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Karl Kinaski

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Everything posted by Karl Kinaski

  1. @Keven Hofeling Maybe I was not clear enough. By 16mm I was referring to the unslit double 8mm (2X8 mmm) original film, which contained a home movie and the assassination scene on one moviestrip ... Brugioni only received the assassination scene ... half of the "original" at best ... "original" I put in quotation marks because it is only half of the movie-strip taken out of Zapruders camera in Dallas ... copy or half-original: Brugioni worked with an untampered film ... that is what counts IMO ... KK
  2. @Keven Hofeling From The Doug Horne-Brugioni Interview ... When asked by Horne if Brugioni thought he had an original home movie, Brugioni said yes, but offered two rather vague answers for that assertion: He thought he had the original because of two reasons, quote: One:The fact that the Secret Service was bringing it in and the second thing, when I looked at it was not processed in a typical commercial fashion it wasn't in a box or little box or anything like that (...) the film was controlled by the Secret Service all the time it was there. But as I said: It doesn't matter if original or copy since the movie Brugioni was working with at saturday night was unaltered. Brugioni: I ve never seen that film like the night that I looked at it. (Unaltered original or unaltered copy). That I believe. Because he saw an unaltered version nobody of us ever saw down to the present day. Whether he saw that unaltered version in form of the original or as a copy ... is of not much importance IMO.
  3. Since Brugioni received an 8mm film it hardly could have been the original which was a 16mm double Film ... so somebody worked on that film and slit it prior Brugioni received it Maybe he received half of the 16mm original ... or a copy. (The original could have been duplicated at TIME Chicago). The crux is: the film Brugioni received was unaltered whether it was a copy or not ... why? There was no time to tamper with it.
  4. @Michael Kalin said: Which would be a harmless explanation and good fairy tale to cover the possibility that Oswald maybe was driven to the Texas Theater by a fake squad car. (If I remember correctly they never figured out the correct squad car number...) I like the following scenario: Maybe ... Oswald left Whaleys Taxi at Neely. He went to his contact at Nelly or Elsbeth Street (were he and Marina lived a couple of month) expecting that he would be driven to Redbird airport and to Mexico. Instead the manipulation of Oswald entered the last stage: The plotters told him that planes had changed provided him with a pistol and ordered him to go back to Beckley Street and wait for the honk signal of a fake squad car, which would put him to Texas Theater to met a contact there ... that would match with Burroughs observation that Oswald entered the Texas Theater around 1 o'clock. Without a car he could not make it. But there was no contact for Oswald in the Texas Theater. Instead ...
  5. IMO all you have to know about the tampering with the Z-film is in this interview with Doug Horne. To understand that the JFKA misinfo squad is well and alive watch this short cut where somebody took a little piece out of the Douglas Horn video above and turned it against him screaming: DINO BRUGIONI INVALIDATES DOUG HORNE'S ZAPRUDER FILM ALTERATION CLAIM ... One comment to this cheap attempt of misinfo reads, quote:
  6. Another two cents: Did it ever occur to anybody that Oswald could have been driven from Beckley 1026 to the Texas Theater by the never identified squad car which honked twice outside his rooming house when he was there for a short time? It would fit with Butch Burroughs statement that Oswald entered the Theater around 1 o'clock. (Some squad cars of the Dallas Police were sold in 1963 if I remember correctly ... and maybe bought by the plotters ?)
  7. This whole Neches-street thing could be an intentional error of the Warren guys just like Vickie Adams "seeing" Lovelady and Shelley on the first floor ... since Whaley corrected himself I don't see the point to discuss this topic ...
  8. @Hargrove: Oswald Project or not: Robert Oswald, his wife Vada, their little kid, Lee Harvey Oswald and the mother of Lee and Robert Marguerite Oswald where living about eight kilometers apart in Fort Worth from 19th Nov. to Dec 22. 1958 and in close contact which each other, especially after Marguerites accident on Nov. 5th 1958. It's all in Robert Oswalds 1967 book: "LEE, Portrait of Lee Harvey Oswald by his brother."
  9. This is, what Robert Oswald has to say on the evening of Nov. 25.11.1963 when interviewed by SS Agent Howard at SIX FLAGS HOTEL It was his brother Lee Harvey Oswald who Robert Lee Oswald saw in September 1959 (they were rabbit hunting together for last time), and it was his brother Lee Harvey Oswald he picked up at Love Field/Dallas at June 14th 1962 ... and Lee harvey Oswald was acc. to his brother ... THE BOY I HAD ALWAYS KNOWN ... But Armstrong knew better: Lee left his brother in September 1959, he claims, and some Lee- impostor HARVEY came back in 1962 ... of course ...LOL That is the Armstrong-Hargrove phantasie. An that is, what Robert Lee Oswald has to say on the evening of Nov. 25.11.1963 when interviewed by SS Agent Howard at SIX FLAGS HOTEL ) It was his brother Lee Harvey Oswald who Robert Lee Oswald saw in September 1959 (they were rabbit hunting together for the last time), and it was his brother Lee Harvey Oswald he picked up at Love Field/Dallas at June 14th 1962 ... and Lee Harvey Oswald was acc. to his brother ... THE BOY I HAD ALWAYS KNOWN ... But Armstrong and Hargrove knew better: Lee left his brother in September 1959 and some other person, a Lee-Impostor came back in 1962 ... of course ... "well, yeah, that's just like your opinion, man .. "
  10. Shushkevich is saying that Oswald spoke already Russian when he came to Minsk and his task was to improve his Russian-speaking-skills. He never said he didn't like Oswald(what Armstrong claimed in HARVEY AND LEE) or Oswald was unwilling to learn Russian. He never said Oswald didn't speak any Russian at all like Ana Ziger 40 years after the events in Minsk. Just read the Shushkevich Interview about his experience with Oswald and his Russian skills.
