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Kirk Gallaway

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Everything posted by Kirk Gallaway

  1. Jack Schlossberg, Caroline Kennedy's son, has forcefully come out against his Uncle, says he's not fit to be President, endorsed Joe Biden and expresses concern for the Kennedy legacy! I'm also concerned. https://www.cnn.com/media/sites/cnn/video-placeholder.svg
  2. Re: RK taking the Republican bait to testify before the house. Of course the Democrats are crucifying him. Of course they're going to try to get him to respond to the stupid statement he made. It was the Republicans invited RK! RK should have known, neither the Republicans or the Democrats want him to be their candidate in 2024. But the Republicans would love to have him defect and be Trump's running mate. What better chance could they have? They gotta do something! And he's a perfect crossover candidate! So the Republicans, knowing full well the Democrats are going to crucify him. They're hoping to force him into the Republican Party! I tend to think RK was just foolish to take the bait. What did he think was going to happen? Some will say maybe he's smart and now see's the VP as his only chance! Of course his mentioning the possibility the vaccine was engineered to spare the Chinese and Ashkenazi Jews was maybe the dumbest offhand statement by any candidate ever, except Trump, where nothing he says matters to his throng anyway! As so often, I'm trying to figure what was the point of saying that publicly? I could see him just being an insecure guy who wants to impress other's with his knowledge. Which would be befitting of a Ivy League legacy admission person, who wants to impress others with his completely untrained yen for Biology. Ok, only a guess, but what a mess!
  3. I think what W. posted pretty much settles the issue, Michael. All the Republicans above are just intimidated cowards, who have put their own political fortunes ahead of their country, and have perpetuated a myth of a stolen election, and it doesn't take a "rabid, blind partisans" to able to see that. But I'll try to address their deeper motivation in answering Paul's post. There's probably some ignorance. I mean the entire Kennedy family which included 13 siblings of JFK and RFK are pretty damn ignorant and either said they believed in the WC findings or were silent about it for 50 years! But I agree with you. It's probably because there's no votes in it from people who weren't going to vote for them anyway. But this is really a Republican "weaponization of government" message. The government illegally killed a U.S. President and now they're legally trying to take out President Trump's campaign from winning back his presidency, and some will tell you he was removed from office by the government stealing the election in the first place. The ultimate purpose is to defund the government and make the relative size it was in the 50's or to some even before the New Deal. I can't emphasize enough and I think Leslie is making that point in another thread with Andrew Tate and Tucker Carlson, that we shouldn't be running after politicians or talk show people, like we did 6 months ago who will end up only discrediting us. But of course we do need politicians and influential people. That's right, but after 20 years, people and their lives moved on, and the political reality is that it wasn't an effective issue to get votes. Most people now are 100 times more concerned with getting decent health care, and not having to go to the poor house if something should happen to them and their kids. And they are concerned about whether they'll be able to save up enough to put their kids through college, or just get a wage good enough to live on. Now if ever there was a candidate who had the right to bring it up as a campaign issue it was RK who lived through the death of his Father and Uncle the President and it still isn't enough to get him anywhere. It would have been interesting to see how far he got if he didn't have so many other issues. But my guess is he wouldn't have gotten out of the low 20's, even with the dissatisfaction with Biden's age, which I share. Something unusual will have to happen, probably to the economy or his health, to make him not win. Yeah, trying to avoid the Republican label of "identity politics"? The Democrats messaging is terrible! Of course that would be awful, but I wouldn't worry too much about it. Anybody can start a petition. So they'd actually stop RK , but not Trump? heh heh Since you've brought this up. Yes, I don't think it's the issue you make it, but it's true, it's never been given much air time. That's for sure. But I know the truth because I've seen Oliver Stones, Ukraine on Fire! Paul, I really like what you wrote in the Prouty thread about being open to narratives that may step on a few forum member's toes. I've criticized others for recommending clips that are over an hour. But have you ever watched a film called "Winter on fire" not coincidentally named I suspect in response to Oliver Stones historical depiction of Ukraine Nazism in "Ukraine on fire", which was a post Putin interview film made by Stone with a newly converted zeal. (or was it?) that Putin could now use as a pre justification for his brutal invasion. Ok, maybe speculative? Anyway in fairness, it was made by a Brit, an American and a Ukrainian. One should be warned it's a lot more "human" as it's not so much a historic lecture as was Stone's film, but actually interviews people on the ground at the time of the uprising. Obviously, Nobody should make up their mind about something so important , by watching a movie.
