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Steve Thomas

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Everything posted by Steve Thomas

  1. Bill, Mr. DULLES. I think that would be useful. I would like to know that. I would like to know where they got this address also. Mr. REVILL. It would have been the same day because this was made within an hour---- The CHAIRMAN. I think that is all. Thank you, again, lieutenant. Mr. REVILL. I will attempt to find out on that address, and I shall let Mr. Sorrels know, with Secret Service. It's Dulles, not Rankin who keeps pushing Revill where he got this address. Is Dulles concerned that Revill knew about a connection of a Harvey Lee Oswald to Elsbeth St, and how Revill would know about that? Just about the time when Revill would have revealed when he obtained this address, he is cut off. Warren Commission Document# 948 is a memo from Sorrels to Inspector Kelley dated May 19, 1964. https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=11344#relPageId=2&tab=page In that memo, Sorrels says that Revill contacted Sorrels (it does not say how this contact was made), and said that Revill told him he got the 605 Elsbeth address orally from Bob Carroll. As the driver of the car that took Oswald from the Theater to the police station, Carroll allegedly looked back over his shoulder and read the address off a Dallas Public Library card that had been removed from Oswald's billfold by one of the officers in the back seat. Carroll allegedly said that he misread the number as 605 instead of 602. This is six days after Revilll's WC testimony, and one month after Bob Carroll told the WC that no mention of an address had been made in the car transporting Oswald to City Hall. Detective Bob Carroll's testimony before the Warren Commission April 3, 1964 http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/russ/testimony/carroll.htm Mr. BELIN. Did he give two names? Or did someone in the car read from the identification? Mr. CARROLL. Someone in the car may have read from the identification. I know two names, the best I recall, were mentioned. Mr. BELIN. Were any addresses mentioned? Mr. CARROLL. Not that I recall; no, sir. In their after-action reports filed with Chief Curry on December 3rd, neither Caroll (DPD Archives Box 5, Folder# 2, Item# 73), nor Detective E.E. Taylor, Special Services Bureau, Narcotics Section (DPD Archives Box 5, Folder# 2, Item# 81) make any mention of giving Revill Oswald’s address. http://jfk.ci.dallas.tx.us/box5.htm K.E. Lyon, who was also in the car transporting Oswald to City Hall in his report: Box 5, Folder# 2, Item# 78 makes no mention of obtaining Oswald's address A copy of the Library Card can be found in CD 5, page 492. https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=10406#relPageId=497&tab=page The Library Card that does exist in the official records as shown above is in the name of Lee Harvey Oswald, but when the police arrived at Beckley, they were looking for someone named Harvey Lee Oswald. The housekeeper, Earlene Roberts testified to the Warren Commission, that, Mrs. ROBERTS. Well, it was Will Fritz' men---it was plainclothesmen and I was at the back doing something and Mr. Johnson answered the door and they identified themselves and then he called me. Mr. BALL. What did they say? Mrs. ROBERTS. Well, they asked him if there was a Harvey Lee Oswald there. Mr. BALL. And you didn't have that name you didn't ever know his name was Lee Oswald? Mrs. ROBERTS. No---he registered as O. H. Lee and they were asking for Harvey Lee Oswald. The police had been dispatched to N. Beckley at 2:40 PM. Steve Thomas
  2. Anthony, Back in 2008, when the Dallas Morning News made these available online, I went through them pretty extensively. You can find my analyses (pl of analysis?) here: New Dallas Documents Online In the end, when the News was trying to decide what to do with these documents, I urged the News to donate them to the Mary Ferrell Foundation where they could be scanned and made keyword searchable. Instead, it's my understanding that they were given to the Sixth Floor Museum where they remain locked up. (Gary Mack and I went round and round about this. He assured me they would be accessible). Steve Thomas
  3. John, I respect the work you do, and not having been in the military, I would defer to your knowledge about how some things work, but in researching U.S. Marines 1950's - Images, I ran across several pictures of Marines with their boots "bloused" - like this one: https://macaudailytimes.com.mo/this-day-in-history-1950-pyongyang-taken-as-un-retreats.html It looks like sometimes they did, and sometimes they didn't. Steve Thomas
