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Greg Wagner

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  1. That's an excellent idea, Bill. But I'm afraid I don't know the answer. Perhaps another forum member has some idea.
  2. Hi Bill. We have Hargraves stating in his interview with Twyman that he and Vidal flew from Dallas to Miami on a private plane on the afternoon of November 22nd. I absolutely believe Vidal was Dark Complected Man. For what it's worth, there was talk from people close to Vidal that Umbrella Man was Jerry Buchanan. Reading that Hargraves interview, I think Roy's mention of Black Dog Man is interesting. Perhaps as someone relaying a signal for the car bomb. Hargraves could indeed be UM. But I am also entertaining the idea that Buchanan was UM and Hargraves was BDM. To be clear, this is simply my speculation. By the way, does anyone know whatever happened to Jerry Buchanan? If he were alive and could be tracked down, that could get interesting. Felipe Vidal Santiago https://tangodown63.com/vidal-santiago-felipe/ Roy Emory Hargraves https://tangodown63.com/hargraves-roy-emory/ Jerry Buchanan https://tangodown63.com/buchanan-jerry/
  3. Thank you for posting this, Robert. Bob Dylan knows what he's talking about. What a wonderful artist. The video is perfect.
  4. Imagine if just a few of these photos and videos we all study were clear and sharp. Game changer. Alas, the photo in question is like so many images attached to this case, tantalizing and suggestive but just not clear enough.
  5. Hi David. James and I once kicked around the idea that the guy on the right might be John Adrian O'Hare. Complete speculation, of course. Regarding Izquierdo, he was also very close to Hal Feeney (ONI). When you consider David Sooy (also ONI) was outside the TSBD during the assassination, that opens a real can of worms. Sooy knew Frank Krystinik who met Oswald through Michael Paine. James located Feeney back in the 80's and told me he was not happy about being contacted. He was looking over his shoulder for a while after. If you know anything about Mr Richards, that is saying something.
  6. Nice work connecting the dots, Alan. I was aware of Mary Hall's statement, but I had never heard of Spaulding Jones. In addition to Oswald possibly taking delivery of a rifle-shaped box from an Honest Joe's station wagon, Jones' account of seeing unfamiliar men in the building that morning is intriguing. I will listen to the oral history, but does he say anything more about the mystery men?
  7. Mrs Hernandez and Mrs Vargas may have witnessed related activity the day before: https://gregwagnersite.files.wordpress.com/2019/06/rifle-sighting-on-november-21-1963.pdf One interesting aspect to ponder regarding the planning is the timing. The TSBD lunch break was from 12:00 to 12:45. The assassination occurred at 12:30 and I believe it was running a few minutes late by the time it reached Dealey Plaza. This means the plan was for JFK to pass by the TSBD near the midpoint of the lunch break; the exact time when the probability of encountering workers on the upper floors would be at its lowest. The planned timing conveniently offers a TSBD operation the best chance for success. Is this evidence of a "guiding hand" at work in the trip planning? Or just one more incredibly convenient coincidence?
  8. Hey Joe. Edwards stated on 11-22-1963 that the man he observed was on the fifth floor. He also stated the window in question was "wide open all the way." This supports his observation that the man he saw was on the fifth floor, not the sixth floor. We know that sixth floor window was definitively not "wide open all the way", but the fifth floor window was indeed. Nevertheless, he later changed his story to the sixth floor. You can read his DCS statement, an FBI report, and his Warren Commission testimony here: https://tangodown63.com/robert-edwards-statements/
  9. Hey Greg. Yes, I saw it too. They did about 5 minutes on it and I thought was a decent synopsis for an MSM outlet. The show has a podcast if anyone wants to listen to it. The piece begins at about 34 minutes in.
  10. Hey Matt. My original title for this thread was misleading. My bad. I changed it. My understanding is the issue came up last year (2021) but the records in question were not released. Instead, Biden kicked the can to December 15, 2022. With that deadline less than two months away, coupled with the MFF lawsuit, perhaps further progress can be achieved regarding these documents.
  11. This news got about 5 minutes of discussion today on MSNBC's Morning Joe. The show has a podcast if you want to listen to it. The piece begins at about 34 minutes in.
