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Steve Thomas

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Everything posted by Steve Thomas

  1. John, Leavelle wasn't with any woman on Sunday - if you believe his after-action report on what he did on Sunday. See pp. 508-509. https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=1137#relPageId=528&tab=page Unless he met with her and didn't report it - say during the time Oswald was being interrogated by Sorrells and Homes, et.al. Steve Thomas
  2. I myself like woo-woo. Count me in as a member of the B.A.R. movement. https://www.audubon.org/news/are-birds-actually-government-issued-drones-so-says-new-conspiracy-theory-making “The CIA assassinated John F. Kennedy after he refused to kill and replace billions of birds with drones.” https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/9n4tvy/birds_arent_real/ https://www.instagram.com/p/BphiB_NlBFI/ birdsarentrealhouston https://www.instagram.com/birdsarentrealhouston/?utm_source=ig_embed Steve Thomas
  3. Denis, If that is Leavelle sitting with her (and I think it is), and they are going over her affidavit, he took her affidavit on Saturday, November 23rd See CD 81 p. 548 https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=10483#relPageId=548&tab=page That's interesting. Those two pages (pp 218 and 219 of the Police Case book are missing from the chronological order of the DPD Archives in Box 5, Folder# 5, Item#'s 30-32. They could be somewhere else in the Archives, but they're missing from that chronological order in Box 5) http://jfk.ci.dallas.tx.us/box5.htm Her affidavit is in Box 5, Folder# 2, Item# 51 Patsy Collins, the Notary Public, dates it as November 23rd. Steve Thomas
  4. Enclosed for each recipient is one copy of a self-explanatory Army communication dated 12.30.63 captioned Harvey Oswald. Enclosed Army communication alleges that Oswald was in Cuba in the company of Robert Taber, former head of Fair Play for Cuba Committee (FPCC), approximately three weeks after the April 1961, Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba. Jim, This document apparently references that Army Communication: FBI 62-109060 JFK HQ File, Section 43 https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=62297&search=luaces#relPageId=89&tab=pageprior to the assassination. The previous page (page 88) says that Taber called the FBI's New York office and told them that he had never heard the name Oswald prior to the assassination. PS: Oswald carrying a briefcase seems a little unbelievable to me. But that's just me. PPS: It's funny. Joe Backes was just asking about Stuart Reed - who was in Personnel in the Canal Zone - just the other day.http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/topic/25994-military-intelligence-photographer/ Steve Thomas
  5. Jim, My reference to the "Stringfellow" cable was that Stringfellow allegedly said that Oswald had "defected" to Cuba in 1959, not just visited there as Hoover maintains in the memo you cited. We know that it was Russia he "defected" to, not Cuba. What's that business in Hoover's memo about Oswald shooting at two cops a block or two away from the TSBD, killing one? It wasn't just Stringfellow who was "slinging a lot of questionable info around that day." Steve Thomas
  6. Michael, I had written, "(CE 709 https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=1134#relPageId=521&tab=page is also infamous because it shows the address of LHO as being 605 Elsbeth St. at a time – 3:00 PM on the afternoon of 11/22 - when the DPD was only supposed to have known about 2515 W. 5th St. in Irving based on his TSBD employment records, and N.Beckley because “some officer” told Fritz about it out in the hall. Hosty knew about LHO’s Elsbeth St. address, but he hadn’t made it up to Fritz’s office yet. By 2:40 PM, Detectives had been dispatched to both Irving and N. Beckley, so how did Revill know about Elsbeth?) And you posted the above, from Hosty. I had forgotten about Bookhout. Hosty had known about the Elsbeth St. address as far back as March of 1963. If Bookhout called Hosty shortly after 2:00 PM, Hosty could easily have told him about Elsbeth, and Bookhout could have told Revill. (Although, at that point, I'm not sure why Hosty would not have told him about Neely, and LHO;s move to New Orleans, etc.) Why would Revill still have used Elsbeth as Oswald's address? My guess is that he was using George Bouhe as his source of information. Bouhe still had Elsbeth as Oswald's last known address of record. Steve Thomas
  7. This is the best campaign ad you'll see all year. https://digg.com/video/valerie-plame-is-running-for-congress-and-her-announcement-video-is-quite-something Steve Thomas
