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Kirk Gallaway

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Everything posted by Kirk Gallaway

  1. Yes Dave, facts supports theories.I subscribe to neither of your theories. I've taken up with Paul some of my problems with his theory, and you can as well.
  2. Whew! I see you're pretty eager for converts, Luis. I think you're going to have a hard time trying to persuade DVP to be on the new cutting edge of JFK CT research. If you haven't noticed, he's neither right wing (though admittedly he does look like a cop) nor a conspiracy theorist. I've heard this tack from you before. Certain theories withstand time because they've shown greater results. What of course matters in evaluating various conspiracy theories is not whether it's new and trendy, but whether it can gather momentum on it's own because it holds a greater promise of the truth.
  3. Be clear in what you're trying to say. If your purpose was to extend an argument I assume you thought you were winning on JFK facts to this forum, why didn't you just start a new topic? Given no context, I wasted time going back to page 1, to really try to understand what you were saying. It turns out there was no relation whatsoever. Whose fault is that?
  4. Dave, I don't know what happened to you. But I think you're going to have a hard time convincing some people who at this point in history think the world actually might be going mad that the real story is Dave Von Pein's private world has been so disturbed that he dredges up a 2 year old post to rationalize his persecution complex. You post here by your own free will and must accept the reaction. Nobody's going to take away your right...
  5. Paul, I tried posting it too. I'm told it exceeds the download limit here. It is 19,137 KB. If somebody here can somehow downsize the file, please do.
  6. At the federal level, Article II of the United States Constitution states in Section 4 that "The President, Vice President, and all civil Officers of the United States shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other High Crimes and Misdemeanors." In order to remove Trump, he has to be convicted of a crime.There is a difference here, with Watergate, the opposite party did control Congress and did lead the battle cry. My Dad was a fiscal conservative , socially rather progressive Republican. At the beginning of his first campaign for the House, Pete "Paul" Mc Closkey on a couple of occasions came over to our house to campaign for his primary run. He won and my Dad liked him in Washington until he became the first Republican to cross the party aisle and advocate Nixon's impeachment. My Dad saw him as a bit of a traitor until it became obvious that they had the goods on Nixon. I don't think this is just going to go away, and Trump continues to aggravate it. But Trump voters want him to be disruptive.They welcome anything he says that is anti press and anti establishment.Ousting Trump would very disillusioning to some as it would be seen as Washington reestablishing itself. Both him and Sanders are a populist wave, and ousting him would be disruptive even with hard evidence of his being compromised. Some wanted to believe so bad that they've actually believed things he's said that any reasonable people would scoff at. It would have been great if after the fall of the Soviet Union 25 years ago, relations could have progressed by now that we could have disbanded NATO But most of the old Soviet Union satellites bitterly resented and distrusted the Russians and some insisted on joining.. And now it's worse, because there's more fear of Putin because of his stated regret of the dissolution of the Soviet Union. In particular the Baltic States. But in this Century, we have treated them rather shabbily. After a decade of chummy talk after the fall and finally when we felt assured they were no longer a real threat.We started judging them like any other country, found them rather profitless and dropped them like yesterday's papers.---Hey, That's just who we are!------JMO
  7. Today it was Trump against the free press and Western Intelligence, with maybe some BS thrown in, but maybe not. i thought he might have craftily employed one strategy to get elected and a different one to govern.You do have to wonder if Trump is so pathological, is this just going to be 4 years of pulling teeth? If so, something has to give.. On one level we have the corporate multi national globalist wing of the Republican Party, and then we have the hardliner pro defense, intelligence wing. One loves his philosophy and the other is starting to move against him. As a politician,Trump is incapable of downplaying his relationship with Putin. Even Sec. of State appointee Tillerson, did a better job in committee.It's not at all inconceivable he could be compromised. Yep, That would be your smoking gun Tom. I had no idea Tillerson and Exon signed the biggest contract in history with Russia in 2011, tying up nearly 5 times the area of drilling rights in Russia than it's next biggest country, which is the US. They drilled their first well in 2014, and now their entire expenditure is frozen because of US sanctions. It's just a big boondoggle! I don't why the Democrats don't bring up these numbers? Marco Rubio (a defense wing Republican)came off more adversarial to Tillerson in the committee hearing than a lot of Democrats. All they need is one Republican to block his appointment should the Democrats vote in bloc to oppose him. But my guess is Rubio will just fall in line. He's not really backing off on divestiture either.
