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Kirk Gallaway

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Everything posted by Kirk Gallaway

  1. Did you see that whitewash just now by Trump's doctors? They said Trump was diagnosed 72 hours ago, but wouldn't be specific. If so, Trump then knowingly went to his rally in Minnesota and then attended the fund raiser in New Jersey on Thursday. They were evasive about when Trump has required oxygen, only noting he isn't on it right now. They abruptly cut off the news conference. Yesterday, after the release about Trump being infected, Scott Atlas is seen closely chatting with 2 other people unmasked on the White House lawn.
  2. I agree we shouldn't derive pleasure, but we shouldn't focus so much on the Trumps that we ignore the 209,000 that passed before them. The best thing that can come from this is a change of heart and a resolution to seriously fight the virus, but I have my doubts. The Trump family and entourage that came into the debates, entered with masks, then took them off when seated. It took place at the Cleveland Clinic and when they took off their masks they were asked to please put them back on and the hosts were scoffed at, and refused. The woman who recently left the Trump White House who said that from the beginning in January, Trump's reaction to the pandemic only seemed to be focused on himself and his re election now says there have been no real protocols within the White House. Trump's made statements that he's being tested every day, and it looks like that it's just more Trump BS. Kellyanne Conway is now infected. Somebody tested positive on the 16th!. We can't say for sure Trump didn't first infect Hicks!.
  3. Michael Moore: It’s Possible Trump ‘Lying About Having COVID-19’ to ‘Gain Sympathy’ https://www.breitbart.com/entertainment/2020/10/02/michael-moore-its-possible-trump-lying-about-having-covid-19-to-gain-sympathy/ First Joe and now Michael Moore. I think that theory is so bogus. Trump first tried to hide it. There's now way Trump would want his followers to see he caught the virus. He's been riding the "covid hoax" aura of invincibility, and now it's a sham! 4 people have caught the virus at Amy Coney Barrett ceremony. Utah Senator Mike Lee got it. Steve was mentioning that if he had a quick recovery he could try to spin it as being a brave Trump who reaffirms his invincibility. That might be so, but it would only be with his base. The undecided voter is probably not absolutely positive about the magnitude of the virus, has weighed the conflicting opinions between mask wearers and non mask wearers and after Trump's mocking Biden for wearing a mask at the debates, this is a big defeat for Trump. Biden can make whatever rules he wants in the upcoming debates including turning off Trump's mic, going virtual or he doesn't necessarily have to debate anymore at all. But I'm not sure what route he'll take. After the last time, you're always hesitant to make definitive statements as you don't want to be arrogant and cause anybody to stay home. But there was never a prospect of Trump winning the popular vote. Now the only question is Trump trying to legally throw out state results and bring it to a House of Representative ":one state one vote" because he probably can't win in the electoral college either. If Biden shows up with a pulse, Trump is toast! Trump, by his own definition of John Mc Cain and not mine, is a "loser' who "got caught." But what's worse is that he's probably the nucleus of some high profile super spreader events. I've just heard 11 people have now contracted the virus through the debates!
  4. Is Wheeler in a Fox time warp? Wheeler: 1)Statistically, what are his chances if he is asymptomatic? Remember Niederhut, in the entire history of modern medicine, up until 2020, a "case" of a disease was defined as a person showing symptoms of the disease and a positive test for the disease. As already said:Trump's exhibiting symptoms,nd they're taking him to Walter Reed.. Wheeler 2)Or to force Biden to get tested so he does not have an excuse to back out of a Second Debate. As said: Biden's been tested. 'Wheeler just can't conceive that Biden would willfully take a test after Trump who could well have been infected was yelling at him during the debate. Wheeler , like Trump would just bury his head in the sand, and show no concern for infecting someone else. Wheeler:3)Alternatively, how is it going to look when Biden "catches" the virus and stops all campaigning, even from his basement, because he has to recuperate, and Trump goes back to doing his rallies next week. First Biden has to catch the virus. Trump's quarantined for a couple of weeks. If he cheats , he looks like even more of a fool now that he's been afflicted. This kind of naive faith spin that a Trump setback is some "ace in the hole" for Trump, you often hear from Trump cultist like Wheeler. Wheeler:4)Trump is already doing a virtual rally tonight. As said: Virtual rally cancelled We don't know if Hicks didn't get it from Trump!
