidentified in the famous "Roger Craig-watching-Oswald-coming-down-Elm Street Extension-to-get-into-the-Rambler" photo. (The guy misidentified as Craig in that (Allen?) photo is wearing trousers that are the same color as his coat.) I think Craig is standing behind the guy in the brown jacket in the middle gif and that Lummie Lewis is the guy interrogating the woman in the bottom one. Contrary to what Gerda or somebody said on that website, I think it's possible that the "Lummie" figure was wearing a windbreaker, not a long raincoat, in that gif with the woman. --Tommy
  19. Linda, This is a photo of C. L.(ummie) Lewis and Roger Craig that "Alan A." posted on the ROKC website. http://www.reopenkennedycase.org/apps/forums/topics/show/13091558-identify-hat-badge-man- --Tommy PS Regarding what you've found on Jack Edwin Dougherty, I suggest that you start a new thread on him. Keep up the good work!
  20. Thanks for the posts, Hiram. Was the boat called Tejana II, or something like that? BTW, Don't pay any attention to "Null and Void" here. --Tommy Hi Tommy, I did not see the name as we aproached the slip to board. The stern may have been blocked. It was kept in the Intercoastal Boat Yard. I have not had time to learn to post an image. If you have a photo of the Tejana III, you might post it so that I can compare it to my photo. --HH Hiram, The photo of the boat you posted looks like the one I found on the Internet when I was "researching" the Tejana III a couple of years ago. Here's another one, with a list of the crew: [...] Does this look like the "Davy" who came to your house with Hemming? http://spartacus-educational.com/JFKdavisH.htm He's also in this group of photos: Thanks, --Tommy [...] La Borde and boat slip are not the ones. I have seen the INTERPEN page. --HH Hiram, OK, maybe Laborde was just a "mariner" on the boat at one time. Different subject -- Was the "Davy" who was with Hemming Howard K. Davis? Thanks, --Tommy
  21. Hiram, Good stuff. Much appreciated. I know it's probably just a coincidence, but the guy wearing sunglasses looks a little like this mystery man with James Files: credit: jfkmurdersolved.com --Tommy Tommy, Sun glasses man is William Seymour. He looks radically different in each of his photos; like a changeling. Hall: even more so. And neither one remotely resembles LHO as many have claimed. A few years ago I finally found a shot of the Orange Bowl welcome-back JFK speech. The usual shot is of JFK at the podium. But the one of the audience was a treasure becase it shows my uncle, aunt, me , and cousin in the seats. The photo of the people at our meeting, at the table are, from left to right : Combat photographer Arguelles, My uncle Pancho, my aunt Ina, Comandante Fonseca, Anthony Fariñas ( Inter-American Affairs commission ), land owner Lagos. A few yards below us you, among the returning prisoners, you will find Frank Sturgis, Bayo, a man from my livingroom wearing sunglasses, Hargraves, Collins. OOPS! looks like I ran out of room -- what , for this thread? for topic? forever? Any workaround for this ? -HH Hiram, Just post the next part in the "Reply to This Topic" rectangle near the bottom of the page. --Tommy
  22. Hiram, Good stuff. Much appreciated. I know it's probably just a coincidence, but the guy wearing sunglasses looks a little like this mystery man with James Files: [photo deleted to save bandwidth] credit: jfkmurdersolved.com --Tommy
  23. Darn. And I was hoping to tie the super-secret American Public Administration Service into the assassinations (plural), 9/11, and the ouster if Yanukovych in Ukraine. LOL Back to the drawing board... --Tommy
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