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Steve Thomas

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Everything posted by Steve Thomas

  1. Joe, I might be wrong, but I think Little Lynn was living in Fort Worth at the time. I'd have to back and look. If you look these guys up in the Mary Ferrell Foundation, you should be able to read their FBI statements. At 10:00 Ruby was supposed to still be in bed. John Smith, video reporter for WBAP-TV saw Ruby at about 8:00 AM on 11/24 standing on the Commerce St. sidewalk. WBAB-TV truck parked on Commerce St. about 25' from the basement ramp. Smith spoke to Ruby. Saw him again about 10:00 AM next to the ramp. Ruby looked like a person who was "just killing time." Ira Walker, employee WBAB-TV saw Ruby between 7:30 and 8:00 AM near WBAB-TV truck. Walker said he first saw Ruby shortly after the armored truck was backed into the basement of the Police Department. Ruby came up to the WBAP-TV truck and asked if Oswald had been brought down yet. Walker told him "no". Ruby came up to truck and asked this question on two occasions. Steve Thomas
  2. Jim, Here is a 1961 Dallas City Directory. I haven't looked yet to see where the Western Union offices were. https://texashistory.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metapth806907/ Steve Thomas
  3. David, From jfkfacts.org https://jfkfacts.org/if-there-was-a-jfk-conspiracy-wouldnt-somebody-have-talked/ "The second person to whom Martino confided was a former business partner named Fred Claassen. He said Martino told him: “The anti-Castro people put Oswald together. Oswald didn’t know who he was working for — he was just ignorant of who was really putting him together. Oswald was to meet his contact at the Texas Theater [the movie house where Oswald was arrested]. They were to meet Oswald in the theater and get him out of the country, and then eliminate him. Oswald made a mistake . . . there was no way we could get to him. They had Ruby kill him.”" Steve Thomas
  4. David, After the assassination, George Lumpkin returned to the TSBD and took command there. DPD Archives Box 14, Folder# 4, Item# 10 page 22. http://jfk.ci.dallas.tx.us/box14.htm According to the Dispatch Tapes, George Lumpkin had arrived at the TSBD by 12:49 PM http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/dpdtapes/ 15 (Captain C.E. Talbert): “15 is at the scene. We... the building's the Old Purse Company on the east side of Houston. Somebody cut off the back side, will you? Make sure nobody leaves there.” Dispatcher: “10-4, 15” 15: “15's in charge down here. Correction 5's (Deputy Chief Lumpkin) in charge.” If Sawyer had “placed guards on the building to prevent anyone from going in or coming out”, why did Lumpkin feel compelled to order that the “building be completely sealed off, that no one be allowed to leave or enter”? Why was Talbert pleading with Dispatch as late as 12:49 for “somebody to cut off the back side to make sure nobody leaves there”? No, Sawyer hadn’t sealed the building, he was “detaining everyone who had knowledge whatsoever of the shooting”. There’s a difference. Steve Thomas
  5. David, I spent some trying to determine who the first officer was who ordered the TSBD sealed. Sawyer was one of my candidates. In the end, I dismissed his time estimate of when he returned to the first floor. In another post, Paul Brancato posted a list of the January, 1959 graduates of the FBI's National Academy training. You can see it here: http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/topic/25528-lumpkin-gannaway-and-the-dpd-army-intelligence-network/page/3/?tab=comments#comment-395090 Curry, Gannaway, Lumpkin, etc. I think Sawyer was included in that one as well because of his role as one of the National Academy Associates. If memory serves me right, Hoover cut off training for Dallas policemen at this Academy until Curry rescinded his quote from Hosty to Revill that the FBI knew about Oswald, that Oswald was a communist, and that the FBI knew he was capable of killing the President. Steve Thomas
  6. Stephanie, I think you'll find what you're looking for in the FBI - HSCA Subject files here: https://www.maryferrell.org/php/showlist.php?docset=1199 Steve Thomas
  7. Ron, Probably somebody from Cook Co., IL. *smile* Steve Thomas
  8. B.A,, I asked. " By possessing the halves of two different bills,...was he supposed to meet up with two different people at different stages who might, or might not know each other?" I asked that for a reason Let's envision a scenario where Oswald did do it. He shot the President and killed a policeman; either for his own motives, or at the behest of someone else. He needed an escape plan that had two parts. The first part was to get out of the country quickly, say by flying to Mexico. The first bill would establish his bona fides there. The second bill would go towards getting him from Mexico to a second or third country, preferably one with no extradition treaty with the U.S. There is that curious little story about a plane being held on the runway in Mexico City waiting on the arrival of a single passenger. That one always bothered me a little bit. Steve Thomas