  4. I wondered a little bit about the "dragging guns up the mountainside" reference by Oswald in his conversation with Priscilla Johnson. I asked myself why Americans would be doing the manual labor. These references might explain it a little bi, and lend some credence to what Oswald was saying: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taiwan "During the Second Taiwan Strait Crisis in September 1958, Taiwan's landscape saw Nike-Hercules missile batteries added, with the formation of the 1st Missile Battalion Chinese Army that would not be deactivated until 1997." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Second_Taiwan_Strait_Crisis "Twelve long-range 203 mm (8.0 in) M115 howitzer artillery pieces and numerous[quantify] 155 mm howitzers were transferred from the U.S. Marine Corps to the Army of the Nationalist China. These were sent west to Kinmen Island to gain superiority in the artillery duel back and forth over the straits there." Steve Thomas
  5. Ernie, Thank you for clarifying this. I have been staggered in the past by the amount of work you put into compiling these records. What a monumental undertaking! Steve Thomas
  6. Michael, The first part of Ernie's external weblink reference (http://www.buildingdemocracy.us/), yields this: buildingdemocracy.us is almost here! Upload your website to get started. The next step in the reference brings the first 404 return: http://www.buildingdemocracy.us/archive/ On Ernie's own site: https://networks.h-net.org/system/files/contributed-files/lazar-finding-aid-new-01-26-15.pdf there is this reference: My FBI file collection was originally mailed in June 2013 to various universities (such as University of California—Berkeley) on a set of four dual-layer DVD’s and also uploaded onto the following websites: Internet Archive: https://archive.org/details/lazarfoia?and[]=mediatype%3A%22collection%22and Building Democracy: http://www.buildingdemocracy.us/archive/dox/lazar/index.htm The Building Democracy weblink returns a 404 error. Steve Thomas
  7. Will someone who is planning to attend this conference please ask Judge Birmingham why these records have not been digitized and made keyword searchable on the Internet? Steve Thomas
  8. http://www.russianbooks.org/oswald/moscow2.htm I also read what I thought was a pretty good synopsis of Oswald's time in the Far East by a man named Kevin Coogan in the Lobster Magazine: Tokyo legend? Lee Harvey Oswald and Japan by Kevin Coogan https://www.lobster-magazine.co.uk/free/lobster70/lob70-oswald-and-japan.pdf Oswald's time in Taiwan seems to hinge on whether he actually went there, or stayed behind in a rear echelon unit. (see pp 27 plus of the pdf document cited above). Steve Thomas
  9. Joe, One of the most informative things I've read in a while is CD 852 https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=11249 DOD Bartimo Letter of 24 Apr 1964 with Attachments Starting on about the third page or so of this document is a copy of Army Regulation 195-10 which spells out how the Army was supposed to liaison with other agencies. It talks about the Army, Navy, Air Force and FBI, but interestingly enough, leaves out the Secret Service. Basically Army Regulation 195-10 is a How to Manual for conducting investigations of armed forces personnel: Who's got responsibility, who's got control, how the information flows, etc. Look at Paragraph (9)(c)(1)(a) on the bottom of Page 5 of this CD. It says how Army Commanders are supposed to establish policies to establish "effective liaison" with other agencies and specifically mentions the ATTU. The idea was not to step on each other's toes, and establish contact with an individual that some other agency was working, e.g. informants. I think in CIA jargon, it was called the “third party” rule. As I sit here, I don't know if the FBI or the ATTU has such a Regulation they were supposed to be operating under. Steve Thomas
