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David Andrews

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Everything posted by David Andrews

  1. Would SHO sell the film any better if they ran the expanded film in December, as a special event?
  2. I'm not sure a county prosecutor would request a change of venue within a state - seems like bad form, and a slur on local judges.
  3. That's OK: most people would stickle for "really should" in place of my "should really."
  4. OK, Bob, sorry. It's too bad the prosecution couldn't defer to a change of venue: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/crime/civil-rights-attorney-says-kyle-rittenhouse-trial-with-a-different-jury-you-would-have-a-very-different-outcome/ar-AAQY6X1?ocid=Peregrine
  5. For my fellow pedants: "bated" is short for "abated," meaning one held one's breath in anticipation. It should really be rendered as, 'bated breath, but we lost the apostrophe in our headlong rush to modernity.
  6. Would love to see or hear the Irv Kupcinet "At Random" TV show episode (March 1964) in which Marguerite Oswald is interviewed on a panel featuring Hjalmar Schacht.* https://www.muckrock.com/foi/united-states-of-america-10/marguerite-oswald-interview-44578/ The Museum of Broadcast Communications doesn't make this available in its Online Collections. _____ *You know you've read too many WW II books when you can spell that name on the first go.
  7. Oh, come now, William. I have conceded my error, and fully give my assent to the Rittenhouse verdict. I further wish to thank young Master Rittenhouse for his selfless actions in keeping our property insurance rates down.
  8. Well, Bob, in the face of that reasoned argument, I defend your right, or anyone else's, to go out and shoot three people under the same, singular set of facts - one off-camera, and two on. How does that make you feel?
  9. Would anybody have been shot if this impressionable child had not been there with his gun, and his fantasies of protecting and serving crossing into vigilantism? The crowd saw what he did, and reacted appropriately in attempting to disarm and arrest him. Too bad they got shot for it. The case was about one defendant in three shooting incidents. Each count should have been considered separately. Time for charges against his mother, perhaps in her home in Antioch, Illinois. This "one set of facts" occurred in a city inflamed by a police officer grabbing Jacob Blake by his shirt with one hand and firing seven handgun rounds into his back with the other. No criminal or civil charges were permitted there. Police in Kenosha later saw Rittenhouse and failed to disarm or arrest him.
  10. POS Kyle Rittenhouse acquitted in Kenosha, labeled "self defense": https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/nov/20/as-kyle-rittenhouse-walks-free-kenosha-is-left-to-pick-up-the-pieces https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/crime/kyle-rittenhouse-acquittal-sparks-protests-across-us/ar-AAQWcjT?ocid=Peregrine
  11. I used to walk with you Along the avenue Our hearts were carefree and gay How could I know I'd lose you Somewhere along the way?
  12. It's been discussed in the back threads of the Forum, but I have no idea what keyword you'd use. Maybe "warn" would actually work, but it would be a long slog. One question occurs: Who was he subdued by? Were there Secret Service on foot in the area?
  13. I rather doubt Bugliosi researched and wrote Reclaiming History.
  14. Dave Powers said he kept shooting until he ran out of film. Just to mention that no film or pictures have emerged of two interruptions of the motorcade said to have occurred ahead of Dealey Plaza, perhaps on Main Street: An upset man running out in the street toward the limo. Alleged to have been subdued by Secret Service. JFK ordering the limo to stop so he could get out and greet a group of Catholic nuns. You would think the latter would have made a great photo op for someone in the crowd. The press on the bus were two far away. Maybe Powers had no film. Maybe these incidents never happened.
  15. Me, too. Blame it on the thread title. That stuttering organ riff, though... Damn You, David is the title of my posthumous biopic. The phrase has recurred throughout my history.
  16. Was that the part where the interviewer interrupted him with a question? We never got that train of thought back, either. Jim, this is a job for...Black Op Radio!
  17. Dashiell Hammett once wrote: "The cheaper the crook, the gaudier the patter." I once read a crime novel (author forgotten) that substituted "cop" for "crook," to good effect. I was a bit jealous that I hadn't subverted that great line first. That "show the gun" bit is standard cop comedy, meant to unnerve a suspect or witness. "Who do you work for?" - more comedy, meant to make Gochenauer feel he was suspected of being some kind of organizational agent in asking Moore questions. Pulling that gag is meant to give great, paranoiac import to whatever the cop says next. It's obvious from the whole interview series that Moore was largely playing Gochenauer - offering him a Secret Service position, for instance; telling him his wife looked like Marina Oswald - in an effort to unbalance Gochenauer and find out what he was up to, and what his research had uncovered. I'm not denigrating Gochenauer's experiences or efforts. That took guts on his part. The two main take-aways are Moore's admission that he coerced Dr. Perry, and his revelation about "Little Lynn" Carlin (see my post above). That, and the interest from another agency that Gochenauer's researches inspired - the men undisguisedly following him. But, since he's apparently on the fringes of this Forum, or better, someone ask him if my read on Moore isn't substantially correct, give or take some sympathetic motives emerging on Moore's part.
