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James DiEugenio

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Everything posted by James DiEugenio

  1. You did not answer my question did you? Instead you went into our usual tantrum about "Everything is fake!" This is a diversion on your part since you cannot face the facts on this particular issue on which you thought you had a slam dunk: See, LHO was in Mexico. It backfired on you. The name was wrong, LHO did not meet with Hosty, and he could not have known the diplomat was transferred. Plus that diplomat said he never met with Oswald. That is four strikes. Those are facts that you do not want to deal with. And you escape into a world of assumptions, just like the WC did. I never said the letter was a fake. That is something you said about me that is false. I indicated that there were serious problems with the letter. Problems you want to paper over and never bring up.
  2. https://peternewburysblog.wordpress.com/2013/07/29/oswalds-kostikov-letter/
  3. Davey: Is it utterly impossible for you to tell the whole story about any piece of evidence in this case? Answer: Yes
  4. Note DVP did not contest any of the answers I gave above, that is NO NO and NO.
  5. That evidence about the probes is really strong for the fact the bullet did not transit. I used a lot of it in The JFK Assassination : The Evidence Today.
  6. Davey: Did the reality that these were not facts, but actually false, did that influence any of the members of the WC or the FBI to suspect that something was up with the letter? Answer: No. And in fact when you trotted it out a couple of days ago to say, "See Oswald was in Mexico" did you acknowledge any of these problems with the letter? Answer : No. Would you have acknowledged them if I had not brought them up. Answer : No.
  7. Ok Davey, you are somewhat tongue tied? In the letter, how does the writer know that Azcue was transferred out of the Cuban consulate? That did not happen until November 18th. And, of course, you know that Azcue denies Oswald was in the consulate in the first place. These mistakes were so obvious to the Russian embassy in Washington, that is was they, not the critics, who first thought it was ersatz. But this is Davey. He is such a sucker for any WC malarkey that he posts this crap and lets others clean up the mess. Not noticing that the "evidence" he posts backfires on him to the point that it aids the cause of the critics. And then he sits there with his thumb in his mouth.
  8. In the letter, Oswald says he met with Hosty and Hosty gave him a warning. Davey, when did Hosty meet with Oswald prior to MC or directly after? And that is not all. But I am surprised you missed that obvious faux pas.
  9. HA HA HA HA LOL In 20 pages, I swept the evidence under the rug? FC, can you help Davey Boy out? What is the other problem with that letter?
  10. FC, look if you want to start a new thread on Tippit, go ahead. But there have already been several, and here is my reply to you on that. https://kennedysandking.com/john-f-kennedy-articles/the-tippit-case-in-the-new-millennium So go ahead and restart it. I am awaiting a reply from DVP about the other serious problem with that letter.
  11. Davey, you are going to tell me that Oswald, who spoke fluent Russian, somehow talked to this guy who was named Kostikov about getting an in transit visa to Russia from Cuba , and he screwed up his name that badly? Now, you do know that there was a Soviet agent named Kostin, right? You are aware of the other serious problem with that letter right? I wait for your reply. (FC, you radically shortchanged me. I did not just mention Odio and Cheramie. That is not even close to what matters I have listed here that the WC never ever even knew about. How about the Chicago Plot. )
  12. Did Baker just say what I think he said? A pile of warmed over WC malarkey. All to avoid the question about there being no evidence for a transiting wound in JFK's back. And the generals knew that which is why they stopped Humes from the dissection. First, there was never any survey of anything close to all the witnesses in Dealey Plaza about the number of shots or the directionality. Go ahead, try and find where the FBI tracked down all the witnesses. You will not find that in the record. Which should tell you something right then and there. Second, no other weapon found? There were two reported that morning, an Enfield and a Mauser, plus they found a Mauser shell in Dealey Plaza. And we did not learn about that until 30 years later. Third: One shooter!!! HAHA HA HA HA LOLOLOLOLOL ROTFL Hey Paul, you claim to be a scientist right? (Of course, a scientist who, unlike everyone else, still somehow claims some validity for the CBLA.) Now, when you look at the Z film, somehow that does not say anything to you? JFK is hit like a thunderclap, his entire body is smashed backward and lifted slightly upward and to his left, with such force that it bounces off the seat; motorcycle policemen are hit with blood and issue with such force that they think they were hit themselves. And