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Ed LeDoux

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Everything posted by Ed LeDoux

  1. His account is corroborated Craig. OKAY, I would then ask that you post the in camera original Zapruder film as proof of its existence because at this point it is hearsay what is on it. I surely don't trust your analysis of a faked second or third generation film. FAIL Thanks for playing though, Ed
  2. I don't mind. I enjoy the tough ones. Try talking to Clydie Gray! May take a bit more background on him till I feel comfortable. PM me with all the info Allen. Thanks, Ed
  3. . BULL...ONEY! Costella produces yet ANOTHER fatally flawed argument and Burnham repeats it as fact. So tell us Burnham, can you show us the blur calculations for these "impossible" images using frame from the same source? (so you understand that means NOT using a frame from a litho printed source such as Life and comparing it to the frankenframes produced by Costella?) If you can't your statement will, how did you put it again, "mean that the proofs you are offering to support your assertions are inadequate to the task" Lets see if you, and your proof, are up to the task.... While I agree with Craig that the sources used need to be comparable, I have to respect the statements by Mr. Burnham regarding seeing the other film. That MUST be kept in mind when discussing 'this' Z film. To not do so is a disservice to Greg and the others whom have viewed it. Thanks, Ed
  4. And it's you I tip my humor cap to Tommy. (Don't get me started ) Ed
  5. I enjoy the thread guys, some new ways of looking at things have come up here. A lot of this was fleshed out over at Lancer several years ago (2006). That is why I picked the Jacket to do a essay on it "Oswald and the Amazing Technicolor Jacket". Then another on the wallet "What's In Your Wallet" as a way to show the absurdity of this. There was a great group at Lancer at that time and that culminated in a lot of research and new ideas. I feel the same about ED Forum now. We got lots of eyes and plenty of stuff between our collective ears to make astounding progress. Okay enough cheer-leading. David your making my brain hurt :(lol (Palin-ism). I've been thinking many of these same thoughts for years and they always nag at me. Did Whaley give the killer (not Ossie) a ride. Was he made to 'adjust' his story to fit Lee? How silly the exchanges between counsel and witnesses were. The best comedic writers could never come close to this farce. Question everything! Every stripe, every star, every word spoken. Everything. Ed http://www.jfklancerforum.com/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_mesg&forum=3&topic_id=53665&mesg_id=53665&listing_type=search http://www.jfklancerforum.com/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_mesg&forum=3&topic_id=53304&mesg_id=53304&listing_type=search
  6. [quote name='Thomas Graves' date='05 January 2012 - 04:06 PM' timestamp='1325776006' Ed, Regarding "White Pants Guy With Hands In Pockets", as far as he's comcerned, inappropriate Autum "fashion" is of no import compared to The Plan, i.e. being easy for "Tan Jacket Man" to spot for The Hand Off in the parking lot a bit later... --Tommy Your on to something Tommy! White Pants Guy has all the hallmarks of a military trained assassin. The parade rest stance, his well combed coiffure is likely greased with gun oil, and his unwavering stare of a front line observer unaffected by the commotion of recent gunfire. This guy is probably back from SE Asia and a hit on Diem. His attire can change his appearance in an instant, he could remove his dark sports coat and suddenly he is an orderly in a hospital. Now dressed in all white, WPG could easily move carts or gurneys away from walls while planting bullets and pretending to go to the restroom at Parkland. "We have our man on both counts!" Ed
