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Karl Kinaski

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Everything posted by Karl Kinaski

  1. @Sandy Larsen said, quote: Isn't this whole thread about an contemporary political issue? 🙂 You removed a post of mine where I suggested the possibility that US politics is a prisoner of the Intelligence community and the mess started with 22.11. 1963. I said that Oswald did the work of an agent provocateur in NOLA when handing out pro Castro flyers and that type IC work is still a tool used by the Intelligence Community and that Ray Ebbs could be an agent provocateur like Oswald. But we have to wait until his trial to find out more .. It's all about IC work in the past and the present time. Can you tell me what prompted you to put out you moderator scissors to cut out such a post? Again: This whole thread is about contemporary politics unless you say Kennedy assassinations and assassination attempts have nothing to do with politics. Know what? The Warren Commission said that. Since history is obviously repeating itself everybody here should be allowed to draw parallels between the past and the present time, shouldn't they?
  2. Sandy Larsen is now running around destroying content without notifying the forum members.
  3. @Michael Griffith said, quote: Abraham Bolden told a different story. RFK is paying 100 000 to 200 000 bucks a month out o his own pocket for his personal security. I think he is better off with that arrangement. That is not much compared to Zuck, quote: Now ask me if something is wrong with mankind.
  4. @Jim DiEugenio --- The only person who knows why LHO went to Mexico City is Judyth Vary Baker. She survived several assassination attemps, is still alive and it would be a very, very good idea if you or Oliver Stone or both of you would interview her ...
  5. @David Josephs After all she is the only person providing a plausible motive for Oswald going to Mexico city. As Tracy Barnes said to Belin: Oswald was there as participant in a GET CASTRO project. Killing a foreign leader. (The "secret team" loved it to be interviewed by Belin. Belin "interviewed" Lansdale too in the early seventies.
  6. Double Dating Anna and David Lewis in the summer of 63? What's wrong with that?
  7. @Sandy Larsen: Since I love my removed posts, can you send me the removed posts to my INBOX here or is this destruction of content and free speech irreversibel? I would appreciate if you would give members a prior warning when content destruction is planned , so that they have a chance to save their contents in which the invest time and thought. 🍻
  8. Landis Posner David Wangstedt ( a 30 year old musician!) and his "all style and no substance" video. ... I see a pattern to muddy the water again ... What's next? Activate the 92 year old Howard Willens again? The last living member of the WC staff? Who's refrain was is and will be: HISTORY WILL PROVE US (the WC and WC staff) right? HISTORY WILL PROVE US RIGHT was the 50th anniversary LN bullet they shot to the head of all critical thinkers. Martin Hay wrote a brilliant critique about Howard Willens book. The critique has since been removed from Amazon, but 9 years ago I saved it to my computer. Here it is: Quote, Martin Hay: I just say: New anniversary - same old sh...t.
  9. Very well. Any idea where I can find the speech? The internet is blastert with that armed guy. Nowhere I can find video or transcript of RFK jr speech ...
  10. To complete the Oswald-Ruby thing a bit. Seems Hugh Ward, Anna and David Lewis, Oswald, Ruby, Ferrie, Marcello and Clay Shaw were socializing in the spring of 1963 in New Orleans. Quote from the book, ME AND LEE by Judyth Vary Baker
  11. Robert F. Kennedy Jr @RobertKennedyJr I’m very grateful that alert and fast-acting protectors from Gavin de Becker and Associates (GDBA) spotted and detained an armed man who attempted to approach me at my Hispanic Heritage speech at the Wilshire Ebell Theatre in Los Angeles tonight. The man, wearing two shoulder holsters with loaded pistols and spare ammunition magazines was carrying a U.S. Marshal badge on a lanyard and beltclip federal ID. He identified himself as a member of my security detail. Armed GDBA team members moved quickly to isolate and detain the man until LAPD arrived to make the arrest. I’m also grateful to LAPD for its rapid response. I’m still entertaining a hope that President Biden will allow me Secret Service protection. I am the first presidential candidate in history to whom the White House has denied a request for protection.
