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Trygve V. Jensen

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Everything posted by Trygve V. Jensen

  1. I have previously linked to the albums regarding; the Norwegian magazine my Grandmother kept, published Dec 7th. '63 - (just to provide a personal perspective, as well as a perspective from half a globe away. She acted like a family member had died, (an example of JFK's impact around the world before cellphones etc. was invented. It was a bigger world then. ) --------- and the day (Sept. 10th. '63) when LBJ visited my hometown, - and visited neighbors of my family. What my father and his cousin tell me, is that my father's uncle (her father) - actually turned down LBJ visiting him and his family (he was traumatized from WWII), because the stress and commotion it would cause. As his neighbor (Shirley) confirmed to me earlier this year: the stress with "all the police and security around him". Apart from that she described him as a "very nice, and ordinary guy". ---- Just a somewhat fun perspective, - since this man was to become the President of the United States, - roughly two and half months later. I haven't read up (know literally nothing) about LBJ's Europe - tour. My hometown Bodø was (among other cities/places) somewhat a strategic geographical location in the cold war (NATO) , - with our airbase (so close to Russia/The Soviet Union) - at times filled with American aircraft etc. ( I really know very little about this ) . Secrecy regarding this persist to this day. The first four years of my life , - my parents, me and my sister lived a couple of miles ashore on a small island. --- One island located not too far from it, - - my father insist, - - was (and perhaps is still owed by) purchased by the Norwegian government. The intent was , according to him, - that the Americans practiced the dropping of napalm, - and other types of bombs. From the air. There. ----- He remembers , perhaps in '81-'82, - that they took the boat, and went there. It had a tower/observation-point, - as well as the whole island, covered with craters. ---------------------------- I doubt Norwegians talk about the Palme - assassination as much as Swedish people. Sweden will never get over that one. Especially since the identity of the assassin has been a controversial issue ever since 1986. I remember the morning, waking up, and watching on TV, -- footage from Stockholm, - depicting the pool of blood in the street , - outside the cinema. Btw. post written in a big hurry, - so it is most certainly full of grammatical errors. I can irritate myself about that later. Have to run. Have a nice day !
  2. Ja, det er jeg. Født i Tromsø, - oppvokst i Bodø. Nord for polarsirkelen. (Yes I am. Born in Tromsø, - raised in Bodø. North of the arctic circle .)
  3. Well thanks for that Steve ! Initiated the first smile of the day. Never underestimate a compliment. I had English as a subject in class, - since the age of 9. - I somehow doubt you had Norwegian as a mandatory subject in school .
  4. The Criticalpast - site, state it contain more than 57.000 videos, and 7 million images. It seemingly though only contain a small amount of the footage regarding the assassination, - and the aftermath, - in the following days. As well as the day of the funeral. What helped a lot, was that one can search from - and to, a specific date, - as well as location. But one encounters this problem, when attempting to find specific events recorded , ---- which above quote mention, - that footage was taped, aired later, - replayed multiple times etc. A search with date-criteria "1963-11-22" --- to --- "1963-11-25" gives 108 results alone. But may be necessary, (increasing the date-span) just in order to find replayed footage from the day of the assassination for instance. Another problem is even though the site provide information of each video , such as, -- date, location, clip type, color/monochrome, sound etc, -- it does not provide information about the source of the footage. Like this clip for instance, (duration 2m42s) - which I downloaded a 1920x1080 60i , --- 2GB version of. It would be interesting , if nothing else, to know the source. Perhaps it is a mix , with multiple sources. Some of it seemed familiar, - some of it less familiar. Euins, the "old lady", Williams,Arce, Lt. Day, Decker etc. ----- 168 stills from it is also available. http://www.criticalpast.com/video/65675033711_Texas-School-Book-Depository_officials_policemen-and-dignitaries_men-take-pictures The site support - team say they have uploaded about 1/2 of their videos to Youtube, - so that is nice in itself.
  5. Not only Ron, - but you also posting fascinating snacks, - - thanks for that Steve. Postponing sleep. Already bookmarked. Searched for boswell, humes , jenkins, weatherford, brown, etc. "Jack Crichton" - search : https://tube.quinzel.tech/watch?v=fbMl7-LP-8s
  6. Thanks again for your input. It is not good to my health , - you posting such intriguing remarks! Should have been in bed by now.
