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Michael Crane

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Everything posted by Michael Crane

  1. http://i.ytimg.com/vi/dj9JxbeHr3I/maxresdefault.jpg
  2. I can remember for certain that I seen pictures with the black blobs.The difference was the color blended in better with the hair.
  3. Good call Pete thank you. You would think that nurse Diana Bowron would have seen the wound bleeding or not.
  4. Hello Pamela, What is the verdict on a bullet hole being found on the floor pan of the X-100? Any photos or reports on such a thing? Yay or nay?
  5. None of this matters IMHO.Oswald was in the Texas Theater near 1:00 & Tippett was gunned down at 1:16.
  6. Here is what I was referring to. It was interesting with Tosh.He would go back & forth & argue with CIA operative Gerry Patrick Hemming on here. https://covertactionmagazine.com/2022/05/04/former-cia-contract-pilot-tosh-plumlee-there-are-many-more-american-soldiers-like-willy-joseph-cancel-already-in-ukraine/
  7. It's been a long ass time since I read The Last Dissenting Witness,but I believe that Jean Hill & Mary Moorman falls under this category.
  8. When I brainstorm,I often wonder what kept the temple & the shot in the back from bleeding?Temple shot could have bled into the hairline,but I would expect to see some blood running down the forehead.The back shot......now that is a complete mystery.Lifton suspects that it was man made,but didn't a Secret Service man claim to see it?
  9. How sure are you? I found something online that suggests that Tosh is alive.It's dated May 4th 2022.
  10. Jim, You need to include when we catch them red handed like Gerald Ford.You did it with Ford,but not Regis Blahut.He got caught with his hand in the cookie jar when he got into the safe that contained the autopsy pics.Really need to emphasize these points to show proof of who is guilty of wrong doing.
  11. Oh no.I will have to investigate.
  12. For some reason,I'm always interested in what Tosh says on this message board.
  13. I wasn't aware of the black folks changing their statement.Even if they did,I will take the first statement of hearing gun shells dropping on the floor.This is possible since they were in the process of making a new floor.IIRC,they also said that some pieces of material dropped on their head?
  14. No shooting from the 6th floor? Really? I've heard of shots coming from the 5th floor,but we are going to have to agree to disagree on the 6th floor shooting.
  15. How about Iron Butterflies "In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida" was supposed to be "In The Garden Of Eden"
  16. I just got my opportunity to watch the show On Demand with Comcast Cable.Question Jim...will the 4 hour version include the 2 hours or will it be 4 more hours of different information?
  17. So who's testimony is still sealed? Jackies & who else Burkley's? Knudsen or Groden?
  18. Well I'll be darn.I always just clicked on copy at current time. THANKS GUYS!!!
  19. So,how do you get the Youtube videos to come up like that? When I do it,all I get is a link.
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