  9. Micah, Did you see the next item, Item# 27? Pictures huh? Wonder where they got to. Steve Thomas
  10. Jim, By possessing the halves of two different bills, do you think LHO was supposed to meet up with one person who also had the halves to those two bills; or that he was supposed to meet up with two different people at different stages who might, or might not know each other? Steve Thomas
  11. Bart, http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/russ/testimony/carroll.htm "Mr. CARROLL. When we got down in the basement and brought Oswald up, I was in front with everyone else surrounding him and we walked directly from the car to the elevator, got on the elevator and went up to the third floor to the homicide and robbery office and took him right into the homicide and robbery office and took him into one of our interrogation rooms, where we released him to the homicide and robbery office." If he had gone through booking, they would have made him empty his pockets. The whole controversy with the bullets in his pocket, and the bus transfer could have been avoided. Was that by design, or did the DPD seize on an opportunity to plant evidence? Steve Thomas
  12. Why wasn't Oswald booked when they got back to the police station? Why did they skip booking and take him directly to the third floor Homicide offices? I've never read a good explanation for that. As a matter of fact, I don't remember ever reading any explanation for that. Steve Thomas
  13. Bart, http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/russ/testimony/carroll.htm Mr. BELIN. During the drive down from the Texas Theatre, to the police station, do you remember any conversation with Lee Harvey Oswald? Mr. CARROLL. Some. He stated that he had not done anything that - he said, "Well, I was carrying a pistol, but that is all." Mr. BELIN. Was he ever asked his name? Mr. CARROLL. Yes, sir; he was asked his name. Mr. BELIN. Did he give his name? Mr. CARROLL. He gave, the best I recall, I wasn't able to look closely, but the best I recall, he gave two names, I think. I don't recall what the other one was. Mr. BELIN. Did he give two names? Or did someone in the car read from the identification? Mr. CARROLL. Someone in the car may have read from the identification. I know two names, the best I recall, were mentioned. Mr. BELIN. Were any addresses mentioned? Mr. CARROLL. Not that I recall; no, sir. So much for the wallet in the back pocket huh? Steve Thomas
  14. See Box 43, Folders 4, 5, and 6. https://legacy.lib.utexas.edu/taro/baypll/20020/bpll-20020.html I don't know if these are scanned and available online or not. Steve Thomas
  15. Stephanie, Captain Gannaway was the head of the Special Service Bureau in the Dallas Police Department. Stringfellow was one of the Detectives in that Bureau. Many of the Detectives in that Bureau submitted their reports to Gannaway by routing them through Jack Revill, who was a Lieutenant, and served directly under Gannaway. See Batchelor's Exhibit 5002 in Vol XIX of the WC Hearings and Exhibits. (p. 120 of the Exhibit/p. 4 of the pdf file) https://www.history-matters.com/archive/jfk/wc/wcvols/wh19/pdf/WH19_Batchelor_Ex_5002.pdf I have found this document very helpful over the years. Steve Thomas
  16. Paul, http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/russ/testimony/rich_n.htm Mrs. RICH. "At the first meeting there were four people present. There was a colonel, or a light colonel, I forgot which. I also forget whether he was Air Force or Army. It seems to me he was Army. And it seems to me he was regular Army." The Mexia Daily News from Mexia, Texas · Page 1 November 7, 1957 https://www.newspapers.com/newspage/11876796/ Mexia Man Receives Appointment Earl McKeilh, (center) is pictured with L. Robert Castorr, of Dallas, Southwestern division manager of the National Federation of Independent Business, and Si N. Meadow, district manager of the organization from Austin. “Earl McKeith was coming out of a local bank Tuesday and came face to face with a man who was one of his fellow Army officers in the early thirties. Earl didn't recognize him but L. Robert Castorr, of Dallas, immediately grabbed Earl's arm and said "I know you." Mr. Castorr. who is now a- colonel in the Active Reserve serving as inspector and advisor to the 90th Division in Texas., Steve Thomas
  17. Lewis, http://www.covertbookreport.com/carroll-jarnagin-did-he-actually-witness-ruby-with-oswald/ Carroll Jarnagin; Did He Actually Witness Ruby With Oswald? By John Titus with research by Carson Horton April 29, 2016 But the (Carroll) Jarnagin story doesn’t end there. Jarnagin later approached Forth Worth Star-Telegram reporter Waldo Thayer with a new claim that he witnessed Bernard Weissman (who was the signer of the infamous black-bordered advertisement that appeared in the Dallas Morning News on November 22), Jack Ruby, and Dallas police officer J.D. Tippit meeting in the Carousel Club on November 14, 1963, just a few days before the assassination. Later investigation showed that the meeting never happened. Thayer later told conspiracy author and attorney Mark Lane about the claim which became a featured part of Lane’s 1966 book Rush to Judgment, although Lane didn’t reveal the name of the informant who he considered a reliable and responsible person. [Aynesworth, Hugh, JFK: Breaking the News, International Focus Press, 2003, p.231; Lane, Mark, Rush to Judgment, Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1966, p.249] November 14th would have been eight days before the assassination. You'll have to read the article and decide for yourself if Jarnigan was telling the truth. Steve Thomas
