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Wim Dankbaar

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Everything posted by Wim Dankbaar

  1. Wim, since you are digging information up on me I will no longer reply to your statements as I can tell were you are going as a waste of time. ********************* You can tell where I am going? Then you can do more than me. The information I am "digging up" on you is all public. I believe there is nothing forbidden about that, and in fact good practice for any researcher, to check where the messenger stands himself with his opinion. It may have some influence on the objectivity of his research, you know. I did not say you are unable to revise your opinion, which you voiced 3 years ago. However, I think it would have been fair to point out that you're skeptical about Beverly's claims, unless you're not anymore. What is your objective research on Beverly? Are your intentions to weaken or strenghten her story, or just present the facts as they flow? Timo is a friend and a researcher. Wim
  2. I had not heard from Jack Limpert either. Who is he? What's the story on him? But I do believe that Phillips was a narcistic guy and wanted to tell more of the story before he died. In fact he gave all kinds of hints. Here are page 165 and 166 from "The Carlos Contract", a novel based on true events, published in 1978 by David Atlee Phillips. http://jfkmurdersolved.com/images/page165.JPG http://jfkmurdersolved.com/images/page166.JPG "The Carlos contract" could well be a hint to Carlos Marcello who may have initiated the contract on Kennedy. As we know now, Phillips was the CIA controller of Lee Harvey Oswald and James Files. On page 165 he describes a "Hal Benson" who "retired recently". We know from Cuban general Fabian Escalante Font that "Harold Benson" was a cover name that Phillips used. This was disclosed by Cuban state papers in the early nineties, well after Phillips died. Also, In 1978 Phillips had recently retired from the CIA. So it is very likely that with "Hal Benson", he refers to himself. We also know that Phillips was a smart and very narcistic guy. Initially he wanted to become a celebrated actor and then a director. However, he found he lacked the talent. I'm sure that he was actually proud of his role in the Kennedy assassination. But of course he could not freely talk about it. Towards the end of the book he calls for the help of "Mr. Rubbers", an expert on terrorism. Now, try to find the name "Rubbers" in the whitepages. http://www.whitepages.com/ Can you find one? Does anyone know who can be connected with "Mr Rubbers"? Do some googling, if no one can find it, I'll give the answer later.
  3. I sensed where this was going. John Woods is on record as follows: The sad part and the very truth of the matter, is if you do not support a conspiracy allegation, you became a target of the research community. Myself, I do not support the allegations setforth by the socalled Babushka Lady and have run into trouble from the FAIR MINDED research community. Its a joke.....johnw source: http://groups.google.nl/group/alt.conspira...fd2faf23c3a9aa9 FWIW Here's a comment from Timo Mikkonen, a friend of Beverly: "Strange discussion. Someone is trying to mess things ..." Let's turn it around and assume that Beverly was not the Babushka lady. That means we have a Dealey Plaza witness with a camera, filming the assassination, who vanished from the earth, never came forward or was identified otherwise. Neither did the FBI attempt to find this woman or her film, although she is clearly visible on Zapruder. How likely is all that? Wim
  4. Maybe that's why Jenner wrote : "our depositions and examination of records and other data disclose there are details in Mr. Ely's memoranda which will require material alteration and, in some cases, omission."