  7. I had a chat with James Jackson and found out that Victor Antonio Solez/Solis was a deceased individual and the mafia wanted to use this as an alias for James so he could work for them. They would have given him all the ID's and documents using VAS's info. I asked if the folks were Mexican Mafia and JAJ said "yes sir." James related some info about Neely as he just went by to look. He said there was a backhoe beside the apartment and when he looked in the windows everything had been wrecked inside and pushed towards the windows. There are brand new tumbler locks on the doors. He seems to recall the place was furnished or partially furnished when he rented it. He said most places were furnished as folks who rented didn't have much. James drove a 1952 Chevy four door maroon and black on top while at Neely. He still doesn't think there was a hole up into the attic. I asked if there was would he have used it for storage and James said no he didn't have enough stuff to fill the apartment as he was just starting out in life after the service. I asked how the meter reader would have been able to see inside and he said there was a stairway on the out side that connected to the second floor balcony and that was his entrance. I had him check pictures as I thought the place was as pictured in 63/64 WC and DPD photos. I may need to verify this with other tenants. He seems to think that is where the meter reader would have gone to look inside. But I see only the inside stairwell as in the photos as the front entrance. James stated he did not use an inside stairwell but an outside front stairway to the balcony and the second story when he was there. Need to verify this, but yes that could explain the meter reader situation. So anyways VAS is an ALIAS the mob had 'available' for a new hire. Ed
  8. [quote name='Greg Parker' date='05 January 2012 - 10:20 AM' timestamp='1325755202' Thank you Ed, for the reminder about what real research looks like. I think what you are doing is incredibly important and am glad to see it's continuing. Can you provide more potentially identifying information about VAS? Thanks Greg! Name may be Solis or Solez. It seems he was MAFIA and involved in things like fake ID's, possible narcotics trafficking, loan sharking, etc. He was in the Dallas area in the 60's. He MAY be part of the Mexican Mafia and could get you anything you needed for a price, or loan you as much money as you needed (no limit) as they had huge profits from smuggling marijuana across the border into the US. As I related previously the grow operations were along the border and were also working farms. They would grow, dry and bundle the bails for shipment by truck into Texas. One shipment was dried in large chicken coups. The feathers from the chickens got into the bails. This haul was all loaded onto a truck and driven across the border. The shipment was intercepted and the police seized it. It was sent to be destroyed. Only thing was the stuff showed up on the street with the chicken feathers in it. I can only speculate that the shipment wasn't so much intercepted as delivered to the authorities. I will try and get some more details on VAS. I would like to find something more solid on the Placard. Other witnesses: Sharon Cosgrove (nee Doyle) was 11 yrs old in 63' so she should be 60 y o now. I don't have much on the Wilson's Matt & Mrs. Wilson, Daughter Marsha (62 yo) and son Donald (60 yo) Evidence: Lieutenant Martello (NOPD) states he witnessed the Placard placed into evidence against Lee Oswald. http://www.history-matters.com/archive/jfk/wc/wcvols/wh10/pdf/WH10_Martello.pdf I can find no such evidence as of yet... Ed
  9. Bear, Moose, and possibly Elephant. Was a circus in town Thomas? (I think this has been asked before) Also guy across the street 'White Pants Guy with Hands in Pockets' and his accomplice behind him 'White Pants Guy with Tweed Driving Cap and Rolled Up Poster' are totally incriminating themselves. I mean who wears white after Labor Day!! Ed
  10. Thanks John. Looks like the hammer and nails missed a window! Film of placard: I have tracked down relatives of the folks who filmed the N.O. altercation The family is almost all deceased. I may need help tracing a Sharon Doyle Cosgrove in Spokane Washington She was last on 153rd St(?) in Portland OR. The back story: I called and talked to Larry Doyle a relative of James Patrick Doyle (jim). Larry said Jim his wife Charleen (Wilson) and son Jim Jr. have all passed away. The only survivor and the holder of the original pictures and film from the New Orleans incident between Cubans and Lee Oswald may be Sharon. The family were the ones who saw and captured the placard on their camera. They were with the Wilson's. I believe this is very important to get the footage!!!!!!! I will try to locate the Wilson's who were with the Doyle's family in NO and also watched the incident happen. On another note, is there info on Victor Antonio Solez(?) of the 'Dallas Mexican Mafia' Or James Arthur Jackson's sister Nancy Jackson who was a 'employee' of the Copa Room? Thanks All and Happy New research Year, Ed
  11. Burger and fries guy aside, I can't believe no one has a suspicion about TUW (the umbrella woman) clearly an accomplice of TUM. Ed
