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Thomas Graves

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Everything posted by Thomas Graves

  1. Why are you accusing Robin of having a "warped bias"? Do you think he's a LNer? Are you accusing him of intellectual dishonesty?
  2. Dear William, What do you think that black thing under Woman In White's left arm is as she walks up the steps in Couch-Darnell? A mink stole? A beach towel? And why does Woman In White walk so strangely up the steps, twisting her body and tilting her shoulders so? Could it be that she has Woman In Black by the right arm, and is trying to pull her up the steps? -- Tommy PS Where do you think your Running Woman started running from? The railway yard? (Remember: Gloria Calvery said she was standing on Elm Street, not Elm Street Extension, when the motorcade passed by.)
  3. Sandy, Well, gosh, how many other women within quick walking distance of the TSBD were wearing all white, including a white headscarf? Answer: None that I know of. Wouldn't you agree it's reasonable to assume that all of the people walking up the TSBD steps 30 seconds after the assassination were TSBD employees, and that during the motorcade they had been standing withing quick walking distance of the building? -- Tommy
  4. Tracy, What I'd like to know is how the "Harvey and Lee and Two Marguerites" devotees think what they're trying to prove is going to help us figure out who killed JFK. Does their jumping up and down and shouting THE EVIL, EVIL CIA DID IT!" help in that regard? -- Tommy
  5. Thanks Robin. Some people aren't happy unless they see "evidence" of a conspiracy EVERYWHERE. Even though it doesn't help us solve the crime of The Crime of the 21st Century. LOL -- Tommy
  6. My response was quite clear and doesn't need to be repeated. Bumped for comments from members who aren't living by that river in Egypt.
  7. Dear William, You can't see Woman In White pull Woman In Black's right arm up to a horizontal position? Do you think that's not Woman In Black's arm, but Woman In White's black coat on her (Woman In White's) left arm, instead? Do you think a gust of wind might have blown Big Girl's dress out a bit, to make her hips look even wider than they were? If Running Woman was standing on the upper part of the grass or on the concrete "patio" near the pergola during the motorcade, and if Big Girl was standing only about 1/3 of the way down Elm Street, don't you think Big Girl could have beat Running Woman to the Island / Steps? For that matter, does it look to you as though Running Woman is running towards or from that part of the Island that's closest to the steps? -- Tommy
  8. "Why impersonate him?" How else could the bad guys get Oswald's name associated with Kostikov's? There's also the possibility that the reason they impersonated him so badly was because they wanted the CIA and Mexican listeners to realize that an impersonation had taken place. So that a mole hunt manipulated by them and involving Oswald would be started. -- Tommy
  9. Didn't someone say one of the men had long hair and looked like a beatnik? -- Tommy
  10. Michael, Actually, there were three of them and they all looked alike. They were chosen by the CIA when they were young boys. To confuse everyone. Especially JFK assassination students and "researchers". -- Tommy
  11. Also, Woman In White's shoulders start tilting in the direction of Woman In Black due to the strain of trying to pull up all that weight. LOL -- Tommy
  12. Michael, Don't you see? The bad guys somehow knew about ten years in advance of the boys' operational ages that Lee and Harvey were going to grow up looking a lot alike. LOL -- Tommy
  13. Finally finished to my satisfaction, and therefore bumped. PS Something I just noticed (again?) is that Woman In White is trying to get Woman In Black to break off her conversation with Billy Nolan Lovelady on the steps. She's trying to pull her up the steps!
  14. Great. You da man. So, how do you like my response-in-progress to William Miller so far on the other thread? (Your TSBD Headscarves Thread) -- Tommy
  15. "Me and my uncle, went riding down, south Colorado, west Texas bound ..." sounds much better, poetically-speaking, than "My uncle and I went riding down...", but which is correct, grammatically? Aww, never mind. Carry on.
  16. Dear William, Thank you for asking. Sandy and I are trying to determine whether or not two women, one of whom ("A") is wearing a dark-colored headscarf and dark-colored clothing while standing with her back to the camera on the lower-left side of the TSBD steps in Couch-Darnell, and the second one ("B") who is wearing a light-colored dress and a light-colored headscarf while walking up the steps to the immediate right of "A", .......... ..... [breath] ............... Well, .............. [breath] ............... we're trying to figure out if "A" and "B" exhibit the same characteristics as two women in a group of five headscarf-wearing women standing together in the Z-film, with the particular view of trying to determine whether or not the largest / tallest woman in that group of five (one of whom is barely visible, btw, but who can be seen, in un-cropped Altgens 6, to be wearing a headscarf, too) could be the same person as "A," above. Sandy and I are also trying to determine if any of the other women in the Group of Five Headscarf-Wearing Women on Elm Street can be seen in close proximity to "A" and "B" in Couch-Darnell. Sandy and I believe that if the answer to that question is "yes," it would tend to confirm, from a probability point of view (bearing in mind that of the twenty-or-so women visible on the north side of Elm Street in that particular, grossly-mislabeled Z-frame, below, only six of them are wearing headscarves, and of those six, five are standing together in a group. suggesting that these five are friends / TSBD co-workers who came to the motorcade together, and who are, therefore, likely to leave Elm Street / return to work together), ... it would tend to confirm that the largish / tallish headscarf-wearing woman on Elm Street is ... "A". Why then, you might ask, is Sandy concentrating on so many headscarf-wearing women in Weigman, etc? Answer: Sandy, being a very thorough investigator, is trying to determine if "A" and / or "B"" was one / were both of those women in Weigman, etc, instead, thereby pretty much ruling out the possibility that "A" is ... well, ... Gloria Calvery! Why? Because we know from Calvery's FBI statement that she was standing down pretty far on Elm Street proper (with three or four other women, three of whom were were co-workers), not on Elm Street Extension in front of the TSBD, nor on the upper reaches of Elm Street proper (relatively far from where the limo was when the first shot rang out, etc, etc, etc) during the motorcade. -- Tommy
  17. Sandy, Would you expect to find an official inventory? If it exists, do you think the bad guys would make it available? If they made it available, would you suspect its authenticity? -- Tommy
  18. Dear Sandy, I was emphasizing politeness as it is expressed grammatically in a humorous way, or so I thought. -- Tommy
  19. Sandy, Can you rebut their explanations point-by-point? -- Tommy
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