  10. To Jim H, Rather than trying to quote an earlier post of yours, here's a little something I noticed: http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/russ/testimony/bledsoe.htm Mrs. BLEDSOE - “I said, "Well, what kind of work do you do? "Oh, I do electronics," he said, and I said, "Well, there is some good jobs because you are young, and you can get a good job a young man like you." And then went on. Then something about him being in the Marines, and I said, "Well, that is wonderful. My son was in the Navy." Mr. JENNER - When your son was in the Navy, did he have a duffelbag? Mrs. BLEDSOE - No. Now, it was so long ago--it was--I don't know whether he did. I don't think he did. He didn't. He was an instructor at TI. Mr. JENNER - Was he stationed here in Dallas? Mrs. BLEDSOE - No, TI. Treasure Island. I wondered about Oswald going from the YMCA in downtown Dallas to showing up on foot in OaK Cliff at Marsalis. I wonder if that was by accident. I also looked up the USS Skagit. It's Captain (I forget his name right now ) transferred to a new ship in Hong Kong on October 15, 1958. (Apropos of nothing I suppose). Steve Thomas
  11. Jim, Congratulations Jim! Two questions: 1) Did you enjoy working with Stone?; and, 2) Was he faithful to your work? I hope the answer is yes to both. Steve Thomas
  12. Here's a copy of his death certificate. He died at 11:00 in the morning. He was 70 years old: Steve Thomas
  13. Jean-Rene Souetre was not Corsican, and he died on June 15, 2001. Steve Thomas
  14. Jim, My problem with Julia Postal is that she let Oswald waltz right in where they kept the money, and didn't do anything to stop him. Mr. BALL. When you say worked in the box office, is that take tickets? Mrs. POSTAL. Sell tickets. Mrs. POSTAL. I was listening to KLIF, and I was down in the little box office, Mrs. POSTAL. This man, yes; he ducked into the box office and----I don't know if you are familiar with the theatre. Mr. BALL. Yes; I have seen the theatre. Mrs. POSTAL. You have? Well, he was coming from east going west. In other words, he ducked right in. *smile* Steve Thomas
  15. David, Though there was supposed to be regular liaison and close cooperation between agencies, sometimes (a lot of times I suspect), that military intelligence, the FBI, the CIA, and the State Department did not play well with others. I can't remember which memo it is exactly right now, but there's a memo with a handwritten note from Hoover at the bottom, grudgingly allowing the FBI to cooperate with the CIA in something and Hoover saying, "OK, but don't forget their double dealing in that Mexico City thing." (or something along those lines). ( I think Hoover mentioned something else in that note - something about French intelligence maybe?) And, I know from reading various military intelligence files from the Bay of Pigs era, that MI considered the CIA to be a bunch of cowboys. I think it's quite possible that different agencies were using different Oswald personas for different reasons, and not telling each other. Steve Thomas
  16. David, Maybe this belongs in another thread, but it's kind of weird. I got to thinking about Hoover's memo about the possibility of an imposter in Russia. You can see a copy of his memo here: http://harveyandlee.net/Comrade/Comrade_boy.htm Hoover's memo to the Office of Security at the Department of State is dated June 3, 1960 and reads in part, "His last known residence as indicated in your dispatch was the Letropole (sic) Hotel, Moscow, where he was residing in a nontourist status." That's weird, because Oswald had moved to Minsk as far back as January, 1960. What dispatch is Hoover referring to? How old was it? Who was running six months behind? The State Department or Hoover? Steve Thomas
  17. Robert, I always thought these balcony calls were a double cross. The anonymous caller or callers didn't "know" the suspect was in the balcony. They only knew that's where the suspect was "supposed to be", and somebody was being sold down the river. Steve Thomas
  18. Was there a Secret Service Agent in the motorcade’s pilot car? When Mr. McCloy asked White House Detail Advance man, Winston Lawson if there was a Secret Service agent in the pilot car, Lawson firmly said, “No sir; there was not.” He told McCloy that the first SS agent was in the lead car.6. Two of the Dallas Police Detectives who rode in that car however, either reported or testified that there was a secret service agent in the car. In his undated after-action report filed with Police Chief Jesse Curry, Detective B.L. Senkel, who rode in the car, wrote, “Deputy Chief Lumpkin told us there would be a Secret Service Agent riding with us from Love Field. We left Love Field ahead of the motorcade. Deputy Chief Lumpkin driving, Detective Turner in front right seat. I was sitting in the left rear seat, the army officer in the center, and the Secret Service agent in right rear seat.”7. In his undated after-action report, his fellow Detective F. M. Turner would write, “A Secret