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Kirk Gallaway

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Everything posted by Kirk Gallaway

  1. Gil, Your first post raised more questions than it answered so I very much I appreciate your efforts in spelling out your beliefs. I subscribe to a lot of them, but not with near your inner certainty. Well that's unfortunate. Hopefully you won't think my questions are hateful.ned in 1963? Except it was almost nonexistent Gil, This myth regrettably has been perpetuated by a number of JFKA authors. JFK was not at all controversial and didn't have a hundredth of the negative ratings of Trump. There was some newfound resistance to JFK in the south when they heard JFK's civil rights stand as JFK won the south in 1960.* Outside of that, resistance was isolated to relative handful of right wing ideologues. That's why the assassination was such a shock! There's really no comparison between JFK and Trump. If all the elites don't like Trump, how do you explain all of his donations? IMO, You've got the whole nature of the power game wrong. The elites can back one or both candidates. For example, After the Trump assassination attempt the stock market sold off tech, and alternative energy stocks and started buying healthcare stocks, because they sense that Biden's $35 insulin and regulatory attempts toward the sector were now waning. (Gil, is that because Trump is so anti elitist?) They also bought crypto currencies because Trump reversed himself and now likes Crypto. They bought the banks because they know there will be less regulation. it sounds like you're still caught up in the 60's MIC deal. Defense is only 3% of the GDP! But if you were to get a Mc Govern type or Bernie Sanders who was really interested in winding down the U.S. war machine, do you really the CIA would assassinate him? The answer is no, because their election would reflect a sea change in American politics, and because the interests they represent will just reallocate their resources when Defense goes out of favor. They'd be much more concerned about Sander's taxation policies, and have loved Trump's! Ok, give me current concrete examples. *This fomented a complete party realignment which is again happening today!
  2. Can't agree with you there Tom, i think there's a lot of personality, particularly after Biden. The question is, is there too much personality?, and is it a personality that can stick with people, or will they get tired of the optimistic smiles. I think it's different in that the Democrats now have a opponent they genuinely fear more than say Mitt Romney. Yes that's the issue. But what she's doing now first is shoring up her base. She was talking to a women's group that's ecstatic that they now have a women candidate. i just saw her today and It's a very direct and substantive policy criticism of Trump. She's addressing the teacher's union who also have a lot of women. I suspect this will mostly continue as sort of a coronation to the convention where she'll pick a more centrist VP, and go after the unaligned after the convention. In the meantime, she'll be able to gauge in polls what advantage she has gained by being new, novel and younger than Biden or Trump. IMO, When Biden endorsed her, any other potential candidates probably felt that they'd be seen as ambitious troublemakers if they immediately put their hat in the ring. Harris first said she's going to earn it, and then she went out to the delegates, and in one day got the nomination. So I guess she did!? Not at all the process I wanted but I think the unique personality you mention that she has to develop has to be as a hard nosed prosecutor of Trump.
  3. List of Democrats not to be in attendance for Netanyahu. https://www.newsweek.com/list-democrats-skipping-netanyahus-speech-1929619
  4. I apologize, but If we're going to make some allegations here. We have to deal with some of the current politics. The intelligence agencies are much more regulated, much more bureaucratic than they were 60 years ago, and has been on a stiff rather narrow course., which doesn't mean there's never overreach. The biggest danger to that in the short term would be Trump getting rid of all the "administrative state" and employing his ideological cronies and sycophants, unless you think his judgment reigns Supreme and you weren't here for his first Presidency. They are the people who ignored Trump when he said he wanted to bomb Iran! The current situation has so many checks and balances, lots of abuses 60 years ago are not as likely to happen. The same is true of "Operation mockingbird," Who on the left or right doesn't think that the MSM has been unfair to their cause? I personally think the big issue was at the beginning was the MSM fascination with the Trump ratings that diverted them for subjecting Trump to any real scrutiny. But that's just me! Let me go further, Someone answer this: Is Merrick Garland really the "deep state"? We've had 4 years to prosecute the Election fraud, false slates of electors and the 1/6 riots, the smoking gun tape recording of a phone call, where Trump is not too ingeniously asking the Georgia Attorney General to find him 11,720 votes! For 3 years we've known now that had Trump stole classified files and refused to give them back. This is a case many Republicans at the time, said was the strongest case against him. But after that, we now have knowledge he was intentionally hiding them and a Trump appointed judge throws it out! Where is thy deep state? All they've been able to accomplish in 4 years is a conviction on the most minor charges of the 92 counts. Then to even the score, they reverse and bring charges and convict Hunter Biden on a gun charge. Boy if you guys think the deep state is deep, you'd be 100 feet under water if Bobby or I was running the show. You'd really have something to whine about! * the most real issue as far the deep state in modern times is surveillance and individual privacy rights, which is a problem brought on by the fact that we just can't keep up with the changes in technology fast enough..
