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Karl Kinaski

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Everything posted by Karl Kinaski

  1. Oliver Hardy aka William King Harvey seems real: From the Memo Inspector Kelley USSS 29. 11. 1963, page 3, quote: (It is the last page, or page 177 of the actual doc.) Close quote Reminder: From Dr. Charles Crenshaws book: JFK HAS BEEN SHOT (Crenshaw describes the moments when Oswald was on the operating table) Close quote
  2. Hunt was found guilty participating in the murder of JFK, wasn't he? Why do we need a confession from Hunt too? Quote, Mark Lane PLAUSIBLE DENIAL
  3. The Lone Nut narrative was preceded by the three shots narrative. Three shots were fired according to the very first AP and UPI breaking news cables just minute's after the shooting when plenty of eyewitness had a very different perception. A lot of them heard more than three shots and in a succession incompatible to come from one gun. Later this witness were brainwashed with: You heard echos. But if there were echos how UPI and AP knew minutes after the event (and prior to the discovery of the bullet hulls) that there were only three BANGS? The same with the CBS bulletin just minutes after the shooting: "Here is a bulletin of CBS news. In Dallas/Texas THREE SHOTS were fired at president Kennedy's motorcade at downtown Dallas ... " Again: How could CBS knew that prior to the discovery of the three (planted) shells? The very first witness who was brainwashed to believe the three shot fairy-tale (because all the other BANGS were "echoes") was Jean Hill. At the third floor of the Dallas county criminal courts building in a room facing Dealey Plaza about 14h PM the following sweet witness hearing occurred by interrogator's still unidentified. Quote, Jean Hill, "The Last Dissenting Witness": In the case of Jean Hill the brainwashing failed. But it is interesting how this interrogators ,1 to 2h after the shooting, already knew the findings of the Warren Commission Report ...
  4. Discussion between Joy Shannon and the Co Producer of THE KILL SHOT. It is an ironic that, if true, Judyth Vary Bakers account proves, that Garrison while he thought he was investigating a plot to kill Kennedy was investigating a plot to kill Castro. That Oswald was guilty in participating in a plot to kill Castro but not in the killing of Kennedy was something that never occurred to him. Garrison couldn't make sense of the following: Quote ON THE TRAIL OF THE ASSASSINS by Jim Garrison. Garrison obviously discovered remnants of the "GET CASTRO with CANCER "project, where at last Lee Oswald, David Ferrie, Jack Ruby Mary Sherman, Guy Banister and Alexander Rorke were involved. What have all those people further in common? They died within a year. With the exception of Ferrie and Ruby who died within 50 days in early 1967. (Alton Ochsner and Clay Shaw were involved too. It seems Shaw was never involved in a conspiracy to kill Kennedy but involved in a conspiracy to kill Castro.)
  5. IMO "went outside to see the parade" means: It was Oswald's intention to see the parade ... he missed it ... and when inspector Thomas J. Kelley asked him: Have you seen the parade? Oswalds answer was ... no. That is why he answered correctly: "Naturally, if I work in that building ..."when a reporter asked him: "Where you in the building at that time? (of the shooting.) Oswald came out of the building a minute after Truly and Baker went in and was "out with Bill Shelley in front " till ... Roger Craig saw him entering a station wagon ...
  6. Thx Lori for sharing new facts and your thoughts.The first hour of her 3h Twitter-spaces audio deals with Aispuro. Here is a little teaser of Spencers audio. A few things Adrian Paul Aispuro claimed to the authorities, according to Lori Spencer. - My family is part of the Illuminati, a dark group ruling the world and drinking babies blood .. - I have not have all my memories yet. The MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging?) I received from my medical injuries (which injuries? ...he was injured in 2018 ... stopped working in 2019) "activated" my memories. ??? - He is part of QAnon. and RFK jr is behind QAnon ... - He was told by QAnon via cellphone/ sms to attend the RFK jr. speech ... - He has no ill will against RFK jr. / RFK jr is admirable ... he is not here to kill anyone ... - He brought all his weapons to protect himself ... Acc. to ChatGPT, QAnon is:
  7. Sry. I was too unspecific. I must add: Hoover was reluctant in the sense that he was ready to push some parts of the prewritten and than adjusted cover story, but not so lucky about other parts of it, "they" rammed down his throat. In part, IMO it came from the CIA- FBI rivalry. Didn't he say something to the effect, that he had enough of the CIA lying to him? Since I believe the Murchison party story told by Madeleine (Duncan) Brown and May Newman(seamstress of the Murchisons) is real, Hoover had pre knowledge of the plot, but wasn't provided any details. In the aftermath he was reluctant/angry about the amount of (strategic)info he had to swallow. That's my opinion at that point in time. PS I still read Bart's book everyday I went to sleep. It is like counting sheep.