Service man met us at Love Field. He rode in Chief Lumpkin’s car with us out in front of the motorcade.”8. On April 3, 1964, F.M. Turner was called to testify before the Warren Commission. He was asked about the occupants of the pilot car, and responded that in addition to his partner, Detective B.L. Senkel, and an Army major whose name I do not remember, there was also was, “…also a Secret Service man, whose name I do not remember.”9. Neither Deputy Chief Lumpkin, nor Lt. Colonel George Whitmeyer was called by the Commission to testify. In the Dallas Police Archives, there is an undated and unsigned report listing the positions assigned to the Homicide and Robbery Bureau officers for the security of the President. For B.L. Senkel and F.M. Turner, the report says that they were in a “Reconnaissance car with Chief G.L. Lumpkin of the City Police Department, Major Weiddemeyer of the U.S. Army, and Secret Service.”10. Also in the Archives, there is a rough draft of an unsigned and undated report listing the activities of the five men from Homicide and Robbery assigned to the President’s security (Fritz, Senkel, Turner, Boyd, and Sims). On the first page of that report is this paragraph, “At 9:50 AM Dets B.L. Senkel and F.M. Turner met Dept Chief George Lumpkin and Maj Weiddemeyer in the basement of the city hall and all proceeded to Love Field with Cheif Lumpkin driving, and arrived there at approx 10:30 AM. At approx 10:50 AM, they along with a Secret Service Agent left Love Field and proceded the presidential party by approx ½ mile and was in constant radio contact with Chief Curry.”11. (spelling and grammatical errors left intact). In an undated after-action report submitted by Lt. T.L. Baker concerning his duties between November 22nd and the 24th, Baker wrote, “Dets. Senkel and Turner arrived at Love Field at 11:40 AM with Chief Lumpkin, and Major Weiddemeyer, U.S. Army. After the President’s party’s plane had landed, they drove to the gate of Love Field at Cedar Springs and Mockingbird Lane. A Secret Service man had joined them at Love Field, and there were five people in their car.”12 On November 30, 1963 Assistant Chief of Police Charles Batchelor and Deputy Chiefs George Lumpkin and M.W. Stevenson submitted a combined after-action report to Chief Curry. In his chapter of the report, Lumpkin wrote, “Upon arriving at Love Field, G.L. Lumpkin, B.L. Senkel, F.M. Turner, and George Whitmeyer, “…contacted Mr. Forrest Sorrels and Mr. Lawson and were introduced to Mr. Jack Puterbaugh, a member of the White House Staff, whom Mr. Lawson had requested to ride in the pilot car.13. On April 22, 1964 Police Chief, Jesse Curry told the Warren Commission, “I had Deputy Chief Lumpkin, and he had two Secret Service men with him, I believe, out of Washington, and a Colonel Wiedemeyer who is the East Texas Section Commander of the Army Reserve in the area, he was with him. They were out about, they were supposed to stay about a quarter of a mile ahead of us and I was in the lead car.”14. Given the fact that Winston Lawson told the Warren Commission that Jack Puterbaugh had flown into Dallas with him ten days previously on November 12th, and even after being “introduced” to Mr. Puterbaugh, why Detective Turner and Chief of Police Curry would testify to a blue ribbon commission almost five months later that it was a “secret service man” riding in the car remains a mystery. Why did Deputy Police Chief, (and Commandant of the 4150th USAR Training School in Dallas) tell Detective Senkel that Puterbaugh was a Secret Service Agent? 6. Testimony of Winston Lawson. Warren Commission Hearings and Exhibits, volume IV, p. 328, as cited in the History Matters Archive, http://www.history-matters.com/archive/jfk..._Vol4_0168b.htm 7. Statement of B.L. Senkel, Detective re: President’s Assassination. Dallas Police Archives Box 3 Folder# 12, Item#1: as cited in the City of Dallas Archives – JFK Collection, http://jfk.ci.dallas.tx.us/box3.htm 8. Report on Officer’s Duties in Regards to the President’s Murder. F. M. Turner - #809. Dallas Police Archives Box 3 Folder# 13, Item#1: as cited in the City of Dallas Archives – JFK Collection, http://jfk.ci.dallas.tx.us/box3.htm 9. Testimony of F. M. Turner. Warren Commission Hearings and Exhibits, volume VII, p. 218, as cited in the History Matters Archive, http://www.history-matters.com/archive/jfk..._Vol7_0113b.htm 10. Report-typed, by an unknown author. Lists positions assigned Homicide and Robbery Bureau officers for the security of the President, Dallas Police