  5. News Flash! Trump aide Hope Hicks is infected and experiencing symptoms. Trump's taken a preliminary test and tweets him and Melania are quarantining awaiting the more definitive test. Curious, They knew about it last night. Trump's taken the 15 minute test and as of yet has not told us he had a negative result.
  6. Cliff: I agree about not packing the court to 13. I'm joking and providing a historical perspective on fair jurisprudence. ****** As for Mark's inquiry about Biden. I think Trump's strategy was no less than to continually interrupt Biden at the beginning of what he was saying and make Biden stutter and then point to Biden and say "look at old Joe stuttering". It was really as simple and cruel as that. I really question the value of Biden getting coaching through an earpiece for example. Any more stimuli than Biden just hunkering down and starting and finishing what he had to say would be just too confusing for Biden. I'm not sure what other reasons there would be, would that be an aid for Biden's health? As for the reaction to the inquiry, I don't think anybody's being unfair. They are going with what they think is the most obvious conclusions and assumptions And it is up to Mark to prove otherwise. ****** Wheeler has always been quick to level the charge on other's here calling him a racist. I've seen little evidence of that. I do think Wheeler has been careful to not appear racist, but I've noticed he is a quite a homophobe and takes every opportunity to let us know when some member of his opposition is gay. ****** As far as Byrd goes, people can change over the course of their lives. He could have defected to the Republicans during Nixon's southern sweep in 1968, but he didn't. He saw the writing on the wall. People should be encouraged to change for the better. *******Ok, Bill Maher's gloating, but he's earned the right to.
  7. Hey Cliff, unfortunately that could still be 6-5. How about the 13th?
  8. Excellent Dave!, imagine her modern day counterpart being as articulate and grounded as this woman! Now when there's not the slightest premise that psychological health is a desirable attribute in picking a leader.
  9. Unfortunately, we have to work with limitations we were given. I think Trump could benefit from some unplanned acid therapy. ASAP
  10. A national embarrassment , any hope of civic discourse and responsibility degenerates into another new product line of Trump Douchebaggage. Boy, Chris Wallace sure had a hard time controlling Trump. He should have been firm in the beginning. I'm not sure if it's Wallace or Biden who was supposed to clean up the poo poo from Trump's pants. The people who would think Trump won the debate are people who would congratulate themselves for shouting down the opposition in a debate. I watched the Fox spin, and said they were continually "talking over each other" but that wasn't a fair depiction. Trump kept talking over Biden, trying to unnerve him, and stopping him before he could say anything, and after a few times, Biden's not just going to relinquish his time for Trump interruptions and they were talking at the same time. Very little got done and I'm hardly surprised. I knew Trump would try to overrun Biden, and honestly after all Biden's inactivity of late, wondered if Biden could find the the right balance between fighting back and appearing too passive. And he did and he didn't rattle. Trump was way too much and appeared like the challenger trying to make up lost ground in the very last debate.
  11. Gary Oldman is a great actor. He was great as LHO. And yes, he was great in "True Romance" as well. I wouldn't get too upset about this. When he first got to the window and declared the shot 'impossible'. How is he in any way qualified to make a statement like that? Does anyone know if he's an expert marksman? I think not. I have no idea, but he might be just be an emotional guy whose unduly influenced by computer simulations, by supposed "scientists". I hardly think he was bowing to any outside pressure. If his roles dried up, it's because the roles dry up for an aging character actor and old crazy man parts. That's the business. I've had experience acting and have known some good actors. Sometimes an actor can bring such a thoughtfulness to a role, you think they're very intelligent people. Sometimes they are, but sometimes not. "JFK" had a really good cast. I remember this time period and the prevailing opinions. Kevin Costner was super big box office at that time. He had just won "Best Picture" for "Dancing with Wolves". Even though to me, he was a weak choice for the leading man. Didn't strike me at all as Garrison, didn't buy his New Orleans accent. But some of the supporting actors were previous Oscar Winners themselves. There were a lot of grade "A"actors at different stages of their careers. Jack Lemon, Donald Sutherlin, Tommy Lee Jones, Walther Matthau, Kevin Bacon, Joe Pesci, Sissy Spacek, John Candy, Ed Asner. I bet if you asked any of these actors if they had fear upon taking the part or thought their careers suffered as result of taking their part in "JFK" they would overwhelmingly say "no". The only person who suffered was the maker of the movie, Oliver Stone. As far as actors speaking out about "JFK". I know it's hard to understand here. I think there could be many in the cast that have suspicions about the JFKA, but as Joe says, they're not into controversy. It's more out of prudence than any fear. It's mostly they don't believe that strongly, and have too much going on in the careers to want to become an expert, and have to defend their view is just too much of a pain in the a-s.
