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Karl Kinaski

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Everything posted by Karl Kinaski

  1. Just saw the German version: The docu gives the impression that an intact bullet ended up in Connallys thigh which isn't true. Just several small fragments of metal ended up in Connallys thigh and remained there till he died in 1993.
  2. @Sandy Larsen Yes. I would translate it in the same way ... this book was related to a TV series about Vietnam back then ... I do not know if Salinger said this words on camera and if this part of his interview was used in the TV series. I am sure, his words were taped.
  3. @John Kowalski: Maybe there where such projects. But not in this case. No second mother no second kid Oswald involved. Ignoring Robert Oswald first hand witness account, Armstrong claims in his book "Harvey and Lee", that neither Oswald nor his brother where in contact with the Marguerite at Bristol Road 3006, who suffered a work related injury on Dec. 5th 1958, BECAUSE THIS LADY WAS NOT THEIR MOTHER. Now ... some quotes of Robert Oswalds 1967 book LEE, A PORTRAIT OF LEE HARVEY OSWALD BY HIS BROTHER which Armstrong ignores completely to substitute the real and only Marguerite Oswald living at Bristol Road 3006 in Nov/Dec 1958 with a Marguerite Clone-( IMO nothing but a figment of Armstrongs imagination) which Armstrong claims was NOT Roberts and Lee's mother. Quote, Robert Oswald, "LEE, PORTROAT OF LEE HARVEY OSWALD BY HIS BROTHER (The words in brackets are mine.) Close quote Ignoring this first hand account, guess what Armstrong claims about that month of 19th Nov. to 22. Dec. 1958, when Lee Harvey Oswald was in Fort Worth and, quote Robert Oswald: came to Fort Worth by bus, as I remember it. He stayed with Mother at her apartment (At 3006 Bristol Road), but he spent a lot of time with us at our house, 7313 Davenport Street. Armstrong claims, quote HARVEY AND LEE: Aha ... NOT THEIR MOTHER. Now again, read what Robert Oswald writes about that time in Fort Worth Nov 19 to Dec 22. 1958. See how Armstrong's TWO MARGUERITES FAIRY TALE implodes? Everybody who takes Armstrong's Two Ossis two Marguerites scenario serious is IMO a victim of a crazy conspiracy theory designed to cover the real conspiracy. KK
  4. First: I made an error regarding the day Kennedy said this Salinger: Their last talk was 7h30 pm on 19. November 1963, therefore it was four days before the assassination ... sry about that. The book (Language is German)is called APOKALYPSE VIETNAM, was published by in 2000 by Rowohlt Taschenbuch( paperback) Verlag. (GmbH Reinbeck bei Hamburg). Printed in Germany ISBN 3 499 61 67 8 It contains a timeline of the Vietnam war and a lot of interviews of the participants of both sides: Vo Nguyen Giap, Ngu Dinh Phuong, Thich Tam Duyen, Roger Hilsman, Helie de Saint Marc, Walt Whitman Rostow, Alexander Haig, Barry Zorthinan and Pierre Salinger to name just a few. The Salinger quote appears on page 95. In German it reads: (So everybody is free to translate it back as he think it is appropriate.) Quote, Pierre Salinger page 95 The crux of the matter is: All those interviews were conducted by the german television station "mdr." The tape with the Salinger quote must exist in their archives. Here is the book.
  5. @Michael Griffith Well ... Kennedy said that to Salinger four days before he was killed ... I can provide a picture of the book which contains that quote and a picture of the site where this quote appears ... if you want ...
  6. The anti-Castro Cubans involved in the JFKA were fooled: They all thought killing Kennedy would lead to a Cuban war. Instead the Vietnam war was staged.
  7. According to Pierre Salinger in an interview he (Salinger)gave to the german television Kennedy said to him (Salinger) four days before his assassination: "I will enter peace talks with the north (of Vietnam), and make clear that there will be no war" KK
  8. There is a possibility that Whaley never said Neches ... that he always said Neely and some Warren commission guy substituted Neely with Neches to muddy the water ...