  12. Excellent work on the Check/MO for the pistol!

  13. Marina showed the rifle to Jeanne De Mohrenschildt in the "closet" so which is it, did Lee bury it or was it in the closet, the closet where Lee kept it in the open...? Mrs. De MOHRENSCHILDT. And I believe from what I remember George sat down on the sofa and started talking to Lee, and Marina was showing me the house that is why I said it looks like it was the first time, because why would she show me the house if I had been there before? Then we went to another room, and she opens the closet, and I see the gun standing there. I said, what is the gun doing over there? Mr. JENNER. You say--- Mrs. De MOHRENSCHILDT. A rifle. Mr. JENNER. A rifle, in the closet? Mrs. De MOHRENSCHILDT. In the closet, right in the beginning. It wasn't hidden or anything. Mr. JENNER. Standing up on its butt? Mrs. De MOHRENSCHILDT. Yes. OR Mr. RANKIN. Do you recall the first time that you observed the rifle? Mrs. OSWALD. That was on Neely Street. I think that was in February. Mr. RANKIN. How did you learn about it? Did you see it some place in the apartment? Mrs. OSWALD. Yes, Lee had a small room where he spent a great deal of time, where he read---where he kept his things, and that is where the rifle was. Mr. RANKIN. Was it out in the room at that time, as distinguished from in a closet in the room? Mrs. OSWALD. Yes, it was open, out in the open. At first I think---I saw some package up on the top shelf, and I think that that was the rifle. But I didn't know. And apparently later he assembled it and had it in the room. Mr. RANKIN. When you saw the rifle assembled in the room, did it have the scope on it? Mrs. OSWALD. No, it did not have a scope on it. Mr. RANKIN. Did you have any discussion with your husband about the rifle when you first saw it? Mrs. OSWALD. Of course I asked him, "What do you need a rifle for? What do we need that for?" He said that it would come in handy some time for hunting. And this was not too surprising because in Russia, too, we had a rifle. Mr. RANKIN. In Russia did you have a rifle or a shotgun? Mrs. OSWALD. I don't know the difference. One and the other shoots. You men. That is your business. The CHAIRMAN. My wife wouldn't know the difference, so it is all right. Mrs. OSWALD. I have never served in the Army. Mr. RANKIN. Did you discuss what the rifle cost with your husband? Mrs. OSWALD. No. Mr. RANKIN. Was the rifle later placed in a closet in the apartment at Neely Street? Mrs. OSWALD. No, it was always either in a corner, standing up in a corner or on a shelf. Mr. RANKIN. Do you know what happened to the gun that you had in Russia? Was it brought over to this country? Mrs. OSWALD. No, he sold it there. I did not say so when I had the first interviews. You must understand this was my husband. I didn't want to say too much. Mr. RANKIN. Is this rifle at Neely Street the only rifle that you know of that your husband had after you were married to him? Mrs. OSWALD. Yes. Mr. RANKIN. Did you ever show that rifle to the De Mohrenschildts? Mrs. OSWALD. I know that De Mohrenschildts had said that the rifle had been shown to him, but I don't remember that. Mr. RANKIN. Do you recall your husband taking the rifle away from the apartment on Neely Street at any time? Mrs. OSWALD. You must know that the rifle it isn't as if it was out in the open. He would hang a coat or something to mask its presence in the room. And sometimes when he walked out, when he went out in the evening I didn't know, because I didn't go into that room very often. I don't know whether he took it with him or not. Mr. RANKIN. Did you ever see him clean the rifle? Mrs. OSWALD. Yes. I said before I had never seen it before. But I think you understand. I want to help you, and that is why there is no reason for concealing anything. I will not be charged with anything. Mr. GOPADZE. She says she was not sworn in before. But now inasmuch as she is sworn in, she is going to tell the truth. Mr. RANKIN. Did you see him clean the rifle a number of times? Mrs. OSWALD. Yes. Mr. RANKIN. Could you help us by giving some estimate of the times as you remember it? Mrs. OSWALD. About four times---about four or five times, I think. Mr. RANKIN. Did your husband ever tell you why he was cleaning the--that is, that he had been using it and needed