Archives Box 15, Folder # 2, Item# 58 date unknown: as cited in the City of Dallas Archives – JFK Collection, http://jfk.ci.dallas.tx.us/box15.htm 11. Note - typed, by an unknown author. Rough draft of a report of the events of November 22, 1963, (Photocopy), date unknown. Dallas Police Archives Box 7, Folder# 5, Item# 23, page 1 as cited in City of Dallas Archives – JFK Collection, http://jfk.ci.dallas.tx.us/box7.htm 12. Report On Officer's Duties, by T. L. Baker. Photocopy of report by T. L. Baker regarding various aspects of his duties from November 22 through 24, 1963. Dallas Police Archives Box 5, Folder# 5, Item# 4, page 1 as cited in the City of Dallas Archives – JFK Collection, http://jfk.ci.dallas.tx.us/box5.htm 13. Report to Chief J. E. Curry, by Charles Batchelor. Report by Assistant Chief and Deputy Chiefs summarizing the events between the assassination of Kennedy and the murder of Lee Harvey Oswald, (Photocopy), 11/30/63: Dallas Police Archives, Box 14, Folder# 4, Item# 10 as cited in the City of Dallas Archives – JFK Collection, http://jfk.ci.dallas.tx.us/box14.htm 14. Testimony of Jesse Curry. Warren Commission Hearings and Exhibits, volume IV, p. 170, as cited in the History Matters Archive, http://history-matters.com/archive/jfk/wc/..._Vol4_0089b.htm Steve Thomas
  19. Sandy, I have the same problem. I can relate. Steve Thomas
  20. http://www.fundinguniverse.com/company-histories/the-ltv-corporation-history/ Company History: The LTV Corporation is the third largest steel producer in the United States. In 1947 Jimmy Ling invested $2,000 in order to establish an electrical construction and engineering firm in Dallas. In 1956, after several successful years in business, the Ling Electric Company merged with L.M. Electronics of California and the name of the company was changed to Ling Electronics. A subsequent merger with Altec Electronics in 1959 changed the name of the company to Ling-Altec. A year later Ling-Altec merged with the Temco Electronics and Missile Company of Dallas. The new company, Ling-Temco, became one of the first major defense companies to be founded after World War II. In 1961 Ling-Temco merged with the Chance Vought Aircraft Company. Vought was founded in 1917 and became part of the Boeing United Aircraft conglomerate in 1929. After that organization was forced to break up in 1934, Vought became a division of United Aircraft (later United Technologies). A conflict of interest in manufacturing led to United Aircraft's sale of Vought in 1954. Seven years later Ling initiated a difficult takeover of Vought which resulted in his temporary (but voluntary) loss of control over the company and all but 11 shares of company stock. Upon completion of the takeover on August 16, the company's name was again changed to Ling-Temco-Vought. Steve Thomas
  21. From Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ling-Temco-Vought Ling Electric Company In 1947, entrepreneur James Ling founded Dallas electrical contracting business, Ling Electric Company. He lived in the rear of the shop. After incorporating and taking the company public in 1955, Ling found innovative ways to market the stock, including selling door-to-door and from a booth at the State Fair of Texas.[1] Ling-Temco-Vought In 1956 Ling bought L.M. Electronics, and in 1959 added Altec Electronics, a maker of stereo systems and speakers. In 1960 Ling merged the company with Temco Aircraft, best known for its missile work. In 1961, using additional funding from insurance businessman Troy Post and Texas oil baron David Harold Byrd they acquired Chance Vought aerospace in a hostile takeover.[1] The new company became Ling-Temco-Vought. (LTV). Steve Thomas
  22. Jim, Some other interesting things: http://www.startribune.com/obituary-jack-puterbaugh-dfl-stalwart-and-advance-man-for-jfk-s-final-trip/297901471/ “In 1961, Jack Puterbaugh joined Freeman in Washington. The former Minnesota governor had been appointed secretary of agriculture by the new president. In October 1963, Puterbaugh advanced Kennedy’s trip to Duluth, where the president was the main speaker at a conference sponsored by the USDA. (U.S. Department of Agriculture) The next month, he was sent to Texas to help find the best place for the Nov. 22 luncheon — the Trade Mart or a building on the State Fairgrounds. Along with a Secret Service agent, Puterbaugh drove both routes from Love Field, where Air Force One was going to land.... “A History of the Texas State Guard” by Colonel Curren R. McLane “Members of the Special Staff of the Texas