  12. I am desperately waiting for moderators to move that topic like all others regarding RFK jr security to the "political debates" forum where it can die slowly because nobody cares ... because this RFK jr security thing is something completely different to the JFKA ... nothing to see her ... hm? ... KK See here Little reminder: Posted on 29. July 2023 by me here and moved by the moderators. Mods. Don't move the topic. Since the Secret Service and a Kennedy (RFK jr) is involved and Dallas 1963 was a parody of security for another Kennedy, this topic belongs here. The Biden adm. denies RFK. jr as a presidential candidate Secret Service protection. Quote: Little reminder #2:
  13. Wasn't it LBJ who said Ford was too dumb to fart and chew gum at the same time?
  14. Since nobody here takes into account Judyth Bakers story on Oswald in Mexico, the only version of events which provide the why the how and a motive for Oswald to went there and is the only version which explains all the contradictions, this thread remains half baked. Not the way good research is done. 🤡 BTW There is not one word about JVB in Stone's Movie JFK REVISITED and Jim Eugenios supplement book to the movie, despite the fact Stone read the Baker book and said to her. "I believe you." when they met personally. Again: Not the way good research is done, this time from Stone and DiEugenio who are acting as if Judyth Baker does not exist. 🤡 KK In case you missed my post above I quote Judyth's Mexico City story again: The quote is from her 2010 book ME AND LEE. (The essence is: Oswald (when in Mexico City) was at the cuban consulate for a very good reason but never went to the Russian embassy According to that account Oswald was at the Cuban Consulate and had a motive to do so, but he never was at the Soviet Embassy, because as of my knowledge the Russians were not involved in GET CASTRO projects. 🙂 BTW It is an ironic that, if true, Judyth Vary Bakers account proves, that Garrison while he thought he was investigating a plot to kill Kennedy he was investigating a plot to kill Castro. That Oswald was guilty in participating in a plot to kill Castro but not in the killing of Kennedy was something that never occurred to him. Garrison couldn't make sense of the following: Quote ON THE TRAIL OF THE ASSASSINS by Jim Garrison. IMO ... remnants of the GET CASTRO with CANCER project, where at last Lee Oswald, David Ferrie, Mary Sherman, Guy Banister and Alexander Rorke were involved. What have all those people further in common: They died within a year. (With the exception of Ferrie.) KK
  15. @David Von Pein It is a good optical tool to refresh some data about locations of witnesses, buildings, cars, the movements of people involved and gave an excellent view of the interior of the TSDB, but the narrative is extremely cherry-picked and full of omissions. as I said: The tenor of this production is the well known agnostic sermon: We will never know ... the production will hardly produce a new generation of Lone Nutters. CTers can use the brilliant animations for there cause ... KK
  16. David Wangstedt, 30 years old, the man behind that Docu Don't let me be misunderstood. The computer animation is excellent ... and very useful for every researcher to refresh his memory of the inside of the TSDB and the location of some witnesses ... BUT ... INSIDE THE SCHOOLBOOK DEPOSITORY BUILDING is like INSIDE THE TARGET CAR. Different day, same sh...t. You can't grab the TSDB or the Lincoln Limo only and do a good research job on the assassination when several other cars, buildings and locations are involved. Let's do a little critique First I pick chapter VII 00:00:00 Intro 00:01:32 Chapter I: The Hiring of Oswald 00:04:44 Chapter II: The Curtain Rods 00:08:51 Chapter III: The Motorcade Route 00:15:38 Chapter IV: The Sixth Floor 00:19:57 Chapter V: The Shooting 00:24:53 Chapter VI: The Men In the Windows 00:34:30 Chapter VII: The Gunshots 00:34:30 Chapter VII: The Gunshots Quote ... " the gunman (why just one?) was either placed in the vicinity of the Book Depository building (...) or and aera (...) known as the grasy knoll ..." The possibility that there were more than one shooter, and shooters in the TSBD AND the grasy knoll aera does occur to David Wangstedt but he gave the greatest credit to the ole echo argument. Witnesses heard echos and we will never know the source of the shots. Wangstedt omitted that there were activities observed on the grasy knoll too. For example he cites Lee Bowers regarding what he heard, but omits what he saw. He does not mention Gordon Arnold, Ed Hoffman or Jean Hill. He does not mention the railroad workers on the triple overpass, not one of them and the puff of smoke some of them saw at the picket fence. (...) Wangstedt takes for granted that Jarman, Norman and Williams where on the fifth floor under the Oswald window, when there is a good reason to assume, they were at the sixth floor at the west side of the TSBD where they were laying plywood at the time of the shooting. 00:41:06 Chapter VIII: The Escape 00:46:06 Chapter IX: The Stairway 00:54:01 Chapter X: The Sniper's Nest 01:11:47 Chapter XI: The Alibis 01:22:15 Chapter XII: The Lineup 01:27:44 Ending to be continued
  17. Seven million views in one month Despite well made for the eye, this video is nothing but a rather boring repetition of the Warren Commission Report with some window dressing doubts added to make it appear serious. I guess there are seven million confused viewers left behind. KK
  18. @Cliff Varnell Thank you, Karl! I thought it was just me! @Karl Kinaski My pleasure. @Cliff Varnell In what universe is a 60 year old memory better proof of conspiracy than the location of the bullet holes in JFK’s clothes? @Karl Kinaski In the universe of "Gossip Girl"? - Much gossip here anyway.
