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Ray Mitcham

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Everything posted by Ray Mitcham

  1. Kathy, when the photo is adjusted to compensate for the camera position, "Oswald's" pose is even more pronounced.
  2. I had a Bell an Howell 8mm standard film cine camera in the seventies. (OK, I know it's not the same camera as Zapruder used!) The camera did exactly what David mentions above. Every time you stopped the camera the first frame was always either under or over exposed as the meter inside the camera tried to get the correct setting. Anybody who says that there wasn't a splice where David says above is talking through his or her backside. Not only that, but Zapruder said he started filming before the limo turned onto Elm St, as he wanted to film the turn. he never said that he stopped his camera to save film, as the desperados say.
  3. I spoke a retired dentist friend of mine this morning. He said that a sealant would never have been classed as a prosthetic. Just my 2 cents.
  4. Having no dog in this fight, I wonder whether Dr Perry saying he left the bullet wound inviolate meant that although he had cut the incision over the wound, it didn't alter the appearance of it.
  5. Kathy, have you seen this video? I wonder if Tippit had a mole on his left shoulder.
  6. Sandy, I thought you were going to send me the questions etc re the teeth problem.

    1. Sandy Larsen

      Sandy Larsen


      Sorry it's taking so long. John Armstrong has been trying to send the presentations to a couple of retired dentists and it hasn't worked out so far. The problem is that neither of them is computer smart. John has tried sending links to the presentations for someone local to print, and then hand the hard copies to the retired dentist. Unfortunately nobody can get the presentations to print.

      So I've been waiting for them to sort it out and figure out a solution.

      I haven't sent anything to you because you said (or I got the impression) that your dentist friend is also not computer smart.

      BTW, how did you send this to me. It looks like a PM but I'm reading it here in my profile.

  7. Don't let it worry you, Steve. We all make mistakes, that's why they put erasers on the end of pencils.
  8. Thanks for the reply, Bruce. Just want to get to the truth about your uncle's death. Always seemed strange that such a successful man would take his life when he had just arranged for a new job. Can't call you as I am in the U.K.
  9. Certainly will, Jim. However, I doubt if any of my nephews know of my " deformity".
  10. Jim, I can't bend my right index finger but I write right handedly. I can hold a pen but would say my hand was kind of deformed. I wouldn't be able to pull the trigger on a handgun, unless I used my middle finger.
  11. How strange that a Castro supporter would be using an anti Castro house.
  12. It is possible that Pitzer was right handed, but used his left hand more because his right was deformed. One fact doesn't negate the other. I have a gammy right index finger (cut the tendon when I was kid) which causes me some trouble and occasionally use my left hand because my unbending right index finger gets in the way. (I'm right handed by the way.)
  13. Have a look at what Dan Rather saw in the Zapruder film. What he says is certainly not what we see in the extant film.
  14. Anybody could photoshop any photo to make a comparison. You are taking it as if it was gospel. If you believe that he didn't do it to muddle things then you don't know Mytton.
  15. Joe,Pitzer's friend Jerrol Custer said this. Custer: I saw this. Later on it was brought out that Commander Pitzer - well of course he made commander farther down the line - had committed suicide by blowing his brains out by putting a gun in his right hand and shooting himself. Law: What's so unusual about that if you're going to commit suicide? Custer: Well, it's kind of funny. How can you commit suicide when you have a deformed right hand? That couldn't hold a gun? This was clue [sic due] to a birth defect. And Dennis David' knew it. Everybody that knew the chief knew it and it was evident that night. When he was taking the movies, you could see the hand was deformed. But suicide was the reason for the death on his death certificate, which, I felt, was part of the cover-up. See, you have to be there. You have to see what's going on. Everything is plain and simple. It's there! It's right in front of you! The government feels the experts, so-called experts, are going to look at everything but the nose on their faces. And if you just stop and look at what's right in front of you and not try and surmise, "Well this is why, this is why that happened." My God-Kennedy's skull was pushed backward! Basic physics! You had to have a force from the front! If you had a force from the back, everything would have been pushed forward. Common sense! Doesn't take a genius to figure that one out.
  16. Mytton is famous for creating misinformation. He photoshopped the teeth behind the upper lip in the or don't you understand, Tracy?
  17. Jim has shown that Melvyn is wrong when he accused Sandy of redacting the form when it is clear from his first post that he didn't. An apology to Sandy would seem to be in order.
  18. Hardly... it looks like the figure (if it is indeed a figure) is walking away from the direction of the sun.
  19. https://www.quora.com/How-long-can-cancer-cells-survive-outside-the-body Edited for clarity. " If left completely alone, cancer cells, like any other cells, die on exposure to air. If cells are in the proper medium and all cellular needs are provided for, it’s pretty indefinite. The cells referred to are the HeLa cells. These are cancer cells taken in 1951 from a woman named Henrietta Lacks. Ms. Lacks was an African-American woman with cervical cancer and tissue was collected from her, without her knowledge or her permission, for reasons of research. This was 66 years ago and her HeLa cells are still thriving, dividing and still being used for study. I hope you understand the original HeLa cells have long since divided and redivided and so on and so on and so on. The original cells are no more but the cell line itself is, for all intents and purposes, immortal."
  20. "The clip shows Ruby standing with a friend, who some careful viewers believe is George Senator, Ruby’s then-roommate. Bosse believes Senator is holding a Minox “spy” camera, a very small and expensive new product that was being advertised at the time in the Dallas Morning News and sold in a number of local stores." " a small and expensive new product". Hardly what a "bum" like Oswald would buy.
  21. Quote by PT. " Twenty-seven inches -- that's the maximum they'd allow." Maximum who would allow, Paul?
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