  12. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/politics-news/-are-hiding-group-sues-biden-national-archives-jfk-assassination-recor-rcna52660 The country's largest online source of JFK assassination records is suing President Joe Biden and the National Archives to force the federal government to release all remaining documents related to the most mysterious murder of a U.S. president nearly 60 years ago. The Mary Ferrell Foundation filed the federal lawsuit Wednesday one year after Biden issued a memo postponing the release of a final trove of 16,000 records assembled under the President John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection Act of 1992, which Congress passed without opposition in response to Oliver Stone's Oscar-nominated film “JFK.” The JFK records act, signed by former President Bill Clinton, required that the documents be made public by Oct. 26, 2017, but President Donald Trump delayed the release and kicked the can to Biden, who critics say continued the policy of federal obfuscation that has existed since Kennedy was assassinated Nov. 22, 1963, in an open motorcade at Dealey Plaza in Dallas. “It’s high time that the government got its act together and obeyed the spirit and the letter of the law,” said the vice president of the nonpartisan Mary Ferrell Foundation, Jefferson Morley, an expert on the assassination and the CIA. “This is about our history and our right to know it,” said Morley, the author of the JFK Facts blog. Morley’s sentiment is shared by fellow historians, open government advocates and even some members of the Kennedy family, who usually don’t comment on the assassination. “It was a momentous crime, a crime against American democracy. And the American people have the right to know,” said Robert Kennedy Jr., the son and namesake of JFK’s brother. “The law requires the records be released. It’s bizarre. It’s been almost 60 years since my uncle’s death. What are they hiding?” Most experts believe that the unreleased or heavily redacted records almost certainly don’t include irrefutable proof that shows others were complicit in the murder of Kennedy along with accused shooter Lee Harvey Oswald. What the records would shed more light on, they say, is a seminal period in American history linked to JFK’s presidency and assassination: Cold War operations by U.S. intelligence agents, U.S.-Cuba relations and the plot to kill dictator Fidel Castro, and the war on the Mafia waged by then-Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy, who was assassinated five years after his brother. The hidden documents, however, could also show something potentially more sinister: CIA contacts with Oswald while Kennedy was still alive, which the CIA has repeatedly covered up, according to experts like Rolf Mowatt-Larssen, a former CIA agent who is critical of the agency and has lectured about JFK's assassination at Harvard University. “What I think happened, in a nutshell, is that Oswald was recruited into a rogue CIA plot,” Mowatt-Larssen said. “This group of three, four or five rogues decided their motive [was] to get rid of Kennedy after the Bay of Pigs and the Cuban Missile Crisis because they thought it was their patriotic duty given the threat the country was under at the time and their views, which would be more hard-line or more radically anti-communist and very extreme politically.” In a statement to NBC News, the CIA said it is adhering to the JFK records act and Biden’s memo, which called for the release of the documents by Dec. 15, 2022. The National Archives and Records Administration, the agency in charge of the JFK documents, also said it’s complying with the law and the procedures Biden outlined. But the lawsuit, filed Wednesday in San Francisco federal court, argues that the federal agencies haven’t followed the law and that both Biden’s executive order and Trump's previous delay violated the 1992 statute, creating new loopholes and avenues for further unjustifiable postponements after six decades of opacity. The suit asks a judge to declare Biden's memo void and disclose the records as Congress intended 30 years ago. Biden’s memo blamed the coronavirus pandemic for slowing the disclosure process, an argument rejected by the foundation’s attorney, Bill Simpich. “It’s a ‘dog ate my homework’ argument,” Simpich said. “This case is all about delay. The agencies always have new and better excuses.” The foundation fears that agencies haven’t made enough progress in the year since the memo was issued in meeting the basic rules of disclosure under the JFK records act, necessitating the lawsuit. The 16,000 documents are among the most sensitive records concerning JFK’s assassination. About 70% of them are controlled by the CIA, followed by the FBI, which is in charge of about 23% of the records, according to Morley’s count. The suit alleges the federal government unlawfully redacted 11 specific records, including: a 1961 memo to reorganize the CIA after the failed Bay of Pigs invasion in Cuba, personnel files of three CIA officers tied to Oswald, a 1962 Defense Department “false flag” plan to stage a “violent incident” in the U.S. that would be blamed on Cuba, records relating to the Castro assassination plot, and a JFK document removed from Watergate burglar E. Howard Hunt’s security file. The foundation is also asking the court to order the National Archives to find records that are “known to exist but that are not part of the JFK Collection.” One of those records, according to the lawsuit, concerns George Joannides, who was the chief of covert action at the CIA’s Miami station and “served as case officer for a New Orleans-based CIA-funded exile group that had a series of encounters with Lee Oswald in 1963.” The lawsuit accuses the CIA of wrongly