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Trygve V. Jensen

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Everything posted by Trygve V. Jensen

  1. Let's hope so ! It's never too late. Even my 88 year old grandmother has an Ipad. Mary Moorman on Facebook , ---- what's next? Compared to her, Buell is a youngster. Maybe when he stops working so much, - he will get the opportunity.
  2. Even more time spared. Great. And easier to read. When he, - as earlier today mentioned, contradicted (one of several times) himself 25 seconds later, - it must be an easy explanation; * he misunderstood. (he even apparently misunderstood Gary M. - when he (Gary) asked him about driving home with him (Lee) Thursday the 21st. (asking Gary M. if he meant the following day (Friday the 22nd !)). I mean, - he didn't drive Lee O. - home, or wherever on the day of the assassination, surely ? ** or; the reason (one of his characteristics)- (that I don't want to say out loud), - which may have contributed to Gary M. not confronting him with it. Anyway, Gary didn't, - and you are one of those who would, to some / a high degree, --- know if anyone else did at a later point in time. Which seemingly no one did.
  3. Old news I posted then, --- thank you ! (Should've noticed ( I now see) that link further down on the page you earlier linked to). How in earth to find time to go through it all. You collecting all this information, - and categorizing it all , should be appreciated. Spares time to search etc.
  4. Apparently in September 2014, - later than his Sixth-Floor-Museum-session. He is quite emotional at times.
  5. Maybe. And maybe, - it is a waste of time and energy, what I am currently doing. But I am for some reason still doing it; - as spending unnecessary energy, -- is one thing I am skilled at. Personally, picking up info here and there, which was forgotten, - so atleast that's worth something. A word like "frustrating" wouldn't cover how it would be to decipher all the snippets of weirdness in this 2-part interview with B.W.F. If it is any point, doing so, is another question. --------- Just on the above mentioned subject of him seeing Lee O. after the shooting, despite saying he didn't (in 1963; At 12m38s of part 2: Gary M.: "Did you see Lee Oswald at this time, - after the assassination ?" B.W.F. : (pausing), "No." Gary M.: "Have you heard subsequently, how he left the building?" B.W.F. : "Well, there's been a lot of rumours, ahm, when, - when we were, - when we were outside of the building, before we gone in, ahm, - I remember seeing Lee come from the do,- the , dock - area. And walk up the street beside the Texas School Book Depository - building, - and there was so many things goin on, - and, and I saw him as he walked up, and he went across Houston Street. And I thought he may had been goin get him a sandwich or somethin, so I didn't really think anything about it. And I lost him in the crowd, and I don't know what happened from there." (39 years is one thing, - but he contradict what he said 25 seconds ago.) Gary M.: "How long after the assassination do you think this was ?" B.W.F. : "Oh, probably, -- 5 to 10 minutes probably." Gary M.: "So, - you remember seeing him briefly, -- coming down Houston Street, along the side of the building ?" B.W.F. : "Yes." Gary M.: "So that told you, that he must've gone out the back door, by the loading docks" B.W.F. : "Yes, - by the loading docks, thats exactly right." Gary M.: "And did you see him cross Houston Street ?" (B.W.F. repeating that he saw him cross Houston,-then Elm,- then lost him while turning to answer someone asking him some question). (Gary M. asking him again what he just said, ; Gary knew, and was probably trying to digest his mild state of shock you were describing. Instead of just asking B.W.F. directly, - he seems to try asking it indirectly, in a gentle way) ; Gary M.: "Could he have come out the front door of the Depository ?" B.W.F. : "No." Gary M.: "No." pausing/grunting. Frustrated. (he now improvises a few questions, cause he never expected this). Gary M.: "So, --- how far away from him, do you think you were, - when you saw him" ? B.W.F. : "The closest I, - I got to him, - when he was walkin up the, - along the TSBD, comin from the dock - area, -- was probably, -- probably 10 - 12 feet." Gary M.: "Do you remember anything about him, -- did he look -" B.W.F. : "No he didn't look any different, - or act any different than he did. There were so many people, and so much chaos, and everything all around -- " (repeating he thought he was getting a sandwich) Gary M.: "And how was he dressed, - do you remember; was he in his t-shirt, or did he have a shirt on, or --`?" B.W.F. : "He