  8. Michael, This what Jack Revill said to the WC on May 13, 1964: http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/russ/testimony/revill2.htm Representative FORD. Your first contact with Mr. Hosty was in the basement there? Mr. REVILL. Yes, sir. Representative FORD. What did he say there? Mr. REVILL. He come running up to me, and he said, "Jack, a Communist killed President Kennedy." I said, "What? What are you talking about?'' He said, "Lee Harvey Oswald killed President Kennedy," and at that I said, "Who is Lee Harvey Oswald?" And then he told me about him having him in their security files, and then that, "We had information that he was capable of this." By "we" I assumed he meant the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Mr. RANKIN. And the particular words about Oswald being capable of being an assassin those were told you by Agent Hosty in the elevator? Mr. REVILL. No, sir; either just outside the elevator and as we got on. He never mentioned this again because I guess I lost my temper at him for withholding this type of information. Mr. RANKIN. I see. Did you do anything about losing your temper, did you say anything? Mr. REVILL. No; Jim Hosty and I are friends, and this has hurt me that I have involved Hosty into this thing, because he is a good agent, he is one of the agents there that we can work with; that has been most cooperative in the past, and I worked with him just like he is one of us. Mr. RANKIN. Now, did you say anything to him about it? Mr. REVILL Yes, sir. Mr. RANKIN. What? Mr. REVILL. I asked him why he had not told us this, and the best, my recollection is that he said he couldn't. Now, what he meant by that I don't know. Because in the past our relations had been such that this type of information, it surprised me they had not, if they had such information he had not brought it or hadn't made it available to us. Mr. RANKIN. Now, will you tell us how you happened to make this report, Exhibit 709? (CE 709 https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=1134#relPageId=521&tab=page is also infamous because it shows the address of LHO as being 605 Elsbeth St. at a time – 3:00 PM on the afternoon of 11/22 - when the DPD was only supposed to have known about 2515 W. 5th St. in Irving based on his TSBD employment records, and N.Beckley because “some officer” told Fritz about it out in the hall. Hosty knew about LHO’s Elsbeth St. address, but he hadn’t made it up to Fritz’s office yet. By 2:40 PM, Detectives had been dispatched to both Irving and N. Beckley, so how did Revill know about Elsbeth?) Mr. REVILL. Why I made the report? Mr. RANKIN. How did it happen that you made it? Mr. REVILL After Mr. Hosty had related these circumstances to me, and after taking him to the third floor, I reported this incident to my captain, Captain Gannaway. Mr. RANKIN. When was this? Mr. REVILL Within minutes after I left Mr. Hosty at the homicide and robbery bureau. Mr. RANKIN. What did you say to him? Mr. REVILL. I told him what had happened, what had transpired. Mr. RANKIN. Just describe what you said to him. Mr. REVILL. About meeting Mr. Hosty in the basement? Mr. RANKIN. Just tell us what you said. Mr. REVILL. About Mr. Hosty, following Mr. Hosty in the basement, that he came up to me, and stated that a Communist had killed the President, and that a Lee Harvey Oswald, they had him in their security files, and that they knew he was in Dallas, and that he was capable, that they had information he was capable of this. To this---- Mr. RANKIN. Did he say anything to you about it? Mr. REVILL. Yes, sir; he did. He told me to put this on paper. Mr. RANKIN. That is all he said? Mr. REVILL. Yes, sir; and to which I told him that I hated to do that because of Mr. Hosty, that he might have been stating a personal opinion. He said, "You put it on paper and give it to me and I will take it to Chief Curry," and this I did. Within 30 minutes to an hour after the thing happened. This is what Revill told the HSCA in 1978: http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/russ/jfkinfo2/jfk4/hscarevl.htm Mr. DODD. I would like to pursue just one other line of questioning, if I could. You testified before the Warren Commission, is that correct? Mr. REVILL. Yes, sir. Mr. DODD. And you stated there that .you .knew James Hosty? Mr. REVILL. I knew him well. Mr. DODD. Could you tell this committee, without going through an elaborate questioning process, in your own words, tell us of your encounter with James Hosty on November 22, 1963, where it occurred, and what James Hosty told you when you ran into him, approximately the time you ran into him? Mr. REVILL. Of course, this will be based on memory. Basically, what occurred on that date, after searching the School Book Depository, finding the weapon and other evidence, I departed the Depository and returned to the Police and Courts Building accompanied by three detectives who worked in the intelligence unit. As I entered the ramp off of Main Street into the Police and Courts Building--- Mr. DODD. This is the same ramp? Mr. REVILL. The same ramp. I was followed, or either I followed James Hosty, a member of the FBI. We both parked our cars---- Mr. DODD. You weren't following him specifically, he just happened to be coming into the building? Mr. REVILL. He just happened to be coming into the building. We both parked our cars. He approached me, and again from memory, he commented to the effect that Lee Harvey Oswald, a Communist, had killed President Kennedy. Mr. DODD. What time of day was this? If I