  12. got it W. "Trump Deep State DOJ" Flynn, when saved from jail, had a "Q epiphany". He always seemed like a moonie. https://www.cnn.com/2020/07/07/politics/michael-flynn-qanon-video/index.html Russia's top state TV anchor weighs in on US elections Hear Trump's response to NYT story about his taxes Stelter: Trump will call this 'fake news.' Here's the truth Could Trump go to jail over his taxes? Watergate prosecutor weighs in
  13. Andrew, You're getting into what I've always asserted is the true "Deep State". Trump is the "swamp" that has always existed, that he and the Republican party (to the tune of 90%) and some Democrats seek to continue. What has commonly been asserted here, and is the chief cause of the flocking of a lot of Trump conspiracy supporters to cites such as these, is the belief in the MIC "Deep State'. This is a holdover from the JFKA and has always been perpetuated by Jim Di, Jeff and Wheeler. It's not to say it isn't true, but it is only a drop in the bucket of the corporate deep state that is the result of corporate infiltration of the government and it's spending priorities and legal obstructions on many levels and in many departments. Trump's and Fox's assertion of "Trump vs. the government "Deep State" is the same. That Trump is down on the aggressive U.S., expansionary military conflicts of the neocons of the last 30 years, . (though you notice curiously he doesn't use the words, "neocons"). But his support of the Bush's War on Iraq and the invasion of Libya are an obvious contradiction, and his military spending boosts, which he brags about is still straight out of the classic Republican playbook. (again 90% support.) As is his deregulation of Wall Street. And the Trump Fox playbook further asserts that law enforcement (FBI DOJ) is in cahoots with MIC Deep State and they are vigorously trying through whatever means to trip up Trump to scandal. And while everyone has been diverted with this message. Trump has instituted his own "swamp", with his cronies and family profiting from emoluments violations, profiting from a poorly constructed"wall' taxpayer boondoggle, infiltrating the CDC, which admittedly wasn't all that together before Trump came around, sabotaging the USPS before an election, heavy handed infiltration and use of the DOJ, etc.. You have to notice, that through all these years of Trump not releasing his taxes, there has never once been a leak from the IRS itself. It was only after it went to the NY courts, that the New York Times got a hold of it! The magnitude of tax fraud, is probably astonishing even to the super wealthy, but only because they may not have assumed Trump was so desperate!
  14. I love these rationalizations by Wheeler and Chris. "No rich people pay their taxes. If you were Trump you would be a fool not to do it." It's amazing the American dream's hold on the world, that there's so many people who imagine that they will be billionaires some day and sympathize with Trump, because they wouldn't want the government to take their money away in taxes. And this dream never dies for a lot of them, if they're in their 30's or their 60's. They're going to make it. Dammit! Chris's marketing company, if there wasn't so many foreigners let in by Brexit could be making a killing! If the U.S. would only let him in now, he'd make a real killing in America! (Ok,half joking, I don't know Chris , but Brexit and preserving national symbols seem to be your over riding theme.) Usually outside inheritances and windfalls, lots of people think they're going to get their lucky break in their 20's, but financials arcs are often decided by the time they're 30. There are notable exceptions. Wheeler's just putting on airs, no truly successful person would be as bitter and angry and prone to conspiracy theories, that indirectly probably stymied his life prospects success in his own mind. But what's really sad is all the disenfranchised people who have placed their futures on Trump and will not be able to collect on the system they've put into for years.Those who always thought that they'd have their health care taken care of in old age. They're like trusting children who think the 'deep state" is just picking on Trump and when the time comes Trump will restore the health care system for them, and make it a much better system than Obama ever could, and somehow with the wave of a Trump wand, will provide their retirement for them. **** Joe as far as Cohen withholding information, why would he? If they find out he doesn't come completely clean, he goes back to jail! That's the deal!
  15. Joe said: Joe said:"Can you believe how f***ing stupid the IRS is?" "Who would give me a refund check of ten f***ing million dollars?" "They are so stupid!" Yeah I know Joe, people of other countries would just be astonished that some one could get away with so much as people do in the U.S. with the IRS. But,........ but....., but the Government "Deep State" is supposed to be all powerful!, Right Jeff?