  9. I know this forum has buried Judyth Baker despite the fact that many men came here to defend her. Jim DiEugenio seems the main undertaker. It was him who convinced Oliver Stone not to put her story into his Docu- movie. I would like to know what DiEugenio's arguments were to portray Judyth Baker as a psycho... maybe he can provide some smalltalk he did with Stone about Judyth Baker ... KK
  10. If one believe the Judyth Baker stuff, (which I do ... like Stone, Haslam, Fetzer) to name just some, then Oswald would have had a lot to say: About a New Orleans Plot to kill Castro with a bioweapon/cancer. This was one reason why Oswald had to die cost it what it will. It was a Machiavellian move to kill a person for being involved in a plot to kill Castro and make him the lone nut posterboy to cover the brutal assassination of JFK which multiple shooters involved ... IMO all in all Oswal's double life was too complex to put it in some last words ... If the mysterious Oliver Hardy which was the only official person who was allowed to be in the operating room to watch Oswald's last moments was indeed William King Harvey, then Oswald was closely watched by his creators till his terminal breath, as he was watched from the start, when in 1955 this Marine recruiter came to the home of Oswald's in New Orleans. Like the life of a boy group, IMO Lee Oswald's life was pre planned on a drawing board. I wonder to which agent the thought first occurred," this boy could be a future patsy for some big thing ..." ( ... killing Kennedy or Nixon depending on the outcome of the 1960 presidential election ...) KK
  11. @Greg Doudna said: ...for example Ruth Paine you want to say, I guess ... The only innocent person smeared here (and by Wikipedia) and in the US for over 60 years is Lee Oswald. For example in 2023 by the ninety year old Ruth Paine by connecting Oswald to the Walker shooting. There is much more to the Walker incident than the "Oswald did it squad" can digest. Quote, "Our Lady of the Warren Commission: Part 2/2", Kennedy and King, by Johnny Cairns: The car Surrey was inspecting was a "sterilized car." Quote ChatGPT: What CHAT GPT don't say is: Putting off it's licence plates and keeping the car empty of any stuff which could contain info or could be of forensic value is another way to sterilize a car. The two men and their sterilized car which Surrey observed where obviously part of an intelligence operation. At least no amateurs were around Walker's house two days before the shooting. KK
  12. @Greg Doudna I gave a Washington Post account of Scattergood the birthright friend of Ruth Paine and you gave what? Please, tell us, where the article you posted appeared. "Friends Journal"? What is it? KK
  13. Don't know if this is common knowledge. Ruth Pain had a birthright friend Margaret Scattergood. (A birthright friend is a person whose parents registered them as a Quaker at birth. ). acc. to a user-comment under the YT Video: "An Evening With Ruth Paine on Marina and Lee Harvey Oswald" quote: A quick search showed me that this Lady Scattergood has written CIA all over her face. Note: Ruth Paine was working for IC's "sanctuary movement" in the eighties of the last century in Central America. Scattergood and (maybe) Ruth Paine was a birthright friend and both were involved in that movement it seems. Quote from the article linked above: KK
  14. @Keven Hofeling Maybe I was not clear enough. By 16mm I was referring to the unslit double 8mm (2X8 mmm) original film, which contained a home movie and the assassination scene on one moviestrip ... Brugioni only received the assassination scene ... half of the "original" at best ... "original" I put in quotation marks because it is only half of the movie-strip taken out of Zapruders camera in Dallas ... copy or half-original: Brugioni worked with an untampered film ... that is what counts IMO ... KK
  15. @Keven Hofeling From The Doug Horne-Brugioni Interview ... When asked by Horne if Brugioni thought he had an original home movie, Brugioni said yes, but offered two rather vague answers for that assertion: He thought he had the original because of two reasons, quote: One:The fact that the Secret Service was bringing it in and the second thing, when I looked at it was not processed in a typical commercial fashion it wasn't in a box or little box or anything like that (...) the film was controlled by the Secret Service all the time it was there. But as I said: It doesn't matter if original or copy since the movie Brugioni was working with at saturday night was unaltered. Brugioni: I ve never seen that film like the night that I looked at it. (Unaltered original or unaltered copy). That I believe. Because he saw an unaltered version nobody of us ever saw down to the present day. Whether he saw that unaltered version in form of the original or as a copy ... is of not much importance IMO.
  16. Since Brugioni received an 8mm film it hardly could have been the original which was a 16mm double Film ... so somebody worked on that film and slit it prior Brugioni received it Maybe he received half of the 16mm original ... or a copy. (The original could have been duplicated at TIME Chicago). The crux is: the film Brugioni received was unaltered whether it was a copy or not ... why? There was no time to tamper with it.