had a jacket on." Gary M.: "His jacket." B.W.F. : "Had his jacket on that day." (Gary, just get silent for a while (feels like an eternity), - then just saying "Let me regroup here" - then seemingly just decide to move on.) (40 minutes earlier (not accounting for brakes etc.) B.W.F. did not remember what Lee O. was wearing that day; when Gary M. asked him what he was wearing the morning, when he came to his house, with the curtain rods. "Guessing since it was November, that they probably had jackets on, or long-sleeved shirts"). ------------------------------------------------------------- I totally agree in that the closer in time, - a recollection of an event is, - the more reliable it is. ( Should be, in general). The theory (which some would characterize as microscopically possible) ; - this recollection so many years later, - depict what really happened, ---- there must have been a reason that he said something else back then. Both in 63, 64. -- And (2002) (25 !) seconds before stating otherwise. One could choose to believe that the last example (25s), could indicate something , (not of much importance to the case, - but rather about his character, and then again maybe one of the reasons why Gary do not confront him with said). Or he said something else (back then), and both the Dallas Police, and the WC, just stated otherwise (changed testimony). ( Yes I know the latter is conspiratiorial thinking, to a high, and surely to some, -- very unreasonable degree, --- and at the same time; to others, - not at all). Some claim he lies , and was CIA, - - etc. etc. (Same( and others) could argue he now tell the truth, because of guilty conscience, which in itself could have several explanations. ) I.e. - he was involved, - or knew Lee O. was innocent, - etc. To me he sounded and seemed sincere, in his Sixth Floor Museum - session from 2013. Really in all his interviews. Then some would argue, - some things, are not what they seem, -- nor sound. One thing is mis - remembering, - another is changing one's mind. Or maybe not. Anyway, - there just might be that the increasing number of contradictions, - increases with just that; time. Because of faulting memory. Whether or not Lee came out the front, - or the back, may be / would be of importance (for some aspects of the case), -- for all I know. I haven't gotten up to speed on anything. Though certaintly it would not be more clear, - if he did/didn't , as - as you say (as I understand it), - these recollections so many years later, - have the value of interest. Not much more. Or.
  6. Apparently: "96 percent of the internet is not indexed by search engines such as Google and Bing. That means only a tiny portion of the World Wide Web is accessible to you through standard means. The average internet user is only utilizing a portion of the potential the internet has to offer. Search engines like Google only organize and index data which is available on the surface of the internet since in most cases, the URL is fixed, subject to get picked up by Google’s crawler bot, or there are no special permissions required to view the web pages. When crawling and indexing pages, Google’s bot system prefers URLs that follow a simple directory structure; that is, a site’s main content should not be more than two subdirectory levels below the main domain of the site." ------------------------- Haven't had the opportunity to make searches in other (or the "usual" way(s) yet ( not that I am too skilled within this field, -- far from it ), - but anyway; for whatever reason, maybe this particular episode just is not available, - and one have to make a request : http://mobile.geraldo.com/page/Contact
  7. Didn't know yet. Thanks for that one as well ! ----- That is - can't even find a word for it........instead , - I just join that shrug. Someone must have asked him this. Stephen Fagin, surely didn't - but that was a setting with a big audience, for starters. Gary M.'s interview sounds ( and looks surely - thanks to your latest link) more intimate. Gary must have known, - and reacted, in some way. Still haven't gotten through the entire interview. Probably tonight. Keep skipping back, over and over, like a goldfish would. Was meant to take notes, and will. Probably better tactic. My imagination must be playing tricks; - when starting to "hear between the lines" , - it may ( :-) ) be a sign, that it is too late in the evening . Trying to dechipher things out of , tone of voice, - what sound to be unnecessary continous repeatings, - etc. etc. ------ can't be much of value, - nor in touch with reality. Edit: Soon the word "thanks" has been worned out. --- Appreciate it ! Also the link to your JFK assassination arguments (979).