  4. This coming from Jim, who only recently started a thread solely to announce an RK Jr. upcoming speech!. Is that some sense of entitlement? And of course, Quoting Rand Paul! The most critical thing RK Jr. has dared said against Trump was not that Trump was too lax about covid , but that Trump caved into the "Covid hysteria!" Many more people would have lost their lives. We told you guys he was way over his head. Don't you dare turn deaf ears on us and say the Deep State and their MSM destroyed his candidacy! To utter such nonsense is what I mean when I say Trump and now RK Jr. separate the "conspiracy men from the boys."! I suppose the greater interview from which this excerpt was taken from was initially supplied to us here from Rigby because he thought the guys at "Reason" were right wings/ libertarians but they do have enough common sense to have asked RK the right questions..
  5. Jonathan's entitled to bring this up. What can you say? Certainly all the alternative media who interviews him are sympathetic to the sacrifices his family has made for the country, and want to believe he's a great guy. Then he goes and says something absolutely stupid, then we witness a lot of circuitous backpedaling that goes on for minutes to hopefully, if you have a short memory, just get him back to square one. . As was obvious in the Breaking Points interview. Though he has a long environmental background , perhaps after talking to some rich tech friends, he says now that climate change is not going to be an issue of his campaign? He wants the government out of the energy market. That was the problem all along. All the classic liberal things like a wealth tax or a guaranteed minimum or a living wage, he talks against. Doesn't seem to think there's much hope fighting for a single payer health care system. He's largely corporate with populist rhetoric. Though some abroad are more use to monarchies. I guess the closest thing we have to a monarchy is a political dynasty. In this case, at what a cost! I would have liked to have saved up and used that potential progressive bullet more effectively in the future.
  6. Trump gives a masterful answer to an Iowa women about her concerns about the CO2 pipeline! Rk. Jr. said he heartily endorses Trump's answer! Yeah Paul, remember when we were boys, how we'd make fun of the way girls threw? That title 9 is starting to pay off in spades!. Dem conspiracy!
  7. Ok I find out in the end that this is not Mike Pence but I can't erase the post! ....Which I suppose at this point is just as well. I hope you at least enjoyed this for this brief moment! heh heh
  8. Katie Porter is running for Senate from California. But unfortunately she's running against Adam Schiff whose had a number of great moments, among which was predicting Trump would be back for impeachment or indicted for high crimes and the Magas and I remember Jim Di once said that RK Jr. both hate him! Which is a good enough endorsement for me. But watch how Katie Porter takes on the Defense industry here. https://twitter.com/i/status/1679549079875887107