  5. Yes, Bill, California is a huge Green state. But there's an underlying trend that people are being silent about. The big money corporate state has now determined that the U.S. is going to have to seriously beef up their energy needs to accompany new huge AI data centers and crypto mining, so who suffers? The environment! This whole short term thinking about climate change is now being quietly pedaled as a necessary risk! That's why the Biden and the Dems have touted the fact that we are now producing more energy than ever to counteract Republican false claims. No one wants to be on the wrong side of the issue! Economically, this is very good for Texas, North Dakota and the energy producing states. But for the world, it's a mess! Efforts have to be redoubled! If elected, we'll see with how much teeth, Harris resists. But with Trump and the GOP, the environment will be lead to slaughter like the Palestinians!
  6. Hmmm, Are you saying Jim likes frisky women? I'll have to think about that. Heh heh, yeah I like that song too. It 'does have an innocence. From South Bend?, makes sense. Cliff: It's "San Fran" that's a problem. Well Cliff, some here will think you're being blasphemous!
  7. Well, it was quite a leap. When Joe endorsed her, any other potential candidates probably felt that they'd be seen as ambitious troublemakers if they immediately put their hat in the ring. Harris first said she's going to earn it, and then she went out to the delegates, and in one day got the nomination. So I guess she did! But as I posted earlier in the other thread. It looks like she's fitting in perfectly with my role and using her prosecutorial instincts to stick it to Trump! Looking good there! Wow W.! Was that in Santa Barbara? I saw Joni, with Metheney, Mays and Pastorius earlier in SF. in 79. She was doing mostly from Hejira which I thought was a great album! Jim Di: This is nutty, she was in office for like 17 years. DA in Frisco, AG in California, and then senator. Ahem, yes, "nutty." Hey Cliff, and Joe, I don't want to get you in trouble. "Frisco kid",??? Jim Di, "strictly Socal homey" from Erie, motivated by the Disneyland Dream! Ok, no big deal! But he's been here for 40 years! Maybe Brancato can serve as a California docent and have a talk with him. heh heh Yes you called it Cliff, Congrats!, 😆 that was his intention, but alas. Too wacko for even Maga!
  8. Yes, Kudos to Joe! Not at all the way I would have liked it. But it's a story that a lot of families have faced. But Netanyahu's coming to town now. WTF!! I give Morrow credit. He said it just right. The Centrist position regarding the Israel-Hamas war of both the Democrats and Republicans is Genocide in Gaza. It's a niche both parties have retreated to where the public outrage in most districts can be managed. I don't expect Harris to make major changes in policy during the campaign. The razor thin difference between the parties is that the Dems publicly express some reservations. Now there are starting to be some cracks between the parties about this. Pelosi has come out against the visit, and others are to follow.
  9. Presidential candidate RFK Jr. floated taking a job in a Trump White House as he weighed an endorsement for the Republican nominee Independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. suggested being given a senior job overseeing a portfolio of health and medical issues, an idea that the Trump campaign rejected, according to several people familiar with the matter. I had first heard that RFK Jr. did this secretly in 2017, but no this just happened! RFK approached Trump about throwing his support to Trump if Trump gave him a job to head a "Vaccine task Force." ??? And Trump rejected him! "But there were concerns among some Trump advisers that Kennedy — a fervent critic of vaccines — would not be appropriate in such a job and that such an agreement could be problematic, the people said." Yes we in MAGA land, just don't think that would be "appropriate." heh heh heh heh Too wacko for even MAGA! Talk about selling your soul to the devil for a wacko cause, and getting rejected! https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2024/07/22/rfk-jr-floated-job-trump-white-house-he-weighed-endorsing-trump/?location=alert
  10. Presidential candidate RFK Jr. floated taking a job in a Trump White House as he weighed an endorsement for the Republican nominee Independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. suggested being given a senior job overseeing a portfolio of health and medical issues, an idea that the Trump campaign rejected, according to several people familiar with the matter. I had first heard that RFK Jr. did this secretly in 2017, but no this just happened! RFK approached Trump about throwing his support to Trump if Trump gave him a job to head a "Vaccine task Force." ??? And Trump rejected him! "But there were concerns among some Trump advisers that Kennedy — a fervent critic of vaccines — would not be appropriate in such a job and that such an agreement could be problematic, the people said." Yes we in MAGA land, just don't think that would be "appropriate." heh heh heh heh Talk about selling your soul to the devil for a wacko cause, and getting rejected!