told you that in your testimony in 1964 you had said it was approximately 2:30 in the afternoon, would you argue? Mr. REVILL. I wouldn't argue. It was at a time after Oswald had been taken into custody at the Texas Theater but before his arrival at the Police and Courts Building. Mr. DODD. Were you aware of the fact that Lee Harvey Oswald had been arrested? Mr. REVILL. No, sir, not at that time. Mr. DODD. Were you aware that Mr. Hosty knew that Lee Harvey Oswald had been arrested at that time? Mr. REVILL. No, I assumed he did based on his statements to me. Mr. DODD. You said, and I will quote, you said in 1964, I will quote your response to Mr. Rankin, just so you can refresh your memory and you can correct it if you would like, this is your testimony: "And. Mr. Hosty ran over to me and he says, Jack, as I recall these words, a Communist killed President Kennedy. "I said, What? "He said, Lee Oswald killed President Kennedy. "I said, Who is Lee Oswald? "He said, He is in our Communist file. We knew he was here in Dallas. "At that time Hosty and I started walking off, and Detective Bryan as well as I recall, sort of stayed back and so forth." Then he also states to you that at that time, according to your testimony in 1964, that they knew, that he knew, Jim Hosty knew, that Lee Oswald was capable of killing the President. You became upset at that? Mr. REVILL. Yes, sir. Mr. DODD. Is that a fair--- Mr. REVILL. That is a fair"- Mr. DODD. You said you wrote up a report? Mr. REVILL. Yes, sir. Mr. DODD. Pertaining to the Hosty conversation? Mr. REVILL. Yes, sir. Mr. DODD. You signed it that afternoon according to your testimony in 1964 and you state then, you said, "yes sir, at the time I was hoping it would never come up." Mr. REVILL. This is true. Mr. DODD. Would you tell this committee why you hoped it would never come up? Mr. REVILL. Because Jim Hosty was a friend of mine and I knew that Hoover would crucify him. Mr. DODD. Crucify him for what? Mr. REVILL For making that statement. Whether or not it was true or not, Hosty made the statement to me and I relayed the information to my captain at the time, Pat Ganaway, shortly after our conversation, and he instructed me to reduce it to writing. At that time I told him if I do, Jim Hosty will be crucified or penalized by the Bureau, and to that he said, "I don't care, you put it on paper." I put it on paper. Steve Thomas
  9. Michael, If you go this web site and scroll all the way to the bottom, you can read this memo. It's the third document listed: http://www.prayer-man.com/fbi-ss/james-hosty/#lightbox[group]/8/ That memo caused no end of problems between the FBI and the Dallas Police Department for years to come. Steve Thomas
  10. Keyvan, A good place to start is: https://cuban-exile.com/ Look at their Index link. Their Alpha-66 page is: https://cuban-exile.com/menu2/2a66.html Steve Thomas
  11. Reading through Mary Ferrell’s Chronologies for the month of October, beginning from around October 8 – October 14th. she asks “where does Oswald spend the night?” https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=40390#relPageId=77&tab=page pp. 77-80. Steve Thomas
  12. Jim, I wouldn't hold too firm on this address of 1404. In her Chronologies for October, 1962 (on page 78) Mary Ferrell locates the Coz-I-Eight apartments at 1306.N.Beckley. https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=40390#relPageId=78&tab=page Is it possible that Oswald (or someone posing as Oswald) who applied for PO Box 6225 on November 1, 1963 remembered the apartment complex, but transposed the numbers? He listed his home address as 3610 N. Beckley. (This wouldn't be the first time Oswald was known to have transposed numbers). https://texashistory.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metapth337065/m1/1/ In his WC testimony, Gary Taylor himself said, Gary Taylor's WC testimony at 2:00 PM March 25, 1964 http://jfkassassination.net/russ/testimony/taylor1.htm " gave that information to Agent Yelchek of the FBI. I don't know what he---- Mr. JENNER. What location was that? Mr. TAYLOR. I gave him the exact street address---but it seems to me like it was---well, the name of the apartment building was the Coz-I-Eight [spelling] C-o-z---I---E-i-g-h-t--apartments, and I thing (sic) they were located at 1404 North Beckley. But the address I could be off on; but the name I do remember." Steve Thomas
  13. Karl, Thank you for this. Could you please provide the exact bibliographic citation where this can be found? Is it online anywhere? Even though the letter does not use the name "Harvey Lee", I am going to add this to my running compilation of "Harvey Lee Oswald" references. (I have 30 of them so far). I don't think the name Harvey Oswald is a fluke. I was also intrigued/excited about the designation of "Citizen Harvey"and the date of the letter, May 3, 1961. On page 433 of CE Exhibit (CE 985), it says that “Citizen” Harvey Lee Oswald was hired as a regulator at the Minsk Radio Plant on January 13, 1960. https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=1135#relPageId=447&tab=page Steve Thomas