to be cleaned after use? Mrs. OSWALD. No, I did not ask him, because I thought it was quite normal that when you have a rifle you must clean it from time to time. , and he would say bye-bye, I will be hack soon, and he maMr. RANKIN. Did you ever observe your husband taking the rifle away from the apartment on Neely Street? Mrs. OSWALD. Now, I think that he probably did sometimes, but I never did see it. You must understand that sometimes I would be in the kitchen and he would be in his room downstairsand he would say bye-bye, I will be hack soon, and he may have have taken it. He probably did. Perhaps he purely waited for an occasion when he could take it away without my seeing it. Mr. RANKIN. Did you ever observe that the rifle had been taken out of the apartment at Neely Street---that is, that it was gone? Mrs. OSWALD. Before the incident with General Walker, I know that Lee was preparing for something. He took photographs of that house and he told me not to enter his room. I didn't know about these photographs, but when I came into the room once in general he tried to make it so that I would spend less time in that room. I noticed that quite accidentally one time when I was cleaning the room he tried to take care of it himself. I asked him what kind of photographs are these, but he didn't say anything to me. Mr. RANKIN. That is the photographs of the Walker house that you were asking about? Mrs. OSWALD. Yes. Later, after he had fired, he told me about it. I didn't know that he intended to do it---that he was planning to do it. Mr. RANKIN. Did you learn at any time that he had been practicing with the rifle? Mrs. OSWALD. I think that he went once or twice. I didn't actually see him take the rifle, but I knew that he was practicing. Mr. RANKIN. Could you give us a little help on how you knew? Mrs. OSWALD. He told me. And he would mention that in passing---it isn't as if he said, "Well, today I am going"---it wasn't as if he said, "Well, today I am going to take the rifle and go and practice." But he would say, "Well, today I will take the rifle along for practice." Therefore, I don't know whether he took it from the house or whether perhaps he even kept the rifle somewhere outside. There was a little square, sort of a little courtyard where he might have kept it. When you asked me about the rifle, I said that Lee didn't have a rifle, but he also had a gun, a revolver. Mr. RANKIN. Do you recall when he first had the pistol, that you remember? Mrs. OSWALD. He had that on Neely Street, but I think that he acquired the rifle before he acquired the pistol. The pistol I saw twice once in his room, and the second time when I took these photographs. Mr. RANKIN. What period of time was there between when he got the rifle and you learned of it, and the time that you first learned about the pistol? Mrs. OSWALD. I can't say. Mr. RANKIN. When you testified about his practicing with the rifle, are you describing a period when you were still at Neely Street? Mrs. OSWALD. Yes. Mr. RANKIN. Do you know where he practiced with the rifle? Mrs. OSWALD. I don't know where. I don't know the name of the place where this took place. But I think it was somewhere out of town. It seems to me a place called Lopfield. Mr. RANKIN. Would that be at the airport---Love Field? Mrs. OSWALD. Love Field. Mr. RANKIN. So you think he was practicing out in the open and not at a rifle range? Mrs. OSWALD. Yes. Mr. RANKIN. Do you recall seeing the rifle when the telescopic lens was on it? Mrs. OSWALD. I hadn't paid any attention initially. I know a rifle was a rifle. I didn't know whether or not it had a telescope attached to it. But the first time I remember seeing it was in New Orleans, where I recognized the telescope. But probably the telescope was on before. I simply hadn't paid attention. I hope you understand. When I saw it, I thought that all rifles have that. Mr. RANKIN. Did you make any objection to having the rifle around? Mrs. OSWALD. Of course. Mr. RANKIN. What did he say to that? Mrs. OSWALD. That for a man to have a rifle since I am a woman, I don't understand him, and I shouldn't bother him. A fine life. Mr. RANKIN. Is that the same rifle that you are referring to that you took the picture of with your husband and when he had the pistol, too? Mrs. OSWALD. Yes. I asked him