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Thomas Graves

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Everything posted by Thomas Graves

  1. Why am I so sure that "Benny" didn't make a call to Sylvia ?? Because her telephone was tapped by multiple agencies, including FBI, US Customs, ATTU, etc. !! I can't help but wonder what changed, such that Gerry decided, after years of interviewing with Joan Mellen, to e-mail her the assertion that CIA agent Steve Czukas arranged the Odio visit. Also, a direct confirmation from Gerry that he personally witnessed personal contact between Oswald and RFK would be helpful in determining what to make of Mellen's tome. T.C. --------------------------------- My brother, and some of my other associates ranted "years ago" that: I was wasting my time with this "Girlie Groupy" [1969] of Garrison -- not to mention my wife, and others who met her while she was here in Fayetteville a few years back. While they never will read her book, I eventually will -- and then, after a long period, might make some comments reference to said tome. Mellen stared off into space on many occasions; especially when the details were beyond her compre- hension -- and it wasn't do to my use of acronyms or "tradecraft-speak". She, like a few others [and not all females] just haven't taken the time to get to "the inside" of how things work. Which to me, always indicated a "personal crusader" agenda, as was the case with Twyman and some others. Czukas was a Federal Bureau of Narcotics agent [under Siragusa]; on loan to the CIA -- which, as in dozens of other cases, [viz: Diosdado] placed him under US Customs "cover". Czukas "controlled" Bernie de Torres !! [emphasis added by T. Graves] As for me "personally" dealing with RFK at that time. Negative !! We vociferously disagreed with his "hit" Fidel "obsession" -- but we were encouraged to stay in touch with those we called "The Hickory Hill Boys". My "information" comes from "reliable" sources, and these folks gave reliable insights -- time-and-time- again. NO braggadocio, and it was always dribs and drabs spread over many years. Nothing was as a result of inquiry. It mostly came out as comparisons to similar tasks being done over the following years. Sometimes a comment from a [previously compartmented] individual who was venting -- or trying to connect the dots. The more expansive comments came from operators -- who, years afterward, were THEN deep into some very risky business 'ventures", and they weren't at all sure that there would be a tomorrow. Sometimes folks don't want to go down without clearing up a few mysteries in their lives. I NEVER took advantage of their emotional situations -- just listened and remembered. THEY firmly believed that I might have some of the answers which they were so desperate to resolve. In most cases "I didn't know xxxx from shinola" -- and ultimately couldn't give "resolve" to their problems !! I have NOTHING to prove, and moreover -- the family static just gets worse for me with every stupid ass comment or remark made over the many years !! Years that I spent mostly dodging the scribblers !! You will "know" [maybe] only after I am sure that I "know". I can damn well guarantee that: There will NEVER be another Mellen ordeal in my future !! "A.J.W. Type Baiting" is a sure-fire guaranteed way to shorten my list of correspondents !! CHAIRS, GPH _______________________ deleted
  2. A Few Questions for Josiah "Tink" Thompson: Don't you think it "strange" that "Umbrella Man" was pumping his umbrella up and down as the shooting started? Don't you think it "strange" that neither the "Umbrella Man" nor the "Dark Complected Man" came forward as witnesses right after the assassination, but simply walked away from the scene a couple of minutes after the shooting had stopped? Don't you think it "strange" that "Dark Complected Man" raised his right arm, like a signal, almost vertically above his head but didn't wave at JFK and Jackie? Don't you think it "strange" that while DCM and UM were sitting next to each other on the curb, DCM was photographed talking into a radio? Don't you think it "strange" that DCM and UM casually departed in opposite directions, and that DCM doubled back, alone, several minutes later? --Tommy
  3. This sequence must have been taken several minutes after the assassination, as there are so many people leaving the Grassy Knoll area already. The interesting thing is that this guy may have been filmed walking down the sidewalk in the general direction of the Triple Underpass a couple of minutes after the assassination, so if it's the same guy he must have doubled back, huh? Interesting limp. Maybe he was a wounded anti-Castro "Bay of Pigs" veteran? Nah, he probably just sprained his ankle chasing after a suspect in the railway yard. (Just kidding) --Tommy Edit: Could the guy limping across the grass be Celio Sergio Castro Alba, aka "Quarito" or "Wahito?" Celio Castro was a friend of Larry Howard's and both Hall and Howard told the FBI, at different times, that Castro was with them in Dallas in late September of 1963. Gerry Patrick Hemming told A. J. Webberman that Celio Castro was 71 at the time but acted 40, was a stoned cold son-of-a-gun, and had a bad leg from being wounded during the Machado Revolution. --Tommy
  4. Richard, I'll let Dick Russell's book convey the account of Bradford P. Angers, who once employed Larrie Schmidt in Dallas: - - - - - - begin Dick Russell quote - - - - - When I spoke to [bradford P.] Angers on a tip in the spring of 1992, he refused to identify publicly the person whom [H.L.] Hunt asked him to hire. But it quickly became obvious to me who he was. Angers recalled the young man as being: "A frail fellow, very meticulous. He patterned himself after Joseph Goebbels. He and I used to talk about how Goebbels used syllogistic logic to build the Nazi empire...Before the assassination, this guy's brother had gotten close to General Walker. Eventually he'd become his chauffeur. It was part of their infiltrating Walker's organization, and it went back to a power struggle in Germany, when this fellow had been in the Army there and started forming his own little group. Apparently this fellow couldn't stand Walker. Neither could his brother. "Somehow that spring of 1963, the brother had made friends with Oswald, who was also trying to