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Joe Bauer

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Everything posted by Joe Bauer

  1. The man with the cap is right next to the Lincoln that carried LJB, Lady Bird, Ralph Yarborough and SS agent Rufus Youngblood just two cars behind JFK's limo in the motorcade. He is the only one close to it and it's passenger side and that door has been left open? Interesting that they left LBJ's limo so unprotected and with it's passenger side door left open I don't think this man is the DCM though.
  2. Ms. Sharp: What do you believe regards the DCM having a radio with antenna on his person during the shooting and right after?
  3. Louis Witt testified under oath that he was the Umbrella Man. He also said the man who sat right next to him on the curb was a "negro man." He even recounted his negro man seatmate as saying to him " They done shot that man." No Latin/Caribbean country born and raised person would ever speak like that. That is pure black American raised lingo. Also the picture of Santiago above does not match the picture of the DCM shown sitting on the Grassy Knoll curb imo. Different is several ways. The distinct hair line for one. The Latino looking Santiago has solid sideburns coming down in front of his ears. The seated DCM has none. The radio with antenna aspect of this side story is potentially an incredibly strong indicator of it's importance. If that is really a radio with antenna and the DCM man is really speaking into it...this is a true smoking gun.
  4. Could you provide more details about how you learned the tall DCM's identity? He is from where? Another country? Very suspicious if he came all the way from another country or even another state to see JFK and Jackie for just a few seconds and coincidently found a place to do so right at the point of shot impact upon JFK. Also, if the man was Mexican or Cuban or other Latin American or Caribbean island ethnicity, I don't get his very animated JFK admiring arm and hand waving/fist thrusting at JFK. American blacks were that admiring of JFK because of their perception of him as being more sympathetic to their equal rights seeking cause. JFK's standing up to Mississippi governor Ross Barnett during the integration issue at Ole Miss made JFK a hero to their cause. But a person with the Latin name Santiago? And Larry, do you see with certainty that this Santiago fellow had no radio with an antenna on his person in the above photos? Do you think the so-called antenna shown in both photos is an artificially enhanced falsely identified anomaly? Any speculations regards his hands being held all the way behind him to his backside as he walks?
  5. If the image of a radio antenna shown in the picture of the two seated men with the dark complexion man holding something up to his mouth isn't enhanced artificially one is forced to consider him with great suspicion. The photo clearly appears to show the DCM holding "something" up to his face as he and the UBM are turned watching the crowd run up the grassy knoll. Also, the same with the picture of the tall, thin DCM walking along the sidewalk after he and the UBM decide to go their separate opposite direction ways. Either there is a long antenna sticking up from something in the man's back waist line or pocket or that is a shoulder to waist long crease in the back of the man's shirt. Revealed with a dark shadow. Also, the DCM is the only person seen walking with his hands behind his back. Not slightly but significantly. To a degree that if he wasn't pulling up the back of his pants ( as I have done many, many times ) or even perhaps rubbing his numbed buttocks after sitting on a hard curb, one must again consider this singular arm and hand movement and position with at least some suspicion. The umbrella man ( Louis Witt ) claimed he didn't know the DCM. He described him as a "negro man." Why would they both seat themselves as close together as theater seat mates? Especially when they didn't know each other and there was so much curb room they could easily have sat themselves down with much more space between them? They are so close to one another they could have held hands. Ground lying married couple Bill Newman and his wife Gail are farther apart than DCM and UBM! It seems logical that "someone" would have recognized the Morgan Freeman look-a-like DCM in all the decades of the pictures being shown of him. Especially if he were a resident of the Dallas area. His long, tall, thin body type is easily more recognizable than average imo. And include his fez type cap as another more uniquely identifiable part of this person.
