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Joe Bauer

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Everything posted by Joe Bauer

  1. Still, none of the flying machines you see above can go from 5,000 mph, stop on a dime, hover and then accelerate back to 5,000 MPH or more in a split second as many radar readings have shown objects doing. Or fly circles around a missile fired from Vandenberg Air Base while it's traveling at even higher speeds.
  2. Mankind generally isn't emotionally mature enough to handle entire Earth destroying technology. We all know that. To many alpha Neanderthal brute or money obsessed types get control over entire nations who possess weapons of mass destruction and keeping them from using these and triggering world-wide war is the great challenge facing all of humanity. How the worst case scenario hasn't happened by now is pretty much a miracle considering mankind's history. Yet, a super volcano eruption or two, massive sized asteroid strike, weather and ocean level and current changes could be extinction type events as well. If our own Yellowstone caldera decides to blow...God help us all. Not to be overly cheery but ... "if the average person knew half of what's really going on in the world, they'd probably go into their back yards and shoot themselves."
  3. Booth was born in 1838. Oswald 1939. The Lincoln/JFK and Johnson/Johnson coincidences have been attacked for decades as childish game playing. I never jumped into the subject matter much. Every 10 years or so someone or some publication will report on it. Kind of National Enquirer stuff? Yet, I do believe their high number and specificity are odds defying uncanny enough to warrant not dismissing them out-of-hand. And I actually find them reasonably intriguing enough to engage in fun conversation with others regards them. Both Lincoln and JFK had poor health off and on in their lives. Childhood set backs. Endocrine maladies. Lincoln had many other physical traumas as well. Rough challenge experiences for sure. Read below: When he was nine years old, Lincoln was kicked in the head by a horse at the Noah Gordon Mill and was knocked unconscious for several hours.[3] Other injuries or trauma throughout his life include almost severing one of his thumbs with an axe,[4] incurring frostbite of his feet in 1830–1831,[5] being struck by his wife (apparently on multiple occasions),[6] and being clubbed on the head during a robbery attempt in 1828. I don't think Jackie K. whacked JFK around like Abe Lincoln's wife did her husband though.
  4. Exactly. Also, Oswald had two and maybe three wallets? The one that he left for Marina with 170 dollars in it? Another one removed from his person after he was wrestled out of the Texas theater? Maybe another one found at the Tippit shooting scene? 170 dollars back in 1963 was the equivalent to almost 1700 dollars today in buying power. 3 months rent on an apartment and then some. The Oswald motivation narrative was that he left this large amount of money to Marina because he knew he was never coming home again. Couldn't another explanation for this good sized chunk of money being left in Marina's care be simply that it was safer and more prudent to leave it with Marina, versus carrying it on his person at work, on buses going to work and little room and even leaving it in that little room where he knew housekeeper Earlene Roberts might see it if she needed to go into his room for any reason? And it would make sense Oswald would "not" want to put that money in a bank account. He might need the money in an instant if he needed to use it to get another apartment for he and Marina. And Oswald never wrote a check in his life did he? Obviously, he didn't like banks and preferred to keep his money close to his person. One assumes Oswald always paid his rent in cash? So, Marina's room and closet was Oswald's bank. Safer and more easily accessible if he needed cash right away. And one of the arrested and detained Lee's first comments to Marina when she was brought in to see him was to be sure his little Junie got some new shoes with the money he left Marina? That's the mindset of a cold blooded killer? Oswald loved his little girl more than anyone...even Marina imo. And how could killing JFK advance the cause of Castro and the Cubans in Oswald's mind if that is why he did it? Didn't Oswald answer a question that suggested his pro-Cuba ideology might be the reason he did JFK with this answer ( paraphrased ) that the man who replaced JFK ( LBJ ) would have not been any less antagonistic to the Cuban cause than JFK?