  5. Looks like Posada will be released: http://www.miami.com/mld/miamiherald/news/15496239.htm MMIGRATION Posada should be released, magistrate tells judge In a surprise decision, a federal magistrate in Texas has recommended that Cuban exile militant Luis Posada Carriles be released from immigration custody. BY ALFONSO CHARDY achardy@MiamiHerald.com * Read the magistrates ruling Cuban exile militant Luis Posada Carriles should be released from immigration custody because the attorney general has not classified him as a terrorist and his continued detention runs counter to a 2001 Supreme Court ruling barring indefinite detention for foreign nationals who cannot be deported, a federal magistrate ruled Monday. In a 24-page decision, U.S. Magistrate Norbert Garney in El Paso, Texas, wrote that U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement should put Posada under supervised release because the federal government had failed to find a country willing to take the 78-year-old exile, who has Venezuelan citizenship. ''The court recommends that petitioner's request for habeas relief be granted and that petitioner be released subject to the terms and conditions of supervised release,'' Garney wrote. Garney's ruling is only a recommendation and will not lead to Posada's immediate release. He sent the recommendation to federal Judge Philip Martinez, who is expected to make a decision later -- either adopting or rejecting Garney's recommendation. Posada's attorney, Eduardo Soto, told The Miami Herald Monday evening that he hoped Martinez would adopt Garney's ruling because ``normally the judge would accept the ruling of the magistrate who heard the case.'' Soto said he was elated by Garney's ruling. ''I'm so happy I'm about to start screaming,'' Soto said. ``It's tremendous news.'' Barbara Gonzalez, an ICE spokeswoman in Miami, said her agency had not reviewed Garney's ruling. ''We will study the decision when we receive it,'' she said. Posada has been in ICE custody since May 17, 2005, when federal immigration agents detained him in Miami-Dade County hours after appearing at an invitation-only news conference near Hialeah. Before his detention, Posada had been hiding in Miami-Dade after sneaking into the United States in March 2005. He arrived from Honduras where he had been hiding since being freed from jail in Panama where he had been convicted in connection with an alleged plot to kill Fidel Castro in 2000. The alleged plot was just one of many the CIA-trained Posada was accused of hatching over the years -- all of which he has denied. In 1997 and 1998 the Cuban government accused Posada of playing a role in bombings in tourist spots on the island, and in 1976 he was arrested and charged in Venezuela with the bombing of a Cuban jetliner off Barbados. He was initially acquitted in the case, but pending appeal he escaped from prison and wound up in El Salvador working for the nestepcovert Nicaraguan contra resupply network overseen by then White House national security council staffer Oliver North. Posada sued ICE in federal court when the Homeland Security agency denied his release March 22, arguing he was a ''danger to the community'' and posed a ``risk to the national security of the United States.'' But Garney wrote in his opinion Monday that the ICE statement was not enough to keep Posada in detention. According to Garney, the law requires for indefinite detention a formal certification by the U.S. attorney general that a detainee is a terrorist or threat to the community. ''In this case, petitioner was never certified by the Attorney General as a terrorist or danger to the community or national security,'' wrote Garney, adding the government also had not ``moved to detain petitioner under any special circumstances.'' In its 2001 ruling, the high court said foreign nationals who cannot be deported can be held beyond six months after removal orders become final -- but only if they are deemed ``especially dangerous individuals.'' The court said those cases must be ''subject to strong procedural protections,'' but did not spell them out.
  6. According to Peter Dale Scott, Frank Castro was involved in the Bay of Pigs operation. On his return he was recruited by the CIA and was later trained at Fort Jackson. Briefly, his real name is Eulalio Francisco Castro Paz. Born in Cuba in 1942. That reminds me of someone else Frank Castro was also assisting Ronnie Brunswijk's "Jungle Commando" in Suriname against Desi Bouterse. He introduced himself as a man from the CIA. Wim
  7. Cesar Diosdado is also a member of the AFIO. The HSCA (a.o. Robert Tanenbaum) was very interested in him, but stonewalled to interview him. Although there is no known recorded proof, I am certain that Disdado was an agent under Phillips. You may recall that Diosdado was the man who knocked Veciana's door after the assassination to ask what he knew about it. Veciana felt tested and told him "nothing". In my view this could only be on request of Phillips. To check if Veciana would keep his mouth, for example about Veciana having seen him with Oswald. If nothing else, it shows the CIA had "second thoughts" about the solution of the case as presented Wim PS: About Ruby's entrance into the DPD, these documents may shed some light: http://jfkmurdersolved.com/images/ruby1.JPG http://jfkmurdersolved.com/images/ruby2.JPG http://jfkmurdersolved.com/images/rubynote.jpg