  19. I always thought Markham saw two men involved in the shooting (Like Aquilla Clemons). A.) She saw the actual shooting and the murderer of Tippit. B. She puts both hands over here face in shock. C. When putting the hands back down, she was passed nearby by a man who, according to her own words, puts in his pocket a gun and took a different escape route, than the actually shooter who went down Patton street. That man (not the murderer of Tippit) ran from the crime scene over the vacant property adjected to 10th and Patton. In Helen Markhams brain those two men merged into one. BTW Markham was by the WC itself dismissed as unreliable if I remember correctly.
  20. Since we know that the back wound was the depth of half a finger only and had no connection with the throat wound - a fact which by it's own debunks the myth of one shooter only - I don't see the point of a lengthy discussion about a claim by an SS agent finding a bullet in the limo 60 years after the fact. BTW V. Palamara showed SS Agents were lying through the years and had ever changing memories. I don't give a damn what Landis claims. KK
  21. Wasn't it Tracy Barnes who said to Belin in the early 70ties during a "hearing" that Oswald was in MC as a part of a GET CASTRO project? The whole Kostikov thing would then be a cover up for an agent (Oswald) involved in a project to kill Castro. That the same agent was used as the patsy in the killing of Kennedy was a master move by the plotters. Quotes from ME AND LEE ... by Judyth Vary Baker. According to that account Oswald was at the Cuban Consulate and had a motive to do so, but he never was at the Soviet Embassy, because as of my knowledge the Russians were not involved in GET CASTRO projects. 🙂 BTW It is an ironic that, if true, Judyth Vary Bakers account proves, that Garrison while he thought he was investigating a plot to kill Kennedy he was investigating a plot to kill Castro. That Oswald was guilty in participating in a plot to kill Castro but not in the killing of Kennedy was something that never occurred to him. Garrison couldn't make sense of the following: Quote ON THE TRAIL OF THE ASSASSINS by Jim Garrison. IMO ... remnants of the GET CASTRO with CANCER project, where at last Lee Oswald, David Ferrie, Mary Sherman, Guy Banister and Alexander Rorke were involved. What have all those people further in common: They died within a year. (With the exception of Ferrie.) KK
  22. Landis got twisted memories. Quote from, THE NOT SO SECRET SECRET SERVICE byV. Palamara:
  23. Quote from the newspaper article (Sunday Bulletin Philadelphia)provided: What always puzzled me. Kennedy was dead at13h. Johnson left the hospital. The Secret Service wasn't in a hurry at that moment in time. They seem to have all the time in the world. The were calling a funeral home, despite there were coffins available at Parkland. Oneal arrived. The Oneal-team was waiting additional 20 minutes in the hospital for reasons unknown. Then they began to put the corpse in the bronze casket. They had all the time of the world. But around 13.55-14: 00 PM when the dead president was at Parkland for almost 1 hour, the Secret Service all of a sudden was eager to get him out of the hospital and Dallas with pistols drawn! My guess: They were all kept waiting, till the preplanned murder of Tippit and the preplanned detention of Oswald in the Texas Theater tying him to Tippit's killing was executed without undesired incidents. Now that "they" had Oswald on whom they intended to put the Lone nut tag "they" had to hijack the corpse which showed marks of multiple shooters. In Washington they would mutilate the body that he would fit the LN Oswald ... to create a legend spoilng US politics down to the present day. KK
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