  7. So it is a limousine , and not a hearse then. At least it is established , - it had tailfins ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- Btw. 2: Fortunately one can save a couple of hundred dollars here and there, - as criticalpast has uploaded a couple of high definition videos to Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=criticalpast+jfk
  8. Thanks to you too Larry! The later it gets, - the concentration vanishes,- and I just have to stop the reading, - searching etc. Ending up watching old clips instead, for personal entertainment. Wish my English was better, - it's frustrating when trying to find the correct terms, forming of sentences etc. Being preemptive again, - preparing next sentence. The vehicle visible at above link, - just looked dissimilar to some degree, - compared to for instance these three "sedan" ? - looking vehicles , lining up behind the grey hearse / ambulance: http://www.criticalpast.com/video/65675039267_President-Lyndon-B-Johnson_first-public-statement_VC-137C_newsmen -------------------------------- http://www.criticalpast.com/video/65675039264_Andrews-Air-Force-Base_high-lift-truck_casket-bearing-John-Kennedys-body_ambulance_VC-137C I suspect a couple of people would say, - hey , - that's the hearse visible driving behind AF1. I'll just stick with saying it's a joy watching this old footage. -------------------------------------- http://www.criticalpast.com/video/65675039265_Andrews-Air-Force-Base_newsmen_cameramen-in-action_Andrews-Air-Force-Base-Operations http://www.criticalpast.com/video/65675039263_Edward-Kennedy_Mrs-Eunice-Shriver_helicopter-VH-3A_aircraft-VC-140B http://www.criticalpast.com/video/65675039234_Secretary-of-State-Dean-Rusk_Rusk-arriving-by-plane_microphone http://www.criticalpast.com/video/65675039232_Jacqueline-Kennedy_John-Kennedys-casket-carried-out-of-plane_night ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Anyhow, - as I first said, - this is most probably old news by now . Robin Unger posted in a different thread , - a snapshot from the last link here. 6 years ago. ---------------------------------------------------- Btw, - it would be nice to have unlimited resources,- being able to put up 180-200 $ - to download these in maximum resolution. For starters one could link to better versions , - than these "low resolution -- preview" - ones.
  9. Thank you Ron for this post. It made my Sunday a better one, ---- initiating yet an interesting search - frenzy . I really want to believe your recollection is correct. ( But finding this footage, if existent, - would be a challenge ) . Returning to this forum 10 - 12 years later, --- I in most cases, - see what you guys see as "old-news", - as news. With one consequence being, - while trying to contribute,- at times (perhaps most of the time) , - if I take the step to post something, ----- it has long ago been covered / discussed. - I try searching a lot within the forum threads, - before posting, -but there's a limit on how much time and energy one can spend, in doing so. -------------------------------------------------------- So just taking a preemptive notion that all of you renowned researchers must surely have covered this issue already, ---- I simply ask, - what were your conclusions about this : (HD 1080p) --------------------- Is it the infamous black hearse ? If so, - would there be any significance, - it being at Andrews ? Or is it just a different vehicle. Or am I, - (just as usual ) - tired, -- and mixing the pieces of the puzzles together,- - posting nonsense. Regardless, - from my perspective , - it's of great value discovering/re-discovering clips from the old days, - I had not seen before, - or at least can not remember having seen before.
  10. For those who have not yet viewed these. In my opinion, really worth setting aside a couple of hours to do so. ("The Assassination Of President Kennedy", - that aired Nov. 13th - 2013, - has due to copyright issues, been blocked in one country; The United States. --- So if your IP - address, shows a location from the U.S. - use a proxy server , or similar.) Perhaps it is viewable without, - using this link: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x17a5qz ------------------------------------------------------------ "The lost JFK tapes: The Assassination" (Executive producer : Tom Jennings Producer & Editor : Ron Frank Historical Consultant : Gary Mack ----------------------------------------- Stock Footage: The Sixth Floor Museum At Dealey Plaza (c), KRLD/KDFW/KTVT/WFAA, Dallas Times Herald Collection Keith Griffith film, Robert Hughes film, George Jeffries film, Jack Jernigan film, Frank Marotta film, Orville Nix film, George Reid film, Pat Sanders film, and Jackie Tindel film) ------------------------------------------------------------- "JFK - Fact and Fable" (Sociopolitical Documentary - hosted by Craig Sechler. Credit: Published by CuriosityStream in 2016.) ---------------------------------------------------------------- Sidenote: - Returning here so many years later, - still seing people conducting research with such poor multiple-generation-copies of films, - made 15- 20 ++ years ago, ---- makes one certainly wish that the originals, - first generation copies, and so forth - could finally at some point, -- be more available to the general public, - - than what they currently are. Or available at all. (Darnell). The Sixth Floor Museum, as I understand it has originals, - first generation copies of so many of the films. Only these major news/tv - networks seem to get access/permission to use these, - making their documentaries etc. It just shouldn't be about the money. It is wrong. It is history itself. ---------------------------------------------------------- An example of the opposite; - just compare the Bronson - film - copies that many still use , - in order to conduct research or similar, - to this version (HD 1080p) - who Robin Unger has on his Youtube - channel. And these days we have 4-6-8K resolutions for that matter. Gary Mack assisted so many through e-mails etc. , - and was a member at this forum. Can someone invite Stephen Fagin ?