  8. Tom, I don't know if you've been following all this thread. But if so, Keep in mind, if the Republicans try to impeach Trump, you've got a revolution on your hands from Michael. No, Trump's not a politician like them, but that would only make it harder, not easier. Besides during the Watergate hearings both houses of Congress were controlled by the Democrats. As far as domestic legislation and the issues I've mentioned, they see their melding with Trump as an historic opportunity unparalleled in our lifetime. Do they like Trump? No, It's not the bedfellow they would have liked, but it's the only one they could have gotten. You sound very confident he will destroy himself like a scorpion, OK I get it, but as I said earlier, in my mind we can't absolutely know for sure until he gets in office. But looking at his recent tweets, the POTUS feeling he has to respond to Meryl Streep's speech and now today completely reversing himself on his tweet a few days ago saying the Republicans should wait on going after Obamacare. -----I'll grant you, we still can't be 100% sure that he's not just a crazy person.
  9. Tom I never said you depicted them as "old generals" and I think I agree with almost everything you've said here. But applied to now, Trump wants to boost our defense spending, increase our nuclear capability, (however insane that is) and the defense crazy Republicans control both houses and have Mc Cain and Graham calling the shots. Is this is like Republican hog heaven? How much better can it get? Ok, they might try to get even more appropriations for playing up the Russian fear. But it's already insane, the defense hawks have won the appropriations war..
  10. I agree, what did he have to lose? Still he acknowledges keeping shut in his Russian Hack conference because he didn't want to be part of the "political scrum".It depends on how you look at Obama. I look at him as backing down a lot. Yes sometimes it is "damned if you do or don't" and sometimes a President just has to show courage and be damned. It wasn't the majority of Congress, but the leadership and selected members. This was the first article I read about it. http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2016/12/11/obama-and-congress-knew-about-russian-hacking-and-they-did-nothing.html
  11. Tom, Obama apparently thought enough of this threat that he felt it necessary to assemble Intelligence, law enforcement and Congressional leaders in September to reveal the scope of the Russian hacking and propose a united front against it. Mitch Mac Connell said if Obama was to go public, he'd declare the White House was tampering with the election, so Obama backed down. Comey was present at the meeting. I guess Obama feels double crossed now as Comey had no such reservations about tampering with the election only one week before the election even though he knew of the Russian hacking. In my opinion, Obama should have gone public 2 months before the election but he didn't have the courage and backed down in his perennial non confrontational tone. He said in his "Russian Hack" news conference he didn't go forward on his own because he thought it would just be part of the "political scrum". Obviously he didn't have much faith in the bully pulpit of his Presidency. He was so restrained, how serious is the average American supposed to be about it? Obama said he met with Putin in September and told him to stop it, but other members of the DNC said it didn't stop. If those later hacks are still from the Russians, than Obama was very ineffectual in dealing with the problem and could have cost his party an election.To use a 60's reference, given the buildup to the news conference, I would almost call it the "That Was The Leak That Was"conference. Adding insult to injury. The Republicans have said, hey if it was such a big deal and we had the goods on the Russians, why didn't Obama come out with it.? Though of course they would been screaming bloody murder if he did. The truth is, he did mention it, but it was only sort of a weak, ho hum in passing. Now that it's all over, the traditional Republicans are back to their hard line, and they're considering sanction,s but the damage, however conclusive you might think that is, is done. ************* Tom says, If Trump does what the real powers want, they will allow him to indulge his greed. If Trump doesn't follow orders (he won't!) the Republican Congress will impeach him, and the party will install a Cheney-like VP to keep bible-thumper Pence on track. That would be an interesting prospect if Trump was to step so out of line that he was impeached by his own party, but I don't think so. He has the perfect globalist, multi national corporate banner they love with just a few kinks in it. One kink is the globalist fear of a trade war with China. This was enough to cause International Markets to plummet 800 points on election night only to rebound in the morning when the positives were weighed against the negatives, and there became hope that Trump the campaigner's bark was probably worse than his bite.Then the markets rebounded and there's been a Trump rally to near 20,000, fueled mostly by 30, 40 and 50 % increases in Bank and finance stocks, which had been low for many years under Obama's regulations put in after the Great recession, and oil and infrastructure. One other lesser kink: they know now they can live with Trump's high profile tweets which will have a token effect of saving after all the taxpayer payouts maybe 50,000 jobs? in his first term out of the 5 million manufacturing jobs that were lost in the recession. (Let the kid have his toy.) Agreed Tom, the forgotten people who voted for Trump in the hope of a trickle down theory, which is really what is, lowering tax rates for the super wealthy, de-regulating Wall Street and the big banks, gutting Environmental regulations will "find out they've been had." After all, it has been done before. But this is music to the "Deep State". Tom, I'll submit to you, The "Deep State' isn't a bunch of old generals and spies who long for the days of the Cold War and would like to resurrect the Russians as their whipping boy.They're not letting Trump "indulge in his greed". They're jumping on the gray train! These aren't some dark,twisted old guys who do nothing but plot war. But they will finance and profit from war. These are bankers and financiers. They're into everything!