  8. I try to make an effort with myself, in order to change/minimize a few of the characteristics I have, - which in many ways work against me, - draining about all the energy -- out of me, - which in itself could be utilized into being spent on something constructive instead. Characteristics like the continous over-analyzing, complexifying, nitpicking, self-critisizing, high-sensitivity, and overreacting. It is just so exhausting. Of course, - it is always difficult to anyone, - to simplify something that is inevitably complex. Or to make a short-version, of something that has no short-version. Woke up, - (had to to a google-search now to find the correct term; (quote from an English dictionary: ""I was lying in bed" is correct unless, of course, like a chicken you were laying an egg!") ----- and was lying in bed (while not laying any eggs, - but atleast being honest) for 30 minutes, wondering if I had made a fool of myself with my post, - and if returning to this forum was a big mistake, - feeling that I should just perhaps delete my profile. But as I said, it was so fundamentally of value to me, - to find something again, - that sparked something inside. Maybe too many of us, let anxiety control us, too much. (I do, - out there in the world). Also in here. It is a shame, if one make a decision to not express one's meaning (when really wanting to), based on fear. I.e. for retributions. Trying now, to not spend the whole morning, writing a post (containing no contribution on the topic of the thread), - which most certaintly could be stripped down. That would save energy, - both for me and those who would care to read it. But it is very necessary to say, that you Michael C. , - and you David G.H., -- made my morning, a good one now, with your responses. I appreciate them immensely. Thanks. I also genuinly appreciate any positive feedback in general. Even only one word, can make a difference. Returning to this forum, is for me very challenging. Being not up-to-date on anything, whether it be if progress has been made in different aspects of research, new information has been made available, - as well as the challenge of communicating in English (especially technical English, concerning areas/fields I am not educated within), - but of course also the "temperature" here; - which "relation(s)" you guys have to eachother, - which stances/views the different members here have, - etc. etc. If I make the step, - to dare to ask some question in whatever area, - and that question is not answered, - I automatically start (over)analyzing in my mind, why it is not. The instant thought, - is that the question is so silly, - that people do not regard it worth an answer, - if perhaps all I have to do , - is make a search, in order to answer it myself. Even if trying to search, - and to no avail. That just tells me, I'm not searching in the correct way. Just another example. Like for instance the questions I posed; Has there been anything new (the last three years, regarding the availability of the Darnell - film? I personally do want to believe Gary was sincere, so close to his passing, ---- about their possession of it. Or the questions, asked after watching the Aynesworth - interview published two days ago; who was this witness he encountered ?, - and who was the FBI-agent who took him to the theater? Even if irrelevant. ----------------- Again, I am perhaps partly reluctant to share my personal opinions/views, - partly because of said reasons; anxiety (of being flamed), but also having less opportunity to back these up with proof, evidence etc. -- being so outdated. One other factor being "new" again, combined with my characteristic(s), is being more susceptible. At the same time as trying to be open-minded, relevant, and logical, to name a few. Making an example (at the same time hoping I don't offend the persons mentioned) -- I can sit here, and read, for instance, - a reply in some whatever thread from David Von Pein, who in my mind (view/stance irrelevant), -- write, and communicate at a very high level. (I know many of you would express disagreement on that.) So one (I) can easily get the impression that it is laughable to think anything else, than that Lee Oswald did it. Alone. Then, the next minute, - I sit and watch the six - and a half hours long --- video - presentation titled "JFK - The Absolute Proof of Inside Job", with Douglas Horne, - and think to myself; how can it ever not have been a conspiracy? The duality of all things in life, - make everything difficult. There are always atleast two sides. ------------------ Btw. - I apologize to the original poster of this thread, with my contribution to derailing the original topic title (in the name of keeping posts on-topic) (but I still do not understand what is meant by the title itself!) Probably my own fault, - not reading/comprehending the answer(s) that hopefully by now , - have been presented.
