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Thomas Graves

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Everything posted by Thomas Graves

  1. It's been a long time but I think I read it in Marrs Crossfire book like 17/18 years back. If i recall correctly, he had a written letter to somebody (maybe RFK, maybe a reporter??) that LBJ was behind it all. He also said something to the effect of If Aldai Stevenson was the VP, then JFK would still be alive today. I'm sure some of the other researchers on this site can provide some validation. [...] Ruby babbled on about a conspiracy to get the Jews the 1st time they spoke to him, so I don't think it surprising they didn't go through the bother of transporting a convicted killer to DC. [...] Len, Are you saying they thought Ruby was just too crazy to give any meaningful testimony about the assassination? Was Ruby convicted of murdering Oswald, or was he found "innocent by reason of insanity"? --Tommy
  2. Jim, Have you ever seen this video? If not, then check it out, especially the "clip" from 00:57 to 01.22 during which Ruby says "Well, The Answer Is The Man In Office Now". I borrowed the video from Wim Dankbaar's website JFK Murder Solved Enjoy! http://jfkmurdersolved.com/film/ruby.wmv --Tommy Great work in finding that! I no longer have Marrs book with me, but I believe he had a copy of Ruby's written blame of LBJ. And there were rumors that RFK and the K family did their own private investigation and had one of their men interview Ruby in his jail cell. Whereby Ruby told them the same. Which may have led to this : Rodney, Here's Wim Dankbaar's page on Jack Ruby. I think the letter you're talking about is viewable there if you scroll down a bit. http://jfkmurdersolved.com/ruby.htm --Tommy
  3. Jim, Have you ever seen this video? If not, then check it out, especially the "clip" from 00:57 to 01.22 during which Ruby says "Well, The Answer Is The Man In Office Now". I borrowed the video from Wim Dankbaar's website JFK Murder Solved Enjoy! http://jfkmurdersolved.com/film/ruby.wmv --Tommy
  4. Spot on, Rodney! He whispered as much to a reporter and was caught on film and audio doing so. --Tommy
  5. Greg, So, that's it, huh? Looks like the tip of the proverbial iceberg. No wonder Scott Kaiser can't locate his father's testimony. The rest of it's probably locked up for another hundred years or so. Thanks anyway, --Tommy
  6. I'm particulary interested in testimonies/statements/depositions/etc taken on July 24th, 25th, and 26th, 1973. Thanks, --Tommy
  7. It probably isn't about WWI troop movements at all. It's probably about how we're making great strides in developing superior carrier pidgeons. --Tommy
  8. You can't be serious, its a joke right? Comeon man, please tell me that this is a joke I'll understand, but! If you get people to beleive you, like I said earlier, I have some great ocean front property in Arizona I'll sell to them for a cheap price of $10,000 per person cash only and I have 10 properties left! Man this will be the fastest 100 grand I'll ever make. Scott, I agree! BTW, I got a bridge for sale in Brooklyn if any of the "The Altgens Photo Was Altered! -- It Was Oswald On The Steps!" crowd is interested... --Tommy
  9. Well spotted, Robin. It's the guy with the towel draped over his right shoulder in both Altgens and Weigman, waving it at the motorcade. Robin Unger's find and stabilization work enlarged by Duncan MacRae. Since Altgen was standing a lot farther down the street, both in walking distance from Towner and vertical height-wise as well, the towel/hanky/scarf could have obscured the mystery "headless" man's face from Altgen's camera's point of view. --Tommy
  10. Most of the right side of Lovelady's shirt is obscured by the black man's head. The little we can actually see certainly isn't "billowing like a sail". As for the man with the missing face - B, I'm sure most people who have looked at this photo have wondered what happened there. In the stabilised gif that was posted here by Robin Unger (post # 625) and blown up by Duncan MacRae (post # 627), somebody clearly waves a towel/handkerchief as the President's limo turns the corner. Could that person still have been waving (maybe at LBJ) when Altgens took his photo and obscured B's face ? MH (emphasis added by T. Graves) Mark, I agree with you. I believe you can see the same towel/handkerchief being waved by someone on the lower steps in theTowner GIF -- Stabilized on the doorway clip which Robin Unger posted in post #625, this thread. (I would post it again right here if I only knew how.) --Tommy
  11. Robert, I also think it's Lovelady on the steps, and he's wearing his own bold-plaid shirt, not "Oswald's shirt". --Tommy