  8. Good summary and appreciated. I would like to add that Veciana admitted privately , in a covert way, that Bishop was indeed Phillips: From The last Investigation by Gaeton Fonzi: Chapter: "The final confirmation" About a week after Veciana was shot, I received a call from him. He was out of the hospital, he was fine and walking about. It was only a slight wound near the left temple. "My wife said it was higher I might have to wear a toupee," he said laughing. The reason he called, he said, was because he had read the staff report and he wanted to talk with me and show me some papers. The next evening, I drove down to see Veciana. I did not park my car in front of his house. He had a small bandage on the side of his head and another one on his right arm. He was pale but appeared in good spirits. He took me back outside to show me the bullet holes in the pick-up truck he was driving when he was shot. He was coming home late, he said, from the marine supply business he sometimes helps manage with some relatives. Normally, he takes different routes home, but this was the one he used the most. He made a left-hand turn into a street and saw a brown station wagon parked on the corner facing him. He noticed a lone figure sitting in it, but gave it only a glance and didn't get a good look at him. Then he heard a loud noise and felt a sharp blow on the side of his head. The front vent window exploded on the second shot. "Then I knew' that it was an attempt on my life," Veciana said matter- of- factly. The third shot ripped through the door at his ribs, was deflected by the door's interior mechanism passed in front of his stomach, burned across his right arm and tore out the other side of the truck and into an open field. The fourth shot produced a spiderweb of cracks as it the front windshield. Veciana showed me the bullet holes and explained them with a sense of amused wonderment. It's funny I'm still alive, isn't it? That was his tone. I heard absolutely no muted note of fear. What fear there was a around was in me as I stood there in the eerie shadows of the lone street lamp and looked at the size of the holes the .45 caliber slugs had made in the truck. The first shot had gone completely through the outside rearview mirror producing as it emerged an ugly flower of jagged metal. I suggested to Veciana that we continue our talk in his house. I asked him who he thought was trying to kill him. "It was a Castro agent," he said with certainty. Have you ever considered,"'I asked, that it could be anyone else?" He looked at me and smiled. "No,," he said. "It is Castro. I am sure of. Our talk eventually turned to 'the staff report I had previously left with him. Yes, he said, he had read it carefully and that's why he wanted to talk with me. There are certain things in it, he said, that question his credibility. His credibility is very important to him because he in still gathering evidence to overturn his narcotics conviction, even though he had served the sentence. What bothered him, Veciana said, was the denial the two individuals in Caracas, Lucilo Pena and Luis Posada, that they were involved with him in the Castro assassination attempt in Chile in 1971. "Sure they were with me," Veciana said. "They are not telling the truth." To prove that to me, he said, he had asked a friend who had just come from Caracas to bring some papers that would prove it. He would also give me the name of an individual in Miami who could corroborate it. He did, and he gave me copies of the documents. We talked for a few hours in detail about other points in that report and I slowly began to realize that Veciana was not an going to bring up the one key doubt I had expressed about his credibility. In the report, I said specifically that I had doubted his credibility when he told me that David Phillips was not Maurice Bishop. In our discussion now, Veciana was letting that pass. We had come to the point of a close but odd relationship, Veciana and I. I had told him I understood his position and he said he appreciated that. "You know,"he said, "I have given sworn statements.11 I knew what he meant. But that evening as we talked I was moved to take advantage of the certain camaraderie that had developed between us. "Tony," I said, "I am not going to put you on the spot, but I would like to ask you just one question and I would like you to be totally honest with me because the answer that you give me is very important to me. His face got very serious and his dark eyes stared suddenly at me without expression. "I know that you feel you have a mission in life," I said, "and I want you to know that I respect that and all the things you must do to be faithful to that mission. Believe me, I do not want to interfere with it. "He nodded his head. "I understand," he said softly. "You know that I believe what you have told me," I went on. "I believe you about everything. Except when you told me that David Phillips is not Maurice Bishop." His eyes never moved, his expression never changed as I spoke. "Now," I said, "I would like you to tell me this one time very truthfully: Would you have told me if I had found Maurice Bishop?" A slow smile crossed Veciana's face as he let out his breath. He put his head down and scratched his forehead, obviously: taking time now to think carefully. Then he looked up with that half-smile still on his face. "Well, you know," he said, "I would like to talk with him first." That was his answer. I looked at him for a moment, then laughed. Veciana nodded his head and laughed with me.
