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James DiEugenio

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Everything posted by James DiEugenio

  1. There was no way I would vote for Harris or Gillibrand. But now I have my doubts about Warren and Brown also. Let us push open the Overton Window as to what its possible to talk about.
  2. BTW, in reading an analysis of the Steele Dossier, i read something that surprised me. Steele had not been to Russia before he wrote it for a period of two decades? I mean was there a reason that he did not go to Russia to do his field investigation in person? Would the Russians have denied him entry or a passport? To me that is a red flag. Makes it even harder to think that the FBI took it as seriously as they did.
  3. Michael LeFlem chimes in with his review of the book: https://kennedysandking.com/robert-f-kennedy-reviews/lisa-pease-a-lie-too-big-to-fail-the-real-history-of-the-robert-kennedy-assassination
  4. Both the late Jim Marrs and John McAdams did. As far as pro WC stuff, the WC guy who did the most writing on that was David Belin who did two books on the subject. As far as others, there are people like Jim Moore, Posner and Bugliosi.
  5. JB: Rob, so true about the lack of informed knowledge and even interest in the true social, economic, political historical areas of study both nationally and internationally regarding the large majority percentage of our general populace. The whole thing about 1972 was the "confiscation" theme by RMN. What people do not recall is what AOC so pungently reminded everyone about: from 1936-1980, the top marginal rate was 70 per cent or more. Under Eisenhower it was about ninety per cent. And the economy performed very well in the fifties up until about 1968. The other thing is the tendency to equate socialism with communism. My God, Adam Kampman is a Democratic Socialist. This is what I mean about the Overton Window. People like Bernie, AOC, and a few others, have an opportunity to broaden the political spectrum, which the right has controlled ever since the advent of Reagan with his silly, stupid supply side economics. And Joe is correct, the whole nutty Limbaugh operation had a lot to do with that. Although he is not nearly as dominant today as he used to be back then. The idea was to brainwash the working and middle classes into thinking that the GOP had their best interests at heart. Remember that whole thing about Phil Gramm and Dickie Flatt? Gramm was probably the one Washington official who was most responsible for bringing on the crash of 2007-08. The guy should have been a criminal suspect. But Obama was not interested in that.
  6. She actually was not the first person to postulate that. Its mentioned in the Turner/Christian book. But even if you discard that, Sirhan still did not kill anyone. Since it was not possible for him to have shot RFK.
  7. Rob: I knew about Beto. I did not know about Harris and Warren stood up and applauded?! The whole thing about AOC and Bernie and a few others is this: They have to widen the Overton Window. That is how I see them. After too many years of the spectrum being defined by the likes of the Bushes and Clintons, people like AOC and Bernie will allow us to expand the debate past the center and to the left again e.g. RFK etc. Who the heck is advising Beto? He must be planning to run for the senate next year. BTW, can you give me the URL to Harris saying that. I am preparing a critical essay on her.
  8. RP: There are people with horrific backgrounds as children and THEY never killed anyone. Sirhan never killed anyone either.
  9. David, You want to give them stuff that is easy to understand but has good information in it. I would give them things like Crossfire, JFK and the Unspeakable, Breach of Trust, Six Seconds in Dallas.
  10. Thanks for posting that Rob. That is one of the most inspiring, uncensored, anti MSM comments I have seen in a presidential debate. No wonder the DNC wanted to limit the debates and hold them at odd hours.
  11. Joe, you don't see the difference? HRC is a Democrat. Secondly, Trump does not appear to have followed Kissinger nearly as often as HRC. It would have been like JFK listening to Foster Dulles.
  12. Rob, thanks. That is one I didn't know about. Kissinger is a guy who has to be the post war champion of genocides: East Timor, Bangladesh, and Cambodia. Although Cambodia gets the most attention, the one in East Pakistan (Bangladesh) is really striking. Because in that one, the American chief counsel got pretty much his whole staff to sign onto a memo asking Kissinger to intervene in the mass atrocity that was occurring. If I recall correctly, Archer Blood got something like 21 signatures--which is really something since they all knew they were risking reprimand. Not only did Kissinger turn down the request, he and Nixon actually sent planes to West Pakistan to aid the genocide!! (Gary Bass, The Blood Telegram) I guess that mentorship helped her in the Libya debacle.
  13. How can it be a parlor trick when John Newman saw it done while on duty for the NSA?
  14. Ray, that show was really something. What an eye opener to the audience. Rob, that is what happened to Sirhan during one experiment. The psychiatrist had him stick a hat pin into his forearm until it was bleeding but h told him not to cry out in pain. And he did not. People do not understand how powerful hypnosis is if you have the right subject. John Newman told me that they would have these seminars at NSA and they would do these kinds of things to subjects who would get called up to the stage. And they they would not believe what they did after.