  9. David, - I don't have the energy to edit anymore, - my most certaintly incoherent (if that is the right word) post. I apologize in advance if I offended you, - and will admit any mistakes I have made (and appreciate them being pointed out) , ---- and at the same time,---- wish you a nice evening, and a further happy Easter. Edit: I changed my mind; remembered something I forgot to write. Now I have to force myself to not keep nitpicking. Atleast try. This rediscovery of my interest in the case, was very important fundamentally. So it is of secondary importance to me, - whether I really contribute to anything, with my comments, photo collection (if so, - those with skills can do the studying), or Youtube - channel (same). It is more important as of now,- just to keep this flame lit, - and , perhaps only at best, - have an illusion myself; - of that - that I do contribute.
  10. It seems my limited English gets apparent. I try the best I can, - and sometimes have to use a dictionary, - in order to find the expressions I believe to be correct. That does not make them come out correct, - but I still hope my English is sufficient enough, atleast sometimes -- to be understood to some degree. Even though making more mistakes most of the time, - than I myself can see, - despite endless nitpicking. I write without spell - checking, etc. I have additional concentration - problems, due to health issues, - which may contribute to this problem as well. Jeg kan jo ikke skrive på norsk heller, - om ikke du snakker det språket ? ( If you talk Norwegian, - I could perhaps make myself more clear. ) So it was a poor description "digital technology - progression" , as well as proof of my poor skills in this science, - (which I have never (to the best of my terrible memory) claimed to have. Skills.) If it was so hard to understand my words, - I only meant (now trying to again find some way (probably in vain. Again). to communicate what I mean, - in order to be understood. I guess it is inevitable that I will be critisized, no matter how hard I try, - but so be it) -- that the possibilities today, to enhance, - remaster, edit, for instance the photos or videos regarding this case, - are so many more, - compared to when I was active here in 2006 - 2007. When I saw how much better quality the photos, and videos are today , - compared to then, - I was astounded. Some examples are these synced videos/gifs, and so forth, -- made by people like Robin Unger for instance. The computers' specs is far better, - the programs used, etc. is (must be?) more advanced, - giving more opportunities today, - than 12 years ago, - no ? I do not remember having 4K scans, - 1440p HD videos etc. - atleast not on Youtube, --- or the opportunity for me to visit the Plaza in google street view (to name a few examples) -- back then in 2006-2007. But I again struggle with remembering what I wrote one hour ago. So when quadruple-checking everything, all the time, --- sometimes one just give up in exhaustion. Hoping that people understand anyway. I have so many times now, made it clear , -that I label myself as a "rusty,outdated - hobby - speculator". I am so far from being anywhere near an expert on the field, - that it is ridiculous in itself, - and I have said so several times. I observe with my (compared to many of you guys here with great skills) amateuristic eyes, - and that is for me rewarding in itself. Appreciating collecting material. Being way too personal; my life spiraled down into a dark hole of an existence, - and after years, in which absolutely all fundamental reasons to get up in the morning, - had vanished, - - it was just pure joy,- to finally manage to lit a flame inside again, - rediscovering my interest in this case. If my biography, - which I won't bother to check as I am writing this, and was mainly written back then , --- or posts also from back then in 2006-2007, - contain statements by me claiming to be an expert, - that made conclusions , based on studies, - so be it. Then I was, - atleast from your perspective totally , and laughably in error/mistaken. And I have no problems admitting mistakes, - which we all do. I do mistakes every single day. I clearly have no skills to have a say, in "which latter day technology, add to, or, aid in the following conclusion: a conspiracy murdered JFK! " Being, as we all are, - subjective, - of course I have some opinions, - but I would like to keep my own views , - as (again not finding the right term) much to myself as possible, - for several reasons. One of them , - being harassed/flamed/whatever correct term. Maybe I come from a very different culture, - joined with maybe being too sensitive, - as to the standards of how we communicate with eachother here. But if I am forced to give an opinion, - I can just say, - that I do not (with 100% certainty) know whether it was a conspiracy to murder JFK, - or a conspiracy to cover it up, - and at the same time - - I most certaintly do not know that it wasn't either! So I hope it is "allowed" to appreciate the efforts of people like David Von Pein, and David Lifton, (to name two) - who apparently have so incredibly different opinions of this case, - that I could not at this moment come up with better examples. Just because they devote so much time in order to do so. As have many of you have done, - as well as all the people who are not with us anymore. Whether it be Penn Jones, Harold Weitzman, - or Gary Mack. No matter which stance they had. It is just in my nature to express gratefulness, when people take so much time of their lives, in dedication to find the truth. (If that was the motive in the beginning). The complexity is overwhelming. So many things indicate that Lee was involved, - (some) alone , and (some) not alone at the same time. But then again, - there are so many hundreds?