then why he had dressed himself up like that, with the rifle and the pistol, and I thought that he had gone crazy, and he said he wanted to send that to a newspaper. This was not my business--it was man's business. If I had known these were such dangerous toys of course you understand that I thought that Lee had changed in that direction, and I didn't think it was a serious occupation with him, just playing around. Mr. RANKIN. Do you recall the day that you took the picture of him with the rifle and the pistol? Mrs. OSWALD. I think that that was towards the end of February, possibly the beginning of March. I can't say exactly. Because I didn't attach any significance to it at the time. That was the only time I took any pictures. I don't know how to take pictures. He gave me a camera and asked me someone should ask me how to photograph, I don't know. Mr. RANKIN. Was it on a day off that you took the picture? Mrs. OSWALD. It was on a Sunday. Mr. RANKIN. How did it occur? Did he come to you and ask you to take the picture? Mrs. OSWALD. I was hanging up diapers, and he came up to me with the rifle and l was even a little scared, and he gave me the camera and asked me to press a certain button. Mr. RANKIN. And he was dressed up with a pistol at the same time, was he? Mrs. OSWALD. Yes. Mr. RANKIN. You have examined that picture since, and noticed that the telescopic lens was on at the time the picture was taken, have you not? Mrs. OSWALD. Now I paid attention to it. A specialist would see it immediately, of course. But at that time I did not pay any attention at all. I saw just Lee. These details are of great significance for everybody, but for me at that time it didn't mean anything. At the time' that I was questioned, I had even forgotten that I had taken two photographs. I thought there was only one. I thought that there were two identical pictures, but they turned out to be two different poses. Mr. RANKIN. Did you have anything to do with the prints of the photograph after the prints were made? That is, did you put them in a photographic album yourself? Mrs. OSWALD. Lee gave me one photograph and asked me to keep it for June somewhere. Of course June doesn't need photographs like that. Mr. RANKIN. Do you recall how long after that the Walker matter occurred? Mrs. OSWALD. Two, perhaps three weeks later. I don't know. You know better when this happened. Mr. RANKIN. How did you first learn that your husband had shot at General Walker? Mrs. OSWALD. That evening he went out, I thought that he had gone to his classes or perhaps that he just walked out or went out on his own business. It got to be about 10 or 10:30, he wasn't home yet, and I began to be worried. Perhaps even later. Then I went into his room. Somehow, I was drawn into it--you know--I was pacing around. Then I saw a note there. Mr. RANKIN. Did you look for the gun at that time? Mrs. OSWALD. No, I didn't understand anything. On the note it said, "If I am arrested" and there are certain other questions, such as, for example, the key to the mailbox is in such and such a place, and that he left me some money to last me for some time, and I couldn't understand at all what can he be arrested for. When he came back I asked him what had happened. He was very pale. I don't remember the exact time, but it was very late. And he told me not to ask him any questions. He only told me that he had shot at General Walker. Of course I didn't sleep all night. I thought that any minute now, the police will come. Of course I wanted to ask him a great deal. But in his state I decided I had best leave him alone it would be purposeless to question him. Mr. RANKIN. Did he say any more than that about the shooting? Mrs. OSWALD. Of course in the morning I told him that I was worried, and that we can have a lot of trouble, and I asked him, "Where is the rifle? What did you do with it?" He said, that he had left it somewhere, that he had buried it, it seems to me, somewhere far from that place, because he said dogs could find it by smell. I don't know---I am not a criminologist. Mr. RANKIN. Did he tell you why he had shot at General Walker? Mrs. OSWALD. I told him that he had no right to kill people in peacetime, he had no right to take their life because not everybody has the same ideas as he has. People cannot be