  11. Armstrong made a mistake because he claims something, witch is in direct contradiction with the eyewitness account of Robert Oswald which he provided in his book of 1967: LEE, PORTRAIT OF LEE HARVEY OSWALD BY HIS BROTHER. It is not some point of mine. Robert Oswald proves Armstrong wrong. If you choose to believe Armstrong over Robert Oswald regarding the month of Nov 19th to Dec 22 1958 when Lee Harvey Oswald was in Fort Worth ... than good luck.
  12. @Hargrove: So acc to your claim Oswald was fluent in Russian hiding his skills and took bogus Russian lessons with Shuskevich to further hide his skills in Russian? --- You made my day. KK
  13. @Sandy Larson. Just read Robert Oswald's book C 1967 "Lee, Portrait of Lee Harvey Oswald by his brother." Otherwise it makes no sense to discuss Armstrongs blunders. @Hargrove: If Robert Oswald was part of the Oswald project, why he claimed in his book, that he, his wife Vada and his brother Lee where all in contact with each other from 19th to Dec 22. 1958, while you and Armstrong claim, there was no contact, because the woman living at Bristol Road was a woman unknown to Robert, Lee and Vada. Which is BS ... Robert Oswald in his 1967 book, "Lee, portrait of Lee Harvey Oswald by his brother" tells us: -- Lee came to Fort Worth stays with his mother (3006 Bristol Road) -- Lee spent most of the time with Robert and Vada and their little child. (at Davenport Street) -- Robert, Vada and Lee knew about the Dec 5th 1958 accident of their mother the day it happened. -- After the accident Marguerite where Lee stayed often called Vada just to talk ... All of them: Lee, Robert Vada and Marguerite were in rather close contact after Dec 5th 1963. -- Marguerite Oswald was in fact their mother and Lee stayed with her in the month of his leave from the military in 1958. -- Therefore it was NOT some other Marguerite to which the Oswald brothers had no contact between November 19th and Dec 22th 1958, because. like Armstrong claims, this woman at Bristol Road WAS NOT THEIR MOTHER ... she was. (Larsen: Not my claims but Robert Oswalds ...) Sandy Larsen and Hargrove: Do your homework and read the book. Otherwise it makes not much sense to discuss this particular Armstrong blunder regarding Oswalds stay in Fort Worth Nov 19. to Dec 22. 1958. KK
  14. Bump, because Hargrove/Armstrong are back. Everybody should know that there are severe blunders and misinterpretations in the Armstrong book "HARVEY AND LEE" that are destroying the Two Oswalds Two Marguerites premise of that book from within.
  15. I fear that Armstrong never read Robert Oswald's 1967 book about his brother. (The book title is LEE, A PORTRAIT OF LEE HARVEY OSWALD. ) Otherwise Armstrong would not have committed the following blunder on page 208/209 of his book HARVEY AND LEE , which alone is a death blow to the crazy premise of his book of two Oswalds and two Marguerites. Armstrong says, quote: Robert Oswald had been living at 7313 Davenport in Fort Worth since April23, 1957, yet there is no indication that "Marguerite" ever contacted Robert to inform him of her "accident" nor did she receive a visit, fi nancial aid, assistance, or any help from Robert. Nor is there any indication that Lee Oswald ever visited the short, dumpy, heavy-set "Marguerite Oswald" imposter at any time during his military leaves. In fact, there no indication that either Robert or Lee helped "Marguerite" in any way follow­ ing her "accident," either fi nancially, by escorting her to a doctor's offi ce, filling out worker's compensation claims, etc. QUESTION: Why should Lee or Robert Oswald visit or help the short , dumpy, heavy­ set "Margueri te Oswald. P" This woman was not their mother." Close quote All of the abhove Armstrong claims are false. This is, what Robert Robert Oswald wrote in 1967 about the month, when Lee was in Forth Worth from Nov 19th 1958 to December 22 1958. Quote He (Lee) came to Fort Worth by bus, as I remember it. He stayed with Mother at her apartment, (at Bristol Street) but he spent a lot of time with us at our house, 7313 Davenport Street. We went out to the farm at least twice and did a little hunting for squirrels and rabbits with our .22 rifles. Close Quote Quote We (Robert Oswald, Vada his wife and his brother Lee who was with them most of the time) did know, that she(mother)had been shopping in the Fair store, but only because Vada had been shopping in the store one day saw her at the candy counter. Then, the day of the accident (5. Dec 1958 Lee Oswald was still in Fort Worth, stayed with Marguerite but was most of the time with his brother Robert, his wife and the little child) she(Marguerite Oswald) telephoned us to say that she was disabled and could not continue working. After