  6. Very enlightening and thought provoking posts Paul. Much appreciated.
  7. So true and well expressed Pat. Totally agree. Our entire being happiness is not achieved solely by scientific advancement which greatly enhances material gain. Far from it. To acquire better modern convenience shelter and housing, transportation, medical care, toys, clothing, food choices, communication over long distance, etc., etc. is one thing. But every one of us homo-sapiens has a much deeper need for true happiness and fulfilment. One that the scientific method cannot meet anywhere near as much as our basic mammalian human DNA drive. That of raw intimacy. A life experience that written words, scientific achievements and abstract thought cannot compete with ... in the final analysis of acquiring true soul deep happiness and fulfilment. IMO anyways. The unexpected out-of-the-blue hard core pornographic scene of a naked, sweating Jean Tatlock ( and physically very attractive imo ) feverishly working over a naked and seated Oppenheimer makes sense in your assessment Pat. Oppenheimer's basic needs fulfilment were certainly much more than just his intellectual pursuits. The scene showed us that. In one sense you can say the scene was unnecessary and a story line distraction. My unexpected and instantaneous loin stirrings definitely confused me and my film train of thought. My brain chemistry was altered there for awhile. Ah...but what do we expect from any major film... cinematic perfection? What is that anyways? Overall, I appreciated the film as a deeper look at Oppenheimer - the man and his life centered around his involvement with the incredibly momentous event of the development of the first atomic bomb and the beginning of a new age of humanity. I must ask though...if Oppenheimer hadn't snatched his poisoned apple from his professor's visitor's hand and tossed it into the trash, would he had left it on the desk? And his even injecting the apple ( with sodium pentothal was it ?) gave me a chill in thinking...is this guy ( Oppenheimer) a "Ted Kaczynsky" type nut case? If that poisoned apple incident was true ... it makes me wonder if many so-called genius's aren't a little crazy in some sociopathic ways. Such as Asperger syndrome?
  8. Jim D. I take it you didn't like Matt Damon as Groves as much as I did not? The daydream scene of a naked Jean Tatlock chair seat scr**ing the naked Oppenheimer during his clearance hearing was a gratuitous risk one for sure. Wonder what others felt about it?
  9. By the way...did the police ever look for and find the soda pop bottle that Oswald was drinking from as Dallas motorcycle officer Marion Baker described him doing in the second floor lunch room just minutes after the shooting? To check it for prints as well? Sounds as if Oswald didn't have the pop bottle in hand when he gave journalist Jim Lehrer directions to the nearest phone in the lobby area.
  10. Lt. Day "lifted the rifle"... "before" he dusted it for prints? Did he do this only by holding it up by it's strap? A Dr. Pepper soda pop bottle was "brought up from the 5th floor?" To be dusted for prints? Why bring up an item from the 5th floor to be dusted for prints? One assumes that all those deputies were instructed to look for a rifle because by the time everyone got up on the sixth floor their supervisors had been made aware of eyewitnesses on the streets below telling them they saw at least one person holding a rifle in the 6th floor windows? It must have crossed their minds that a sniper might have had a plan of getting their rifle completely off the 6th floor and hiding it somewhere else or even having an accomplice taking the rifle out? Or even tossing it out a back of the building window to someone below as Tom Aleya did with his film cannister to someone on the street below? How stupid could Oswald be to think the police wouldn't find his rifle as it wasn't hidden well? And knowing that his rifle would tie him into the shooting in the most obvious incriminating evidence way, ie finger prints and ownership trace? What has always been so illogically confounding to me is the lack of rational thinking on Oswald's part regarding his Jr. High kid level lack of planning in his shooting of the "President of the United States" and his simply walking away escape from the scene. He defeats an army of security who are all around the scene and just feet from him, and even walks through their ranks to catch a city bus and taxi home? Also, Oswald's success at making a bullseye hit upon a 9 inch wide 3 direction moving target 265 feet away, his simply walking away seconds after doing so, his worst plan for getting his incriminating evidence rifle away from the scene, and everything else about that one hour in the worked-up beehive of frantic gun drawn activity just seems so impossibly implausible ... it's nonsensical to a disturbing even haunting dream degree.