State Guard Reserve Corps were: Judge Advocate Section: Col. Charles O. Betts, Austin.” Sunday, June 04, 1950 - Page 19 Judge Charles O. Betts, former 10th District commander, told the group of the State Guard’s service during the war years, and of the legislation which continued the Texas State Guard Reserve Corps in permanent status subject to active service at any time the National Guard may be called into federal service.” More on Charles O. Betts: http://www.texastotheworld.com/the-lbj-murder-conference/ “Regardless, the jury found (Mac) Wallace guilty of murder and eleven of the panelists wanted the death penalty while one suggested life in prison. The judge in the case, Charles O. Betts, issued a “jury verdict notwithstanding” and gave Wallace a five year suspended sentence.” http://spartacus-educational.com/JFKjohnsonJ.htm “The jury found (Mac) Wallace guilty of "murder with malice afore-thought". Eleven of the jurors were for the death penalty. The twelfth argued for life imprisonment. Judge Charles O. Betts overruled the jury and announced a sentence of five years imprisonment. He suspended the sentence and Wallace was immediately freed. “ John Simkin in the Education Forum December 2, 2006. http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/topic/8715-david-harold-byrd/ “In 1944 Byrd founded Byrd Oil Corporation and B-H Drilling Corporation. In 1952 Byrd established the Three States Natural Gas Company. Byrd later sold Byrd Oil to Mobil and Three States to Delhi-Taylor. Byrd used this money to invest in aircraft production and established Temco, a company that employed Mac Wallace after he was convicted of killing John Kinser.” John Simkin in the Education Forum December 3, 2006, quoting Richard Bartholomew (http://www.acorn.net/jfkplace/09/fp.back_i...e/rambler3.html) http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/topic/8715-david-harold-byrd/ “Mac Wallace, who received a five-year suspended sentence in the shooting death of John Douglas Kiner in Austin on October 22, 1951, went to work for Temco, Inc. of Garland, Texas five months after his trial. He remained in that position until February 1961, four months before Henry Marshall's mysterious death on June 3, 1961, when he transferred to the Anaheim, California offices of LTV. Still more LTV intrigues were revealed by Peter Dale Scott: "A fellow-director of [Jack Alston] Crichton's firm of Dorchester Gas Producing was D.H. Byrd, an oil associate of Sid Richardson and Clint Murchison, and the LTV director who teamed up with James Ling to buy 132,000 shares of LTV in November 1963.” “Corsicana Daily Sun” from Corsicana, Texas March 31, 1970 Page 10 https://www.newspapers.com/newspage/41268447/ “The building (the Texas School Book Depository) is owned by the Dallas Trust Corp. The majority stockholder of the firm, Col. D. Harold Byrd, 69, has decided to liquidate some of his holdings.” Steve Thomas
  23. Bill, You may be interested in this. https://archive.org/stream/nsia-HochPaulCorrespondence/nsia-HochPaulCorrespondence/Hoch Paul 0952_djvu.txt An article on "Spies in Dallas?" in a Dallas paper in summer 1963 lends support to speculation about active ONI interest, as it does to many ideas about a nexus of DPD, federal, and private intelligence outfits in Oswald's Dallas milieu. Capt. Pat Gannaway of the DPD (and Army Intelligence Reserve) described the work against subversion and espionage of his Special Services Bureau, requiring "the closest cooperation" with other agencies, including the FBI, "military intelligence teams 'from the Army, Navy, and Air Force, and other federal agencies .... Dallas police have been highly successful in recent years in penetrating so-called subversive or radical groups...." Posted Tuesday, February 5, 2013 Posted by Bill Kelly at 6:50 AM http://jfkcountercoup2.blogspot.com/2013/02/spies-in-dallas-police-alert.html Spies in Dallas? Police Alert By JERRY RICHMOND Staff Writer August 5, 1963 “A man would be a fool to say any city in the United States is secure from subversion and espionage.” This statement was made by the man in charge with keeping an eye on activities in Dallas involving espionage, subversion and sabotage for the Dallas Police Department. ‘Sensitive’ Police Captain Pat Gannaway, head of the department’s special services bureau, and a dozen of hand-picked offices under Lieutenant J. R. Revill in the criminal intelligence section of his bureau have been assigned to work with federal and state intelligence officials to guard the Dallas area from