  8. I think your are right. Hoover was reluctant. Till this emergency meeting of the Commission in January of 64 regarding the leak that Oswald was a FBI informant. I believe this was a warning shot for Hoover. IMO this whole emergency-thing was staged.
  9. @Charles Blackmon, said, quote: Unfortunately that part is left out ... After Mexico City, the Judyth Baker story goes, Oswald was sent to Dallas to infiltrate radical cuban groups who were about to kill Kennedy to counter that efforts ... Oswald not only failed to do that (He didn't know, that to save Kennedy was never intended) , but used as the posterboy for a coverup of what we all know was a coup de etat. Regarding Oswald infiltration of radical groups in Dallas this quote may help. It is from the book BRUSH WITH HISTORY A DAY IN THE LIFE OF DEPUTY SHERIFF E.R. WALTHERS by Eric R. Tagg, quote: More about the house in Harlandale. And a (safe?) house on Elsbeth Street and a house behind Beckley 1026: qoute, Tosh Plumlee:
  10. I said, quote: @James DiEugenio said, quote: No. I did some Prayerman-critique over there at ROKC. You know that "no-traffic" creation of Greg Parker and his three buddies. The prayerman folks (Greg Parker and Band) over there (at ROCK) banned me after two days of a "sweet exchange" for a post they claimed I deleted because of a dumb sentence which I never wrote and which is not in that post ... which I never deleted. LOL. Parker confused two threads. Then Parker deleted most of my posts anyway. It was a very funny experience. @James DiEugenio said, quote: Slightly above Rorschach? But serious: If you saw a processed pic of the currently available pics of good ole Prayerman (known since 1968), it is of no forensic value. If you saw a high resolution frame or pic of some original footage, I am desperately awaiting the unveiling of this Rosetta Stone of the JFKA. 60 years of darkness are about to disappear. Or do I miss something? PS I hope this "better pic" is no David Josephs creation. I am not so much an admirer of his art.
  11. This video-trailer claims. If the video is half as good as the trailer, I will watch it for sure. The video will undertake what O. Stones "JFK revisited" movie has avoided: To merge the Plot to kill Castro with a bioweapon with the plot to kill Kennedy. More info: The video is called THE KILL SHOT Posted 1h ago by Shannon Joy posted on X: Shannon Joy @ShannonJoyRadio The #KillShot debuts TONIGHT at 8pm ET exclusively on Rumble!!! It’s my first ‘shot’ at a documentary style expose and let me tell you … I’m HOOKED. I’ve found that I love the deep dive on REALLY interesting stories from the past which give great insight on the issues and challenges we face today. The Medical Industrial Complex, The CIA playing God, Mafia, Murder and gruesome Gain Of Function Research WERE ALL critical components of the JFK assassination in 1963 yet that story has never been fully told. For The #KillShot I teamed up with the legendary @DiedSuddenly_ producer Matt Skow and traveled to New Orleans this summer to track down this story to bring NEW life and new information to the blockbuster book ‘Dr. Mary’s Monkey’ by Ed Haslan. We also interviewed the LAST living witness to these atrocities… Judyth Vary Baker who was an amazing wealth of information. I hope you’ll tune to The Kill Shot at 8pm tonight ET EXCLUSIVELY on @rumblevideo !!!