  12. In the Amazon Basin they were probably looking for mind-altering botanicals which the CIA was hoping to use in its MKULTRA brainwashing, programming, and interrogation "experiments". Mind-altering botanicals like William S. Burrough's highly-touted "yage". --Tommy
  13. Looks like Armando Cubria Ramos died in Miami in Swptember, 2010... http://apic-alternativa.blogspot.com/2010/09/ha-muerto-armando-cubria-ramos.html --Tommy
  14. James, http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/viewer/showDoc.do;jsessionid=A968D20750DB7FA2CB14FD064388B7F8?docId=17132 Looks like he died October 10, 1982. http://www.razonesdeser.com/vernota.asp?d=1&m=10&a=2007&notaid=39866 --Tommy
  15. I think Oswald missed Walker on purpose. See my post #26, above. --Tommy Ok, thanks Thomas. It makes sense, imo, that it was indeed a deliberate miss. How Oswald was involved in any shootings, I don't know. However the couple of sentences that Oswald wrote re the Minutemen concerned a direction Oswald (as admirer of them) thought the Minutemen should take. iow. to create a situation in the US so that a civil war would lead to the Minutemen taking control, or rather the aims of the Minutemen. In this context I can see a shot at Walker and a killing of Kennedy could polarise US militancy. However I think that this was a naive thought on Oswalds part but by approaching the Minutemen with this idea he became known to them and people far more astute took him in and he was led to believe he was participating in a plot that did not include him taking the fall, which made him perfect for the role. Hence ''I'm a Patsy'' really means ''I was cheated''. Quite a lot of stuff fall into place by taking his writngs on the Minutemen into account. The subsequent cover up was not only opportunistic by the ultra-reactionaries for forcing events while various persons sought to contain the civil war that ensued. IOW it was the importance of controlling forces that could tear the US apart combined with group interests including the conspirators all really had a common interest. just an idea... John, I might be wrong, but I think a reporter asked Oswald, "Did you shoot the President?", asd Oswald replied by saying, "No sir. I didn't shoot anybody." Now I'm thinking that maybe Oswald did fire a rifle in both the Walker incident and the assassination of JFK in Dealey Plaza, but intentionally missed in both cases. This scenario also reminds me of GPH's statement to the effect that he knew there wasn't going to be a serious investigation of The Assassination when he realized that neither he nor Mitch WerBell III were going to be arrested. Mitch WerBell III. Hmmm.... Ah yes! SILENCERS. Maybe LHO was told to fire a gun from the "sniper's lair" and to use "blanks" or to intentionally miss in order to draw attention away from the real shooters (who were in other locations and whose guns had been silenced by Mitch Werbell III). Or maybe LHO didn't even know about the other shooters and made his own decision to miss. Hemming: http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/JFKhemming.htm WerBell: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mitchell_WerBell_III#cite_note-13 --Tommy
  16. Imagine the loose ends of the JFK assassination, work remaining to be done, type of thing. For those who believe Shreveport, Louisiana factors in the above equation, there is a very good book from a series called Images of America Shreveport Faces of The Past Eric J Brock http://books.google.com/books?id=J6VA4MeqEe8C&printsec=frontcover&dq=editions:cs9m9WwoGFMC&hl=en&sa=X&ei=bM4_T6-0Acq02gWr5eCzCA&ved=0CDAQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=editions%3Acs9m9WwoGFMC&f=false I believe at some point in the future there are going to be some eye-openers regarding connections to this city, although that is a hunch, and not because of anything I am personally aware of. I did not post this on the interesting JFK books thread, because it is not a JFK book... There are several items in it that a good researcher would be interested in...my thoughts on it sort of gravitate to one passage, which is undoubtedly speculative, but worthy of keeping in the back of ones head, at least from where I sit..... In Images of America Shreveport Faces of the Past page 114 there is the following caption: (Actor) Rudy Vallee purchases a Nash Rambler station wagon from W.R. Bledsoe of Bledsoe Motors on Texas Avenue during a March 1952 visit to Shreveport There are a lot of other items of interest, some undoubtedly more substantial than the one above, which, some might call 'taking a stab in the dark.' There