  9. "Why is it that a number of old timers do not back up her claims?" I don't know, unless these old timers are Gerald Posner, John McAdams and alikes. If not, please tell me why. Wim
  10. http://www.terrorfileonline.org/en/index.p...Suarez_Esquivel This page says Arrested in April 1990 in Florida for the assassination of the former Chilean foreign minister Orlando Letelier. Is that year 1990 correct or a mistake? Wim
  11. Yes, FBI docs show Regis Kennedy in New Orleans. But he was in Marcello's pocket. So was Hoover. Do you know how? J Edgar was head of the FBI and controlled the evidence, remember? Photograph show Lee Harvey Oswald in his backyard with a gun and magazine ....... I will make Beverly aware of this thread, than she may decide to contact you (or not). She is very religious now, she runs a Christian ministry with her husband. I don't think God would approve of her telling stories, do you? Wim
  12. I'm pretty convinced that Beverly Oliver is the Babushka Lady as she says she is. Are you in contact with herself? You should get in touch with Timo Mikkonen too. Why and for whom are you working on a piece about her? Do you know she picked out Regis Kennedy as the agent who confiscated her film? Wim info@jfkmurdersolved.com
  13. See below. James, about the picture that you posted. The dark complected guy with the black wavy hair could not be Morales, could it? Do you know who the others are? http://www.cuban-exile.com/doc_026-050/doc0027-3.html I received a phone call from someone that I came to consider... she sounded pretty reliable. And the name that she mentioned to me as having been directly involved in the assassination was the CIA agent, or officer, named Grayston Lynch. And I wondered if you ever had any information that might have linked him to Phillips or any of the people. ?____________:(John): We got some information before the very first national conference of the Coalition of Political Assassinations about a luncheon meeting between top former CIA officials which are Richard Helms, William Colby Richard Helms, William Colby. I don't know if he is a high ranking, or even former. But, Gus Russo was apparently there and he told some people that and they had a concern about what was going to be presented in our conference and one of their main concerns, they said, was with how we were going to deal with their friend David Atlee Phillips. Well it was, I think it was Joe Goulden was also present at that meeting and he was exceptionally close to David Phillips. And, in fact, is executor of David Phillips estate. And his history with Phillips goes way back, they are both from Texas And I believe I saw some where in one of the releases made by the CIA a year or so ago that Goulden grew up in the same town that David Phillips father was from I think it was Marshall, Texas, or somewhere. Anyway, it was a long time relationship between Goulden and Phillips. And Goulden has been extremely concerned about Phillips legacy ?____________: Goulden? ?____________: Goulden. It's spelled, G-O-U-L-D-E-N ?____________: Dave Goulden? ?____________: No, Joseph Goulden, Joseph... ?____________: Well, their strategy, as I understand it, as it was explained to me... ?____________: Goulden, if I could just add one other thing, Goulden is one of the two reporters, the other being Lonnie Hudkins who broke the story that Oswald had an FBI informant number John, were you going to say something? Ya, John. ?____________: If we are talking about disinformation and David Phillips in an attempt to pin the blame on the assassination on Cuba I think it's time we discussed Silvia Duran's sex life for many reasons the least of which is Mr. Lechuga sitting to my left here. And Anthony Summers, sitting over there who on my behalf interviewed Silvia Duran just recently, but first of all let me say that, if it could be shown that Silvia Duran... BTW, see my exhange with Goulden here: http://jfkmurdersolved.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=304
  14. http://www.cuban-exile.com/doc_026-050/doc0027-3.html Escalante: Phillips left Cuba in the middle or the end of 1960, we're not quite sure, but they came to know that he was in Miami shortly after. And we came to know about his relationship with Radio... Swan. He was managing a program in the information service of this radio station. Afterward, we came to know about Phillips when he was in Mexico. The information we had of him in Mexico was scant, it was pretty poor, we didn't know much about him. We knew he was there, we didn't know what he was doing. After that we knew that he was in Santo Domingo, the Dominican Republic. Again we didn't know what he was doing there. And the first information from agents we have about Phillips is from the year 1966, seven. In London he conversed with one of our agents recruited by the CIA. His name Nicolas Sirgado. S-I-R-G ... Sirgado. ?____________: He was a Cuban agent or CIA? Nunez: He was a Cuban agent recruited by the CIA. ?____________: A Cuban agent recruited by the CIA. Abramson: In London. ?____________: A double agent. Nunez: A double agent, that's it. Escalante: Our agents spoke with him in the King George hotel in London. From this point onward we had periodic contact with him every few months until 1972. So you know, the CIA was trying to send him in one direction, we were trying to send him in the other direction. What was the main reason, fundamental reason, why we had this conversation with Phillips? Nunez: The main reason we know that Phillips was having this conversation, and I will let you know later on why we knew of this. Escalante: He was mainly interested in Fidel, his trips. The structure of the Cuban government. Information about the people that were around Fidel Castro. He was introduce himself with a sir name, Harold Benson. However, he used to smoke a pipe that had an initial that could be an H or M. ?___________: M or H? Escalante: Ah, an M and a B. ?