  11. Interesting comment by David Talbot in the linked interview above: "I don't even know who owns Salon.com. And I started it!" He says Salon.com itself has hurled heavy shots against RFK Jr.. He says he believes RFK Jr. could bring this country together? Both the left and the right? Unless RFK Jr. adopts Trump's super aggressive stance to completely stopping illegal immigration and even sending many of them back and perhaps as well even taking U.S. military action against the drug cartels who are flooding our country and society with truly devastating and damaging drugs and who operate with impunity under completely useless and/or corrupt governments ( they have more power than these governments ) RFK Jr. won't bring the huge 60 million number Reagan cult following to anyone's side imo. Also, this 60 million number group are not of a "right wing" political mind set philosophically imo. I don't think they even understand that term relative to it's traditional origins. Conservative moral and economic precepts, smaller government, less spending, etc. Perversely the majority of this group come from states that draw more federal funds of a social welfare type nature such as Social Security, disability, food stamps, and medicare per capita than the so-called left wing states! I propose that most of Trump's cult is a mishmash of super angry and frustrated Americans ( hugely white ) who feel threatened by what they see as a 60 year long agenda of putting their cultural heritage interests behind those of an ever growing influx of illegal immigrant and black American interests ones. A demographic fact that in many states has made them and their interests a minority. A minority that in our democratic voting principle structure has them losing more and more power, control and influence electorally. And all this white threat anger and fear fed 24/7 by a very calculated and hugely financed program of radio ( Rush Limbaugh types ), television ( Fox News ) and now internet propaganda that has been going full tilt for the last 40 years! Imo fed by "the real" power group of this country. The corporate 1% wealthiest of Americans. The Wall Street power structure. The Bloomberg set. So much more powerful and influencing than these Trump cult members even understand. The most threatening persons to these most powerful entities are people like Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren and AOC or anyone like them politically. Americans who have been trying to lessen the grip of the real power people of extreme wealth and yet, who are of such an extremely small minority. Who dupe and feed the massive anger and fear feeling groups into thinking their specific interests are the main issue here. These secret controllers would only see RFK Jr. as a third party candidate who might actually draw enough votes from any real threatening Democratic party candidate who may by chance be of the Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders mind set politically. For what it's worth.
  12. In the film "American Sniper" Navy Seal sniper Chris Kyle is depicted as having to shoot women and children in Iraq. 162 confirmed kills total. The film shows at least two women victims who were either shooting a rifle or carrying a concealed explosive device which Kyle had to decide were going to be used to kill his brothers in arms. War is hell. Surreal that Kyle was shot to death by one of his own fellow service men right here back in the states who had developed extreme mental illness issues.
  13. Great points Pat. I saw the film last week. I wish I could write as well as Jim D... and if I could I would express at least a few critical thoughts. Ones that had some intellectual gravitas versus my typical low brow entries. Great acting by the way. I recommend Robert Downey Jr. for the best supporting actor Academy Award this next March. And GREAT make up work. Academy award for this as well. Imo anyways. It took a minute or two for me to recognize Gary Oldman as Truman. Curious coincidence that Oldman played Lee Harvey Oswald in Oliver Stone's film "JFK." I wonder who picked Oldman for the Truman role. And yes, I caught that line ( some may have missed it because it was through a closing Oval Office door) where Truman tells his other guest...I don't want that cry-baby ( Oppenheimer ) in this office again. I love Matt Damon for 75% of the films he has been in. But not this one. Guess I have him type cast in my mind too much as Jason Bourne and other younger person roles. I think casting an older actor, even if not a famous one, would have lessened the miscast distraction for me Damon was. Should we have dropped the first Atomic bombs ( 2 ) on Japanese cities? So much legitimate debate there that there is no way any one person can answer that question simply imo. War is hell as Pat says. It's ruthless and those that create it are usually ruthless psychopathic power mad cult leaders whom you have to confront just as ruthlessly to defeat them. And one could easily constantly cite the atrocities of the Japanese as being way more brutal than their losses in Hiroshima and Nagasaki...and to a point even the Tokyo and Dresden bombings. Many Jews wanted to exact revenge on the German people after their defeat that would have killed more than Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Diabolical actions such as poisoning their drinking water on a huge scale. Surprised the Chinese didn't get to pound on the Japanese at wars end for Nanking "alone!" I grew up with a Burmese friend. His mother got out of the country one step ahead of the Japanese take over. As her plane was lifting off, she witnessed sword armed Japanese soldiers cutting the heads off of other Burmese civilians left on the tarmac who didn't get out in time. Also my son interviewed a Bataan Death March survivor for a Junior High history class project back in the mid-1990's. I accompanied my son and we met in this fellow's home in Salinas, CA. His name was "Ben Cicone." Or "Ciccone?" He survived the march, only to be shipped off to Japan and interred into a Japanese prisoner of war camp there. Let me just say that the atrocities he described the Japanese inflicting upon the Death March men and later in their main island prison camp...made you feel the Japanese couldn't be punished enough for their unbelievably brutal en masse war crimes.
  14. If Joe Pesci actually listened to tapes of Ferrie speaking to prepare for his Ferrie role in Stone's film "JFK" he would be a logical person to ask if the voice of the Morrissette provided audio link was actually Ferrie...one would think? Pesci is certainly alive. Wonder how to contact him with this question.
