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Ray Mitcham

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Everything posted by Ray Mitcham

  1. "A car with two rear ends, one in the front and one in the back, probably beats out Johnny's car in strangeness. The front windshield of this vehicle makes absolutely no sense. I will be interested in what the LNs say about it. ' Not being a LN, maybe I could suggest why the car has two "rear ends"😀. The Windshield white triangle shown on the windscreen is obviously a reflection of light. (the black is the reflection of a building on the screen, ) As far as JFK's arm flopping about the vehicle is concerned, then his"arm" is just more reflections on the side of the limo.He is not laying his head win the side of the vehicle. Trouble is people who are wedded to alterations, see things which don't exist.
  2. Video which should fill everybody with complete despair.
  3. Thanks for your work, Andrej. Seems logical to me.
  4. I wonder why we have different screen shots.
  5. Thanks, Ron. Just donated. For those who were having the same difficulty, the link is under the three horizontal bars at top right of the page.
  6. Ron, I'm having the same problem. Can't seem to donate through the recommended link.
  7. Good example, Sandy. Trouble is some people don't understand it.
  8. David he said that he had prefocussed his camera, to get that shot and then had to refocus when the limo closed up on him. The foreshortening is caused by a telephoto lens.
  9. Tony, in the recreation photo above, (the middle photo), the Thornton sign is further east than the lamp post. According to the third photo it should be further West. p.s. Don't bother trying to explain Altgen 6 , to John. He doesn't understand field of view on a telephoto lens. p.p.s. Does the original negative of Altgens 6 still exist? If so where can it be found?
  10. Other back wound witnesses. Clint Hill James Jenkins Paul O’Connor Edward Reed Floyd Riebe Jan Gail Redneck Diane Boron
  11. And Sibert and O'Neill report During the latter stages of this autopsy, Dr Humes located an opening which appeared to be a bullet hole which was below the shoulders and two inches to the right of the middle line of the spinal column. On the death certificate that Burkley signed, the back wound was located “at about the level of the third thoracic vertebra”. The autopsy descriptive sheet, the pathologists’ official diagram of the wounds to the body, placed the back wound in the same location. Burkley signed the sheet, “Verified”.
  12. If I remember correctly in the late fifties and early sixties, we used flash bulbs which fired only once, so there was indeed an additional cost if you used one unnecessarily. Flash cubes and built in flash didn't come in until much later.
  13. It was an incorrectly spelled pun on Brian Doyle's vision, David. "Paradoyleia"😊
  14. Seems to me that lots of people are suffering from Pardoyleia.
  15. I second Stephanie's recommendation. The book has so much new evidence, which has never before been seen, and Lisa has shown just how unjust the continued imprisonment of Sirhan Sirhan is.
  16. Th triangular flap of skin might well have been manufactured to remove the evidence of the small hole in the right temple. It looks like it was cut with a surgical saw.
  17. Strange that subsequent frames show the President seemingly uninjured, from any "gunshot " as the limo turned the corner.
  18. I agree with Paul and Andrej, in Altgens6, Lovelady leaning with his left shoulder lower than his right, probably holding on to the centre rail to get a better view as the limo went down Elm Street, note that the position of the collars on his shirt (the dark red parts of the shirt in the above photo) seem to confirm this as they are at an approx 45˚ angle to each other. In my mind there is no doubt that it is Lovelady.
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