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James DiEugenio

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Everything posted by James DiEugenio

  1. Ron, to get back on subject, Phillips started smoking 2-3 cigarettes when Dan presented him with a chart showing that each one of the people who reported that there was a Castro or Soviet connection to Oswald in MC e..g. Alvarado. It turned out each of these people was some kind of propaganda asset to Phillips. (Fonzi, The Last Investigation, p. 293)
  2. Did the DPD also have the visa application? I am trying to figure if there is any possibility that the application was ever with another photo? Did we not get this from Cuba?
  3. Yes Denny, that is accurate. I think the real story is the opposite. There was no LHO in MC, and he was at Odio's. BTW, isn't FC a real piece of cake. He does not know that the whole equipment malfunction excuse was used by Phillips. It was later exposed in the Lopez Report as a deception. This was one of the reasons why Danny and Eddie drew up a bill of indictment for Phillips. Always nice to see FC side with a perjurer.
  4. So that is in block letters also. Hmm So David, is that the only picture with LHO in sweater and tie that ever accompanied the visa application? Do we know that for a fact?
  5. And to me, that is just so incriminating. Because now we have the immediate photo bank check forms which were just declassified as far as I know in October of 2017. They literally say, words to the effect, no picture of Oswald. Now, with no picture of Oswald, and no audio tape of Oswald, what are we supposed to think?
  6. FC: I guess you are asleep at the switch again. The title of this thread is Oswald was not in MC. I was looking for the Visa Application in full if David has it. I wish he would post it.
  7. But again, why is it being copied over in hand from cursive to block letters? Why not just xerox it?
  8. And BTW, to show how original David's work is, virtually none of this info is in the Lopez Report.
  9. This is supposed to be the Vias application that LHO filled out? Why would someone copy it over in block letters? Why not just xerox it? This is getting so bizarre, even for the JFK case.
  10. David: So you are saying that this photo that either the CIA or State Dept produced for the WC as the visa application, that photo was of Oswald on his return from the USSR? I hope you are aware of how this further blows up things. The official story says that he went out to get a picture from one of this many photo shops. If he brought this picture with him then he would never have done that. It is simply amazing to me how it took over fifty years to excavate this pile of utter rubbish that the WC fell for in MC.
  11. To me this about does it. Does anyone really think those two signatures were signed at the same time? And can anyone think it was on the 25th? With the new evidence from Father McChann in the Jackson book, which K and K will be reviewing soon, this all but guarantees there was an imposter. Because he swears that the visit to Odio's was on the 27th due to a definite time landmark. David, where are the staples? I don't even see any staple holes.
  12. On the second one, that does not look like an original signature to me, and it does not look like the same guy signed them. One last thing David, did you not say once that there was also something about the way the application was stored and stapled that was also odd?
  13. The Pike Report, as published in England is over 250 pages long. So what the Village Voice printed was either excerpted or was in summary form. And you are right Jim, the Pike Report was not completed. What we have today is something like a rough draft of what it would have been. But let me say why I think that is. The Pike Report is not at all written in the gentlemanly language of the Church Committee Report. It is harsh and, in some places, quite bitter about the whole experience. It does not give one iota about manners or etiquette. The report says, for instance, that the State Department deliberately muzzled witnesses before the committee in defiance of the law. (p. 45) It would then describe how, at a certain key point in an inquiry, the White House would cut off further classified information from the committee. (p. 36) The whole report is written like that. With a frankness that you simply do not see in Washington. And boy did the CIA not like it. The Agency attorney before the committee said, "Pike will pay for this, you wait and see...We will destroy him for this. I'm serious. There will be political retaliation. Any political ambitions in New York that Pike had are through. We will destroy him for this." (p. 7) It was no empty threat. Pike's career was ended after this. He chose not to run in 1978. He knew what awaited him.
  14. David: Did you not say at one time that the whole visa clipped application with Duran looked fishy to you also? I think you gave two reasons.
  15. Thanks for posting this Doug. Those were the days were they not? What disclosures, what publicity, what headlines. Both in the House with Pike and the senate with Frank Church. For the first time, the CIA and FBI were on the ropes. It actually looked like the good guys, like Frank Church and Otis Pike, would win. But as usual, power wins out. George H. W. Bush, the director who said he was never in the CIA, led a furious counter attack he coordinated with Jerry Ford, Henry Kissinger and David Phillips. Then came the death of Richard Welch and they pulled out all the stops. You would have thought a president had died. After that, Pike could not even get his report published through the printing office and Dan Schorr had to smuggle it out so the Village Voice could publish it. Which is what you have here. Then Bush made CBS fire Schorr. The Pike report had to be published in England. I have a second hand copy I am proud to say. It was called the season of inquiry and it did America some real good. It never returned.