somehow that is one shooter. With the TSBD behind the limo? Now, before you run into the arms of the lying Alvarez or the phony Sturdivan, you know the whole "jet effect" and neuromuscular reaction has been discredited by Aguilar and Robertson and also on TV in ITTC. (But I know you will run there anyway, since you cannot do anything else.) Now, if there is one shooter, then why did all those witnesses run to the GK, many more than went to the TSBD. (Which is another indication that you are wrong with your first point.) Besides that, then what about the testimony that will live forever in the minds of anyone who was interested in this case back then. A guy named Sam Holland, and the seven other witnesses who saw smoke from the GK. (like Simmons.) Sam actually ran over there if you recall. And he saw those footprints which looked like they were going back and forth. And then you match this up with Bowers, and the false SS ID and the guy talking into what looked like a radio mike etc. I mean that was all established back in 1967. I have saved Baker's best for last: He says one shooter, seen by a few and in perfect alignment. Say this: what chutzpah this guy has. He must think we are idiots. One shooter from the rear who rammed JFK backwards into his seat. Yeah sure. Second, the only witness in 55 years who said LHO was in that window was Brennan. Not only was Brennan not able to ID Oswald at the phony line ups--which is incredible on its face--but as Ian Griggs writes, there is a real question if he was even at a line up. And the FBI gave up on trying to determine how his story ever got to the police in the first place. Now if you balance all the problems with Brennan, with the impossibility of Oswald being on the sixth floor--which has been proven by a slew of writers--like say Roffman, way back when, then, puhlease Mr Baker. Third, do you really think we buy Dale Myers and his phony cartoon about the alignment? Bob Harris destroyed that fake rendition years ago. So did Pat Speer. Larry Schnapf will be bringing a computer simulation out that will show the Single Bullet Fantasy was not possible. As per reading my book, c'mon, you don't really think I buy that do you? Can I give you a quiz? Try something else.
  13. Thanks to both of you. That is of real evidentiary significance. There is no evidence that at autopsy the back wound penetrated through the body. In fact, the weight of the evidence says it did not transit. Right there, PB has some real problems.
  14. Well, DVP has also not replied t omg query about the Chicago Plot. But from the evidence I have seen, they did not know about that either. So, let us now go to this: As referenced in John Newman's book Oswald and the CIA, Did the WC know that the FBI was white outing the address 544 Camp Street from certain papers they had about Oswald and also from his literature collection. (This issue goes to the reply by FC that it made no difference if DeGaulle did not think LHO was a commie.)
  15. I have seen that photo from another angle. I am no photographic expert, but it sure looks like an antennae to me.
  16. DVP did not reply to my query about the if the WC knew that David Phillips ran the CIA's anti FPCC campaign. Just like he did not reply about whether or not they knew about Nagell. Let us try something else: Did the WC know about the Chicago Plot?
  17. Joe, Dave Emory has had me on for an extended multi week interview for about three consecutive weeks now. And he wants to continue it until we finish every chapter of Destiny Betrayed. He loves that book. I did not know his show has a small network of about five other channels throughout the country. As per DCM, see, what these guys always do is try to dismiss things that any normal person would look at as begin suspicious, and they then say, well heck, not really. Any investigation of this importance would have honed in on who the heck DCM really was. If there way any true inquiry by the FBI, they would have discovered the odd way that he and TUM acted in opposition to everyone else. And why were they sitting next to each other so closely? And why did their actions after the shooting continue to be so at odds with the crowd? To me this is all of the utmost interest. If the FBI were really at work here, I have no doubt that they would have both been apprehended within a few days, maybe a week or two at the most. There would have been background checks done, and both would have been brought in for questioning, but separately. I would have even attempted to tap their phones to see if they talked to each other after the murder. Because to me, their actions would have denoted what they call in the legal trade probable cause. Cory is a lawyer I wonder if he would agree. That is what a real inquiry would have done with the 3 million dollars the WC had. Which today would come to about 27 million. And BTW, the FBI does this kind of stuff all the time, that is collect all possible photos and films and examine them for evidentiary purposes. They did not come close to doing that here. But we are not supposed to ask why.