  15. Can Kirk really not be aware of the whole South China Sea dispute which HRC did all she could to escalate as Secretary of State? Pretty easy to find. And my God, HRC in Libya, in Honduras, her smears of Putin and Russia: she actually compared the Crimean referendum to join Russia to HItler's takeover of Austria and Czechoslovakia! There is a real student of history for you. And she wanted to do the same thing she did in Libya in Syria. (https://www.reuters.com/article/us-people-hillary-clinton-idUSKBN179058) Are you really denying she was and is a neocon? The woman who spends Xmas with Mr. Genocide, Henry Kissinger each yuletide season? The evidence is pretty much overwhelming. Obama's choice of her as Secretary of State was a blunder of the first magnitude. But after he got mugged by the Gang of Three--HRC, Rice and Power--in their disaster in Libya, he decided not to be played again in Syria. And how can anyone not see that Putin was correct in helping Assad in Syria? Tulsi Gabbard was good on this issue. HRC was spouting the PNAC/ Robert Kagan line. Which is why Kagan endorsed her in 2016. That endorsement is quite a badge of dishonor in my view.
  16. JC: I think the notion that the Democrats “preferred to lose with Hilary than win with Sanders” sums up a lot, and there is a profound refusal to deal with that. You got that one right. The evidence is that Sanders would have pounded Trump. And it was Sanders who gave us people like Pressley and AOC.
  17. Gary: Do you mind if I ask why you do not release an E book version?
  18. I hate to rain on anyone's parade and I will not comment any further but I will just say that this is not the way I heard this story many years ago from one of the sources named in it.
  19. Andrew: Again, I think you are missing the point. Its not about who you like or you don't like. Its about a shadow government that is going against what our government is supposed to be about. From what I can see, Russia gate would not have happened had it not been for the Steele Dossier. Which was financed by Perkins Cole, representing the HRC campaign. Now, Steele also gave the dossier to the FBI and to John McCain. And this is what started this whole thing. And it mushroomed after Trump was elected since Buzzfeed published it online. If the Steele Dossier is a backed up, solid piece of investigative reporting then why is Trump still in office? Why has Mueller been at work now for going on two years? I think the answer to that is pretty obvious.
  20. Its not just Pena, its also William Walter from the Garrison inquiry. And its also the info from McBride above.
  21. Andrew, The comparison with JFK is not the point. As I tried to say earlier, it does not matter who the president is, be it Nixon, JFK or Trump. Our side is supposed to be about universal standards and evidence. Even Adam Schiff admitted that the Steele dossier was used for the FISA, but his argument is it was not the only thing used. As per the dossier, have you read it? Talk about a shoddy piece of work. It really does read like oppo research, which it was. (I misspoke, the name of the firm is Perkins Cole.) If I had to compare it to anything as far as amateur night it would be the first FBI report on the JFK case of December 9th. Which was so bad the WC would not print it in the volumes. Buzzfeed should have never printed it. BTW Robert, how did Buzzfeed get it? Through Steele or the FBI or Perkins?
  22. Geez Kirk, what took you so long? But you came out firing on all pistons as usual, with that civics lesson stuff and predictably dividing Wheeler and Carter and Jim/me off to one side. Clearly, there is a segment of the FBI that wants to get rid of Trump. Especially after Comey was canned. I would even say that this extended over to the Justice Department with Sally Yates who also had deep reservations if Flynn was "compromised" by the Russians. There is little doubt that the Power Elite wanted: 1.) War with Syria, and 2.) Cold War II.(That whole thing in Ukraine was so misrepresented by both the MSM and Washington it was sick.) For whatever reasons--whether he was compromised or he just was not interested-- Trump did not do it. The real irony here that no one wants to address is this: I think HRC would have done both.
  23. Fusion GPS was being paid by a firm that worked for the Democratic Party, right, Lincoln Coles or something like that if I recall. Therefore, Christopher Steels was working for Lincoln Coles. Since you seem to know a lot about this Mr. Wheeler, is there any truth to the rumor that Steele was originally paid by Jeb Bush or a proxy to begin his trashy dossier?
  24. That is really interesting David. And Ochoa tells them nada on the 8th. Then Hoover must have known the CIA was involved after since Ochoa is the guy who puts the phony trail together for Echeveria after the assassination. Man, J Edgar really knew what he was talking about when he wrote the CIA gave him a snow job on Oswald in MC.
  25. DJ: By Early Nov Hoover knew Oswald had not been there David: What do you base this on? Two weeks before JFK is killed and Hoover knows the CIA is full of it on MC?
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