  18. Paul, I think Marina was involved in something, but I don't know what it was. Personally, I think it had something to do with inserting her in the Dallas/Fort Worth aerospace industry milieu, but I can't prove that. I keep going back to a letter that Lee wrote to his mother while he was in Russia. CE 183 https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=1133#relPageId=561&tab=page https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=1133#relPageId=562&tab=page (page 538 of CE 183) Letter from Lee Harvey Oswald to Marguerite Oswald, dated October 22, 1959, with envelope. (The year 1959 is obviously a mistake. It should be 1961.). He mentions Marina in the letter. He spells Marina's maiden name as Proosakova. The typist spells it Proosakava. In his letter he writes, “For my birthday, Marina sent me a gold and silver cup with the inscription, “To my Dear Husband on his birthday 18/X/61 very nice don't you think, Marina is on her vacation (sic) now, she is spending it with her aunt in the city of “KHARKOV” about 600 miles South East of here.... We both agreeded (sic) that she should go to a new enviroment (sic) on her vaction (sic)...” In the body of the letter, Lee Oswald uses the Americanized version of the date, October 22, 1959, but the gold and silver cup is inscribed with the Cryllic date of 18/X/61. This makes me think of the controversy over the DeMohrenschildt, “Hunter For Fascists” photograph, with the date written in the Cryllic fashion. Also, in October, Lee and Marina had only been married for six months. What newly married couple agrees to take separate vacations? Why would they both agree that she should take her vacation 600 miles away? (My own thought is that with their astrological signs being squared, they really didn't get along. I wonder why they got married in the first place). Either that, or Marina was being briefed on getting to the U.S. Steve Thomas
  19. Paul, I know I am going to catch a lot of flak for this, but, for right now, I believe that it was Marina who ordered the rifle. I say this for the following reasons: I can provide citations for these if you'd like. Oswald admitted he had the Alek James Hidell Selective Service card in his possession, bur either “denied” or “declined to admit” that the signature was his, and then refused to discuss it further. I think the SS card and the rifle order form were signed by the same person. Marina admitted to signing the name “Hidell” to “two or three cards” with the name “Hidell” that were not pamphlets and which were not the FPCC membersship card. Marina said on at least three occasions that they were living on Neely St. in January, and initially, that she had seen Lee cleaning the rifle in January (which she later corrected to mean she saw it for the first time in March). The handwriting experts commissioned by the HSCA were not asked to analyze the signature on the Hidell Selective Service card, or to compare the signature on the rifle order form with the signature on the DeMohrenschildt rifle photo. The troubling instances of evidence in this case in Marina Oswald's possession, appearing after the Oswald's belongings had previously been seized and searched by the Dallas Police. SS card on top, rifle order form below. Steve Thomas
  20. http://www.librarysimplified.org/ “Tired of DRM and customer log-in schemes used to sell you more stuff? Simply enter your library card number once, and start reading, from your library, for free. If you don't have a library card…just sign up for one with the app! Simply Read Just open the book (not another app) to read, and enjoy the full story. Library Simplified uses the next generation of eBook technology and digital rights management (DRM) technology to make reading on your phone or tablet simple and convenient.“ http://www.librarysimplified.org/clientappfaq.html SimplyE iOS You can use the SimplyE app to borrow e-books from your iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch. You will need a valid library card and PIN, and iOS 8.0 or later on your device. Install SimplyE on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch NOTE: You do not have to login to use the app until you want to borrow an e-book. From the Apple App Store app, install the SimplyE app. Once installed, open the SimplyE app. Tap Accept to agreee to the terms of Service To register you Library Card Tap Settings > Library Card and enter your library card number and PIN. Tap Login. SimplyE Android You can use the SimplyE app to borrow e-books from NYPL for your Android Tablet or Smartphone. You will need a valid library card and PIN, and Andorid device. Install SimplyE on your Android Device NOTE: You do not have to login to use the app until you want to borrow an e-book. From the Google Play Store app, install the SimplyE app. Once installed, open the SimplyE app. Tap Accept to agreee to the terms of Service To register you Library Card Tap Settings > Library Card and enter your library card number and PIN. Tap Login. Steve Thomas