  12. Trump only finds the Russians endearing for meddling in our elections to promote his election. There will be a lot of heightened rhetoric and maybe sanctions against the Russians for meddling, and in mind, possibly throwing the election. But all the while, at first almost invisibly ,Trump will have no problem brokering deals with Putin that open Russia to American corporations. Because of this, Can I say for sure that there will be no attempt on Trump's life? This is America, anybody can get the means to blow anybody away. But there will be no attempt by the "Deep State" on his life. Why?, because opening Russia is a great economic opportunity for them. They don't just make money through selling arms and weapons systems! Whatever sense of indignation some of them may temporarily feel as Americans, can be rationalized away. They're multi national in scope, they'll leave the outrage to saps like us. Peace will reign again, and those who were worried at the prospect of reopening the Cold War will be appeased. The National Security State and the MIC will be further thrilled as Trump boosts Defense spending and our nuclear capacity.This was not due to some insidious plot they instigated but directly the result of a electing a President who is pro defense. Is Trump boosting our nuclear capacity really going to make us any safer? Is there really that big a nuclear threat in the world with MAD? It's a good bet Trump wants to align with Putin against his perceived threat of China.
  13. I hear you about your fears about the National Security State. I can tell you the threat has been downgraded because it was pretty touch and go for a few years when I was young. As far as "the MIC based economy". Of course you know Trump is planning a big step up in military spending and boosting our nuclear arms capability so they're already pretty much getting their way.. Of all Trump's plans, that is probably one of the biggest slam dunks, because the Republicans control both houses and there is a considerable number of right wingers now in Congress who think that almost the only legitimate role of government is defending the Nation State.
  14. Hi Michael, Well I guess we can't know for sure about anything until he gets into office.I think the question is how sinister are our present day intelligence agencies? We know they have no qualms about spying on us, if they feel like it. But they have a much greater capacity to spy on us than they ever did in the 60's. Do you believe they have the conclusive info about the Russians they say they have? If not, what do you think their goals are?
  15. A substantial number of us believe Intelligence had a hand in the Assassination of JFK. I assume most people think we need intelligence organizations, or why would we be paying so much money for them? So we have the intelligence agencies conclusively coming out today saying in pretty decisive terms that the Russians interfered in our election and hacked the DNC with the specific purpose of trying to ensure a Trump victory, with the obligatory caveat that there is no conclusive evidence that they threw the election to Trump.( Of course,how could there be?) How serious is this? How serious is it that the President Elect has been discounting this when he benefited (though granted it's not conclusive it's a game changer) from this insidious influence? Or do you feel this is JFK history repeating itself with Trump? If you still believe it's all BS and they're spying on each other all the time anyway.. And you don't trust the CIA or your intelligence agencies, or abstractly, the National Security State.What is they're aim in starting up another Cold War? What's their overall plan?
  16. Ok I get it. Hillary Clinton lost by 2.86 million votes because of...globalism? Oh I'm.sorry I got mixed up, wrong metric, or ....whatever it is! Would somebody like to define what a "globalist 'is? Is it any corporation or business or individual that wants to make money in another country? Is being anti globalist just mean you want to keep jobs in the USA, or bring jobs back or what else? We lost 5 million manufacturing jobs in the Great Recession, was this all due to bad trade treaties? Ok, if you're a Democrat and you were going to have to blame one Democrat figure, it would be Bill Clinton's Presidency. But it's sort of a complex issue, isn't it? I think the more you understand it the more you realize that Trump with his token tweets and taxpayer payoffs isn't going to get back 5 million jobs. And none of his appointments give confidence that there will be any appreciable difference either. You have to wonder right now if he's going to earnestly handle this problem without inciting a major trade war. My guess is that he'll stop short and try to jive his way out with high profile tweets. .If we were to bring jobs back from overseas . It would be uplifting to think that Americans would choose to pay say 15% more for American made consumer electronics, my bet is that they wouldn't and they won't be asked to. Jim, I know it's been a hard road for you. Just 9 months ago you preferred Hillary over Bernie. Then you learned about the global trade agreements and then found out that Hillary was the very face of globalism! I'm sure it was quite a betrayal. She did try to make it up to you Jim, and reversed her support on the TTP. You have to appreciate how hard it was her, she literally had to remake herself from years of relentless programming from those vicious globalists. But I understand, you were too hurt, and it was too late. Ok, I'm being a bit dramatic but your sense of betrayal and vengeance toward the Clinton's only stokes my embellishment! Of course Trump despite his high profile tweets, has his ties made in China, has 144 businesses in 25 countries all over the globe and is by any definition a globalist. Is he only going to be tough on industries he's not in? Trump's s nominee for head cop on Wall Street, that is the head of the Securities Exchange Commission is Jay Clayton. He'll instigate Trump's plan to deregulate Wall Street and make his own job easier. Clayton was an exchange lawyer for the law firm Sullivan and Cromwell. Gee, where I have heard about them before? They were the firm that Allen Dulles got his start , and joined his brother John Foster. This firm has represented the founding members of the world globalist community. I think that might qualify! And he'll certainly use a lot of government money to protect his interests at home and abroad because after all, he's quite a target. Trumps treasure Secretary appointment Steve Mnuchin made a killing from buying out the distressed mortgages from Indymac under the name One West. Is anyone the least concerned about a Kleptocracy? They've now found the majority of their notes were backdated which is against the law in the State of California. For some reason the California Attorney General department chose not to prosecute. The Attorney General was Kamala Harris who is now the Senator from California and I believe will be in the committee to approve Mnuchin's appointment. Wow, that should be interesting!