  11. Thank you once again. That helps. A lot. 1963. When only have had the time to dip down into the surface of the ocean, that this subject is, - I probably only have read , or re-read what would amount to one drop of it. A number of details rings a bell, - but getting an overview of this puzzle, will take time. Every single time additional inputs, - from such knowledgeable people as you, - is received, - - - time and energy is saved/spared. So being grateful is in order. Only this last post of yours, - will most certainly initiate searching-frenzies , - when the time and energy is available. The passage of time, - and fading of memory, - makes one uncertain of even whether one once knew some things, - re-learning them, - or if they are new alltogether. It really doesn't matter. Bells ring, regarding the activity at the house, - some of the names mentioned, - the hierarchy within , - the undercover-initiative to expose arms-purchasing , - the Odio-issue, - and so forth. But the ringing is so faint. One thing is details,- but seeing them in different contexts, - trying to get some sort of overview of certain areas, - is another matter. Maybe there is a limit of how much one can simplify something being this complex of nature. Analyzing everything drain energy. I.e. - every time an action is taken, one try to see it from all possible perspectives, - - understanding the purpose / intention / reason, behind it. Like the action taken, - writing a report, for instance. I see now , it would seem logical, - with the examples given of said reasons, ---- why the FBI would approach him. Seen from the perspective of the Bureau. They seem to have collective weight, - sitting here and reading about them. Additionally answering my question of "common practice" in part. Can't remember that it (the house) could have been under surveillance, - but as I'm writing this, - I struggle to form sentences. For all I know, - it is mentioned in this thread earlier. Time for sleep. Probably dreaming about Orcarberrio's own initiative to the February 10th, - interview, the purpose thereof (trying to be objective, is a challenge, - being a subject) --- which role he had at that point in time, --------- as well as tracking down his maybe alive daughter, - I seem to remember reading about, - who would have been born in 1960/61.
  12. Thanks to all three of you, - very much appreciated. Spent the last three hours, reading, reading, reading, ---- for so to write a post here. But , trying to learn from mistakes, ---- I won't submit it. It made less sense for each word written. Trying to puzzle together pieces while being exhausted, - having a major lack of sleep, and concentration, as well as the endless nitpicking working against me , ------ only contribute to mix the pieces even more. And instead of being less confused after reading and reading, - one ends up even more confused. So many factors to take account for. So many outcomes, depending on "ifs". It is not the right time to complexify an already very complex subject. And one does not either contribute to anything then. But as said; thanks, - appreciate it a lot. You guys make it interesting, with all your time spent, - providing all this information. Just; -- in somewhat of an attempt to understand better, one of many scenarios ; if he (Or(s)carberr(i)o, - was a source for the FBI, - at which point in time - would he have become one ? Contacting the FBI ( in the role of what ? ) -- through telephone, --- requesting an interview, (February '64) -- initiating it, -- with purpose of filing a complaint on another Cuban refugee. Would this be "common" practice ? The validity of his stated purpose itself, - depends. On several factors. Perhaps irrelevant. The purpose of the report as well, -- for that matter. (105-1740). Depending on which perspective viewed from.