  9. The title sounds like [Redacted]. But I should read it. Where's this thread at?
  10. Trump reveals new details about $1 billion in earnings in revised filing https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/07/13/donald-trump-financial-disclosure/?wpisrc=nl_most&carta-url=https%3A%2F%2Fs2.washingtonpost.com%2Fcar-ln-tr%2F3a905ab%2F64b01ddb68007b638ba0404f%2F646f594f44d19211b692299e%2F23%2F72%2F64b01ddb68007b638ba0404f
  11. From someone whose had a lot of disagreements with the mods in the last 6 months. I agree with Matt that your charge of political bias is just plain wrong. They're 2 sides to everything. My most recent problem with the mods was that the JFKA forum was being spammed by Rfk Jr. for President enthusiasts. Then it was brought to the spammers attention. Then they hid it in news events such as the JFKA files,then starting a thread quoting RFK Jr. saying that "RFK Jr. fears for his life" and then still Di Eugenio would come out with a thread announcing "RFK Jr's next speech", and I was wondering. "Is this going to be a permanent fixture in the JFKA forum."? Is this now going to become an RFK Jr. fanboy forum? My first suggestion to the mods was to make one dedicated RFK Jr. thread. It didn't happen. Since the real purpose of all these threads was just to promote RFK Jr's Presidency many times under some JFKA distant relevancy. I thought I'd just come out and make a thread entitled "Nobody whose anybody wants to kill Rfk Jr. --RFK on the issues", where I produce a video of a "Breaking Points" interview with RFK and critique his responses to questions involving his stand on the issues. In it I issue a disclaimer saying that " I''ve been a good boy and tried not to bring politics out into the JFKA forum, and I understand posting with such a title, I'll probably get my thread pulled, but give me 2 days." Fair enough, a couple of days later it was pulled by the mods and I was told I was "spamming" non JFKA topics by a mod who reacted to my title and hadn't read my disclaimer that I expected it to be pulled. But no big deal. It was really done as a mild protest, but it was by far the most substantive, least fanboy thread on RFK Jr to date here. But unfortunately, among the RFK Jr. fans here, there was only one intelligent response, and I should point out that was Roger, standing out among the jeers.. I took no offense at having my thread pulled. I expected it. Even though a few very pro Rfk Jr., well labelled threads were allowed to continue. Sometimes you just have to suck it up and realize you're taking up a lot of time from people who may not be perfect, but are offering their services to you and the rest of us. It's just "grace."
  12. I'm reaffirming to you that I agree that is not "lucid" but very sloppy language. I'm not sure about that. Has he ever really been an expert on the JFKA until relatively recently? I understand he has to explain his assertion that the CIA killed his uncle. I might be wrong but I see him as a guy whose learned most of this from books. Didn't we personally live through these events ourselves, and form our own opinions? Why was he silent about it for 50 years? I'm just saying I wouldn't expect him to be an expert. I do find the Kennedy family half century handling of this very spooky. I can understand the elders at first instructed the kids not to communicate with the press. But they died a long time ago! Kids grow up, for chrissake! I'm astonished at the lack of curiosity by all of them and the "news blackout" of over 50 years! By that criterion , certainly the RFKJr.campaign and the Deep state covers his vaccination views later in the interview as he attributes the covid vaccine pandemic to a "deep state" government response. And to that end. I know you since you take a lot of license, you'll approve of this Ben. In fighting the Government Medical establishment Deep state. RK Jr. hosted this Health Policy event last week! In the the "Breaking points" interview RK said that one of the first things he'd do as President would be to appoint completely different people to public health posts. I assume these people might be anti vaxxers and I fear they could actually be from this group he brought together. This group includes Sheri Tenpeeny who first said that by the end of 2022 there would be a "tsunami' of deaths of people who took the covid vaccine! She's still sticking to this story, and telling us we were going to "drop dead like flies." What's very unsettling is that RK would pick such a person to his Health Policy event. Isn't he aware she's been making these claims for a year and a half now? And her "tsunami of death" due dates have long since past!
  13. So we're actually hinting about having a critical conversation about RK?. I tried to engage you guys about RK on his issues. And I got one person who engaged in a conversation and then a couple of others who were outraged I disrupted the ongoing 5 thread pro RK echo chamber. But I know the actual issues are boring to a lot of people. Paul: No other candidate in my memory puts themselves out there as long as he does without script, No Trump does, he started it. But Trump just makes outrageous stuff up but RK is just plain sloppy. Do you think the average person who watches him in this interview circuitously backpedal for 2 minutes at every question finds that entertaining? Or is any more impressed with that than Friedman? Does he really come off convincing to you? RK:, over 300,000 Ukrainian soldiers have died and 30,000 Russians. Pirghozin said a "1000 Russians die a day." I think they're equally as credible. RK. We've spent 8 trillion dollars on the war in Ukraine! We know Trump's not serious, and his followers will follow him anyway. Do you think a serious candidate is permitted too many of those mistakes? And yet when he's called on it, won't his followers say the same thing the MAGA people say. It's "Operation Mockingbird", He's just being persecuted unfairly by the MSM?!