  17. @Michael Kalin said: Which would be a harmless explanation and good fairy tale to cover the possibility that Oswald maybe was driven to the Texas Theater by a fake squad car. (If I remember correctly they never figured out the correct squad car number...) I like the following scenario: Maybe ... Oswald left Whaleys Taxi at Neely. He went to his contact at Nelly or Elsbeth Street (were he and Marina lived a couple of month) expecting that he would be driven to Redbird airport and to Mexico. Instead the manipulation of Oswald entered the last stage: The plotters told him that planes had changed provided him with a pistol and ordered him to go back to Beckley Street and wait for the honk signal of a fake squad car, which would put him to Texas Theater to met a contact there ... that would match with Burroughs observation that Oswald entered the Texas Theater around 1 o'clock. Without a car he could not make it. But there was no contact for Oswald in the Texas Theater. Instead ...
  18. IMO all you have to know about the tampering with the Z-film is in this interview with Doug Horne. To understand that the JFKA misinfo squad is well and alive watch this short cut where somebody took a little piece out of the Douglas Horn video above and turned it against him screaming: DINO BRUGIONI INVALIDATES DOUG HORNE'S ZAPRUDER FILM ALTERATION CLAIM ... One comment to this cheap attempt of misinfo reads, quote:
  19. Another two cents: Did it ever occur to anybody that Oswald could have been driven from Beckley 1026 to the Texas Theater by the never identified squad car which honked twice outside his rooming house when he was there for a short time? It would fit with Butch Burroughs statement that Oswald entered the Theater around 1 o'clock. (Some squad cars of the Dallas Police were sold in 1963 if I remember correctly ... and maybe bought by the plotters ?)
  20. This whole Neches-street thing could be an intentional error of the Warren guys just like Vickie Adams "seeing" Lovelady and Shelley on the first floor ... since Whaley corrected himself I don't see the point to discuss this topic ...
  21. @Hargrove: Oswald Project or not: Robert Oswald, his wife Vada, their little kid, Lee Harvey Oswald and the mother of Lee and Robert Marguerite Oswald where living about eight kilometers apart in Fort Worth from 19th Nov. to Dec 22. 1958 and in close contact which each other, especially after Marguerites accident on Nov. 5th 1958. It's all in Robert Oswalds 1967 book: "LEE, Portrait of Lee Harvey Oswald by his brother."
  22. This is, what Robert Oswald has to say on the evening of Nov. 25.11.1963 when interviewed by SS Agent Howard at SIX FLAGS HOTEL It was his brother Lee Harvey Oswald who Robert Lee Oswald saw in September 1959 (they were rabbit hunting together for last time), and it was his brother Lee Harvey Oswald he picked up at Love Field/Dallas at June 14th 1962 ... and Lee harvey Oswald was acc. to his brother ... THE BOY I HAD ALWAYS KNOWN ... But Armstrong knew better: Lee left his brother in September 1959, he claims, and some Lee- impostor HARVEY came back in 1962 ... of course ...LOL That is the Armstrong-Hargrove phantasie. An that is, what Robert Lee Oswald has to say on the evening of Nov. 25.11.1963 when interviewed by SS Agent Howard at SIX FLAGS HOTEL ) It was his brother Lee Harvey Oswald who Robert Lee Oswald saw in September 1959 (they were rabbit hunting together for the last time), and it was his brother Lee Harvey Oswald he picked up at Love Field/Dallas at June 14th 1962 ... and Lee Harvey Oswald was acc. to his brother ... THE BOY I HAD ALWAYS KNOWN ... But Armstrong and Hargrove knew better: Lee left his brother in September 1959 and some other person, a Lee-Impostor came back in 1962 ... of course ... "well, yeah, that's just like your opinion, man .. "
  23. Shushkevich is saying that Oswald spoke already Russian when he came to Minsk and his task was to improve his Russian-speaking-skills. He never said he didn't like Oswald(what Armstrong claimed in HARVEY AND LEE) or Oswald was unwilling to learn Russian. He never said Oswald didn't speak any Russian at all like Ana Ziger 40 years after the events in Minsk. Just read the Shushkevich Interview about his experience with Oswald and his Russian skills.
  24. Armstrong made a mistake because he claims something, witch is in direct contradiction with the eyewitness account of Robert Oswald which he provided in his book of 1967: LEE, PORTRAIT OF LEE HARVEY OSWALD BY HIS BROTHER. It is not some point of mine. Robert Oswald proves Armstrong wrong. If you choose to believe Armstrong over Robert Oswald regarding the month of Nov 19th to Dec 22 1958 when Lee Harvey Oswald was in Fort Worth ... than good luck.
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