  16. You beat me by 20 seconds Doug. Trump is calling it "fake news". He looks a bit distraught. He apparently did better in things he gave his name to than anything he actually managed.It looks like he's a fraud with a lot of debt. There's an easy way to disprove it of course, release his taxes.
  17. Kathy said: He is cruel to his people. And you want him to win because he makes his detractors lose their minds? Wow. You must be a very angry person to find joy in that. wheeler:I"M NOT ANGRY! "You must be a very angry gullible person to find joy believe in that.' Translated: I know you are, but what am I? ****** That was pretty cool Kathy, like a teacher talking to an errant child. But he has stated this many times that his intention is to just rile and agitate people. I was telling people here even before Trump that there was danger of the JFKA Conspiracy being co opted by right wing wackos, and sure enough, you're seeing it being equivocated more and more and painted with the same broad brush. As far as Wheeler, it was this salacious need to hear greater, more comprehensive webs of intrigue of elites that a few of the enablers just couldn't resist, but they never end up really going anywhere. I can gauge the "addiction to conspiracy quotient' by the interest in his posts. Wheeler really is conspiracy porn. Everyone's relation is different. Some just take his abuse, It's sort of like tolerant liberals to extol free speech, and yet never be able to say to themselves the word "as-hole". Some put up some very entertaining resistance. W. likes to spar with him, which never seems productive but is occasionally fun. I've always thought Di Eugenio as Wheeler's chief apologist and enabler. He's kind of got Jim Di on the run now which is funny. And he's so terrified of Cliff and I, he's put us "ignore". But I guess the next choke point is the election and the period following. I'm sure he'll just be endlessly spamming with greater agitation.
  18. Yes, we were all waiting with bated breathe for Jim's official 2020 Presidential endorsement. He cleverly waited until Trump said he wouldn't go peacefully to create suspense. Jim, like Jim Mc Cord, always several steps ahead of the electoral game and all of us. Whew!, now we can all go on with our lives! But after voting for Jill Stein in 2016, it's hardly a surprise. Cliff said: We’re in the battle of our lives to save what we have left of a democratic republic and DiEugenio won’t make a hard stand against fascism. Re article:Yes Jim, I know you think the current Trump alignment (in economic order) King Salmon,Netanyahu, Bolsonaro, Erdogan, Duarte,Putin and Kim Jong Un is awesome! I know you'll put up with the other 6 dictators just for the U.S. to be friends with Putin.There's not a chance in hell, Biden's going to start a war with Iraq, after Trump dumped Obama's treaty. The most troubling part of that article is Biden saying he's increasing Defense spending. But Trump has substantially increased defense spending over Obama and brags about it, and now is redirecting money for protective masks to weapons and the Pentagon. Believe me, After 2 failed wars, it's a hard sell..Besides Biden's going to have a hell of a lot more on his hands than pursuing an aggressive foreign policy. Like economic deprivation, social unrest, maybe a continuing pandemic and at worst a possible civil war. Little things like that.
  19. Sounds pretty cool. Dave. I like the idea of a True Crime series involving historical epochs with political factions as suspects. They make a reference to the only other Netflix True crime series, "The making of a Murderer" which was a more local setting in Wisconsin, not far from where my brother lives. I saw it, and enjoyed it. But as they said, later I found a number of facts about the case that they didn't release that were important. I notice that in crime series on TV. They'll lead you in a certain direction and later on give you a valuable bit of information, that makes you say. "Why didn't you tell me that in the beginning?" I think your mailbox is full.
  20. Internet, Covid, Trump misinformation: I've already seen so much of these fallacies about the pandemic on another site. Rand Paul was the the first Senator to get a covid infection. He used the Senate gym, and a lot of facilities while he was waiting for his covid test results, thoroughly sure that he wasn't infected, and it turned out he was. After quarantining, and returning he's been reprimanded for not wearing a mask in the Senate Chamber but he can claim he now has an immunity. Today he tries to grill Fauci and Fauci finally fights back. Paul claims that NYC has obtained herd immunity at 22%, and is corrected by Fauci. Even someone like me, whose not a physician like Paul, who just reads about the covid pandemic, knows better than that.