  11. -Sandy, I did get out my other laptop and I have all capabilities there. But I noticed the font is smaller and you're right. I've adjusted the size in my first computer because my eyes are getting worse. It's interesting in that in one general downsizing. I go from having 9 capabilities to 18 capabilities including sizing. But the preview option is always the last function on the right. Anyway Thanks!
  12. Sandy, I have neither text size or text color. I'm using windows on a laptop. This has happened before but it's continuing every day now.
  13. As far as VP, I go with the swing state where there are the most votes and Harris is weak, and that's Pennsylvania and Josh Shapiro. Though going after a tossup state like N. Carolina with Cooper could be a good idea because after 2024, Cooper will not be giving up an office as his term is ended. Where other non VP candidates like Whitmer or Newsome can still use their office to stay in the news for 28 or 32. I like the image of Mark Kelley, but is that too Westy? Beshear, Kentucky, ehh. Yes W. It could easily be a very polarizing racist and sexist campaign which is one of the reasons she's not my first choice, but that could easily backfire on Trump! Also because he's more vulnerable than ever, any debate where he gets exposed by a black woman like Harris,Trump could become unraveled and blow it! Now it's revealed that RFK JR. went to Trump in 2016 after his victory lobbying Trump to start a "Vaccine task force". And of course, now there's speculation after the phone call that Trump might offer a post to RK in exchange for throwing his votes to Trump. Yes that was the debate if you remember where Pence had the fly squatting on his forehead! Yes, Harris did well, but what I hated about that debate was the moderating by Susan Paige, who caved in to the man and let Pence ramble on endlessly and keep extending everything he was saying!
  14. If It's Harris. This is what the Dems should have Harris do. PROSECUTE DONALD TRUMP! First Harris grilling Walrus William Barr about a number of things, including Barr's handling of the Mueller Report. Russia gate denying Bill Barr worshipers should probably focus on this exchange! Yeah fat chance! coo coo ca choo! This with Brett Kavanaugh, the problem with this was the Dems sat on that information for 6 weeks, or they could have nipped the Kavanaugh nomination in the bud before it became such a spectacle! https://youtu.be/qv7_ZmM8BQ0 Harris's grilling of Jeff Sessions https://youtu.be/mK_HmEFxCpI If I had criticism of Harris's speeches and delivery, I would say it's that she projects her speech from the roof of her mouth up to her nose giving her speech a nasal twang. As they say, she must project from the diaphragm more! Otherwise, rather impressive!
  15. -Most voters are now independents! -It's older voters, born before 1964, where Republicans have the edge! -People born since 1981 are more apt to vote Democrat than Republican! -But overwhelmingly, people born since 1965 are Independents! Which often have a preference between the 2 major parties. -In some polls Biden has 70% saying he's no longer fit for office. -But what is not said, is that 57% in that same poll said Trump is not fit for office! It could be that any one of 4 or 5 potential Dem candidates when the campaign begins, could immediately push 4-5% ahead of Trump! Maybe not, but this polling says so. Age wise, could it be that we've just been in power so long, We choose candidates that are our age but most of the people just don't like? Repubs Indep. Dems Silent generation 1928-1945 39 26 35 Baby Boomers !946-1964 35 33 32 Generation X 1965-1980 30 44 27 Millennials 1981-1996 21 52 27 Generation Z 1997-2012 17 52 31 https://www.newsnationnow.com/politics/poll-largest-percentage-americans-independents/
  16. -A plurality of voters are now independents! -It's older voters, born before 1964, where Republicans have the edge! -People born since 1981 are more apt to vote Democrat than Republican! -But overwhelmingly, people born since 1965 are Independents! Which often have a preference between the 2 major parties. -In some polls Biden has 70% saying he's no longer fit for office. -But what is not said, is that 57% in that same poll said Trump is not fit for office! It could be that any one of 4 or 5 potential Dem candidates when the campaign begins, could immediately push 4-5% ahead of Trump! Maybe not, but this polling says so. Age wise, could it be that we've just been in power so long, We choose candidates that are our age but most of the people just don't like? Repubs Indep. Dems Silent generation 1928-1945 39 26 35 Baby Boomers !946-1964 35 33 32 Generation X 1965-1980 30 44 27 Millennials 1981-1996 21 52 27 Generation Z 1997-2012 17 52 31 https://www.newsnationnow.com/politics/poll-largest-percentage-americans-independents/
  17. It was only relevant because you posted Gibson's "rant" Carl, and as I said, otherwise it has absolutely no relevance. Maybe you should research Mel Gibson. And I didn't mean to name drop "Tesla," I'm sure your first exposure to Musk was after he was forced to buy twitter. Sorry, something else to research.