  16. Now, let us begin to get at the outright lies in the record. How about Anne Goodpasture and the so called Mystery Man. As WC apologists like Gerry Posner try to say, this was just the result of a mix up. Posner could say that since the Lopez Report had not been released when he wrote his crapola book. In the report Goodpasture claims that the reason she sent it up was that it was the only one of a non-Latin taken on or even around October 1st. Which is when LHO allegedly called the Cuban embassy from the Soviet embassy. Well, this fell apart under scrutiny. First, there was a non Latin photo taken about 3-4 days before. But Goodpasture tried to change this guy's name to a Latin one to disguise her skullduggery. But even worse, that MM pic was not taken on October 1st. It was taken a day later. This is key. Why? Because if it was the first, it may have been LHO, but on the second, it likely could not have been since LHO left early that morning. A fact that could easily have been checked by going through hotel records at Hotel del Comercio. . She then tried to say it was just an error in reading columns on a chart. Danny and Eddie found that the days on the chart are marked off in red percentage marks. Therefore they called this excuse implausible. The truth is that Goodpasture did what she did because there was no phone transcript on the second. So she pushed this date back to the first as an act of desperation. Why? Because it was the only one she had. Now, that photo was sent up to Texas on the night of 11/22/63. Does anyone really think that she did not know it was not LHO by that time, or in the days to come? If you do then you may believe the Titanic was struck by a torpedo.
  17. Can anyone tell me what the heck FC is talking about when he says I am using David Mantik or David Josephs as a source for that list above of ten points? Because none of them come from either source. These are all in declassified documents by the ARRB. Which, of course, with FC and DVP, is the far side of the moon. They have no idea what that is since they do not read documents. For example, the first four are in the Lopez Report. (For instance, the chart about the mismatched languages and voices is on p. 117. The impossibility of the pulse camera missing Oswald is on p. 303) Do I have to explain what the Lopez Report is? But we also now have the actual CIA photo check documents in the Russian and Cuban embassy which say literally: no pic of Oswald. The fact there was no Saturday call is also in the Lopez Report, p. 190. The information about Duran's first description of Oswald being short and blonde is also in the Lopez Report. But further, that particular info was deleted from CIA reports to the WC. (ibid) The point about the two Cuban Embassy CIA plants not recognizing a picture of Oswald, that was in the documents declassified last October. I have copies of those and so does David. We have discussed them on this forum. These are CIA docs. So if FC wants to blame the Agency, go ahead. The docs about the CIA monthly summaries about the calls to the Cuban embassy not matching LHO, those are also CIA docs which David has placed on this forum Again, maybe FC wants to argue with the CIA. In that case he should call them. As per the phony trail of Oswald not being on the bus on the way down, please read these two articles by David, which are profusely referenced with actual documents inserted in the text which shows that Ochoa and Echeverria made this all up. There are very few articles we ever printed that were as heavily documented with primary sources as these two were. I recommend everyone read them: https://kennedysandking.com/john-f-kennedy-articles/mexico-city-part-1 https://kennedysandking.com/john-f-kennedy-articles/mexico-city-part-3-the-trip-down-part-2 As per the Visa card, that is in an FBI report. Which is in the WC, see CE 2449, pp 1-3. Again, if you have a problem with this, call the FBI. Or go to Mexico City. So, in other words, this info is not from Mantik or Josephs. It is all from primary sources. Your effort to characterize it as something else is typical of your bombastic, ignorant and pretentious techniques, which you inevitably revert to whenever you cannot answer questions about the record. Which happens a lot. I think that DVP is a member of Duncan McRae's forum. I suggest you join that one also FC. Over there, that is pretty much a free for all, almost like mud wrestling. You would fit in there pretty well. Over here, we actually try and offer real and documented information. We are trying to solve certain problems in the evidence which the WC left. Mexico City is one of them since, for all intents and purposes, the WC really did not investigate that area at all. Which is a complete and utter disgrace, which you and DVP have no problem with. So please take my advice. You will be welcome with open arms at Duncan's.
  18. I don't know how many times I have to go through this about Marina. I mean really. This gets so tiresome with a guy who has a middle name of Denial. But this is his game. He just keeps of coming back with stuff he knows is wrong. For the simple matter that he has no life. This is his life. For about the 89th time, let us refer to the first SS interview with marina by Special Agent Charles Kunkel on 11/24. This is summarized in Whitewash 2 by Harold Weisberg. Marina was asked about Oswald in Mexico City in that interview, she replied she knew absolutely nothing about that. (p. 20) And OMG, the Ruth Paine letter! About a week ago, I noted all the problems with it. Please. Everyon where should keep this following URL in their folder for the next time Davey brings up this letter which has more holes than the Oklahoma defense. https://peternewburysblog.wordpress.com/2013/07/29/oswalds-kostikov-letter/ And this is the difference. You cannot answer why there are no photos. Or why its the wrong voice. Or why the calls are not on the CIA monthly summary. Etc etc. Whereas I can answer yours very easily. Case closed.