get close to Walker. But this fellow I knew had never met Oswald, I don't think, until his brother introduced them that night in April. The three of them got drunk together. They got in a car and the brother said, 'Somebody ought to shoot that no good son of a bitch Walker.' And this fellow said, 'I've got news for you, I got him kicked out of the goddamned Army in Germany.' Then Oswald said, 'I've got a rifle, let's go hit the son of a bitch.' "The three of them drove down St. John's Avenue, and stopped the car...Oswald pumped off a shot. It hit the wall instead. They they jumped in the car and took off." Anger's story has never before been made public. The young man his is describing could only be Larrie Schmidt... (Dick Russell, 1992, The Man Who Knew Too Much, pp. 206-207) - - - - - - - - end Dick Russell quote - - - - - - - I think I know why you asked, Richard -- because it is widely reported that Lee never, ever drank alcohol. Perhaps he rarely touched alcohol, or perhaps never. But if he was with some young Army pals, he might have had a swig or two. If so, then odds are Oswald couldn't hold his liquor -- all the more reason to suspect him of something foolish. Or, perhaps Bradford Angers merely assumed all three young men drank. I don't know; all I can do is relay this story as read. Best regards, --Paul Trejo The drunken Oswald part did grab my attention, for the reasons you stated above. I guess we have the choice of selectively digesting Angers story. Beyond that, though, there is the bigger issue of the WC use of the Walker shooting as supporting evidence pointing to LHO as the JFK assassin -- Even though the WC own evidence paints an entirely different character portrait of Oswald at the time of the JFK shooting. I wonder what Oswald drank at the Queen Bee? Lemonade? Nah, it would have made him "throw up" and become belligerent... --Tommy
  5. Witt the Twit was manufactured after the fact. No one but a fool , considering JFK WAS killed that moment, would think some man would be there with an umbrella as the POTUS drove by. He ( and Radio Man ) as seen in the Zapruder film are obvious spotters and signal men. Why are there always fools and conspirators peddling this nonsense? You guys also do know that Cyril Wecht believes simultaneous shots front the front and behind. However, no bullets from that antique gun used to frame Mr. Lee Oswald ever reached the president. Another gun was found and had been fired from behind. The gun found shortly after was shown in a film and is a fact. You can see policeman raising the gun. I also believe that the man you call "Radio Man" was also an innocent bystander but that is a subject for a different thread. Then you are "double dumb." And I believe it part of the same old tired balony. Nonsense. A dark skinned man with something in his hand then back pocket EXACTLY in the place where the POTUS was shot. Dream on and tell your story walking. Peter, FWIW, I agree with you on this, If it was Witt, he lied during his testimony when he said he couldn't see JFK because he was trying to get his umbrella open and it was blocking his view of the Prez! Also lied about his movements on the sidewalk/grassy knoll as the President was approaching... --Tommy
  6. Malcolm, I think your wrong about it's taking 6.9 seconds to fire three shots from the MC. The shooter whould have already had the first round chambered and, obviously, would have "acquired" the target before taking his/her first shot. Therefore, it would have taken only 4.6 seconds for all three shots. --Tommy
  7. Thanks, Duncan. Something tells me it's not the same guy. IMO, different hair even taking the brightness/contrast differences into consideration. --Tommy
  8. http://.i50.tinypic.com/6743ep.jpg David, Could the "abnormality" possibly be a piece of flying skull or brain matter? --Tommy PS: Seems to be impossible to post this image.
  9. Edit: Silly me. The cop couldn't possibly be talking to Oswald because, as Gary Mack has informed me, the Three Tramps photos were taken between 2:15 and 2:20. Ozzie had already been arrested. Doh. So I guess the cop in the photo is talking with Lovelady or someone who looks a lot like LHO... Another question: Did the female reporter with her hand in front of her face ever say that the Tramps stank? One of the escorting cops (Wise?) wrote in one of his reports that they were very dirty and smelled real bad... --Tommy
  10. Mike, This is the best photographic evidence I've seen so far supporting the idea of a double headshot. Very convincing! Thanks, --Tommy
  11. Kathleen, I'm very sorry to hear about your brother's passing. Be strong. --Tommy
  12. bump P.S. In the Angelo Murgado thread, Hemmings says that FBN/CIA agent John T. "Jack" Cusack (Gerry mis-spells his name) was Bernardo de Torres' controller. --Tommy
  13. Rosemarie Willis has said that she distinctly remembers hearing four shots and thinks that there may have been as many as six. Is is interesting that she reacted (by stopping running and turning to her right) so early on in the Z-film. Maybe the first shot she heard really was a firecracker. --Tommy
  14. [...] Peter, Do you acknowledge the veracity of any of the "official documents" in making your own "case", or do you reject them all "out of hand"? I consider myself a "Conspiracy Theorist", not a Warren Commission apologist. I do enjoy playing the role of Devil's Advocate, however. Maybe you take yourself just a little bit too seriously? --Tommy
  15. How about all the witnesses who put the death earlier, at 1:06? Or is that inconvienient for you? Peter, No, it isn't inconvenient for me at all. Believe it or not, I'm still learning. Some day I hope to be as well-informed as you are. --Thomas Michael Mahon (pre adoption biological name) P.S. So I guess the DPD dispatcher logs were fabricated, just like everything else in this case... Yep. If you are defending this case from fabricated "official" sources, you have nothing to go on. The government's case has already been shown to be a lie. How in the world could anyone continue to try to convince us based on the word of a xxxx? Your case has no credibility. My case? What case? Are you paranoid, or just arrogant?
  16. Wonder which local channel or station (British English: program) she was watching at 1:06... --Tommy
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