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Bernice Moore

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Everything posted by Bernice Moore

  1. Very good informative article Jim, and it appears that all but one reply are from the 97%.....good show...best b :clapping
  2. Killing Kennedy Bill Oreilly Wimps Out,, http://www.salon.com/2012/10/08/killing_kennedy_bill_oreilly_wimps_out/
  3. Kennedy Library in Dorchester to release seven boxes of Robert Kennedy papers on Cuban missile crisis See - http://www.boston.com/politicalintelligence/2012/10/10/kennedy-library-dorchester-release-seven-boxes-robert-kennedy-papers-cuban-missile-crisis/LlZOVhjcGiKuFBevGRrTnJ/story.html WASHINGTON -- After years of difficult negotiations with Robert F. Kennedy’s heirs – and growing pressure from researchers – the John F. Kennedy Library and Museum has been granted approval to declassify and release seven boxes of the former attorney general’s papers on Cuba. The papers, amounting to more than 2,700 pages, will be made available to researchers at the Kennedy Library in Dorchester on Thursday and will be posted on line. The decision coincides with the 50th anniversary of the Cuban missile crisis, in which the president’s younger brother played a prominent role in defusing the most dangerous flashpoint of the Cold War, when Russia deployed medium-range nuclear missiles on the Caribbean island, just 90 miles from American shores. “Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy played a crucial role in the peaceful resolution of the crisis, and researchers and the public are keenly interested in the information and insights contained in these documents,” said David Ferriero, head of the National Archives and Records Administration, which oversees the presidential library. The papers, part of a larger collection of RFK’s personal and government papers that remain hidden more than four decades after his assassination, could also shed light on covert government efforts to overthrow Cuban leader Fidel Castro – activities overseen for a time by RFK. In a statement, the National Archives described the forthcoming files as “documents accumulated by Robert F. Kennedy in his capacity as both attorney general and adviser to President Kennedy. The files relate chiefly to matters that ordinarily do not come under the jurisdiction of the attorney general or the Justice Department, and include memos, correspondence, reports, notes from Executive Committee meetings, as well as CIA and State Department telegrams and cables chiefly related to the United States relationship with Cuba during the years 1961 to 1963 – a time which included the Cuban missile crisis and the Bay of Pigs invasion.” It added: “While the majority of these materials will be opened in full, some will remain restricted because of classified material: no documents are closed due to restrictions related to personal privacy concerns.” The Boston Globe, in a series of articles in the past few years, has reported on the growing frustration of historians and researchers eager to study what they contend is a key missing chapter of the Kennedy administration and the Cold War. But until now RFK’s widow, Ethel Skakel Kennedy, and their children have been reluctant to grant permission to declassify the documents – totaling as many as 62 boxes -- and make them public. At issue has been an unusual agreement reached decades ago between the National Archives and the Kennedy family, granting them authority to release the files. But as the Globe reported earlier this year, an index of the remaining RFK papers shows that many of the unreleased files are government documents, as opposed to personal materials, that the family should never have been given control over. In a statement Wednesday, the Kennedy family maintained it is committed to making additional papers available, insisting that it is the declassification process that has been responsible for the delay, not their foot-dragging. “The Robert F. Kennedy Family is committed to ensuring the public’s continued access to the RFK Collection,” the statement said. But library officials and internal correspondence with the family over the years highlight the library’s difficulty in getting the family’s go-ahead to process the papers for release. In the statement, the family also acknowledged that of the remaining 55 boxes, some information could still be withheld. “At the conclusion of the process of federal review of the remaining 55 boxes, those 55 boxes will also be made available to the public, subject only to national security and personal privacy considerations.” Reached by phone, Tom Putnam, the director of the JFK Library, declined to comment on the family’s statement, saying he is pleased that the library is making progress after years of seeking to make the RFK collection fully available. Asked about the family’s contention that it has not been responsible for the delay on processing, Putnam declined to comment.