  12. Provide a better pic and I will stop this. Otherwise it is the same thing as meditating about a fuzzy picture of Yeti or Bigfoot ... and, sorry to be repetitive: A Rorschach test ... no discussion about testimony etc. will change the number of pixels in this "Mandala" of Bart Kamp and the Prayerman community. I am reading that book right now ( kindle format) and I can say this: it is not a book but a guide about internet-links to Amazon JFKA books , JFKA forums, the Mary Ferell foundation JFKA related fotos, films and newspapers etc etc. I clicked on half that links and I found nothing new ... I already discovered a number of broken or wrong named links in that book ( so I suppose in some sense I already know more about PMMTAFP than you and Bart Kamp himself😉) -- a "book" wich does a very good job to add to the confusion and division within the CTer community of which this thread is a very good example ... Anyway I will stop talking about the fuzzy picture and maybe provide a review here if I am not bored to dead by PMMTAFP. IMO the JFKA is a rich source of getting wise, and there is no need to become an admirer of a particular CTer theory: Badgeman, Prayerman, Harvey&Lee etc.
  13. His book is based on a Rorschach test ... everybody is free to see in that fuzzy picture what he wants to see ...
  14. That Warren Commission testimony, FBI and SS and DPD reports are tainted and contradictory is well established. The instrumentalization of a select few of witness contradictions to let a fuzzy picture of no forensic value appear like the JFKA Rosetta Stone, that is what Kamp does.
  15. It is not a good book. There is one huge flaw in Bart Kamps reasoning. In order to discredit witness statements by comparing it and pointing to contratictions he takes all Warren Commission testimonies for untainted. They ar not, as we know from Jean Hill etc. To compare tainted Warren Commission testimonies in order to discredit witness in order to make a fuzzy picture more credible is laughable. PRAYERMAN MORE THAN A FUZZY PICTURE is build on sand.
  16. There is one huge flaw in Bart Kamps reasoning. In order to discredit witness statements by comparing it and pointing to contratictions he takes all Warren Commission testimonies for untainted. They are not, as we know from Jean Hill etc. To compare tainted Warren Commission testimonies in order to discredit witness in order to make a fuzzy picture more credible is laughable. PRAYERMAN MORE THAN A FUZZY PICTURE is build on sand.
  17. Crenshaw 1992: Occipital bone blown out ... it was gone ... you could see the cerebellum which was intact ... that would not have been the case if shot from back ... shot entered the temple blew out occipital bone ... Neck wound. ... right about the necktie ... small ... very small 3 to 5 millimeters ... (To me an entry of a not so normal missile ...) My 2 cents: Fits with "Harper fragment" found on Dealey Plaza some days later identified as large part of the blown out occipital bone ... ( no wonder that this piece of evidence disappeared like JFKs brain ...)
  18. Jo Bauer said, quote: Bill O'Reilly on "Tucker on X." Essenz of Reilly's babble .. O' Reilly is a li-ar, quote Wikipedia: I
  19. Some problems I have with Bart Kamps book: ( I have read 20 percent of it, the beginning, the end and some other parts ...) A. 80 percent of it (at least) is circumstantial evidence of Oswalds innocence which has nothing to do with that fuzzy picture, or Oswald in the doorway during the shooting. B. It provides no political context. C. It is rather a guide leading the reader through a bunch of internet-links than a book. (and 80 percent of the links have nothing to with the fuzzy picture.) D. It tries to substitute circumstantial evidence for Oswald's innocence (the Baker/Truly enncounter) with a so called "prove" of Oswald innocence with a fuzzy picture of no forensic value. E. It dismisses the very real possibility that Oswald was "out with Shelley" after the Truly/Baker/Reid enncounter and before seen by Roger Craig entering a station wagon at 12h40 to 12h 45 ... ( If you believe Craig. And Bart Kamp does.)
  20. @David Josephs: To make out of one pixel two ... that's fake and you know it ... you are adding info that isn't there ...
  21. @David Josephs: Would you explain to us all how you are able to make out of a few pixels more pixles? Please .. .
  22. Captain Kirk: Is this the alien? Spock: Yes. Kirk: What is the solution? Spock: One pixel. Kirk: Zoom in.
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