/thousands?, of details/events/statements/affidavits/reports/investigations, etc. etc. etc. that indicate a conspiracy, - or atleast that something here is not "right". However naive/weak/"old fashion"/whatever - I may come across, ---- I still refuse to give up hope that being polite, - showing courtesy, and respect towards eachother, - ( no matter how far one are from eachothers views ) --- is of some value still. I respect your view in this last post of yours - of Gary, even though I as usual maybe overreact, when he is concluded to be the "Dallas 6th Floor mouth piece defending 1964 WCR conclusions" . But if that is your view, - I respect it of course. If he was , or was not, - or was in some way forced to take that position, - that is secondary in importance (to me) - than to my impression of that he was a genuine good human being. Who as I understand it, - helped as many as he could, - with far from the highest salary. Until he passed. Very tired now, - and I'll just press "Submit Reply" - knowing that I in two minutes, - I will be overwhelmed of how many errors I have made, - while writing this spontaneously, -- and start the nitpicking of my own post, - in order to correct any mistakes made / make things more clear / double - check grammar , etc. etc. -- - so that those who care to read what I say, - will have the best chance possible , to understand what I mean. Edit: It took about 35 seconds, before I had to add; (before summoning the energy of reading through my own post) --- that if I in this post, -- only further demonstrate my own incapability, - and become the laughing stock of many here, - being so amateuristic , - so be it. If anything would aid in reaching a final conclusion (if that day will ever come) of whether it was one of the types of conspiracies in this case of the assassination of JFK, --- or if there was none; ----- it is all the effort you all here, - including you David, - and people around the world , - make, -- every single day, - researching, studying etc. - and continue pressing for more and more information to be released. Edit: I realize now, that I nor have the concentration, ability, linguistic skills, etc. - to edit this rambling of mine, in an attempt to make it satisfactory. Happy Easter btw.
  11. Initiated one album - attempt, to the Bowers - issue itself. In progress. https://www.flickr.com/photos/153357684@N03/albums/72157695026388245 As well as a few files from the old disk from the City Of Dallas Archives https://www.flickr.com/photos/153357684@N03/albums/72157695065117555 ---------------------------------- Sorting the files on this disk, is frustrating. By now, it must be old news, the information therein. But as mentioned, - when have forgotten so much,- old news, become news again, to me. 3 textfiles with somewhat , for me, -- tempting titles, - but if new, relevant, true or false, - I wouldn't know. Disappearing Witnesses.TXT Last words of Lee Harvey Oswald.TXT List - over 500 photos and 75 photographers in Dealey plaza.TXT
  12. Agreed. Thanks Michael for the links to these two videos. Great stuff! Digital technology certaintly has progressed the last 10-12 years. -------------------------------------------- *** Saddening (to me) to observe unnecessary personal attacks on eachother,- but even more saddening to see that a man who did so incredibly much work, regarding this case, - through all these years, --- which name is being used in this fashion, - especially when he is now no longer with us, to defend himself. (As I "knew" him (which I did not personally; only benefited through e-mails, where he took of his time to even assist me) , --- I don't think he even would comment on such language , characterizing him this way indirectly, - being above such standard(s) as this.) My impression is that he was not only dedicated, - and possessed an incredible amount of knowledge, - but also a genuine good human being, who assisted as many as he could, - up to the last months of his life. So in the light of these subjective (my own) (amongst many more that can be mentioned) -- impressions, -- I could very well fall into this category, of a "Gary Mack - wannabe". ------------------------------------------------ File labeled as Secret Service - copy on my harddisk from the middle-age: By now, updated researchers here, would know for sure, - if this is mislabeled or not. I do not. Personal views, - are personal,- but would like to try to not conclude to know things , without proof.