  4. http://spot.acorn.net/JFKplace/09/fp.back_issues/07th_Issue/copa_lho.html Lee Harvey Oswald---a U.S. Intelligence Agent: The Evidence Presentation by Hal Verb Debate between Lee Harvey Oswald, and Ed Butler and Carlos Bringuier http://jfkassassination.net/russ/jfkinfo3/exhibits/stuck3.htm
  5. Try this Steve fwiw...b http://books.google.ca/books?id=cg0bDS8bL8QC&pg=PA27&lpg=PA27&dq=cusa+jfk&source=bl&ots=Tw-KfR1Ft_&sig=GN59Mry1b4PGpqAJnDSNf7bNK_Y&hl=en&sa=X&ei=BiN0UP2CIOL00gH66IDgDw&sqi=2&ved=0CEgQ6AEwBA#v=onepage&q=cusa%20jfk&f=false
  6. thanks paul...fwiw details about the black bordered poster and......... http://www.orwelltod...sdallasad.shtml JFK JBS Hate Ad
  7. here is the photo, i believe is part of the subject in this thread, fwiw..b This photo was taken at a UT football game in 1973, a few months before LBJ died. D. Harold Byrd is seen on the left (in cowboy hat) and LBJ is on the right. Byrd was a longtime friend and financial/political supporter of Johnson. He was also the OWNER of the Texas School Book Depository Building, from which Oswald was alleged to have fired the fatal shots. http://home.earthlink.net/~sixthfloor/byrd2.htm
  8. And a thread like this, started by Mr.Colby deliberately, only brings more attention to those out there contributing in any way they can, in putting the serious researchers down and hopefully in heaping more ridicule on them by the media sharks...b
  9. Gordon Novel Has Passed Away HERE IS THE STATEMENT FROM HIS SON: Dear All, My Dad passed away last night in his sleep at a rest home in Los Angeles around 3:00am. He was 74 years young... I will be making funeral arrangements with my older sister Spirit. We will likely hold the funeral and have him cremated in Los Angeles, then take his remains to be buried next to his Mother in Florida. I will let you all know when we have finalized his funeral plans and please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. Attached is are couple of photos of Dad under a purple tree here in Thailand on the beach of Koh Chang (Elephant Island) and also playing with a Dog. This day in Thailand was the happiest day I ever seen my Dad in my life and he told me many times later it was one of the happiest days of his life. Dad would not have wanted to been lying in the hospital much longer than what he was, so his time has come to pass. Thank you all for being his close friends. Please forward this email to anyone that I missed and let them know I apologize for not ccing them. Sincerely, Sur Novel NO PHOTOS WERE ATTACHED; SORRY BOUT THAT..B
  10. APPENDIX VII: INDEX http://jfkassassination.net/russ/jfkinfo/hscindex.htm F...76..77...b
  11. Who taught you that? What do you mean there is evidence but no documentation? Where does photographic evidence fit into your research? a valued, friend and researcher who is no longer with us, taught me such, i see i made a mistake and did not clarify my words, sorry about that, i meant there must be evidence and documentation then the information can be verified as correct...I have always collected and enjoyed studying the photographs over the past years spending days into weeks studying within, at times to some satisfaction, at others none what so ever...A word for you, learn to express yourself with much less a demanding tone, i almost did not reply but then thought a word may do you some good, perhaps in tempering your tone...you will find that people will respond much more willingly to your posts...take care..b
  12. There simply imo are too many contradictions within the w/c.. plus some of the people involved proved themselves to be untrustworthy...b The Warren Commission, The Truth, and Arlen Specter By Gaeton Fonzi Greater Philadelphia Magazine, 1 August 1966 "It is difficult to believe the Warren Commission Report is the truth. Arlen Specter knows it. It is difficult to believe that all the shots which caused the Presidents and Governor Connallys wounds were fired from the sixth floor window of the Texas School Book Depository. Arlen Specter knows it. It is difficult to believe that the same bullet which pierced the Presidents throat also caused Governor Connallys wounds. Arlen Specter knows it." "As senior counsel to the Commission, a group of the most eminent and respected lawyers in the country were chosen, among them Philadelphias William T. Coleman Jr., partner in Dilworth, Paxson, Kalish, Kohn and Dilks. These men, however, generally turned out to be such outstanding attorneys that, during the course of the investigation, they could find little time to free themselves from their own busy law practices. As a result, the bulk of the work fell on what were called the junior counsel, the young lawyers with budding reputations for whom appointment to the Commission staff was a tremendous honor, Arlen Specter was one."............ "Based on Specters investigation, these were the main points in the final version of the Report: Witnesses, principal among them steamfitter Brennan, saw what they took to be a rifle in an upper-story window of the Depository. Three employees on the fifth floor of the Depository heard shots and shells dropping on the floor above them. Two large bullet fragments found in the front of the Presidential car as well as a nearly whole bullet said to be found on Governor Connallys stretcher at Parkland Hospital were definitely fired from the 6.5-mm Mannlicher-Carcano rifle which Oswald ordered from a Chicago mail-order house and which was found on the sixth floor of the Depository. Three shots were fired. One hit Kennedy near the top of his back, came out the front of his neck, went through Connallys back, came out his chest, smashed his right wrist and caused a puncture wound in his left thigh. Another went in the back of Kennedys head and blew out the right front part of his head. A third missed. The Commission decided that the order of the hits was irrelevant and made no determination of the sequence."