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Ray Mitcham

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Everything posted by Ray Mitcham

  1. We are talking about shadows out in the open air, i.e sun light, not about some imaginary light source. You've already admitted that the shadows of the poles converge away from the viewer whether they are facing the sun or not.
  2. "Lines ALWAYS converge to a point on the horizon. Always. This overrides the rays coming from a single point. I have two photos of a fence - parallel lines. If your thesis were correct, fron one side they would not converge going away from the viewer, but they do - from both sides, looking into and away from the sun. Perspective. Railroad tracks do not really converge, but they seem to." Precisely my argument.
  3. "Lines ALWAYS converge to a point on the horizon. Always. This overrides the rays coming from a single point. I have two photos of a fence - parallel lines. If your thesis were correct, fron one side they would not converge going away from the viewer, but they do - from both sides, looking into and away from the sun. Perspective. Railroad tracks do not really converge, but they seem to." Agreed that they seem to, (see my diary definition above ) and see my two photos of the poles above. Do you agree that they seem to converge birth awards and away from the sun?
  4. "The Universe as now described is not infinite but, finite. " Where did you get that "fact" from?
  5. Would the angle of his shadow be the same if he leaning sideways at an angle of 45˚?
  6. From definition of converge. "incline toward each other"
  7. The only shadow which you can rely on is the shadow of the stair post. The shadows of "Oswald" are suspect because he may or not be standing vertically
  8. "Parallel lines never converge even at a great distance." Of course they converge. (see above post) Note I did not say meet. "The distance in the BYPs at the Neeley Street home is to small to show any great convergence or overlap as suggested by Ray" Rubbish.(see above post) converge [kuhn-vurj] SYNONYMS|EXAMPLES|WORD ORIGIN SEE MORE SYNONYMS FOR converge ON THESAURUS.COM verb (used without object), con·verged, con·verg·ing. to tend to meet in a point or line; incline toward each other, as lines that are not parallel.
  9. If that is true, perhaps you can explain how these shadows of two vertical poles, both towards and from the sun converge. [url=https://postimg.cc/rzdmZ9y1][/url]
  10. David, I've explained this to you before. Vertical shadows from the sun always converge , not diverge, towards or away from the sun
  11. If you agree, Chris, how do you account for it?
  12. Agreed Steve, seems who ever concocted that photo made a cock up, and they had to adjust tilt in order to make the lean acceptable. When corrected look at the ridiculous angle "Oswald" is supposedly standing in this adjusted photo.
  13. I wondered about that Chris, However, using the same camera, which didn't have a zoom feature, and standing in the same spot, how come "Oswald" in CE133B is closer to the camera than he is in the other two photos?
  14. In the three BYP, note that the perspective of the items in the background, the fence, to the left of him, the stair post shadows and the position of the fence posts to the right of him, immediately behind "Oswald" does not change at all. If the three photos had been taken at different times, as per Marina's testimony, this would not have happened. She would have had to have been in exactly the same place.
  15. From David's post above re the Hesters "Hesters: There is a real problem with identifying the Hesters as the people identified as the Hesters in this scene. Jack White, long ago said this couple are the Hesters. He was wrong. According to their testimony they were positioned on the south side of Elm Street and then after the shooting moved to the north side of Elm Street to the Arcade seeking shelter." David, just as a matter of interest, maybe the Hesters meant that they were on the south side of the original Elm St, which runs just in front of the TSBD. There is/was a grassy slope in between the old Elm St and the new freeway approach Elm St. The fact that they then moved to the north side of the street to the Arcade appears to make sense. Was the Freeway approach Elm Street known by that name in 1963? p.s. I back completely the comments about David, by Mssrs Healey, Di Eugenio and Cross.
  16. Here you go, David http://www.collectorsfirearms.com/colt-commando-38-special-c11487/
  17. Paul, I spoke on a radio interview with Cynthia Lennon, John's first wife, some years ago, and asked her what she thought of the theory that he was murdered for his political ideas, and her cryptic reply was "I can't comment on that". I wondered then and still wonder now, why she said it.
  18. Interesting Jim. I've never read his books and from the sound of it, I don't know whether I should.
  19. Even the prosecution agreed that RFK was shot in the head, from as close as one inch, and yet considered the shooter to be Sirhan when he was never within three feet of the senator. Can any of the "Sirhan did it" supporters, explain that away?
  20. How disappointing that Obama wasn't prepared to put his head above the parapet.
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