  13. After 5 minutes of searching, - I found out something. That it is more of a challenge, -- searching for information on this guy , -- than "average" . One reason is his name. I can't remember seeing a name, - being misspelled so much. The conclusion , - is that I haven't come to a conclusion , - of how to correctly spell it . :-) Anyone know ? (Edit : There are so many different spellings. I guess, Oscarberro is one that is "correct") . The guy is the guy, whatever his name is. - Just that the searching - process, is very frustrating. One search alone, will become effectively five. Atleast. I made the mistake, - to watch the "documentary-series" , "JFK Declassified - Tracking Oswald", which I understand was cancelled after the second episode in the US. , - but continued in Canada. I feel must apologize just for referring here, to that production by History Channel. In the last episode , they conclude that Oswald was the shooter, and the accomplices were members of Alpha 66 - who were "double - agents, - not working for the CIA, - but working for Castro." So Castro did it. Or something of that notion. (I didn't manage to mobilize strength/will to see the full episode, - but still something like this, can be useful, - if only to make print-screens, ----, snapshots of interesting footage they use). Just out of curiosity, - I tried initiating searches for two names. "Enrique Garcia", --- if the same or not, (or of relevance) - I wouldn't know; https://www.archives.gov/files/research/jfk/releases/docid-32310154.pdf - and the above mentioned guy. One page (this one: https://kennedysandking.com/john-f-kennedy-reviews/jfk-declassified-tracking-oswald-part-6, (debunking the series)), - says the following about this guy's name : " The last name is often misspelled as Orcabarrio or Orcaberrio. In the CuIS files, he is registered as Manuel Rodríguez Oscarberro. " --- The page btw, links to the "Harlandale continued" - by you Larry. https://larryhancock.wordpress.com/2014/10/16/harlandale-continued/ Interesting. Personally I have not (as far as I can remember) read much of your work, - I hope I get the time and opportunity to do so. I noted the other evening, - if maybe even yesterday, - you mentioning something about not wanting to get to into issues you have written about many years ago, - when having to resort to memory, - when it is not fresh, - not wishing to give out bad information. Any input appreciated. I would have said, - that I appreciate your work, - but I can't, before have had the opportunity to read , - (or re-read, for all I know. Time has passed, and makes a lot go away , as you know. ), --- some of it. "Manuel Rodríguez Oscarberro" resulted in disappointingly few (image)hits. (" Some results may have been removed under data protection law in Europe.") This was one: The one in the middle - left, - could look like the same guy in the photo Thomas' linked to. Names can be a challenge. Peter in England, is Pierre in France, Piettro in Italy, and Pedro in Spain, etc. . Unreachable link for me: " “Manolito Rodríguez” o Manuel Oscarberro, como es citado por varios investigadores del magnicidio, un colaborador de Veciana, quien en realidad se nombra Manuel Rodríguez Oscarberro....... " https://jeffersonal.issuu.com/repolidoblaz/docs/1963_el_complot/168 ( F. Escalante --- Repolido B. ) --------------------------- No hits at this forum on "Eric Wilson", nor "The spectacle of the false-flag". But I reckon many here have read it, and perhaps discussed it. https://www.docdroid.net/wrxXqFd/098823405x.pdf -------------------------------------
  14. Ahhhhh, ----- how frustrating! Was trying to contribute, by uploading the frames from my harddisk from 2007, - extracted back then, from the Groden - DVD from 2003. I am literally too tired , to assert if I succeeded, - in ordering/sorting them. I hope so. My supper got cold while doing this, - and should've gone to sleep ages ago. It is of frustratingly bad quality this version. But nevertheless,- here are the frames extracted. (372 of them). It took what felt like an eternity,- and they were desorted after upload. Motivating factor......- and what a quality..... - it is 2018, - something better should exist by now. https://www.flickr.com/photos/153357684@N03/albums/72157689774934280 If it can help J. Butler to pinpoint his observations or not,- or assist anyone else regarding this matter, - I have no idea. Just know,- that now I have to (edit: first finish this sentence) --- eat, - then sleep. Have a good night / evening !
  15. Thank you Michael C. I have the Groden DVD's. (Edit : That is the version I now see J. Butler has used, - making this observation.) Having 2 sets of Martin - frames on my old harddisk. Most probably extracted from that DVD from 2003. Certaintly I can not spot PM in the Martin - film. The HD/ 4k scans, are withheld still ? I saw Robert Unger posting the Bronson 1080p - version (Credit Sixth Floor M.).
  16. Out of curiosity, I found the video. Without having to share my activity to the whole world. Here is the non-FB-link , if interested:
  17. Just want to share my appreciation. Being an old member returning,- it was such an enrichment , discovering this forum was still alive. Thanks to you. John Simkin is gone ? ( Edit: I saw he had posted on FB in January. Hope he is doing well. ) If I was wealthy, - I would contribute in a monetary way. Great solution. Have a nice evening.