____________: H and B. Escalante: Or could be an H and a B, H and B, or M and B, could be either one. That is something our agent informed us of. We did a spoken picture of this Harold Benson as we do always. But we didn't know really know who he was. In 1972, this CIA official had an interview with our agent. Our agent at that time had a different case official. But this man came as a.... as a leader, as a boss or something. Had an interview with our agent. This interview was... took place in Mexico they were just having a few drinks. In between, Kennedy [Kennedy's name] came into the conversation they were talking about... into the conversation, not Kennedy came to, into... So when the subject comes up this character explains to our agent that after Kennedy's death, he visited his grave and peed on it and said he [JFK] was a communist and such and such. We still didn't know who Harold Benson was but when Claudia Furiati did her research, among the people we interviewed was this agent. We showed him a group of photographs. Plus we already knew about David Phillips. I'm speaking of 92 and 93. And the photograph that we showed him was a photograph of David Phillips. And so he pointed out as Harold Benson. This is all the information I can give you. There are some other informations. ?____________: Do you recall the other photographs you showed him at that time? Escalante: I remember that it was Tracy Barnes. For example all the we took all the photographs that were published in the Invisible Government. [...by] David Wise. Escalante: He took the photographs from the book and put them to the side. We included Cuban people that were there, but with photographs from those years. This is something you often do when you are doing something like this. I think there were twelve photographs that were shown to them. Winslow: Was one of them Paul Bethel, by any chance? Escalante: No, no, no, Paul Bethel no... Winslow: He didn't show him that. Escalante: Tracy Barnes, Robert Hammery [were the only two I remember]. They were mainly in the book -- Wise book. I was telling you we have so much information. In 1979 Bercia told to one of our own informants in Miami that he had been pushed by a select committee that he had given a fake name to the CIA officer that was in charge of him. He had given the name of Maurice Bishop. But, truly the official that had to deal with him was David Phillips. A third information comes from Mr. Manuel Rodriguez. Manuel Rodriguez truly, we didn't know who he was. We heard about Manuel Rodriguez when we started to do research on Oscar Berot on account of what information was received from the __________ hotel. Oscar Berot is the second surname of Manuel Rodriguez and in our organization the index is always made by the first surname not by the second one. But when we found out that Oscar Berot was Manuel Rodriguez, then we found another interesting information. Manuel Rodriguez, Oscar Berot told one of our agents, first of all that he was in Dallas because he was the officer 66 [Alpha-66] delegate in Dallas. And he was the delegate for office 66 in Dallas and if anyone came to know that he and Bercian took part in the plot to kill Kennedy. They were going to be killed. He was already living in Puerto Rico or a little after that he went to live in Puerto Rico. And another information comes from a very close person of Bercian, I think... some of you have already interviewed. This person told us that Phillips threatened Bercian in order for him to not reveal his true identity. I'm not going to reveal his name, but I will only tell you that some of you have had interviews with this person (don't talk about it) ?__________________ I cannot reveal this on account of an ethics principle for the same cause, because some of you will not make such revelations. These are the moments in which we have found in relation to Maurice Bishop and David Phillips of course there was a very wide investigation made by ________________? where he also had had lots of trucks and I think there's no doubt about both persons are the same. I'm going to tell you an anecdote. This thing about using fake names is very complicated. The CIA in Havana has a book of Cuban officials. And in that book I appear in two different books. I have my own name and I appear with my fake name and I think that they already know that I am the same person, but when we discovered that there were two different people. Those things happen.
  15. Dawn, I email you the numbers of Zack Shelton and Don Irvin. About Files being a kid, Oswald wasn't much older and I guess you believe he was CIA. Files also answers this question himself at 00: 35:55 http://jfkmurdersolved.com/film/jimmya.wmv Keep in mind that Files was a backup and Nicoletti did not expect him to shoot. He was pissed that Files did. Wim
  16. The Night Watch by David Atlee Phillips. Read about "Peter" on this page: http://jfkmurdersolved.com/images/dap1.JPG Peter is none other than Ted Shackley (later JM/Wave chief and Bush's deputy director) http://jfkmurdersolved.com/images/dap2.JPG I know who Peter and El Indio are. El Indio is David Morales. But who is "Hector" ? Cesar Diosdado maybe? It would be typical for Phillips to give a hint and choose another first name that can be connected with the classic Roman and Greek period. Note that El Indio is Hector's "sidekick". This strengthens my belief that Morales and Diosdado were the mysterious visitors of Silvia Odio. She decribed them as looking "Mexican". Also, Gaeton Fonzi told me that he never showed pictures of Morales and Diosdado to Silvia. In this whole biography, nor in the index of the night watch, is no mention of Shackley, Morales, Veciana and Diosdado. With Phillips' background this is simply impossible. Very fascinating . Wim Marrs - So, did Phillips recruit you or did Shackley recruit you? Files – Shackley recommended me. Phillips is the one that recruited me. He had come to see me and told me he had a job waiting for me. I walked out of the Veteran’s hospital.