  13. Thanks ! The timing of his observation ,was one of my questions. Appreciate that one. And also haven't had the time/energy yet, - to search for his earlier statements regarding this. Spared me that one too. Probably won't have the time to see/hear this 2 hour - interview tonight (past midnight here) - before collapsing. So, wouldn't know pr. now, if Gary confronts him with his contradiction in relation to his earlier statements. Guess how memory works, -- in general , is a science in itself; but the fact, - that our memories change with time, is indesputable. And that the closer (the recollecion of said) it is in time, - the more reliable it is. I.e. we can remember what we want to remember, - and dependant on how much it is continually focused on over time , - the recollection of , - for instance an event, - is slowly replaced , - - erasing the actual / factual event , as of how it really happened. But these folks , - I just don't get how they can change/contradict themselves in that degree, in regards to earlier statements - when knowing that these were written down/published/recorded, etc. etc. - thus being official , - and will stand forever in records, - so everyone, including themselves, can go back and see , what they stated back then. Unless they forget even that too, - or have the impression/opinion that these earlier statements were incorrectly taken down. (For instance). Too many examples. Like this example with Frazier. If he is alive today, - or not , - I don't know, --- but he must , during all these years, -- have been made aware of that he contradict himself, in more than one instance ? And his subsequent explanation to that , if so. There will hopefully always be explanations, if requested. Not going into the subjective reasons for these, - if given. Too many factors depend on that.
  14. Regarding the Frazier - video from 2013, and the Aynesworth - video, - published today: Aynesworth : "He came out the front door, - and in fact he ran into a friend of ours -- who was asking for a phone; Pierce Allman. But anyway, he comes out the door, - he walks four blocks up Elm Street, - and he gets on a bus". --------------------------------------------------------- B.W. Frazier : (2013; from the same Living History series at the Sixth Floor Museum - Youtube - channel) "...and then I walked out, -- to the corner of the building, right there, where Houston comes up beside the building. And I was talkin to someone,... - it was a lady, - and I looked, (pause)...to my (left?), and come walkin along the side of the Texas School Book - building, -- was Lee Oswald." Fagin: "walking along this side of the building (Houston street)? Frazier: "Yes, Houston Street. -- So he'd come around from off the dock. There. And, - so he, - he walks up, and I'm talkin to this lady. He didn't say anything, and ah, - he crosses Houston, - I watch him cross Houston, as I was talkin to the lady. He gets over to the side of Houston, and then he crosses Elm, and somebody said somethin to me, and I turned, - and he was about half way across the street, -and when I turned back; he was gone in the crowd, - I don't know what happened to him. But I didn't worry too much about that, because, ah, - it was several places around there that you could go and eat a sandwich. And I remember askin him that morning, when he was ridin in with me --" Frazier: "I says; -- Where's your lunch?" He said, "Oh Im gonna buy it (off the truck?) today". "I said: okay." "Well..I didn't think about what he told me about buying it off the truck." Insert: (here my limited English-vocabulary-ear, has serious trouble interpreting his accent) Frazier continues: "He said mmm; he'd buy his lunch; he said": "I was buyin my lunch today". Frazier: "And I, - I don't like to use the word assume, -- but I thought he was talkin about the..." (?) ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uAh1pGZiLxE#t=36m55s) Frazier: "But it were...." (interrupted) Fagin: "There was no doubt in your mind, that this was Lee Harvey Oswald?" Frazier: "He/it was." Fagin: "Could you see the expression in his face, -- is there anything you can tell us about the way he looked?" Frazier: "Ahmm, It was nothing indifferent/different about Lee. Expression on his face was, ahm - he looked perfectly normal. -- And that's the last time I remember seeing him". ----------------------- So Lee: * Went to buy lunch, - went back(!) into the TSBD, - for then to exit through the front entrance, encountering Allman ? ** Came around from the back, - went across Houston, - then Elm, - and didn't (or did) buy lunch, - then