that (December 5th 1958) she called Vada often, just to talk, but she never called me at the office. Close quote summary: While Armstrong claims, quote H&L: Why should Lee or Robert Oswald visit or help the short , dumpy, heavy­ set "Marguerite Oswald. P" This woman was not their mother." close quote Robert Oswald told us that: -- Lee came to Fort Worth stays with his mother (3006 Bristol Road) -- Lee spent most of the time with Robert and Vada and their little child. (at Davenport Street) -- Robert, Vada and Lee knew about the Dec 5th 1958 accident of their mother the day it happened. -- After the accident Marguerite where Lee stayed often called Vada just to talk ... All of them: Lee, Robert Vada and Marguerite were in rather close contact after Dec 5th 1963. -- Marguerite Oswald was in fact their mother and Lee stayed with her in the month of his leave from the military. -- Therefore it was NOT some other Marguerite to which the Oswald brothers had no contact between November 19th and Dec 22th 1958, because, like Armstrong claims, this woman at Bristol ROAD WAS NOT THEIR MOTHER ... she was. She was. -- That's how the two artificial Marguerite Oswalds of Armstrong became one person again, when you read the Robert Oswald account of Lee Harvey Oswald's month in Fort Worth in 1958. This alone is a death blow to Armstrong crazy theorie of two Oswalds and two Marguerites ... there was just one. Robert Oswald told us so.
  16. Regarding the Rowley-letter with the Hurchel Jack observation shown in the video: Putting a coat over the face of a seriously wounded man to conceal his wounds while putting him on a stretcher is a medical no go. Nice compilation, Gil
  17. Rich Negrete not only did a fantastic job by providing the research community with that interview, he made the video about Vicki Adams case ... This belongs here. (There is a thread about it on this forum.)
  18. @Jim Hargrove said: Good point ... except that neither Harvey nor Lee shot Tippit ... and Lee-Harvey either 😉
  19. Seems Pat Speers Waterloo here ... regarding the nature of the head wound ... there are a lot of other areas where I agree with him completely ... I always thought that the the small entry wound at the right temple and the gaping wound in the lower back of the head confirming a shot from the front were enlarged and transformed into one wound which included the top of the head at Bethesda to obfuscate the the shot from the front and to make the lone nut fairy tale possible. (And David Von Pein happy.)
  20. Quote: "Brian Edwards, co-author of Beyond the Fence Line: The Eyewitness Account of Ed Hoffman and the Murder of President Kennedy, speaks at the Allen Public Library. In 2017, Edwards testified as an expert witness for the defense in a two-day mock trial of Lee Harvey Oswald at the South Texas College of Law in Houston, Texas. In 2020, he was a consultant and appeared in Oliver Stone’s 4-hour documentary, JFK Revisited: Through the Looking Glass, in which he discussed the weapons allegedly used by Lee Oswald. His latest book, Admitted Assassin will be published later this month. From 1986 to 1996, Mr. Edwards served with the Lawrence Police Department’s elite counter-assault team. In 1998, Edwards earned a master’s degree in criminal justice from Washburn University and served as an adjunct instructor in the department until 2005." Close quote
  21. My two cents: If the man/agent in scrubs (resembling Oliver Hardy/Bill Harvey)standing in the operating room while the docs worked on Oswald had been indeed Bill Harvey then Johnson would hardly been given the true account of Oswald "deathbed confession" had Oswald regained consciousness. BTW Why was Johnson talking about a "deathbed confession"? Oswald was still alive then and nobody knew at that time (around 13 pm WDC/ 14h pm Dallas), if he would make it.
  22. CLIP Robert F. Kennedy Jr @RobertKennedyJr If you believe Americans deserve the truth, sign this petition demanding President Biden to release all files on President Kennedy's assassination today: http://jfkfiles.kennedy24.com
  23. Such a call from LBJ to Parkland and Crenshaw is possible, quote from PRESIDENTIAL RECORDINGS LYNDON B. JOHNSON The Kennedy Assassination and the Transfer of Power, November 1963–January 1964, Volume One NOVEMBER 22–30, 1963 Max Holland Editor David Shreve Ashley Havard High Associate Editors And quote JFK HAS BEEN SHOT, by Dr. Crenshaw ... Crenshaw went back to the operating room, after the strange call ...
  24. In a clip I saw recently RFK jr. claims that the most important persona in the remaining classified 4000 or so JFKA files is William King Harvey: His whereabouts and flight logs around that fateful day.
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