  21. Jim, I'm not sure what article you are referring to, but there is this: "Summary of Paris Trip" http://jfk.hood.edu/Collection/Weisberg%20Subject%20Index%20Files/S%20Disk/Souetre%20Jean%20with%20aka's/Item%2011.pdf Or are you thinking of this? "A Possible French Connection" http://jfk.hood.edu/Collection/Weisberg Subject Index Files/S Disk/Souetre et al, Published/Item 02.pdf Steve Thomas
  22. Rob, I don't know exactly why Cottrell would say that. In July, 1968, Charles DeGaulle issued a general amnesty for all those involved in the "Algerian affair". If my memory serves me right, some 13,000 OAS members had been arrested at that point. Souetre himself would go on run for several local municipal elections under the banner of the National Front Party. In 2000 he ran for a seat on the European Parliment. (He lost). I've been trying to determine which had more influence on Jean-Rene's character. The trans-national sentiment of the Gladio movement represented by Guerin Serac, or the nationalistic influences of the Integrelistes. It's hard for me to understand how an ultra orthodox Catholic could countenance the murder of a Catholic President. I think there are two ingredients that help understand Souetre's character.: One was the Integraliste movement; and the other was DeGaulle's suspension of Article 16 of the French Constitution. 1) Integralism There was a throwaway line in something Jean-Claude Perez told Fensterwald in 1982. He said that, “post 1962, Souetre was part of an ultra-right, ultra-Catholic splinter group which included four men named Pichon, Lefevre, Bourget, and Grossouvre. Group called Integraliste http://jfk.hood.edu/Collection/Weisberg%20Subject%20Index%20Files/S%20Disk/Souetre%20Jean%20with%20aka%27s/Item%2011.pdf p. 4. (Albert Lefevre, by the way, was the one man I could find that both stood trial with Souetre in December, 1961 and who escaped with him from the Camp at St. Maurice L'Ardoise in February, 1962.) From Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Integralism Integralism is an ideology according to which a nation is an organic unity. Integralism defends social differentiation and hierarchy with co-operation between social classes, transcending conflict between social and economic groups. It advocates trade unionism (or a guild system), corporatism, and organic political representation instead of ideological forms of representation. Integralism claims that the best political institutions for given nations will differ depending on the history, culture and climate of the nation's habitat. Often associated with blood and soil conservatism, it posits the nation or the state or the nation state as an end and a moral good, rather than a means.[1] The term integralism was coined by the French journalist Charles Maurras, whose conception of nationalism was illiberal and anti-internationalist, elevating the interest of the state above that of the individual and above humanity in general.[1] Although it is marked by its being exclusionary and particularistic, and there has been consideration of its historic role as a sort of proto-fascism (in a European context)[1] or para-fascism (in a South American context),[2] this link remains controversial, with some social scientists positing that it combines elements of both the political left and right.[3] Catholic Integralism does not support the creation of an autonomous "Catholic" state church, or Erastianism (Gallicanism in French context). Rather it supports subordinating the state to the worldwide Catholicism under the leadership of the Pope. Thus it rejects separation of the Catholic Church from the state and favours Catholicism as the proclaimed religion of the state.[5] Catholic Integralism appeals to the teaching on the subordination of temporal to spiritual power of medieval popes such as Pope Gregory VII and Pope Boniface VIII. But Catholic Integralism in the strict sense came about as a reaction against the political and cultural changes which followed the Enlightenment and the French Revolution.[6 Steve Thomas
