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Lawrence Schnapf

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Everything posted by Lawrence Schnapf

  1. On this day in 1894, french army captain Alfred Dreyfus was sentenced to life in prison for treason based on specious evidence. Those seeking exoneration of Captain Dreyfus were accused trying to discredit the army and weaken France. Eventually, captain Dreyfus was pardoned and his convicted expunged. The army, however, did not publicly declare his innocence until 1995- 71 years after his death. Many of us believe Lee Oswald is the American Dreyfus. For more information about the Dreyfus Affair, see https://www.britannica.com/event/Dreyfus-affair and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dreyfus_affair
  2. Lance- the same approach can be use for those supporters of the lone gunman whose own belief system prevents them from considering the possibility of a conspiracy. these are the "false patriots" who believe they are defending America's honor and its institutions by rejecting any evidence of multiple gunman as not credible. This line of thinking was revealed in Bugliosi's book around page 986 where he says what would it mean if the critics were correct. he says it would mean that the US is no different than the Europeans and that our institutions are no better than a third world country. In other words, it would put the lie to the thought of "American Exceptionalism" as Chris Mattews says. The warren report was really designed to assuage our european allies that America had not been taken over by right wing plot. Take a look at the reports pouring in from our embassies in the months after the assassination. They were convinced the assassination was an effort to stop the move towards relaxing tensions with the Soviets.
  3. Im in contact with Carlson's producer and am doing some backchannelling. sharing some ideas about how to move this along. i will let you know how it progresses. as a Republican, i have cred with them.
  4. i am backchanneling with the producer to work on the source. After appearing on the show, I have their trust
  5. Jim D is right. Tucker can be a powerful ally to get the attention the of incoming chair of the House Oversight Committee. we need a hearing and he is a tool to achieve that goal.
  6. Simon- you are wrong. I had extended conversations with Tucker's producers and researchers before agreeing to go on the show. you are looking at this through a partisan lens. On this particular issue, he is an ally.
  7. Equally interesting, the backstory is that Carter was about to make a national speech discussing our country's problems and he was going to say that it began with the JFK assassination. He never made that speech....
  8. And a shout out to Jim for appearing on Waters World. Jimmy broke the mold by going on the show and paved the way for me to appear on Tucker!
  9. I am having backchannels with Tucker's producer about ways to protect the unnamed source and possibly get him to testify at an oversight hearing if one is held. James Comer is the key going forward. not only to hear testimony about how the executive branch is violating the law but we can also make suggestions to amend the lawso that the oswald tax records can be released, the marcello tapes unsealed and the Manchester recorded interviews of RFK and Jackie are finally made available to the american people. Hold your noise and suspend your suspicions about Carlson. he is the most important ally we have to convince the incoming House to expose the coverup and the complicity of NBC, NYT and WaPo.
  10. Jim - i think people misinterpreted your headline when you used the word "on". many thought-including me- that he made an appearance. perhaps a different verb would have been better (e.g., praises),
  11. Matt Allison/Chris Barnard- put aside your partisan lenses. I can assure you that Tucker is a true believer on the assassination. I had many conversations with the producer before I agreed to appear. He is an ally on this issue so consider the old aphorism "The enemy of my enemy is my friend" Only Nixon could go to China. Tucker is best positioned to go after the coverup. he has the ear of the incoming chair of the oversight committee.
  12. it would be most helpful if researchers first compare any 2022 release against what is in the MFF collection. the overwhelming number of 2022 releases are simply fewer redactions than prior versions. There are only a handful of new documents. Joe Backes found documents that did not have RIF numbers in the six-part spread sheet that supposedly represents the universe of the JFK Collection. Our lawsuit includes a request to order new searches, completed outstanding ARRB search requests and fixing the JFK Collection.
  13. this chrono was previously available om MFF. what new information is now available?
  14. we should start calling the effort to kill JFK as a "plot" and not a conspiracy. while a different legal meaning, it helps put some distance with the crazy stuff out there.
  15. CIA had a secret press conference where it invited only the NYT, WaPo and NBC to try to control its narrative. It is becoming obvious that the modified limited hangout is that the reason the agencies withheld these files all these years was to hide embarrassment that they knew about Oswald and failed to warn the secret service of the danger he posed to JFK! I called out the media-especially NBC- for their complicity in the coverup in my appearance on Tucker Carlson Friday night. https://www.foxnews.com/video/6317409784112
  16. The CIA had a secret press conference for the NYT, WaPo and NBC to its share spin and try to control the narrative. There is a modified limited hangout that this will be about the agencies failing to alert the secret service about the danger of Oswald as a deflection. I called out the newspapers and NBC when I appeared on Tucker Carlson Friday Nite. https://www.foxnews.com/video/6317409784112
  17. With control of the House shifting to GOP in 2023, this was an important platform to begin the process of pressing incoming chair of the House Oversight Committee to hold oversight hearing on the failure of the Executive Branch to comply with the JFK Act. I also exposed NBC for its complicity in the coverup by refusing to turn over assassination records to the ARRB. Judge Tunheim discussed this at the MFF press conference on December 6th. https://www.foxnews.com/video/6317409784112
  18. Look for Politico piece early morning for scoop on what will be released in the afternoon of December 15th. Approximately 7,000 CIA records will continue to be withheld. Records released will include Oswald 201 file and Mexico City. Reportedly, CIA will include "transparency" report on NARA page explaining why certain records are being withheld. stay tuned.
  19. sources advise that about 7,000 records will be withheld-principally CIA records. Joe Backes- MFF has organized a rapid response team with a focus on the critical records. we will be prepared for a press conference to discuss what was released and what was not released. some people know how to work quickly and accurately....
  20. did ARRB actually use email in 1995. I dont think we started using that until 1997 or 1998 but could be wrong?
  21. a statement from public affairs is meaningless because the white house can always pull out the rug at the last minute. they are simply confirming the deadline established by the president in his 10-22-21 order. That being said, we understand from informed sources within NARA that there will be a significant release but that CIA is still wrangling over what documents to withheld with FBI to a lesser degree. we will likely hold a virtual press conference on Friday either way.
  22. The ARRB wanted to serve subpoena on NBC for the Sheridan papers but DOJ refused to serve it. ARRB actually filed complaint against Sheridan but it appears the case was closed when ARRB went out of business. I have the docket number and will be seeking the papers. I believe section 11 of the JFK Act would supercede any copyright or first amendment claims of NBC. Lori- I have the memos showing the objections of NARA to CIA and FBI as well as emails showing how the memos were drafted and forced upon NARA. Trump did not know what was going on when he announced on October 24th that the records would be released in full. the order certifying postponement had already been drafted. Gannon memo was only applicable to the October 26, 2017 postponement. we have not found any such DOJ memo authorizing 3.5 year postponement. If you want me to go onto your show and discuss the backstory in full, let me know. i can give you memos to post.
  23. thanks Roger. Bart sent this to Bill and me directly. Judge Tunheim gave us some additional background during lunch about the resistance the ARRB encountered during its search for records.
  24. roger- can you send Bill and me an image of the email you received from the NARA general counsel? My email is Larry@schnapflaw.com. Bill is bsimpich@gmail.com. tx
  25. sad news indeed but a life well-lived! Perhaps his papers can be digitized so future researchers can use them. it would be a wonderful tribute to his life and keep his work alive.
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