  14. Denis, Yes. People like Aquila Clemens. People who might be willing to talk more freely. Steve Thomas
  15. Denis, I was reading the WC testimony and the FBI interview of City Manager, Elgin Crull and that's what got me started on the Oak Cliff Tribune and others. (He didn't like the publisher of the Tribune very much). http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/russ/testimony/crull.htm https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=1136#relPageId=412&tab=page and another https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dallas_Express "The Dallas Express was a weekly newspaper published in Dallas, Texas (USA) from 1892 to 1970. It covered news of blacks in Dallas and a large portion of Texas. It called itself "The South's Oldest and Largest Negro Newspaper." W.E. King, founding publisher of the Dallas Express The Express publicized lynchings and incidents of violence against blacks that were not always reported in the white press..." Steve Thomas
  16. Jim, It's kind of interesting. Lots of people say that Westbrook was in charge at the Theater, but that's not what Westbrook himself said. " Mr. BALL. Were you the senior officer there? Mr. WESTBROOK. Possibly--I don't think there was another captain there. There was a lieutenant and then I ordered all of them to be sure and take the names of everyone in the theatre at that time." We know that Captain, C.E. Talbert was on the scene out back, and I noticed that it is Talbert who is listed on this Homicide Report. Historically, I wish more attention had been paid to what was going on "behind the scenes". Steve Thomas
  17. Jim, This goes back so many years I almost hate to mention it, but I have a vague memory of somebody in the Dallas Police Department who testified about taking down the names of people in the parking lot and either in his after-action report, or in his testimony, reported turning those names over to Sergeant Howard. E.B. Howard was a Sergeant in the Traffic Division/Traffic Control. https://www.history-matters.com/archive/jfk/wc/wcvols/wh19/pdf/WH19_Batchelor_Ex_5002.pdf page 15 of the pdf file. At 12:37 PM Howard radioed in and asked Captain Perdue Lawrence if he wanted him (Howard) to stay up on Industrial or go somewhere else. During his WC testimony, William Barnett said that "his" Sergeant, who was at the back of the TSBD told him run up to the front and get the name of the building. When asked who "his" Sergeant was, Barnett said Sergeant Howard even though Howard normally worked the Second Platoon shift, and Barnett worked the Third Platoon shift. Steve Thomas
  18. Defunct newspapers of the Dallas–Fort Worth metroplex https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Defunct_newspapers_of_the_Dallas%E2%80%93Fort_Worth_metroplex I have often thought that there might be a rich source of information in the pages of Dallas newspapers that went out of business. In particular, stories that might have appeared in African American newspapers. I remember seeing a photograph - I think it might have been one of Croft's photos, of the people lining the Elm St. extension, and thinking, ""I wonder what stories those people had to tell that never made it into the "main street media"". Look at the entry for the Dallas Express to see what I mean. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dallas_Express The following 8 pages are in this category, out of 8 total. This list may not reflect recent changes (learn more). A A.M. Journal Express D Dallas Dispatch Dallas Express Dallas Herald Dallas Times Dallas Times Herald O The Oak Cliff Tribune T Today Newspapers Back in the 1990's, or early 2000's, there was a national effort to get small local newspapers microfilmed and stored in State Library archives before the print versions crumbled into dust. I've thought that combing these small papers would be a good project for some grad student writing a paper on the assassination, or some one writing a book or something. It would be an undertaking though. Being on microfilm, and not digitized, the papers would probably be too small to be indexed, or keyword searchable. Steve Thomas
  19. Paul, In working my way through this, I think I did learn something new. In an article in the Abilene Reporter News, November 17, 1965 https://newspaperarchive.com/abilene-reporter-news-nov-17-1965-p-61/ it reads: “Accompanying Colonel Offer to Abilene were Colonel John F. Marshall, East Texas Sector Commander for VIII Corps and Lt. Col. Al Hagler, both of Dallas.” “Col. Offer and Col Marshall are Regular Army Officers, while Col. Hagler is a Reservist.” Reading that article, it appears that Col. Marshall would have been Whitmeyer’s boss. Dallas Morning News 11-16-1965 Lt. Col. George L. Whitmeyer, deputy East Texas sector commander (both newspaper articles are from the same week in November, 1965. One refers to Marshall as the Commander, and the other refers to Whitmeyer as the Deputy Commander of the VIII Corps East Texas Sector). It appears from this VIII Corps Lineage that the VIII Corps was Regular Army, and not part of the Reserves: Steve Thomas
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