  17. Bruce Campbell Adamson has some interesting stuff on this: http://ciajfk.com/home4.html It's a shame that this page is hard to find, even within his website. He should improve on that. The complaints of Billy Joe Lord against Edward Epstein and Henry Hurt are especially gems. I wonder: Is that the same Hurt that Oswald tried to call? Wim
  18. Uwe, You have now added "nutcase", "stubborn idiot" and more to the stack. And you wonder why you're not welcome on my forum? Why would you even want to be there? I rest my case. Maybe you should watch Ed Haslam and Anna Lewis again? http://jfkmurdersolved.com/haslam1.htm http://jfkmurdersolved.com/lewis.htm BTW, are you going to give it a try and tell me what's untrue what I wrote about you on my website? You know, I like to keep things factual, so if I made a mistake, I will stand corrected. Wim
  19. Have you provided the Dutch or American police with the name of the Tippit killer yet ? If not can you provide the readers here with your arguments for covering up an accused cop killer ? *************** I don't know the name of the Tippit killer. All I know he was an agent of David Phillips. http://jfkmurdersolved.com/images/filesx.jpg At some point I thought it was Leroy Young. But hey, you're not even interested in the name of the JFK killer. Why bother? By the way, even if I would know and give it to the proper authorities, they would ignore it. Wim
  20. Mmm, yes that's interesting. Not everything is on Google. I guess you know that when Sturgis was caught in Watergate, he carried the ID of Edward J Hamilton. - The gentleman we are interviewing is Chauncey Marvin Holt. Holt: My true name is Chauncey Marvin Holt. Throughout the years I have used many, as many as 25, perhaps 30 aliases, I don't remember them all. Starting with the first ones that I do remember, that were prominent in operations, there was Robert Ralston, Jack Hall, Jack Moon, Kearney Sigler, William Dean Rutz...John Moon... Those were the main alias that we used throughout the years. We did use other aliases, which are called, "floating identities", one time things, that you just sign your name on, which was used not only by me, but others as well. The best known one, I suppose, was Edward Joe Hamilton, which was used by a number of people. And I used that also, from time to time. **************** Have you ever encountered the name "Willard Galbraith"? I would like to know if that name can be connected with David Atlee Phillips , and if he was in Mexico City at the time of Oswald's visit there. Wim
  21. Gee Uwe, you should check if a false statement can be disproven before you make it. We both know I wasn't banned from Lancer. I stepped back myself. Don't you remember my goodbye post? http://jfkmurdersolved.com/goodbye.htm You just called me a "wrecked mind", then quickly erased that, and you want to be on my forum? Which part is not true that I write about you on my website? Wim
  22. Uwe, If I am anything fanatic, I am a truth fanatic. I have explained to you why you won't be on my forum. As you know, it's even on my website. The "wrecked mind" now comes on top of that. Sure you can believe what you want. I do however believe that your "beliefs" are greatly emotionally impacted. Wim You asked again about John Grady? Here's more on the military records. http://jfkmurdersolved.com/serial/IMG_1098.JPG http://jfkmurdersolved.com/serial/IMG_1099.JPG http://jfkmurdersolved.com/serial/IMG_1100.JPG http://jfkmurdersolved.com/serial/IMG_1101.JPG http://jfkmurdersolved.com/serial/IMG_1102.JPG http://jfkmurdersolved.com/serial/IMG_1103.JPG http://jfkmurdersolved.com/serial/IMG_1104.JPG http://jfkmurdersolved.com/serial/IMG_1105.JPG http://jfkmurdersolved.com/serial/IMG_1106.JPG http://jfkmurdersolved.com/serial/IMG_1107.JPG
  23. A provable display of ignorance opposed by the facts. No need to respond further. http://www.vheadline.com/readnews.asp?id=52418 Wim
  24. Annti, Do you know fellow countryman Timo Mikkonen?
  25. Uwe, Part of the explanation is in the depositions of Desiree and Tom Ferdinand about Albert Carone that I posted a fragment of. Glad you find it interesting. So you at least acknowledge that the CIA will make records dissapear of covert operatives. Secondly, we have gone over this time and again on Lancer. Here's a reference: http://jfkmurdersolved.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=116 I note that you keep persisting in false statements like Files cannot remember his serial number. Wim PS: You may have been talking to the wrong "historians" http://jfkmurdersolved.com/images/sneakypete.JPG
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