all alike. He said that this was a very bad man, that he was a fascist, that he was the leader of a fascist organization, and when I said that even though all of that night be true, just the same he had no right to take his life, he said if someone had killed Hitler in time it would have saved many lives. I told him that this is no method to prove your ideas, by means of a rifle. Mr. RANKIN. Did you ask him how long he had been planning to do this? Mrs. OSWALD. Yes. He said he had been planning for two months. Yes--perhaps he had planned to do so even earlier, but according to his conduct I could tell he was planning--he had been planning this for two months or perhaps a little even earlier. The CHAIRMAN. Would you like to take a little recess? Mrs. OSWALD. No, thank you. Better to get it over with. Mr. RANKIN. Did he show you a picture of the Walker house then? Mrs. OSWALD. Yes. Mr. RANKIN. That was after the shooting? Mrs. OSWALD. Yes. He had a book---he had a notebook in which he noted down quite a few details. It was all in English, I didn't read it. But I noticed the photograph. Sometimes he would lock himself in his room and write in the book. I thought that he was writing some other kind of memoirs, as he had written about his life in the Soviet Union. Mr. RANKIN. Did you ever read that book? Mrs. OSWALD. No. Mr. RANKIN. Do you know of anything else he had in it besides this Walker house picture? Mrs. OSWALD. No. Photographs and notes, and I think there was a map in there. Mr. RANKIN. There was a map of the area where the Walker house was? Mrs. OSWALD. It was a map of Dallas, but I don't know where Walker lived. Sometimes evenings he would be busy with this. Perhaps he was calculating something, but I don't know. He had a bus schedule and computed something. After this had happened, people thought that he had a car, but he had been using a bus. Mr. RANKIN. Did he explain to you about his being able to use a bus just as well as other people could use a car---something of that kind? Mrs. OSWALD. No. Simply as a passenger. He told me that even before that time he had gone also to shoot, but he had returned. I don't know why. Because on the day that he did fire, there was a church across the street and there were many people there, and it was easier to merge in the crowd and not be noticed. Mr. RANKIN. Did you ask him about this note that he had left, what he meant by it? Mrs. OSWALD. Yes--he said he had in mind that if in case he were arrested, I would know what to do. Mr. RANKIN. The note doesn't say anything about Walker, does it? Mrs. OSWALD. No. Mr. RANKIN. Did you ask him if that is what he meant by the note? Mrs. OSWALD. Yes, because as soon as he came home I showed him the note and asked him "What is the meaning of this?" Mr. RANKIN. And that is when he gave you the explanation about the Walker shooting? Mrs. OSWALD. Yes. I know that on a Sunday he took the rifle, but I don't think he fired on a Sunday. Perhaps this was on Friday. So Sunday he left and took the rifle. Mr. RANKIN. If the Walker shooting was on Wednesday, does that refresh your memory as to the day of the week at all? Mrs. OSWALD. Refresh my memory as to what? Mr. RANKIN. As to the day of the shooting? Mrs. OSWALD. It was in the middle of the week. Mr. RANKIN. Did he give any further explanation of what had happened that evening? Mrs. OSWALD. When he fired, he did not know whether he had hit Walker or not. He didn't take the bus from there. He ran several kilometers and then took the bus. And he turned on the radio and listened, but there were no reports. The next day he bought a paper and there he read it was only chance that saved Walker's life. If he had not moved, he might have been killed. Mr. RANKIN. Did he comment on that at all? Mrs. OSWALD. He said only that he had taken very good aim, that it was just chance that caused him to miss. He was very sorry that he had not hit him. I asked him to give me his word that he would not repeat anything like that. I said that this chance shows that he must live and that he should not be shot at again. I told him that I would save the note and that if something like that should be repeated again, I would go to the police and I would have the proof in the form of that note. He said he would not repeat anything like that again. By