penetration by subversives seeking to harm the nation’s security. Within this bureau fall all the things of a sensitive nature, and they…expionage and subversive activities….must be watched at all times,” the veteran police officer and reserve lieutenant colonel in the Army Intelligence corps said. In addition to other country and state agents, the bureau’s work involves close support of Federal Bureau of Investigation agents, military intelligence teams from the Army, Navy and Air Force, and other federal agencies with investigators operating from headquarters here. This combined federal, state and local team has men laced throughout the industrial and strategic points in the city’s life line. The job of the intelligence action in Capt. Ganaway’s bureau, besides keeping check on organized crime, requires the closets cooperation with these other government agencies gathering intelligence on subversive groups and individuals suspected of espionage. Dallas police have been highly successful in recent years in penetrating so-called subversive groups or radical groups which appear likely some day to cause danger to the public. Penetration In many cases undercover agents actually joined these groups to get names, addresses, past activities and future plans or have established networks of informants to acompolish the same result. Private business,, retail credit bureaus, utility companies and even employers often provide invaluable information on suspicious perons who are kept under surveillance for months without their knowledge. With membership in a national police intelligence organization known as LEIU (Law Enforcement Intelligence Unites) the local officers are able to get information almost immediately on suspected subversives when they move into Dallas. This information is exchanged by police units as these persons move from city to city. Captain Gannaway’s men daily face the problem of changing membership in organization under question. He noted the most difficult part of the job is the freedom of movement of known subversives, but added: “That freedom is the dearest thing we have and I would not restrict it even for those who would destroy it.” PLANT SECURTIY Other civilians involved as a group in national security work at the local level are corporation security officers. Floyd Purvis, manger of corporation security for Texas Instruments, pointed out that all plants in the Dallas-Fort Worth area with defense contracts operate under strict Department of Defense security regulations similar to those on military bases. Employees in the plants are carefully screened by security conscious personnel ofificers, and the key jobs are given strict government security clearances. UPGRADING Industry is taking great strides to upgrade security practices. One such group in this aera is the American Society for Industrial Security, an organization in which Mr. Purvis is a local chairman. Such governmental and civilian counter-intelligence activities are selcom publicized until a spy is caught, but local activity by these agencies has placed Dallas and other American cities in the fight against intrigues in a web of espionage. Every citizen has a role in the nation’s security, Capt. Gannaway concluded. Often one small tip from an individual has meant bringing the pieces together for some intelligence agency. Steve Thomas
  24. The record (IBM card) on OSWALD was pulled from the files. Several other employees (5 or 6) of the Department saw the driver's license which was dirty and worn as though it had been carried in a billfold. The license was the talk of the office that day since everyone knew who OSWALD was, Jim, What happened to the IBM card? Did it disappear too? Do you know? Steve Thomas
  25. Human language can be a beautiful thing. It can make the spirit soar and the heart sing. Abraham Lincoln appealed to the better angels of our nature and John F. Kennedy asked us to do things, not because they were easy, but because they were hard. Martin Luther King spoke of a dream, and Robert Frost of a road less traveled. In four short paragraphs, a poster in this Forum recently used the following words. Some were adjectives, some were nouns, some were verbs: disgraceful, nonsense, ridiculous, crazy stuff, steaming pile, idiocy, faked, far-fetched, paranoid, crazy, brain-dead, drivel, tin-foil-hat, lunatics, repulsing, unpleasant, paranoid, sewage, crazy, gullible, paranoid crazies. Human language can be a beautiful thing, or not. Steve Thomas
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