  18. I would as well. Being outdated, - I try my best not asking questions which can be answered through searching. - But it is late, - long day, - exhausted, and terrible concentration. So I ask, if anyone could be so kind to link to the best/good versions of the relevant films , available now in 2018, - regarding this topic ? Like the Martin (so can make an attempt to actually see this PM with his camera), Wiegman, Towner, - footage. Or Hughes, Bell, Couch, Mentesana, and Muchmore - footage , - for that matter. -------------------------- Hate to derail, - but Frazier was mentioned in the first post, regarding DM/PM ; -- has he been positively identified , without doubt, - in above (or other) mentioned footage, - ( or in affidavits, - testimonies etc. ) ------ standing in the doorway / on steps at this point in time ? ( Ridiculous question, - I know. Just not much energy/memory available tonight ) . Lee O. got into the Rambler, - he assisted newsmen to get to a phone, - he went out the front, - he went out the back, - he left westwards, - he left eastwards, - he ate lunch, - he brought his lunch, - he didn't bring his lunch, he wore a shirt, - he wore a sweater, - he wore a jacket, etc. etc. Testimonies/recollections conflict. Maybe explainable without introducing more than one Oswald. (Not stating a personal opinion, - - just mentioning it.) There are multiple stories. Did Baker point his gun at everyone he encountered's stomach, - on his/their journey to the 2nd (and/or 3rd/4th floor), or did he encounter just one person in total ? I'll stop derailing, - sorry. Too late. Any input appreciated.
  19. Nov 22nd: "The hearse that carried President Kennedy's body is even seen below the plane's tail." One photograph; (Courtesy - The Sixth Floor Museum), - in apparent original state, - as well as the zoomed one below it. (Scroll down a tiny bit to view). http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2064789/Spot-Lyndon-Baines-Johnson-sworn-JFK-assassination-identified-48-years.html -------------------------- Several similar images at the Sixth Floor - official site: http://emuseum.jfk.org/view/objects/asimages/search@/12/title-asc?t:state:flow=8b8a692e-2209-4bdf-aa2e-97adc6949905
  20. I was taught the values of politeness, courtesy, respect, - to be fair, and so forth. So I do absolutely not want to talk in a negative way about people in general, - and not either when they are not present, - when they can not defend themselves. I managed, by mobilizing will, -- to not say anything in the last thread, - where people were endorsing his videos. But as it is mentioned yet again, I just can not - not express my own view on this. ----------------- He has 2.4k subscribers, - videos with nearly 100% "thumbs up", - receiving donations, - and has comments disabled. Promoting his book multiple times. Saying: "Other researchers don't show their research." "I'll answer any questions." "We are going to go in to reality now." "Not fantasy world." "Like others." "I'm gonna show you facts, and I'm gonna show you real images." "What I'm gonna present here is pure facts, - and pure evidence". "Matching with timeline".' Etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. ----------------- My thought, is that it is anything but fair, - to anyone wanting to find the truth; - not the people here, - people watching his videos, --- and especially not to the ones making donations to him (who at the same time are prohibited to comment) , -------- to make money on videos that contain so many errors, - that I lost count after a couple of minutes. While making erroneous and contradicting statements, - the way he does. One example is him, in his colorized photos and films, - having two assassins inside the Pergola - shelter, - "proven" by an animated Darnell - snapshot, -- where the alleged assassins are visible,- one still aiming, - as he just have taken "the shot to Gov. Connally". So the assassin is transfixed, in his aiming position "just having fired his shot" - in the Darnell - snapshot, - which in the real reality, was taken 30++ seconds after the shots occurred. People running by , only a few feet from two men with rifles, - (one still aiming, 30 seconds after he took his shot.....) , ---- ignoring them.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NCNfPdCgDL0#t=16m45s The assassin inside the shelter, - managed to get into this position , as he is standing on top of another person's back. A human - table. ------------------------------------------- I wish this person well, - - but I myself, - cannot understand, anyone, - including himself, - actually believing what he says.
  21. Soon I have to replace my keyboard here, as the letters t, h, a, n, k, -- and s, ---- are worned out . Appreciate it as always. Is there anything you don't know ? . Wish I now could finally calm down someone (who is not longer) - who had the impression "red - tie - man" , --- was this guy : ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you , - that made what you meant, - - more clear.
  22. The posted photograph has dimensions : 750 x 853 . The photograph in my ancient harddisk has dimensions : 927 x 720 . The posted one, - seems sharpened , and brightened a bit, - with some kind of editor / program. Not much difference anyways. (Btw. I have no skills within this field whatsoever).
  23. If it is indeed taken from AF2 ( what other aircraft could it have been taken from ? ), ---- the establishing of the identity of the photographer, - may/would be somewhat challenging. If you haven't resolved that issue already that is. I don't think it is of such exceptional clarity though. The location from where it was taken, would be visible in a couple of the photos above . And yes, as Ron said: "The rear starboard wing has no connection to the blackened area along the fuselage. " ------ directly below "26000".
  24. Yes, - what could the "black spot/area" be ? It may seem that the photo only could have been taken from AF2, as mentioned. Off-topic-trivia: Who is the man (in the photo , second from the bottom) --- wearing a suit and red tie, --- at the bottom centre of the photograph, - and who is his lookalike ?
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