  17. Yeah Jim, I'm sorry your Julian Assange write in campaign for 2016 Time's Man of the Year didn't work out. i can't imagine why. I agree, it must be rigged!
  18. Your article is old Doug..There is no discrepancy. Roughly the same amount of people voted for the 2 major party candidates in 2008 as 2016.Roughly 130 million people in 2008. 129 million in 2016. But then you're forgetting to add 7 million more for the 2 alternative parties and the Utah guy.. Clinton received 65,844,610 votes, or 48.2% of the total vote. Trump received 62,979,636 votes, or 46.1% of the total vote. (That’s a difference of 2.86 million votes, not 212,000 votes.) The remaining 5.7% of the vote went to other candidates, like Gary Johnson, Jill Stein, Evan McMullin, and, I don’t know, write-ins for flesh-eating bacteria. http://fusion.net/story/377098/final-popular-vote-count/
  19. Yeah, he thought blackmailing politicians and illegal surveillance was pretty heady stuff. Now they're throwing elections.
  20. Dave,You know I love your collection! I particularly like these phone calls. I think you should get more of those. As to be expected the audio is pretty scratchy at times.I had forgotten you were the source of the March and May phone between JFK and RFK where JFK refers to his CIA appointee John Mc Cone as behaving like a "horses ass" and how he's using his public statements to embarrass the administration. There are a number of good LBJ conversations, particularly with RFK, such as the the classic one where RFK mentions to LBJ that he suspects that Hoover is spreading rumors to LBJ that RFK wants to overthrow the government at 1:32. I know this was the low hanging fruit at one point. and it's hard to find gems. You're a great fan of old MSM, I was watching it there right along side you.. At this point, I'd suggest exploring more the interpersonal interaction in the communications between any of the 60's political, governmental icons. I think that can generate a lot of interest.. Anyway, congratulations on consolidating your work!
  21. Yow! Let me count the ways! Could this be the most stolen election of all time? The FBI had the Weiner laptop on Oct.3rd! But you're lead to believe they couldn't find one Clinton e mail and bring it to the attention of Comey for over 3 weeks! So the 8 days they took to inspect it could have been completed by mid October! All the while you remember we were told on Oct 28th that they couldn't possibly review all the e-mails by the time of the elections! And Weiner's wife still doesn't know how the Clinton e-mails got on her husbands laptop! and the Guliani connection again!
  22. That would be something, Ron. But I wouldn't hold my breathe on that. All his appointments are either Generals or Business leaders. Trump poses no threat to the Multi national elites. On the contrary they'd like him. He's the most pro business President we might ever have. The only wild card could be his conduct of foreign policy.
  23. Glenn, It sounds like you lost focus on Sandy's issue of campaign rhetoric and now you're trying to make this about Hilary's lies or alleged improprieties. But we've already had this debate in great detail a while back. I contributed what I could. I'm not sure where you were but I personally see no reason to re- litigate it.
  24. ??? No, It's your fault and probably would say something about your character that you couldn't even trust your best friend. So Hillary willfully told who? who told everyone else, but it's not his fault? Glenn, it probably took Sandy all of 10 minutes to come up with his list of appalling campaign rhetoric by Trump. (Which honestly Glenn, having followed the election process most all of my life was by far the most appalling,not to mention the bullxxxxted campaign I can ever remember.) And you've made the case that Hillary's rhetoric was as bad and now it's taken you 3 weeks and you still haven't come up with anything! My guess is your best point will be the "deplorables" comment and you're not going to stack up in quality or quantity to Sandy's list.
  25. I assumed that was through Nixon.Nixon at one point was plotting to poison Anderson. Anderson publicly said later that the Kennedy assassination was carried out by the Mafia.Or so he said.
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