  18. In this installment: "Someone" Told "Little Lynn" Carlin that Oswald knew Ruby and had been in the Carousel Little Lynn freaked out and told a junior Secret Service agent Who told Elmer Moore Who told Jim Gochenauer So - fifth-hand hearsay, but early after the JFKA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ets5feOe9Y
  19. Yet LBJ coerced Curtis LeMay's retirement in 1965, for opposing him and McNamara on the scope of the Vietnam bombing campaign.* LBJ also put the compliant Westmoreland, and then Abrams, in charge of ineffective ground war strategies, replaced the war-depleted McNamara, and resigned himself, opening the way to Nixon - who now had the support from above that he didn't capture in 1960, signaled in part by the RFK assassination. Johnson seems less like a president that feared the military and more like one who obeyed the highest economic and social powers. The military was just a willing instrument in the JFKA, greenlighted from above.** "Delay would mean the Soviet Union would soon possess nuclear war power that would make such a sudden attack unfeasible without the mutual assured destruction of both countries." But there was nothing but delay on Johnson's part, starting with the delay in creating the Warren Commission, then the year-long investigation that blamed no one, then the abandonment of Cuba. Nuclear war may have been held out as a carrot, but the carrot was snatched away and replaced with the sop of Vietnam - unless, of course, Vietnam was the real prize in the first place, a thought that is not admitted here. Vietnam and the riddance of electorally supported Kennedy "arrogance"*** was all the military was ever going to get, and probably all they worked for from the beginning, and they knew it. Johnson claiming the Warren Commission was needed to stave off nuclear war was a dodge used to install a coverup that would satisfy early JFKA critics and bury the trail of the conspirators. Otherwise, what, exactly, explains the preference for the paper's Plan B over its Plan A? _____ *All of that contradicting the low-intensity conflict concept developed under Eisenhower in the face of, first, the American nuclear bombing of Japan, and second, the debacle of Truman's "police action" in Korea, neither salutary to America's reputation nor to the developing sophistication of warfare. LeMay and his like-minded ilk were already beyond the closing door by the day of Kennedy's death, while Kennedy inherited their blame for their obsolescence. **Indeed, the failure of Nixon-Kissinger bombing campaign in Vietnam and Cambodia may have been the deciding factor in Nixon's assasination-through-scandal. Through opposite motives from Kennedy, he was destroyed in the tension between old and new schools of warfare. More fancifully, one could call his character assassination an example of low-intensity politics. ***A perceived arrogance expressed in Dulles's remark, "He thought he was a God." Yet Dulles himself was swayed to do nothing but obfuscate the Oswald-Soviet connection while co-directing the WC with McCloy. So the "rogue" factor, did it exist, did not go very high up, and the higher-ups were content with the prize of Vietnam.
  20. Brushed away here is the fact that high military and intelligence leadership - and many lesser players in each - were not punished for nearly starting WW III, as well as greatly, um, inconveniencing the new federal administration. To the contrary, they prospered through the Johnson administration. Why? One would think the nuclear threat and the inconvenience would be unforgivable, even if the JFKA in itself were eminently excusable to Johnson and the non-plotters in government.
  21. If Roger Craig was wrong – I don’t want to be right If being right means being lone-nutter, I’d rather give up civil rights The Warren Commission didn’t speak his name, It’s a doggone disgrace! They told him he didn’t see what he saw, Then they rubbed it in his face Are you wrong to hunger for justice for John-John's dad? Am I wrong just to try to hold on to the best Prez we ever had? If Roger Craig was wrong, I don’t want to be right – I don’t wanna be right – if it means bein’ a patsy! I don’t wanna be right – If it means bullets at night...
  22. Excellent work by all hands. Can't wait for the whole shot in February. I'm hoping the complete will flesh out the anti-colonialist support for Nasser and Sukarno, who are mentioned in passing here. It would be great if the international acquisitiveness for Indonesian mineral rights are exposed, and linked to the Katanga affair in the Congo - and also to Freeport Sulpher, Permindex, and Clay Shaw. Is Greg Poulgrain appearing?
  23. Go looking for Jack Ruby at his apartment? Maybe not correct if Carroll Jarnagin is correct.
  24. Pat, if you were to kindly delete your comment on my gaffe re: Litwin v. Di Eugenio, I could delete my response, and neither Jim, Oliver Stone nor I would be embarrassed in Forum annals for all time.  Thanks.

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