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Ray Mitcham

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Everything posted by Ray Mitcham

  1. That the only thing you can come up with? Bennett was guessing? 😀 He said about four inches below the right shoulder. How strange that it matches the autopsy sheet, the clothing holes, what these guys said. Clint Hill said "“I saw an opening in the back, about six inches below the neckline to the right hand side of the spinal column.” John Ebersole "John Ebersole described the back wound in a recorded telephone call with David Mantik, as to the right of T-4. One vertebral space below Admiral Burkley's death certificate placement." To the HSCA he said “As we turned the body on the autopsy table there was a textbook classical wound of entrance upper right back to the right of the midline three or four centimeters to the right of the midline just perhaps inside the medial board to the upper scapula.”" Sibert and O'Neill “Dr Humes located an opening which appeared to be a bullet hole which was below the shoulders and two inches to the right of the spinal column They must all have been mistaken and guessing, eh Dave?
  2. " Why would the killers record the murder and then make the recordings public?" They haven't yet. But the Turks have the tapes, that's why the Saudis have come up with what the Donald calls "fake news"
  3. Grasping at straw yet again, Dave. Now explain how S.A.Bennett happened to see a bullet hole in the President's jacket, four inches down from his right shoulder.
  4. Mathias, apparently there are voice recordings of Khashoggi being dismembered by Saudi thugs. The Turks cannot release all the evidence they have, as it would disclose how much they were bugging the Saudi Embassy. The Saudi's will probably blame one of the thugs doing it on their own whim.
  5. Come on Francois. You can do better than that.You quote at least three authors, Posner, ( a proven plagiarist who lied through his teeth in his book Case Closed) Bugliosi, (an author who wrote his book as a prosecution brief rather than a true investigation.) and DVP (and I don't have to say what I think of his writings) Give me your refutations if you have any, of the evidence of the back shot was in the President's shoulder rather than his neck.
  6. Still no arguments to rebut the evidence of a back wound rather than a neck wound, then, Francois?
  7. He has some very good points to make about Tippitt's family. Certainly worth buying.
  8. Oh dear, don't get your culottes in a twist, Francois. Show me where I defamed you. I asked you or DVP for your evidence of how you would negate the back wound. How do you explain the holes in the President's jacket and shirt, and the evidence of those who saw the hole in the shoulder, immediately after he was shot, together with the autopsy sheet evidence.
  9. Seconded, Cliff. Let's hear from DVP or Francois how they negate the evidence of a shot in the back rather than the neck. Should be interesting.
  10. Dave, you still haven't indicated where you think the bullet went in and came out. Showing photos proves nothing. Where's your notation? Just so I don't misunderstand your position.
  11. "Entered the upper part of the head", and exited where, Dave? Just interested to know exactly where you think the bullet went in and then came out. Surely with your skills and experience, you have a photo or sketch showing showing what you mean. Even a couple of arrows on the photo you have provided, would be sufficient.
  12. Anyway, DCM is in the wrong position in the above photo, Cory. He was further West down the freeway beyond the Sign.
  13. IMO Dr Humes obeyed his orders and did and said what was required of him in the presence of the Gold Braid brigade conducting the autopsy. e.g. "Don't follow the track of the bullet as the family wouldn't like it'
  14. So according to your view, the bullet entered the head low down at the back, travelled upwards and blew the top of the President's head off and then continued to strike the curb in front of Tague. Wanna buy a bridge?
  15. If Tague was hit by the third bullet as suggested by the Warren report, it must have been a fourth shot which blew the hole in the President's head. Or are they suggesting that the third shot hit his head then may have then ricoched to hit Tague?
  16. And strange they were standing just where the yellow lines had been newly painted on the Elm St freeway curbs. Another amazing coincidence?
  17. I assume you mean this Paul. "With former Gestapo officers calling all the shots, Germany would never have become the stable democracy that it is." I take it mean that unlike Germany, Russia hasn't been able to get rid of "its" Gestapo, and will find it very difficult to ever become a democracy.
  18. This by one of Kavanaugh's buddies." We were college classmates and drinking buddies with Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. In the past week, all three of us decided separately to respond to questions from the media regarding Brett's honesty, or lack thereof. In each of our cases, it was his public statements during a Fox News TV interview and his sworn testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee that prompted us to speak out. We each asserted that Brett lied to the Senate by stating, under oath, that he never drank to the point of forgetting what he was doing. We said, unequivocally, that each of us, on numerous occasions, had seen Brett stumbling drunk to the point that it would be impossible for him to state with any degree of certainty that he remembered everything that he did when drunk. Watch more Republican senators say Kavanaugh should be confirmed on Saturday Since coming forward, we each have received numerous angry messages accusing us of attempting to ruin a man's life because of his drunken antics as a college student. In fact, none of us condemned Brett for his frequent drunkenness. We drank too much in college as well. It is true that Brett acknowledged he sometimes drank "too many beers." But he also stated that he never drank to the point of blacking out. By coming forward, each of us has disrupted our own lives and those of our families. As well as navigating the intense media interest, including having news vans and reporters set up in front of the home of one of us, we have received large amounts of hate mail, including threats of violence. We have lost friendships. The work servers of one of us were hacked. He's just won the vote. Seems you will be getting a li ar on the bench of the Supreme Court. "
  19. My reading of Mr Niederhut's post, doesn't appear to me he is accusing anybody of taking money. It seems to me it was just one of two alternative suggestions. "My question. What motivates people like Litwin and Parnell to engage in propagating this kind of disinformazia? Not lack of intelligence, because both are, obviously, good writers. Money? Some sort of misguided moral or political agenda?"
  20. Connolly to the WC. " We had just made the turn, well, when I heard what I thought was a shot. I heard this noise which I immediately took to be a rifle shot. I instinctively turned to my right because the sound appeared to come from over my right shoulder, so I turned to look back over my right shoulder, and I saw nothing unusual except just people in the crowd, but I did not catch the President in the corner of my eye, and I was interested, because once I heard the shot in my own mind I identified it as a rifle shot, and I immediately--the only thought that crossed my mind was that this is an assassination attempt. In Altgens6 , JFK appears to have been hit, and Connolly has turned, as he said to his right, in his testimony. I know you don't believe him, but the photo confirms his statement.
  21. Hey, Dave, can you explain why, in Altgens6, Connolly is turning to his right, as he said, after the first shot which hit JFK? Would he be able to do this if he had already been hit in the back and wrist? As he said, " We had just made the turn, well, when I heard what I thought was a shot. I heard this noise which I immediately took to be a rifle shot. I instinctively turned to my right because the sound appeared to come from over my righshoulder, so I turned to look back over my right shoulder, and I saw nothing unusual except just people in the crowd, but I did not catch the President in the corner of my eye, and I was interested, because once I heard the shot in my own mind I identified it as a rifle shot, and I immediately--the only thought that crossed my mind was that this is an assassination attempt. So I looked, failing to see him, I was turning to look back over my left shoulder into the back seat, but I never got that far in my turn. I got about in the position I am in now facing you, looking a little bit to the left of center, and then I felt like someone had hit me in the back."
  22. Here you go, Joe. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NvJRkoeGmEc
  23. David, I don't know if you put the arrows on the above Altgens6 photo, but I disagree that the two SS agents on the right side of the limo are looking up towards the top of the TSBD. They look as they are looking straight to their right, IMO.
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