are also references to an Edith Pennington a silent screen actress who became a gospel minister... said surname is related to the account of the finding of the Nash Rambler next to a washateria after leaving the front of the TSBD....... For the record, Shreveport, Louisiana was where LBJ attorney J Waddy Bullion was when JFK was assassinated no-one seems to know what his activities there were.... The JFK Administration's Howard Burris is alleged by B C Adamson of making references to not being aware of certain activities taking place at Barksdale AFB prior to his departure to Germany..... Irrespective of that Howard Burris is a formidable name in JFK related matters http://prospect.org/article/did-us-military-plan-nuclear-first-strike-1963 Robert, Does such an old (1952) Nash Rambler station wagon somehow factor into the assassination of JFK? --Tommy
  17. Hi Scott, The Paul H. Griffith Papers (1917 - 1966) in The Truman Library Thought you might find this interesting: http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:NMpMJlJMtSUJ:www.trumanlibrary.org/hstpaper/griffithph.htm+%22paul+h+griffith+papers%22&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us --Tommy bump
  18. Hi Scott, The Paul H. Griffith Papers (1917 - 1966) in The Truman Library Thought you might find this interesting: http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:NMpMJlJMtSUJ:www.trumanlibrary.org/hstpaper/griffithph.htm+%22paul+h+griffith+papers%22&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us --Tommy
  19. Interesting stuff, John. However, you say that Frank Castro was in the Bay of Pigs thing, whereas Scott Kaiser, whose father knew Frank Castro very well, says that Castro was not in it. And James Richards expressed his opinion earlier on this thread when he said he didn't think Frank Castro was involved with the Bay of Pigs Operation. Thanks! --Tommy
  20. Ralph, I understand that you are a doctor. I hope you do not talk to your patients like that. It is hardly the language of an educated adult. You say that you would expect to see something of the dark trousers, even if another was blocking him. Not necessarily so. This blow-up of this part of the frame is a poor resolution image. In addition the sun is streaming into the area, evidenced by the number of people covering their eyes from the glare of the sun to see the procession. If we had a better resolution and, IF, we still could not see the dark trousers then I would agree with you. Robin Unger may not be a university Professor but he is one of the most educated and skilled researchers regarding the images of the assassination. His service to other researchers in gaining a better understanding of what happened is outstanding. It does not assist your credibility in the research community to so easily dismiss him. Many of the images you are using both on this site and on Lancer have been provided to researchers at some point by Robin Unger. James Thanks James. I appreciate the generous comments. Cinque is green as grass when it comes to assassination research. a fly by nighter trying to big note himself. He would not even be aware of the history of most of the Researchers who have contributed to this thread. It appears he can only stamp his foot up and down, and put on a tantrum like a five year old child. Whaddaya say we have a POLL as to the identity of the guy on the steps in the Altgen's photo? You know, "Is it Lovelady or is it Oswald?" I say it's Lovelady. Current poll results: Lovelady - 1, Oswald - 0 --Tommy
  21. Mr. Kaiser, Some members of our group, The S.F.R.G. http://cuban-exile.com/menu1/!sfrg.html are interested in listening to what you have to say about your new and upcoming book. You may bring whomever you wish. We will be calling a meeting for Feb 25 at ten in the morning and would like you to attend. (Brunch is on us) Please let me know if this fits your schedule. The venue is not yet announced but you can ride with me or I with you. Please verify your phone number: 210.251.4754. Regards, Gordon Winslow I will be contacting Gordon Winslow as soon as I get into Miami. Thank you for allowing me to speak at your Conference, it would be an honor for me to attend such an important group of people. Regards, Scott Kaiser http://cuban-exile.com/menu1/!sfrg.html Scott, I hope your speech on the 25th goes well! --Thomas
  22. I think Oswald missed Walker on purpose. See my post #26, above. --Tommy
  23. Greg, Oh My God, you're a cop? OK, I'll be one of your informants... --Tommy
  24. Scott, Yes, I do. I think you have a great future ahead of you as an historical novelist! --Tommy
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