......... the key question is this: Was it possible for a lone gunman to have accomplished the assassination if President Kennedy and Governor Connally were not hit by the same bullet? Specter maintains that the answer is not central to the Commissions conclusion. He does so in the face of the very evidence which the Commission used to conclude that it was. ......... "Specter, as a matter of fact, spent a good deal of time with Humes working out the single-bullet theory. I was very impressed with Specter, says Humes. He was a very intelligent young man............ "And when Specter is confronted with evidence which conflicts with his conclusions, he usesas the Commission Report often dida form of reverse logic to refute it. For instance: Talk about the grassy knoll and shots? he says. The bullets didnt enter from that direction. By MIKE FEINSILBER The Associated Press WASHINGTON (July 2) - Thirty-three years ago, Gerald R. Ford took pen in hand and changed - ever so slightly - the Warren Commission's key sentence on the place where a bullet entered John F. Kennedy's body when he was killed in Dallas. The effect of Ford's change was to strengthen the commission's conclusion that a single bullet passed through Kennedy and severely wounded Texas Gov. John Connally - a crucial element in its finding that Lee Harvey Oswald was the sole gunman. A small change, said Ford on Wednesday when it came to light, one intended to clarify meaning, not alter history. ''My changes had nothing to do with a conspiracy theory,'' he said in a telephone interview from Beaver Creek, Colo. ''My changes were only an attempt to be more precise.'' But still, his editing was seized upon by members of the conspiracy community, which rejects the commission's conclusion that Oswald acted alone. ''This is the most significant lie in the whole Warren Commission report,'' said Robert D. Morningstar, a computer systems specialist in New York City who said he has studied the assassination since it occurred and written an Internet book about it. The effect of Ford's editing, Morningstar said, was to suggest that a bullet struck Kennedy in the neck, ''raising the wound two or three inches. Without that alteration, they could never have hoodwinked the public as to the true number of assassins.'' If the bullet had hit Kennedy in the back, it could not have struck Connolly in the way the commission said it did, he said. The Warren Commission concluded in 1964 that a single bullet - fired by a ''discontented'' Oswald - passed through Kennedy's body and wounded his fellow motorcade passenger, Connally, and that a second, fatal bullet, fired from the same place, tore through Kennedy's head. The assassination of the president occurred Nov. 22, 1963, in Dallas; Oswald was arrested that day but was shot and killed two days later as he was being transferred from the city jail to the county jail. Conspiracy theorists reject the idea that a single bullet could have hit both Kennedy and Connally and done such damage. Thus they argue that a second gunman must have been involved. Ford's changes tend to support the single-bullet theory by making a specific point that the bullet entered Kennedy's body ''at the back of his neck'' rather than in his uppermost back, as the commission staff originally wrote. Ford's handwritten notes were contained in 40,000 pages of records kept by J. Lee Rankin, chief counsel of the Warren Commission. They were made public Wednesday by the Assassination Record Review Board, an agency created by Congress to amass all relevant evidence in the case. The documents will be available to the public in the National Archives. The staff of the commission had written: ''A bullet had entered his back at a point slightly above the shoulder and to the right of the spine.'' Ford suggested changing that to read: ''A bullet had entered the back of his neck at a point slightly to the right of the spine.'' The final report said: ''A bullet had entered the base of the back of his neck slightly to the right of the spine.'' Ford, then House Republican leader and later elevated to the presidency with the 1974 resignation of Richard Nixon, is the sole surviving member of the seven-member commission chaired by Chief Justice Earl Warren..
  13. G'D evening Chris...imo there will never be a logical tale to convince you, to believe the Warren Commission, imo it cannot convince any logical, thinking man, or woman...the deeper one explores it, the more unbelieveable confusion is created... there are some pretty interesting comments about and the people's reactions to it the, w/c..within the following... http://karws.gso.uri.edu/jfk/the_critics/Epstein/Whos_Afraid/Whos_Afraid.html you began a very interesting thread, and thanks...b
  14. http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/viewer/showDoc.do?docId=958&relPageId=116 hi Tom. please read the page above for further information on timing.., thanks, hope all are well, take care..b
  15. Thanks Bill...for all that you do for the research community, it is very appreciated, even if not posted to you often enough, ....''The purpose of the picket will be to protest the decision by the National Archives not to declassify documents related to the assassination of President John Kennedy, a decision made at the request of the Central Intelligence Agency''.....whenever the government, no matter CIA or which division, does such, so foolishly imo, they only create another sense of further distrust within the population, each time, gathering peoples who perhaps did not know previously..and the old, that never goes away, ''what are they hiding, springs to the forefront, in huge letters...b.
  16. Here is another that wasn't fyi...and a copy of john woods, empty 6th floor for research purposes only..the resolution, was too large so i have posted it half size for any interested.... NUMBER 31. This enlargement of the Dillard photo was used by the Warren Commission in connection with the testimony of the black men in the fifth-floor windows. However, the Warren Commission did not realize that the photo was taken within 3.5 seconds after the fatal head shot and therefore showed that the witnesses -- who said they saw a rifle sticking out of that window after the fatal shot -- were imagining things. Nor does the original Dillard photo show any rifle or anyone holding a rifle in any window of the building 3 seconds after the last shot.