  19. 1. There is no photo of Oswald either coming or leaving at the Cuban embassy. 2. There is no photo of Oswald either coming or leaving at the Soviet embassy. 3. At least ten chances for a photo--negative result. We actually have the CIA checks on this today. This is why Goodpasture lied about the Mystery Man photo. She could not find a pic of LHO. 4. The voice on the tapes is not LHO. Complete mismatch. This was so bad the CIA later lied about the tapes being destroyed prior to the assassination. They were not! 5. Duran's description is not LHO. 6. The Saturday call had to be phony per reasons stated above. 7. As David shows, the two CIA plants in the Cuban embassy were shown the picture of LHO. Both said he was not there. The CIA did not want to accept this so they tried again, came up empty twice. 8. David's new discovery is the CIA monthly phone bank summary. No listing of anyone who matches Oswald's description in the calls at at the Cuban embassy. 9. David has demolished the WC story of how Oswald was allegedly transported down and back up. Wrong passport, wrong buses. 10. I Love that visa card. The FBI tried to find the picture company where Oswald took it. Recall, he did not have it for Duran. They visited every picture shop in a five mile radiusof the embassy, could not find anyone who saw Oswald there. But there is something else wrong with the visa card which I will let David inform you of. And there is also something else wrong with the Russian embassy visit I will let on later. This is just the opening salvo. I guess we should keep on posting these until he replies. (Sound of crickets)
  20. Davey Boy: I answered your plaint already. You are in denial. And you are dead flat wrong about Marina. Which is par for the course for you.
  21. Did you not hear what I said about the FBI? Or do you just want to ignore it as you always do. As I said, David will have something to say about it later. Meanwhile can you reply to the other nine points: Why is there no photo? At either embassy? Why is there no voice match? Why did both informants say he was not there? Twice. Why was there an alleged call on Saturday? Why is there no indication of the calls on the newly decalcified CIA summary per month? Why is it the wrong buses and wrong passport? I will not hold my breath in wait for you to reply to these. You have an unseemly habit of ignoring real evidence. (Yawn)
  22. BTW, let me reply to these diversionary tactics by the two Nutters. First, they say well, where the heck was he? Look, we do not have a police force. We cannot issue subpoenas. We cannot cross examine witnesses. That is what their side did. And they swallowed this whole canard about LHO in Mexico City. BTW, you should have heard Willens down there after Echeverria shut him down over examining Duran (he knew what was up.) He could not understand why the FBI waited so long to try and find any trace of Oswald after the CIA gave up. Well, as David can prove, when the FBI did try and find a trace, they came across Ochoa's handiwork in putting together a phony trail. But they were stuck with it. If they exploded it, that would have meant they would have demolished the whole myth about LHO in MC. Which as I showed, Hoover knew was BS, but could not say it. Second, oh a blond guy. Like somehow it mattered. With no photos, and the wrong voice--and the tapes then said to be destroyed, which they were not--why did you need an impersonator? You did not. Completely unnecessary. All that mattered was the WC swallowed it. And they did. DVP and FC have no problem with that. Like water off their back in a shower.
  23. That is the reason she was abused because that was her first description of LHO. It was almost funny when Ed Lopez asked her how tall he was. She asked Cornwell to stand up. This got a laugh since Cornwell is quite diminutive. She said, about that tall. Maybe 5' 5"
  24. WN: Hunt did not run the DOD at that time, Tracy Barnes did. Sean: Thanks for that and again, I had no idea the two were that close until I started reading your book.
  25. Oh please. This is the problem with you guys, you do not do any research. You do not know what it is. 1. There is no photo of Oswald either coming or leaving at the Cuban embassy. 2. There is no photo of Oswald either coming or leaving at the Soviet embassy. 3. At least ten chances for a photo--negative result. We actually have the CIA checks on this today. This is why Goodpasture lied about the Mystery Man photo. She could not find a pic of LHO. 4. The voice on the tapes is not LHO. Complete mismatch. This was so bad the CIA later lied about the tapes being destroyed prior to the assassination. They were not! 5. Duran's description is not LHO. 6. The Saturday call had to be phony per reasons stated above. 7. As David shows, the two CIA plants in the Cuban embassy were shown the picture of LHO. Both said he was not there. The CIA did not want to accept this so they tried again, came up empty twice. 8. David's new discovery is the CIA monthly phone bank summary. No listing of anyone who matches Oswald's description in the calls at at the Cuban embassy. 9. David has demolished the WC story of how Oswald was allegedly transported down and back up. Wrong passport, wrong buses. 10. I Love that visa card. The FBI tried to find the picture company where Oswald took it. Recall, he did not have it for Duran. They visited every picture shop in a five mile radius of the embassy, could not find anyone who saw Oswald there. But there is something else wrong with the visa card which I will let David inform you of. And there is also something else wrong with the Russian embassy visit I will let on later. This is just the opening salvo. You guys should have left well enough alone.
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