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Ray Mitcham

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Everything posted by Ray Mitcham

  1. Looks to me as though two vertical notches, one box and one below, of material have been cut into the original horizontal hole in the left photo. Probably for samples. The left photo looks as though it is the outside of the shirt, the centre one the inside.
  2. The entrance on the back of the shirt only seems to line up at the same level as the slits by the collar because the top button is unfastened. If it is fastened, and the button meets the button hole, the collar rises, and they don't line up, Pat.
  3. Ron , this is a link in Mary Ferrell's site. https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=4885#relPageId=33&tab=page
  4. If you imagine the button and the hole, lined up, as though they were buttoned, the shirt collar would be lifted between one and two inches (guesstimate). Thus the slits in the front of the shirt, would not line up with the hole shown in the back of the shirt. In the photo above, they only appear to line up as the button and hole are not fastened. I wonder if in the first photo (the color one) the front of the shirt was pulled towards the center to hide the hole in the back of the shirt.
  5. Just because somebody paid $35,750 for taxi, doesn't mean it was kosha. The (fake)Hitler Diaries were bought for $3.7m.
  6. This is the photo with the "heart" shape filled with yellow. Makes it easier to se that it is a fraud.
  7. Lance you seem to have missed an important word on the site you quote. "The Checker is believed to be the car in which Mr. Oswald briefly rode while making his getaway following the shooting of President Kennedy in Dallas on Nov. 22, 1963."
  8. Don't think it was me, James. However makes sense for them to permanently close the camera, who can check the details?
  9. Joe, It's the first photo I've seen, which shows the two men in tandem. I just drew the line from the alleged back wound, as the W.C. said in the neck, through the tie knot. I haven't tried to show the angle from the TSBD. It doesn't look like the angle matches. Maybe some whiz kid can print out the angle, and show the line through the two men.
  10. Frame from the video shows the absurdity of getting the magic bullet, which allegedly hit JFK in the neck and exited through his tie knot, to hit Connally in the shoulder.
  11. Agree second name down appears to be Frazier. Bottom name looks more like Elmer Todd.
  12. That doesn't look like Danny Arce to me. His hair line is all wrong. Arce has a high forehead.
  13. Wow. Seems to confirm a lot of what David Lifton says happened. Especially the throat wound which he says was very unusual, and much bigger than would have normally been done. I wonder, what people like DVP and Francois will think.
  14. You are quite right. As I remember, I was arguing against it being a bone fragment.I still fail to see how a bone fragment could form a round hole in the President's throat and slits in his shirt. I assume you want my opinion. I don't believe it was a bone fragment. Never have. I do indeed think as Dr Perry, and others originally thought, it was an entrance wound
  15. Tom, if you mean me, I think you have the wrong poster. I don't ever remember mentioning a bone fragment. p.s. It's Ray Mitcham.
  16. Interesting comment. Mathias The signal was used originally by the BBC in its war time broadcasts to German occupied Europe. As here
  17. None taken, Francois. I might even agree with you.
  18. I don't believe it was Ebersole who I am seeking, David. I'm sure that there was another doctor who said it. Ebersole said it was a sutured wound, which it obviously wasn't. For those who quote the photos, remember that Floyd Riebe, Autopsy photographer, said he took photos of the hole in the occiput, photos which have never been seen since.
  19. I will if you can show me the photo he was shown when he said it.
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