  18. The names Gallaway, No, I've known of Musk long before Tesla, but what does that have to do with this?
  19. Yeah, well that was certainly worth posting! To clu ya Karl, Mel Gibson has been a known nut case, as well as an anti Semite for about 20 years. I think his father was an 70's Eric Von Donnegan type religious fanatic guru of sorts as well! So that "focus of evil" runs in the family!
  20. That's simply wrong Matt. In addition to James Polk. Franklin Pierce was added on the 35th ballot and nominated on the 49th ballot and became President! And the fact that he was an unknown actually helped! Rutherford Hayes in 1876. (7th ballot) James Garfield in 1880. (36th ballot) Warren G. Harding in 1920 (10th ballot) All of these were Dark Horses and all 4 won! Hubert Humphrey who got the nomination after RFK was killed, was the VP under LBJ Just like Harris. The thing that poisoned Humphrey was that he didn't want to be too dovish against the VN war because it was his boss's war. The critical thing that derailed his campaign at the beginning were the Chicago riots where Humphrey started the campaign down 15 points and ended up pulling within 1% at election day and losing. I would expect that there aren't going to be huge riots at this convention or it will be the Dems stupid fault! Any efforts by the Republicans to stop the this change will backfire! I'm hearing pundits say that there isn't sufficient time to know the candidates. I think that's BS! We don't have to have a year and a half process every 4 years to pick a President. People also shouldn't have to feel like they could have to have a beer with the President! They could probably find out everything they need to know in a week or month, but they're too lazy to even read! And we don't have to have a year process every 2 years to elect a Congressman either. * Thanks Sandy, I am maximized and I still don't have the sizing option.
  21. Hey, if it can't be RFK Jr., Timothy Mellon is now giving 75 million to Trump! ***** Trump’s biggest donor is a Gilded Age heir also backing RFK Jr. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2024/07/17/timothy-mellon-donor-trump-rfk/?wpisrc=nl_most&carta-url=https%3A%2F%2Fs2.washingtonpost.com%2Fcar-ln-tr%2F3e69eaf%2F669d2870d58c452cbbe8686e%2F646f594f44d19211b692299e%2F30%2F48%2F669d2870d58c452cbbe8686e I wonder why sizing of letters is disabled in some posts? I had no intention of making my top comment as big as a typical Morrow post, but I wasn't given a size option!! Any thoughts?
  22. Wow,! That sounds fantastic Bill! There's also parts of it that is much needed campaign reform in the U.S. The money in politics has just made everything so convoluted now!
  23. Re: Rigby article I never know with literate pro Trumpers what their motivation is? It's a good article from the pro business point of view, rather comprehensive, going into a number of economic issues affecting business. But of all the issues brought up the number one issue Rigby seems to have glomed on to is that Trump's policies are like William Mc Kinley 120 years ago.(as if Trump's ever read of Mc Kinley before some economist tried to peddle his views on Trump to influence him in his direction!) Obviously Rigby fathoms himself as a historian and an economic wonk. So I assume, tariffs will untie the hands and free up the economic initiative of both the U.S. and U.K. and propel a new era of prosperity? So are you a trickle down economics guy Paul? Who believes then that domestic Laissez faire policies and extreme cutting of regulation will free up the U.S. economic tiger and that it not only would eliminate much of the need for the '"administrative state" but if adhered to 120 years ago may have actually forestalled Teddy Roosevelt's establishing an income tax until much later? That notion is so absurd! Perhaps Rigby would favor a worldwide scaling down of tax liability among the developed nations, that eventually would extend to the U.K. in particular possibly to protect your family inheritance? You're not that interested in dialog, so I have no idea what your motivation is.
  24. Guliani takes a seat at the Republic Convention, or at least tries to------- or maybe it's a seat he thought was a bed! at 3:04
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