  14. Good articles--- Doug and W.! I posted this as a link in another thread. As it turned out I misspoke. RK Jr. hosted this Health Policy event last week. In the the "Breaking points" interview RK said that one of the first things he'd do as President would be to appoint completely different people to public health posts. I assume these people might be anti vaxxers and I fear they could actually be from this group he brought together. This group includes Sheri Tenpeeny who first said that by the end of 2022 there would be a "tsunami' of deaths of people who took the covid vaccine! She's still sticking to this story. She was probably the source for Barnard who was spreading his alarmist fantasies to us over a year ago telling us we were going to "drop dead like flies." What's very unsettling is that RK would pick such a person to his Health Policy event. Isn't he aware she's been making these claims for a year and a half now? And her "tsunami of death" due dates have long since past?
  15. To follow up on my first post to Roger, about the threat of the BRIC nations establishing their own currency to the dollar. All I can say is that's going to be a long time coming. The reason, I hate to sound so cynical is because Money talks, Bullsh-t walks! A good indication of how effective something is, is how many people are willing to put their own money behind it. Along that line, some of the most savvy odds makers are in Las Vegas. These are the Vegas odds at this time for the winner of the 2024 Presidential election. Interesting stuff. JOE BIDEN 44 DONALD TRUMP 29 GAVIN NEWSOME 15 RON DeSANTIS 15 KAMALA HARRIS 4 I know I'm asking, first Newsome isn't even running but is probably one of Biden's most vocal supporters. I assume because if something should happen to Biden's health and he chooses not to run, I think Newsome is trying to get Biden to declare an open field rather than just do the customary choice of picking his VP running mate. Also where's RK? You'd think he would have scored a higher probability than Kamala Harris, but then they're probably taking in account that Biden could win and then become incapacitated or die while he was President elect. As for the odds on who will get the Democratic nomination. BIDEN 68 NEWSOME 18 KENNEDY 12 Barring some exogenous event, I'd be surprised if RFK gets above his previous high in the low 20's, if he ever got there.
  16. Karl: there are 2 possibilities. Oh let me get out my pen and get this down! RFK Jr. is your next president Boy I don't think so. Karl: the Jfk riddle will be solved. Because the CIA was thorough to fully document their hand in the JFKA and leave a smoking gun because Tucker says so? I hate to say it but even apart from that, it looks like there' never be a smoking gun. IMO Karl: there will be an end of US warmongering all over the world How would you ever make that connection?. Is that based on anything? Karl:or something will happen RFK jr and then the US country will go to hell. I see Whew! Karl i can only assume you're a person whose had many of his dreams throughout his life dashed, and rather than revise your thinking and modify your inputs, it will always come back to the culprits being those Americans with their "deep state". Right? Have you ever even been to the U.S.? And yet you retain this worshiping of U.S. billionaires that you thought this was at all significant? So why is anything Jack Dorsey says significant to you? You're certainly more in awe of billionaires than the typical American, who resents them. I assume this has been because we've done such a good job of mind muddling . So thorough is our control ,that all we have to do is utter is "CIA" and "American exceptionalism" and we win the psychological war without even firing a shot. Karl, Do you realize the EU is much more regulatory on internet commerce than the U.S. and yet it's of no interest to you to keep yourself out of 1984 but you seem to vicariously live out your citizenship through the U.S.? Up to now, Internet governance in the U.S. has been described as everything from a "privatized model" to a "hands off internet approach". The reality is in Congress both parties complain about the internet but only about each parties specific issues. So they've never gotten any legislation together. The EU have historically been far more willing to embrace internet regulation than in the United States and have taken firm stands against Apple, Microsoft, Google, Amazon, and Facebook. If you hear billionaires like Dorsey talk about it. All of that regulation is a detriment to "free speech." It's the billionaires that have sucked you into this absolutist free speech model because they fear being sued by governments in the future.
  17. Come on Ben, you most of all should know Garland's got a lot on his plate. Beyond what Jonathan says, staying up all night trying to conjure up phony charges against Trump. He's also: Protecting Ray Epps and the FBI from their role of starting the 1/6 riots! Protecting Hunter Biden, which I think we all know now includes offing that informant that Comer can no longer find. That's not as easy to do as you might think!
  18. Exactly Leslie, but it's too late now. We're reaching the same point we did with Trump years back. His followers are not going to hold him responsible for anything he says.