  18. Baker, you just cut it out again. Which is proof positive you cannot answer the question and you are alien to the real world situation which Jack Ruby robbed us of. It is your side that bears the burden of proof. And you cannot uphold that standard in any way. That is because the Single Bullet Fantasy is such a sick joke. Just read the following: https://kennedysandking.com/john-f-kennedy-articles/the-impossible-one-day-journey-of-ce-399 Now after that, show me why I should believe that piece of bird dung. As per what I think happened, I just told you that I put forth an explanation in my book Destiny Betrayed. If you do not want to read it, fine. But that is on you PB, not me. And, with you, its par for the course. What you have ever offered this forum is a mystery wrapped in an enigma.
  19. We have established that the WC never found out who was at Syliva Odio's door and without that knowledge we do not know if LHO was there or not. We also established that the Commission never even knew about Cheramie. DVP did not reply, but there is no evidence that the Commission knew a thing about Richard Case Nagell. Now let me ask Mr Hoosier this: did the Commission know that the CIA and the FBI were running operations against the FPCC? And if they did, did they know that David Phillips was commandeering the CIA campaign? PS. FC does not even read up on his former premier. DeGaulle did not believe the official story because: 1. He did not believe Oswald was a communist 2. Thought Ruby was the plot's clean up guy so a cover up could be enacted 3. Did not believe that the security forces of the USA could be so negligent as to let such a thing occur in broad daylight (David Talbot, The Devils' Chessboard, 567-68) He based these observations upon study of the many attempts to kill him by the OAS and other groups.
  20. Utterly false conclusions stated above about DCM because they only reason they can be expressed is this: THE WARREN COMMISSION NEVER FOUND THIS GUY AND THERE IS NO EVIDENCE THEY EVEN LOOKED FOR HIM! Hold your breath for DVP to ever even imply that this was a serious failing.
  21. If you recall, Dan Rather went on national TV in 1993 with another of his garbage specials on the JFK case. At the end of the show he said that in 30 years there had not emerged a single piece of evidence to impeach the Warren Commission. What makes this even more sick is that he had interviewed both Belin and Tanenbaum for the show. Tanenbaum was really going at Belin so they cut a lot of it out. Off camera, between takes, Rather told Tanenbaum, "We really blew it on the Kennedy assassination." Is that about as bad as it gets? He knows he is wrong but he persists in the mythomania.
  22. I can tell you there is no evidence that the WC ever heard of Rose Cheramie. They never figured out who was at Odio's door and never hear of Cheramie. Third question: Did the WC know who Richard Case Nagell was?
  23. I Love the way you and your soul brother DVP snip away the most important part of the post and then ask that stupid question. Here is the answer you and he do not like to the point you will not acknowledge it so you do not have to reply to it: Now your side has fallen back to the stance that, well see, its more coherent than anything you guys have. What shamelessness. As Bob Tanenbaum once said, this is like the prosecution saying to the defense, "What have you got?" See, it does not work like that in the real world. The defense is not mandated to prove its case. The prosecution has to do that and you cannot. But even with that, I have tried to put together a scenario in Destiny Betrayed, which I think is pretty solid. But the thing is, the WC screwed up the evidence so badly when the trail was warm, that it makes it that much harder to find out what really happened. Especially today, after the ARRB did not fulfill its mandate properly and Trump is still on bended knee with the CIA. I await your reply.
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