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James DiEugenio

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Everything posted by James DiEugenio

  1. I thought this was one of the best parts of the book. (Aside from the brilliant introduction of course.) It seems to me to be obvious that the CIA was working on conditioning a mind controlled assassin for about a decade or more before RFK was killed. In fact one of the most memorable parts of John Marks' The Search for The Manchurian Candidate, is when he interviews a hypnotist about this subject and the guy replies it would take three months to program an assassin, and about six to program a patsy. When you throw in the fact that Dr. Herbert Spiegel, the preeminent doctor in the field at that time, said that as far as being susceptible to hypnosis, he would rank SIrhan as a Five on a scale of 1-5; plus Professor Dan Brown, the preeminent expert in the field today said he would rank Sirhan on a scale of 1-10 as an 11. He said the problem he had was not hypnotizing Sirhan, but getting him out of a trance state once he was in. It was also clear to Simson Kallas, Sirhan's prison psychologist, that someone had placed certain mental blocks in his mind. This prevented him from recalling who had done the programming. But I agree with Ron that the interview that Langman did with Bryan is quite incriminating.
  2. What I am saying is that today, I have very serious doubts that Oswald was in Mexico City when the CIA says he was. If that meant misleading the FBI, then that was the result.
  3. More or less. Just recall what the Dulles brothers did for those German corporations during World War II.
  4. What was the original format that Darnell and Weigman were shot on?
  5. John, I think you should differentiate what I said, from what you said above. The last paragraph is yours not mine. The first three lines are mine. Although I agree with the sentiments.
  6. Well, in my opinion it was from where the Dulles brothers came from, Sullivan and Cromwell. Also, Eisenhower was schooled by the CFR when he was president of Columbia. Finally, Nixon was Nixon, an unregenerate slime ball who was a stooge for corporations from the moment he ran for office and the Red Scare to inspire fear and paranoia. He was also on the take from the Shah, Battista and the Greek Junta.
  7. FC, you are back. Do you mind replying to these questions I asked you about a day and a half ago?
  8. So you are saying the second floor lunch encounter appeared on the 23rd about noon?
  9. Larry: What is the quality of their film and is it a film or is it digitized? And if its digitized, and what level, 2K, 4k? My other question is why will NBC not show the original? Do we have to file a lawsuit?
  10. I think you mean midnight on the 22nd right? Midnight on the 23rd would be the next day.
  11. Bart, If they saw it what did they say about PM, was it LHO?
  12. How many people miss Tommy Graves and his Soviets killed JFK stuff? Man he outposted me by a country mile. He is now where he belonged all along, at Duncan's .
  13. So what happened with Baker and Reid? Did they watch it? What is UNI?
  14. So you are saying that on the first day Truly contradicted the second floor lunch room encounter? That is important. When did he first adhere to the later scenario?
  15. Rob: If you can believe it, Muelhenbeck told me that it was my article that put him on the road to that book. I was really surprised. But again, if I told you all the people who got started writing long essays or books based upon Probe articles, you would not believe it.
  16. So Bart, do you think this is the same source as the New York HT story? Here it looks like Biffle's source might be Truly.
  17. Marina must follow the case or be in contact with someone who does. I should convey what Gilbride posted at DPF. He says the Sixth Floor has a digitized copy of Darnell which they will allow you to look at but not to use. Well, that would be pretty good if it came from the original. But from my experience, the original would be even better. What is the excuse for why NBC will not let anyone see it? And BTW, who has the WIegman, or does NBC have that one also?
  18. Muehlenbeck's book is more about the other countries than the Congo. Mahoney's book is overwhelmingly about Congo. The end of Muehlenbeck's book, where he talks about how all these African leaders backed Kennedy during the Missile Crisis by not allowing fly over rights was really something. And then the end, where they were all heartbroken when Kennedy died. JFK was loved in the Third World. To put it mildly, I don't think we can say that now.
  19. That is some nice work Steve. I would have to agree with you then, it was likely Kaminsky. And it sure looks like it was on the first floor, "inner door of the building". And man, its really something that Campbell was not deposed. Its really hard to think such a thing occurred.
  20. This is what I mean about Ike on civil rights. https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/politics/1977/03/13/warren-book-blames-ike-for-50s-strife/7e2eb1d2-fc82-4aa5-bca2-99833223e44f/?utm_term=.c2b417be874f And this is the way his administration was in foreign policy also. The new leaders of Africa were referred to as just coming out of the trees. See Philip Muehlenbeck in his book Betting on the Africans. In Countdown to Darkness, which I will be reviewing soon, it was Eisenhower who ordered the assassination of Lumumba. I thought that was Allen Dulles' idea, but it appears that they were in sync on this. But it really wasn't Dulles who was the prime mover--he was the executive in charge of carrying it out. There was then a cover up over Ike's order. Which was not sorted out for 15 years until the Church Committee. Outside the interstate highway expansion, and bringing an end to Korea, I don't see a lot to like with Ike these days. Except of course, this:
  21. I repeat my question: According to Walt Brown's book, The Warren Omission, Campbell was not deposed by the WC. Is that really true? He is mentioned a couple of times in the WR though, right?
  22. Thanks for this. The rightwing has been pretty effective in covering up what the Kennedys achieved in this field. Which was nothing less than epochal. When I was doing the Dave Emory show, I started talking about this aspect. Dave is quite well informed, but he was surprised at what I was saying e.g. RFK indicted the secretary of education in Louisiana; the Kennedys created a new school district out of whole cloth when Virginia would not fund Prince Edward County schools. I had to inform him that i was not making this stuff up. https://kennedysandking.com/reviews/the-kennedys-and-civil-rights-how-the-msm-continues-to-distort-history-part-3 BTW, how many know that Eisenhower tried to convince Warren not to take the side of the plaintiff in the Brown v Board case? The more I learn about the avuncular Ike, the worse he gets. What a mess he left for JFK.
  23. According to Walt Brown's book, The Warren Omission, Campbell was not deposed by the WC. Is that really true? He is mentioned a couple of times in the WR though, right?
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