  23. Rob, Just for your own info, the photo of Souetre you included in your essay appeared in an article by Jean-Claude Sanchez, Editor-in-Chief of the magazine "Debout les Paras" Le Journal de L'Union Nationale des Parachutistes. Jean-Claude Sanchez was the President of the Haute-Savoie section of the U.N.P. in 1982. Caption under the photo reads: (Le Capitaine Souetre in Timimoun in 1957.) The Timimoun District is in Adrar Province, south-central Algeria. There was a throwaway line in something Jean-Claude Perez told Fensterwald in 1982 in the "A Possible French Connection". He said that, “post 1962, Souetre was part of an ultra-right, ultra-Catholic splinter group which included four men named Pichon, Lefevre, Bourget, and Grossouvre. Group called Integraliste http://jfk.hood.edu/Collection/Weisberg%20Subject%20Index%20Files/S%20Disk/Souetre%20Jean%20with%20aka%27s/Item%2011.pdf page 4. Stay-behind: les réseaux d’ingérence américains The American interference network – Gladio http://www.voltairenet.org/article8691.html#nh27 https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.voltairenet.org%2Farticle8691.html%23nh27 François de Grossouvre (29 March 1918 – 7 April 1994) was a French politician charged in 1981 by newly elected president François Mitterrand with overseeing national security and other sensitive matters, in particular those concerning Lebanon, Syria, Morocco, Gabon, the Persian Gulf countries, Pakistan and the two Korea. He was also in charge of the French branch of Gladio, Nato's stay-behind paramilitary secret armies during the Cold War. He was found dead with gunshot wounds at the Élysée Palace, the French President's official residence. The official verdict was suicide. Isn't it odd that he would commit suicide in the French President's official residence? François de Grossouvre https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/François_de_Grossouvre In 1943 he married Claudette Berger, daughter of an industrialist, Antoine Berger, and had six children. Grossouvre managed his family-in-law's companies Le Bon Sucre (1944–63) and A. Berger et Cie (1949–63), and then founded the Générale Sucrière sugar company. Along with Italian collaborators, businessman Gilbert Beaujolin and the American Alexandre Patty, he succeeded in obtaining an exclusive production licence for Coca-Cola and building the first factory of this type in France. Distribution was by the Société parisienne de boissons gazeuses and the Glacières de Paris, both subsidiaries of Pastis Pernod. (Remember Souetre was the manager? director? of a sugar company in Martinique) According to Fensterwald in A Possible French Connection, Souetre “spent much time in Martinique where nominally, he was the Director of a sugar refinery whose head office was in France at Arcis sur Aube.” http://www.xiconhoca.org/PDF/DDeRoux/Apossiblefrenchconnection.pdf page 13 of the memo page 15 of the pdf. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arcis-sur-Aube “Besides many big farms producing all sorts of cereals, the sugar industry has a big plant there Cristal Union.” http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/François_de_Grossouvre During World War II, François de Grossouvre was posted as auxiliary physician in a regiment of Moroccan tirailleurs, and then joined the ski troops in the Vercors region. There he met Captain Bousquet, who created one of the first units of the Organisation de résistance de l'armée (ORA). He then returned to Lyon, where he received his doctorate in 1942. Afterward, he became doctor of the 11th regiment of Cuirassiers, headed by Colonel Lormeau.[4] Grossouvre then became a member of Joseph Darnand's Service d'ordre légionnaire (SOL), a Vichyst militia. He left it in 1943 to fight in the Vercors, joining the Maquis of the Chartreuse, near Grenoble (code-name "Clober"). After the Liberation, it was found that he had in fact infiltrated the SOL on behalf of ORA. Grossouvre was then recruited in 1950 by the French SDECE intelligence agency to replace Gilbert Union, official in Lyon and who had worked with the military agency BCRA, and became leader of Arc-en-Ciel, the regional branch of Gladio (Lyon region), NATO's stay-behind anti-communist organizations during the Cold War, under the code-name "Monsieur Leduc".[1][5] According to former SDECE agent Louis Mouchon, "His business, the A. Berger et Cie Sugar company, offered ample opportunities to stage fronts. He really had excellent contacts." According to The Economist's obituary, "He was recruited into the French espionage service and helped to organise Gladio, an American backed plan to create an armed resistance movement in Western Europe against a Russian invasion." Created by Colonel Fourcaud, in liaison with the US National Security Council, and then by Grossouvre, this network allegedly used the SAC Gaullist militia and the DPS, the National Front's currently dissolved militia.[6] The DPS was created along with Jacques Foccart, after the 1982 dissolution of the SAC, and allegedly provided mercenaries for activities in the former French colonies in Africa.[7] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/François_de_Grossouvre According to former SDECE agent Louis Mouchon, "His business, the A. Berger et Cie Sugar company, offered ample opportunities to stage fronts. He really had excellent contacts." https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.voltairenet.org%2Farticle8691.html%23nh27 “For example, two regional stay-behind managers, Gilbert Beaujolin and François Durand de Grossouvre (aka "Monsieur Leduc"), set up a commercial company which immediately benefited from Coca-Cola's exclusive bottling concession [ 27 ] “ Steve Thomas
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