left the area, continuing to his rooming house ? ( Aynesworth/Allman mistaken/semi-mistaken/lying ) *** Came out the front entrance, - encountered Allman, - went inside again (!), either through the front, or the back of the building, for some strange reason -- for then to come out from the back, off the dock, -- in order for Frazier to observe this? **** Came out the front exit, - encountered Allman, - and then left the area, and so on. ( Frazier mistaken/misremembering/lying? (Again, he seem sincere to me) ***** Other countless explanations of various ridiculousness ? I don't know what the consensus here, - is on this. It takes time reading up on several years of absence. So if these are idiotic questions, - I apologize in advance. Again. Anyway, a fascinating account from Aynesworth, reporting with his flag-pencil on his unpaid utility-bills. Encountering this screaming ("up there, up there!") , (and pointing), -- witness (who?), which got him physically removed by Police, when finding out he was a reporter. After according to Aynesworth , really saw Oswald, apparently in the 6th floor-window - and described him "so perfectly." Who again, later (the witness) "was scared to death." And which FBI-agent drove him to the theater ? .... no I'll just stop rambling now. Should've had a nitpicker-guard by my side.
  15. You must be crashing some servers with the amount of information out there! These Living History - series are pure gold IMO. Thanks to the Museum for publishing them. (About to maybe set a new record in the category of idiotic questions, - regarding the Aynesworth/Frazier - Living History videos.) If so, I apologize in advance. (Terrible concentration and memory these days, - for two reasons.) As well, maybe should post in another thread. Will remove if irrelevant to the topic of this thread, - which are the videos themselves. You, David, - are the creator of it,- so I'll delete if requested. (If I do not delete them before that myself,- when finding out it is a ridiculous post of nonsense, and no logic). The nitpicker in me never gets done. Exhausting.
  16. "The 2017 ACP/CMA National Collegiate Media Convention was held in Dallas between October 25 and 29. Sixth Floor Museum Curator Stephen Fagin was invited to moderate a conversation with award-winning journalist and author Hugh Aynesworth as a keynote program at the Sheraton Hotel" Published March 29th. 2018.
  17. Just from memory (which is terrible atm.) -- did not someone here recently (and probably multiple times through the years) say that, one version of his actions/movements/statements , - involve him asking someone , something like: "What is all the fuzz about?" (immediately after the assassination, - in the TSBD). If he really did, - it do not sound like he heard/noticed anything. If he was sincere that is. A shame there is so many "ifs". (If this version is confirmed/debunked/neither, - I dunno/can't remember). Who knows what he was asked, in all those interrogations --- that is , those which weren't recorded/notes destroyed etc. Can't remember reading anyone asking him this question. Too tired to search, and read yet. Have to wake up, and drink more coffee! Happy Easter btw.
  18. Hi, Good initiative. Would've joined if I was not located thousands of miles away in Northern Europe. Would really love to go there some day. For those of us who are unable to go there, - technology luckily these days, -- makes us, in some ways "able" (though never the same as actually going there in person). Like Google maps, or; 1440p HD Drone - video, - thanks to the uploader of that one. ---------------------- Hope you get some fellow members to join Rick! Meeting, discussing, observing, and inspiring eachother could contribute to more understanding. Whether it be confirmation or revelation. Have a nice day!
  19. Thanks Robin. I just hope the community and everyone know to appreciate the tremendous effort you do, - and apparently have done for so long. So many benefit on your work. One day, I will have the time, to see through your photocollection. Massive as it is. For now,- it is bookmarked on front row in my browser. Work in 5 hours now (1:38 am), - so going to bed. Good night! /morning/evening to you !
  20. Exceptional work Robin! Was so glad to see you're still active.
  21. Yes , I meant the exact spot, in relation to the pergola/Bowers' view, following Gene and David's input , in the previous posts. Thanks for the input regarding Bowers, and links to that old thread. Maybe not so far from the spot where Murray is standing:
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