the way, several days after that, the De Mohrenschildts came to us, and as soon as he opened the door he said, "Lee, how is it possible that you missed?" I looked at Lee. I thought that he had told De Mohrenschildt about it. And Lee looked at me, and he apparently thought that I had told De Mohrenschildt about it. It was kind of dark. But I noticed---it was in the evening, but I noticed that his face changed, that he almost became speechless. You see, other people knew my husband better than I did. Not always--but in this case. Mr. RANKIN. Was De Mohrenschildt a friend that he told---your husband told him personal things that you knew of? Mrs. OSWALD. He asked Lee not because Lee had told him about it, but I think because he is smart enough man to have been able to guess it. I don't know---he is simply a liberal, simply a man. I don't think that he is being accused justly of being a Communist. Mr. RANKIN. That is De Mohrenschildt that you refer to? Mrs. OSWALD. Yes. Mr. RANKIN. Did you tell the authorities anything about this Walker incident when you learned about it? Mrs. OSWALD. No. Mr. RANKIN. You have told the Secret Service or the FBI people reasons why you didn't. Will you tell us? Mrs. OSWALD. Why I did not tell about it? First, because it was my husband. As far as I know, according to the local laws here, a wife cannot be a witness against her husband. But, of course, if I had known that Lee intended to repeat something like that, I would have told. Mr. RANKIN. Did he ask you to return the note to him? Mrs. OSWALD. He forgot about it. But apparently after that he thought that what he had written in his book might be proof against him, and he destroyed it. Mr. RANKIN. That is this book that you have just referred to in which he had the Walker house picture? Mrs. OSWALD. There was a notebook, yes, that is the one. Mr. RANKIN. What did you do with the note that he had left for you after you talked about it and said you were going to keep it? Mrs. OSWALD. I had it among my things in a cookbook. But I have two--I don't remember in which. Mr. RANKIN. Did your relations with your husband change after this Walker incident? Mrs. OSWALD. Yes. Mr. RANKIN. Will you describe to us the changes as you observed them? Mrs. OSWALD. Soon after that, Lee lost his job---I don't know for what reason. He was upset by it. And he looked for work for several days. And then I insisted that it would be better for him to go to New Orleans where he had relatives. I insisted on that because I wanted to get him further removed from Dallas and from Walker, because even though he gave me his word, I wanted to have him further away, because a rifle for him was not a very good toy---a toy that was too enticing. Mr. RANKIN. Did you say that you wanted him to go to New Orleans because of the Walker incident? Mrs. OSWALD. No. I simply told him that I wanted to see his home town. He had been born there. Mr. RANKIN. When he promised you that he would not do anything like that again, did you then believe him? Mrs. OSWALD. I did not quite believe him inasmuch as the rifle remained in the house. Paul, I would take everything the "Russian's" said with a HUGE grain of salt. As far as Marina speaking English, read the Neely Street thread where it has been demonstrated that she could understand and converse in English. Ed
  14. John, Yes they are high, but the power company uses binoculars to read them from a distance. As you can also see the power line and conduit comes in and down to them. They are the electric meters. http://www.onthisveryspot.com/pics/spot_1684_760.jpg The only thing visible from the front door/window would be the stairs going up. ed
  15. [quote name='Thomas Graves' date='20 December 2011 - 01:20 PM' timestamp='1324383645' And the Abundant Life Temple was recently torn down in Oak Cliff. --Tommy What!! That was a huge building. Thanks for the info Tommy! Linda Graham-Lee Was in Dallas February for my Mother's funeral and revisited our old home on Jefferson across from Sunset Hi. Was so wonderful being back in Dallas/Oak Cliff. The Graham girls took a tour of our old home and it was a real treat. We also toured downtown Oak Cliff seeing the old Texas Theatre and my Dad, O. B. Graham's church at Tenth and Crawford (Abundant Life Temple) Enjoyed the above comments from others. You can take the girl/boy out of Oak Cliff but you can't take Oak Cliff out of the girl/boy. Linda Graham Shaw-Lee http://oakcliff.advocatemag.com/2009/05/worth-a-thousand-words/ Ed