  15. Gil, one of the most egregious examples of FBI alterations is their affidavit reports after interviewing Julia Ann Mercer. Ms. Mercer stated the signature on the copy of their affidavit was not hers, there was no notary present when they questioned her and they lied regards her identification of Jack Ruby as the driver of the stalled truck at the far end base of the grassy knoll through pictures they laid out in front of her. She also was not called before the Warren Commission. And never forget that Dallas FBI agent James Hosty stated ( chuckling ) years after his WC testimony that he held back telling the commission that he destroyed their Lee Harvey Oswald file the day or day after Oswald was shot and killed upon orders from his boss James Gordon Shanklin. Which he immediately did within minutes of being given the order. Can you imagine the nuclear reaction by the Commission if Hosty had told them the full "truth, whole truth and nothing but the truth" the day of his testimony regards his agency's destruction of Oswald's file just 2 to 3 days after the JFKA? When asked why he held back this destruction of specific mind blowing important evidence information from the Commission, Hosty simply stated "they didn't ask." They didn't ask? How could they ( the Warren Commission ) ask about something they didn't know existed? Hosty's Warren Commision testimony oath was to "tell the truth, the WHOLE truth and NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH ...so help me God." Hosty knew he was not telling the Commission the "whole" and full truth and "nothing but the truth." And the man was of the Catholic faith. He also violated his "so help me God" part of that oath as well. He chose to protect his employer and obviously his own pension employment status in the agency over making sure the American public knew the full truth of Oswald and the Dallas FBI.
  16. Spectre to Worrell: "the question is did you tell the FBI the man you saw looked like Oswald?" Worrell to Specter: "I don't know if I did or not." So...it's just as possible you did say to the FBI the man you saw looked like Oswald as it is you didn't?
  17. Not real familiar with Mark Groubert, however I just watched an interview of him by Eric Hunley. The discussion was mostly about David Ferrie. Groubert's got a style of presentation that reminds me of stand-up comedian Mort Sahl. Sarcastic humor yet seemingly well informed. Groubert mentions Joe Pesci listening to tapes of David Ferrie speaking to prepare for his Ferrie role in Oliver Stone's film "JFK." If true, then somewhere there are actual taped recordings of Ferrie speaking. In the beginning of this interview host Eric Hunley shows and plays the exact same Ferry speaking tape Denis Morrisette has linked us to. Groubert seemed like he had never heard this audio tape. He also seemed unsure as to whether it really was Ferrie on the tape. Groubert has a lot of side stories he shares about the JFKA players he is discussing. Yes, very interesting but I don't know enough about Groubert and his sources to accept their validity out of hand at this time. One story Groubert shares is that Ferrie used to take his teen air cadet boys onto flights with him. To share the cockpit with him side by side. He reportedly would then try to initiate some type of sexual contact with these boys. Groubert stated one story that Ferrie tried this with young 14 year old Lee Oswald and Oswald responded by slugging Ferrie in the jaw! Ferrie's supposed suicide had some illogical aspects as did Dorothy Kilgallen's. However, Kilgallen's was so illogical it was absurd. Ferrie types up two suicide notes, but the N.O. coroner finds that Ferrie died a natural death?
  18. "wise bunch of birds" Garrison quoted Ferrie saying this? How about a few other Ferrie dialogue statements Oliver Stone included in his film "JFK." Were the following also Garrison quotes attributed to Ferrie? "You don't leave the agency. You're in for life." "Shaw?" "Highest clearance." An untouchable." "David Ferrie: Oh man, why don't you f***in' stop it? Sh*t, this is too f***in' big for you, you know that? Who did the president, who killed Kennedy, f*** man! It's a mystery! It's a mystery wrapped in a riddle inside an enigma! The f***in' shooters don't even know!" "They'll get to you too." "I'm a dead man!"
  19. Wouldn't Judyth Vary Baker know Ferrie's voice? She met the guy and she is very alive. Anyone here on the forum connected to her well enough to ask her to ID the voice on DM's linked recording?
  20. If that is not David Ferrie's voice on the linked audio clip then that is a very strange recording indeed. Now I am really intrigued. Who are our most informed David Ferrie experts on this forum? I think Jim D. himself posted that he had never heard of this tape? Or was it that he had never heard David Ferrie's voice? Curiously strange that a guy who interacted with so many people and even gave 4 talks a week expressing the evils of Fidel Castro...no where is there a legitimate tape recording of his speaking or one person that heard him speak?
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