  19. Larry , there is a backstory of sorts. Where I come from there are people who refer to the Golden State Warriors as "the Dubs". I thought it only appropriate that I occasionally, affectionately refer to W. as "Dubs" as he is truly a Warrior and we both have an admiration for Steve Kerr and Stephan Curry. But of course now as I predicted before the semifinals, his Denver Nuggets are now the Champs!
  20. Good questions Dubs, I'll attempt to give you his answers and non answers, though I'm sure Larry won't have the time to ask him every question. W: Surely, RFK,Jr. disagrees with Trump rolling back over 100 environmental regulations and withdrawing from the Paris Climate Accords, doesn't he? Yes, he disagrees, but his most recent statements are cause for concern. It would be interesting to ask him what he thinks of the Paris Climate Accords. W. Does RFK,Jr. agree with Trump's 2017 multi-trillion dollar tax cut for corporations and billionaires? No he doesn't W. His efforts to sabotage Obamacare? No he doesn't W. His withdrawal from the international Iranian nuclear disarmament treaty? A little tricky, but I don't think he does. W. His reactionary right wing SCOTUS appointments? Oh I know he doesn't like that. His efforts to overturn the 2020 election? It would be interesting to hear in depth, what he says about 1/6. My guess is that he'd play it real milquetoast. About Trump's other attempts to overthrow the election, some of which are currently in the courts. He'll just say he doesn't want to comment on an ongoing case. Total non answers, but no "But if". The point I'm making is if you pose these questions separately , most of his answers would be no. But he's showing no courage and playing the political game and hoping to hell people don't ask him these questions. His attitude is that since the Trump voter is not into specifics or issues, why bring them up at all? But he underestimates the damage it will do to his capturing the Democrat base. He's actually attacking Democrat voters from the right. How it that going to work?
  21. I agree with you in principle Pat. But that's quite a stretch, plotting for the overthrow and perhaps assassination of Castro while trying to make nice with him? Some would find going to that extreme rather duplistic. But I do agree with you. I wouldn't put that beyond him. In fact, I think that's exactly what he did. JFK has been made into a Catholic Saint here on the forum, with a high moral character.. I think JFK was a very smart guy who was somewhat amoral, (not immoral!) person and a cold pragmatist. He was going to play whatever angle he could, and pursue the one that yielded results, either actual results or political results. However he could see that his perceived triumph in the Cuban Missile Crisis afforded him an opportunity to go to the head cheese, and make further overtures with his AU speech to Khrushchev and the Soviet Union to defuse the situation in Cuba. With all the expected accolades to JFK from those in his cabinet. It always comes off so smoothed over, and they always portray JFK as this iconic figure, with very little real insight IMO. I don't think anybody, outside of his brother really knew him. And I haven't seen any evidence in tape conversations, despite being different people, that Bobby has ever discussed with JFK the motivations behind why he acts the way he does. Which doesn't mean it didn't happen. Just my take. Greg brings up the possibility that such a settlement would involve a mutual agreement to get rid of Castro. I'm not sure JFK considered that politically essential because I don't think it was. JMO Pat:As far as "re-sinking the Maine", that is not a reference to a Northwoods like operation, where innocents would be killed. It's a reference to taking advantage of a propaganda opportunity, should one arise. Kinda like LBJ did with the Gulf of Tonkin incident. But just his mentioning the Sinking of the Maine doesn't inspire my confidence. Gulf of Tonkin? Yikes!
  22. That's always struck me as the most feasible explanation, Larry. I think it's pretty easy to distract Trump. Just put a lot of files on his desk! heh heh
  23. You're making assumptions of "horrible stuff" But that's only because you're buying the Tucker Kool Aid. I don't. ."Rolled" ? That's deliberately vague. Do you think Stone could explain that further.? Why would Stone necessarily know more than us? Yes Trump did change. But it's not like we could always depend on him to keep his promises.Could we? His followers don't. He didn't release UFO info either. (and now we're getting a little more, under Biden?....hmmm a joke) Trump may have just got impatient and bored. Hard to know. Yes, that's true. But we don't need to keep beating a dead horse about that. How about, they both failed us?, and we're not sure of each reason?
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