  21. Wheeler said: If the bulk of the JFK Research Community is going to avoid any evidence in the classified JFK files that points to a multi-generational effort by the Powers that Be to consolidate their power up to the present, then their is no point in releasing the files, Well there you have it, Wheeler thinks we're unworthy, and in his mind directed Trump to not release the files! Damn! ********* Bare in mind, William. Trump peddles many flavors of kool aid. If Trump does know something about Larry Silverstein, the Port Authority, and what happened to the WTC on 9/11 , like you speculate, he probably lost interest and has long since forgotten. heh heh William, you and I are in solid agreement about the current political climate. But I consider your Trump 911 speculation another "omnipotent Trump" theory, just like Wheeler's. I'm not sure why so many people are so eager to give power away to Trump that he nether merits or deserves. JMO
  22. As W. says. There are real issues that effect everyone. Probably the best evaluation you can make of a politician is where they stand on issues that are important to you. Judging whether politicians lie is very intrinsic but not really realistic as all politicians can lie. But it's true, in a greater sense the element of "content of character" has to come into play in evaluating any politician or leader. Specifically, in your preference, as far as lying you have a choice between a pathological xxxx on a scale never seen before in American politics, and a normal politician level of deceit. But there's more to it than that. What I've noticed is that people do feel a pressure to have, if not a political affiliation, at least in a loose sense, a political view. It is sort of seen as a bedrock of what it means to be a citizen, and creates a lot of anxiety. Often when I hear statements like "But both sides are full of xxxx, neither of them are trustworthy, and they both constantly lie, human garbage" etc., an almost religious moral condemnation, and absent of any real issues, often shows me that someone is so overwhelmed with information that he's not able to harness his critical faculties, to a point that he feels any comfortability to be responsible for taking a stand. I say that only as an observation, and not in any pejorative sense.
  23. Looks like this thread has become 4WD, White Wing Wacko Wheeler's "Q anon" annual contribution to the JFKA forum. And his now group validated fantasy conversations between the most pivotal political figures of his life, the Bushes and Trump. And of course starting with his completely irrelevant obsession with Mueller and his compromised investigation. Like everyone here I held out a smidgeon of hope for maybe some leads. Trump's campaign promises made absolutely no difference in that prospect for me.
  24. Quote: That would be "Weissmann repeatedly jabs at Zebley, comparing him unkindly to “timorous” Civil War Gen. George B. McClellan, whom President Lincoln famously relieved of his command in part over concerns he was not sufficiently aggressive. Weissmann alleges that Zebley so feared the office would be disbanded by Trump, he repeatedly encouraged less aggressive maneuvers. " Yes they were so timid and their biggest fear is that Trump would disband them,and set off another Saturday Night Massacre? I say let it happen! You excluded Di Eugenio, William. Always so worried about "Deep State" prosecutorial overreach, or any result that could reflect badly on Putin, and accepting Barr's interpretation like it was the "voice of God". And become just another chorus in the ninny Wheeler crowd of inane Trump enablers. Do you think Bobby Kennedy would have folded, and let a botched investigation that didn't even include looking into Trump's finances happen? Would RFK just have understandably nodded and made a gentlemanly agreement not push a direct interrogation of Trump, like Mueller did when Trump's counsel, John Dowd told him that the President can't testify in person because he would certainly " incriminate" himself?
  25. Kennedy was disgusted to see that the political appointees who supervised him were hailing Trump as “a marketing genius,” because, Kennedy said they’d told him, “he personally came up with the strategy of blaming the states.” The response was in line with what Kennedy calls the White House mantra: that government doesn’t work, and “that the worst thing we could do was step on the toes of the private sector.” The White House mantra: "that government doesn’t work, and “that the worst thing we could do was step on the toes of the private sector.” Of course if the government under Trump doesn't work, and doesn't mandate private manufacturing of PPE and other resources. It's doomed to failure. Watch the government fail by itself, because the government "can't do anything efficiently". This is the mantra of the deep state, you've been looking for. It's a private,corporate "deep state" that has now largely seized the government under Trump. Of course Trump will foist the blame on the states, to save his neck. If there weren't other instances in the past of the federal government stepping up to the plate in emergency responses, or initiating programs that are popular such as Social Security and Medicare. He could well get away with it. But the states have never had the resources to handle such a pandemic. Once the Federal government abdicated it's responsibility, putting it all on the states is also doomed to failure. But that's all the more fodder for the corporate elites. Not only was the federal government unable to do anything, so were the state governments. Trump can personally shift the blame on to the State governments and not only his base but the corporate elites will both love it. The goal is that future fighting of pandemics will be much more largely privatized, and even more of a scam.
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