withholding files related to Joannides from the National Archives. In another instance, the lawsuit asks the court to compel the public release of taped recordings of a man named Carlos Marcello, who allegedly told a cellmate that he was involved in JFK’s assassination. Transcripts of the recordings exist, but the foundation wants to hear the recordings to “fully evaluate the veracity and significance of these conversations.” Marcello died in 1993. The foundation says the timing of the lawsuit is coincidental to Trump’s fight over classified records with the Justice Department and the National Archives, an agency that is seldom in the news but now plays a central role in the investigation of records stored at Trump's Mar-a-Lago club in Florida after he left office. JFK assassination historian David Talbot, a Trump critic, said he sees an irony in the two cases. “They decided to pillory Trump over this issue because he’s a political enemy, but they’re guilty of violating records laws themselves with the JFK records act: Trump took documents the federal government owned, but they’re sitting on documents that belong to the American people,” said Talbot, the author of “Brothers: The Hidden History of the Kennedy Years” and “The Devil’s Chessboard,” about the rise of the national security state. A spokesman for Trump declined to comment. Talbot said the agencies' stonewalling and the Warren Commission’s disputed conclusion in 1964 that Oswald was a lone wolf has only led people to mistrust the government. An expert on conspiracy theories, Joseph E. Uscinski, a University of Miami political science professor, says his polling and research have shown that a majority of Americans don’t believe Oswald acted alone, making it the most popular conspiracy theory in the country. Uscinski said he’s hesitant to draw a direct line between lack of trust in the government and the refusal to release the JFK records, but he argued the feds essentially have themselves to blame. "The whole argument about documents is stupid. The CIA is wrong. All of this should have been released a long time ago, and it’s shameful the government has yet to do so," Uscinski said. "At the same time, there’s not a document sitting in a government vault somewhere that says, ‘We did it.’”
  13. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/politics-news/biden-administration-releases-over-1-000-secret-jfk-assassination-files-n1286059 The Biden administration on Wednesday released over 1,000 previously classified documents relating to the 1963 assassination of President John F. Kennedy. The 1,491 documents include filings from the CIA, FBI, State Department and other federal agencies. Among them is a report that Kennedy assassin Lee Harvey Oswald visited the Cuban and USSR embassies in Mexico in search of a visa in the months before Kennedy's killing. According to a CIA document, another version of which was previously released, one of the people Oswald spoke to was the Soviet embassy's consul, who had ties to the KGB's "assassination department." The documents say they spoke about Oswald's efforts to get a visa to go to the Soviet Union. Some of the tips investigators chased did not ultimately pan out. Among the leads disclosed in the filings was a report that the Australians had received a tip in 1962 from a man who claimed he was a driver for Soviet diplomats that there was a plot to kill Kennedy. Officials tried to confirm parts of the man's story and concluded he was a crank. The filings show the U.S. wanted to divulge information about the tip decades ago but was asked not to by the Australian government. The documents were originally scheduled to be released earlier this year, but President Joe Biden issued an extension for the National Archives to produce the documents in October after the archivist said their work had been slowed by the pandemic. Under a 1992 law inspired by the Oliver Stone movie "JFK," the National Archives was supposed to have released all of the remaining classified records by October 2017. The National Archives released a large tranche of documents that month but held back others at the request of then-President Donald Trump. In a memo, Trump said that "executive departments and agencies have proposed to me that certain information should continue to be redacted because of national security, law enforcement, and foreign affairs concerns." The release Wednesday was the largest number of documents to be declassified since then, and the final set of documents is expected to be released by Dec. 15 of next year. In his October order, Biden said all the information should be released "unless the redaction is necessary to protect against an identifiable harm to the military defense, intelligence operations, law enforcement, or the conduct of foreign relations that is of such gravity that it outweighs the public interest in disclosure."
  14. Hey David. Thanks for the thoughtful reply. This is clear evidence the windshield at the National Archives is not the windshield that was on the car in Dealey Plaza. Add that to the long, long list of items that debunk the official story. It's difficult to untangle this mess and get to the truth when the evidence provably lacks integrity in so many instances. I think this is an important concept to embrace in this case. It is important to recognize this fact and meet the case where it is. Not where it should be. Not where we want it to be. The extant evidence is a mess and cannot be trusted. When working on any aspect of the assassination, a person must understand this and come up with research methodologies to deal with this reality. I agree that a critical step is to impeach the falsified record wherever we encounter it.
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