  16. Your over simplified pie chart aside. (note how sparse the amount of people are on or near the knoll) A weighted chart describes a different scene than you erroneously portray. Show me where Newman points to the Six Floor David. Ed
  17. Greg I wonder if the current owners SIDNEY & TANGEE MOON have been any more successful. Looking at some of their platting and zoning requests and the remaining structures on the block it may not be long before 212/214 Neely are no more. Historic Oak Cliff is down to a few buildings of any significance. The Elsbeth apt building may be razed soon. Here is article by fellow researcher Joe Backes: http://justiceforkennedy.blogspot.com/2011/07/605-elsbeth-apartment-may-be-demolished.html#comment-form This also reminds me of the Coz-i-Eight apartments: http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/viewer/showDoc.do?docId=48702&relPageId=7 Ed
  18. Good eye Gerda! Nice gif Robin, is it showing Clint Hill trotting along behind limo on Houston? Ed
  19. Thank You Robin! I always am appreciative of your posts and additional information you provide. Ed
  20. Thanks Tom! Got it. Please hide their info and Ph #'s. Greg, an idea I was kicking around was to padlock an apt would mean he never got the keys back. Or a previous tenant could have a duplicate key, padlock solves this. John, I believe in the pics it shows the electric meters on the right side of the building, the gas was in the back yard. (see "Wooden Staircase In Backyard) http://jfklancer.com/photos/neelyst/ I'm guessing the boxes you pointed to are mail boxes near the front doors. http://www.onthisveryspot.com/pics/spot_1684_760.jpg
  21. Hmmm after looking over the Tom Jones photos I found a problem. Is it really possible to see into the apartment? I do not see how a meter reader could look inside the second floor apartment. If the back door is the same solid door as in '63 then that is not a view point; Would be next to impossible to see in the window near the back stairs; as stairs and window do not meet. All other windows are inaccessible for viewing from outside. I don't think you can see in from any point outside. Unless apartment door was left open and/or unlocked how could a meter reader actually see in. Ideas? Ed
  22. The Neely Street Apartment Interior. http://jfklancer.com/photos/neelyst/ It was mislabeled 204 Neely street!!! But my hats off to Tom Jones for these interior shots of 214 Neely. Ed
  23. Thanks Tom. Yes tough to find a straight answer. What can we find on the J Pat Doyle who lived/lives in Portland Oregon and has the film of the NO incident. I'm looking for the pics... Ed
  24. In 1994 Marina Oswald told this researcher: "All I can tell you is what he told me when he came home. And people have pointed out how nervous he was after that, and he was cool as cucumber after Kennedy? Are you asking me, did I make this up? No. He came home from work, it was late, I found the note in one of the little closets. and: Nonetheless, George DeMohrenschildt claimed he and OSWALD stood in the front room talking, and Marina Oswald opened a closet to show Mrs. DeMohrenschildt the gun; Mrs. DeMohrenschildt called out to her husband in the next room. http://ajweberman.com/noduleX17-DALLAS%20MARCH%201963%20TO%20APRIL%201963.htm Which is it Marina!! When is a room not a closet and when is a closet not a room? Oy vey... This witness, MRS. J. PAT DOYLE, in NO said the Cubans smashed the placard: http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/marysdb/showRec.do?mode=searchResult&id=3430 Mary's Comments: While visiting New Orleans in August 1963, she witnessed the Cubans smashing LHO's placard and scattering the leaflets on the sidewalk. http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/viewer/showDoc.do?mode=searchResult&absPageId=671516 This states the Doyle's took pics and that the sign(placard) that was smashed was the one the other guy carried with "Cuba In Chains" and was on a stick. And it was this that was broken and thrown down by the Cubans not the Viva La Fidel placard. Ed
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