  17. Thanks David for your study,very interesting, i was hoping you would happen along.. '' where are Williams/Norman/Jarman in WEAVER or Hughes?'' perhaps possibly they were very busy, placing some soon to be found articles , the rehearsal time could have not been near long enough, so there went another oops.....i have no idea, really, but it makes one wonder...thanks...all is well here, i hope this finds you and yours the same..take care..b
  18. Chris, i found i believe a very clear hughes frame, that at least shows what windows were open, and a floor plan of the 7th floor, but nothing other..fwtaw..b
  19. When i first began on the web, and got into the research community. i was taught, that whatever, if there was no evidence, but more important documentation,otherwise proof, that i was to evade whatever it referred to as i was wasting my time.....i have tried to stick to those guns...which at times has bugged some, but i still believe if you do not have such, then you cannot positively prove your point, and it is therefore only a guess, an opinion..which does not stand up to scutiny......imo...thanks..b
  20. John; i believe the 7th was always there..here is info on the second fire...fwiw...b Monday, Sep. 03, 1984 Fire Strikes a Grim Monument Perhaps the most morbid of America's national landmarks was set ablaze last week in Dallas. Arsonists started a fire in the basement of the old Texas School Book Depository, the red brick seven-story structure, now the Dallas County administration building, from which Lee Harvey Oswald shot and killed President Kennedy in 1963. Because the decades-old sprinkler system had been turned off for repairs, flames made their way through the building walls. It took 100 fire fighters two hours to control the blaze, which damaged only the first two floors of the structure. "Whoever did it might have had a key or hid in the building," said Fire Marshal Jim Badgett. In the basement where the fire originated, assassination memorabilia, including old photographs, were destroyed. The arson occurred in the early morning of the Republican Convention's final day. Earlier in the week, Mary Kay Ash, the cosmetics tycoon, embarrassed many of her fellow Dallas residents with remarks she made about the School Book Depository in a nationally televised interview. "I think what we should [do] is tear that building down," she said, "and make a parking lot out of that thing and not have it there for people to remember." http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,951277,00.html
  21. now that's bingo...wonderful news.....though i do not think the adm of the tsbd will be thrilled.......I am.. ''' Briggs spent one year working on research for The Sixth Floor project in Washington, D.C. offices of exhibition designers Bob Staples and Barbara Charles.'' i came back to post this info on weatherford and the , it was a west end window..it simply shows i believe that there were w end windows that could be opened....thanks to martin hindrichs..b Chris do you happen to have the link ???? thanks...b ...You've been found out...already...THE GARY is below checking up on you, already... The film shows Deputy Sheriff Harry Weatherford climbing into a TSBD window on the west side of the building several minutes after the assassination. The film was shot by WFAA photographer Mal Couch and Weatherford explained his actions in a report the next day: http://mcadams.posc....ny/weatherf.htm
  22. FWIW Chris you might have a look within a fbi FREE BOOKLET.. there may be some of interest... Photos from a Commission Document 496 - FBI Booklet Entitled "Texas School Book Depository http://www.maryferre...bsPageId=349620
  23. CHRIS QUOTE..''If a shooter was present in that corner, I can imagine that the presence of a "conspiracy exhibit", blocking the view, would result in some ironic glee in the minds of any surviving conspirators. What better way to shut down that conversation.''... and what better way to please the LNrs as they trip along through the exhibits...it appears it is one more clog in the wheel, exhibited by the authorities of yee old TSBD.....agreed that was the kill shot, it would appear to be a definite much easier kill, than shooting after the limo has turned the corner and becomes therefore more a series of difficult angles,traveling away from instead of towards..people have been scratching their heads over that all these years.Though when thinking about it, it would not have been such a dramatic kill, if it had been accomplished in one shot.and i believe they wanted it perhaps accomplished as dramatic as possible, as they knew the whole world would be paying attention and watching and they wanted all to know, they were in charge.... i have gone through just about all now, and have found no, southwest photo, from a window, the only i know of is the one showing Officer Weatherspoon, i believe it is, who crawled out a west window...yes one would think there would have been a conspiratory aid , as the framing of the ''patsy'' simply all came together too pat, and too quickly...i think someone was on the payroll on that sixth floor, and not just baby sitting..lho..... Thanks for the interesting thread Chris, carry on, if anything pops up i will be back with whatever,and yes this is a doozy of a dozy windows....with a mind of it's own, and not mine, it seems too often..take care...b
  24. Chris; there is a clear view within this video, that might help,but i do not have the captures of the frames....sorry, perhaps David or someone could do that for you, .. take care...b jFK Assassination secret service Re-Enactment part 2 - YouTube
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