  5. Confused here. Junior Jarman says he started eating his sandwich and drinking his soda pop after 12 noon ( at 11:55 he stops working and goes to the wash room to wash his hands, gets his sandwich, goes to the lunch room to buy a soda from the machine - this all had to have taken 5 minutes to do ) and after finishing his lunch ( how long did that take? ) and even disposing his sandwich wrap paper and empty soda pop bottle he then meets up with and goes out the front of the building with Harold Norman, Bonnie Ray and Danny Arce? Exactly what time is it when Jarman and his three friends exit the building to see JFK? Did he gobble his sandwich and swig down his soda pop in just 5 minutes or so? Maybe 10? So, at some point after 12 noon he and these three other fellows go out the building. Then, apparently, within minutes of going outside and before JFK's limo arrives, Jarman and Williams and Norman change their minds about being outside and then decide to go up to the 5th floor? To perhaps get a better view of the motorcade? And maybe avoiding the crowdedness of outside group of employees? At 12:30 PM, when the shooting begins, Jarman and Williams and Norman are all sitting together in the 5th floor window area, directly below the shooter above them? That's a lot of running around for this trio in just 30 minutes time. Jarman washing his hands, then getting his sandwich, buying a soda pop in the 2nd floor lunch room then walking around eating his lunch and then disposing of his sandwich wrap and empty pop bottle, then meeting up with his work buddies and all of them going down to the first floor lobby and then out the main entrance door to the outside. Then changing their minds and going up 5 floors to get a better view of the motorcade. And how long were they in the 5th floor window area before someone started shooting above them? And it appears the 5th floor was also an open warehouse type floor as the 6th floor? If Jarman and his buddies wanted to get a birds-eye view of the motorcade, why not go to the 6th floor to get an even better one than the 5th?
  6. There is valid rational logic behind not trusting the Warren Commission nor it's main guilty party conclusion. Starting with the Katzenbach memo. Then, the make-up of the Commission itself. Kennedy fired Allen Dulles. Impartial towards JFK? Please. FBI and Hoover loyalist Gerald Ford? Hoover hated JFK and RFK and Gerald Ford loved Hoover. Kennedy hating Southern State Reps? No one from the Northern states? John McCloy. Could write a book about his secret loyalties. Warren himself was compromised. LBJ put the fear of WW III into him. So, the make-up of the WC from the very beginning was a farce regards true impartiality toward JFK and RFK. One must read ALL of the testimonies in the Warren Report to truly have credibility in determining whether they give the report enough weight to bolster their final finding conclusion versus not. I've read very close to 70 to 75% of the testimonies. Years of reading. Some of the more technical testimonies went over my head and are very hard to stick with. So, admittedly I can't say I have read everything. Still, there are so many testimonies that ( imo ) inject as much doubt regards the WC findings that my truth gut instincts just won't allow me to believe their "lone gunman-no conspiracy" conclusion. I could cite 50 testimonies that rattle that cage. Other even more WC educated researchers certainly come up with many more. Just a dozen that I can instantly pull off the top of my head are the testimonies of: Seth Kantor. Sylvia Odio. Orest Pena. James Hosty. Who admitted he withheld the true story of his destroying Oswald's FBI file upon orders from his boss from the commission just 3 days after 11,22,1963. Mind blowing. SS agent Kellerman. Marina Oswald's manipulated and ever-changing testimony. Michael Paine. Dr. James "Red" Duke. Governor John Connally's trauma room surgeon. Dr. Charles Baxter, Parkland physician. Dean Andrews. Arnold Lewis Roland. Houston Street sidewalk bystander who saw man with rifle in two TXSBD 6th floor windows. Priscilla Mary Post Johnson McMillan. And never leave out the September, 1969 Walter Cronkite/LBJ interview in which LBJ himself expresses doubt in totally dismissing that Oswald may have had international connections.
  7. How can anyone see how the Bobby Baker scandal just went away the minute LBJ became president and not see the corruption of LBJ himself? The serious criminal investigation of LBJ himself also disappeared. LBJ got his protege Malcolm Wallace off scot-free after Wallace was found guilty of murder with malice by a Texas jury. One of the most outrageous corruptions of justice in Texas history. Why do people even try to portray LBJ as anything but a totally corrupt man and politician? When there is so much factual evidence proving this? It's not even a debatable proposition.
  8. Interesting comments by Daniel Ellsberg regards Kennedy's policy on Viet Nam versus Eisenhower, LBJ and Nixon's. Ellsberg lumps JFK's Viet Nam policy ideology in with the other 3 presidents as imperialistic. See this JFK mention not long after the Amy Goodman "Democracy Now" interview of Ellsberg begins. Jim Di...any comments? Papers whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg, who recently announced that he has been diagnosed ... 24:23NOW PLAYING Daniel Ellsberg Warns Risk of Nuclear War Is Rising as Tension Mounts over Ukraine & Taiwan 133K views1 month ago Democracy Now!
  9. Excuse my inability to easily grasp your summary above but could you state your take on the status of the Magic Bullet and whether it is the bullet that alone hit, went through and caused all of Governor Connally's injuries? Are you saying more bullets than one ( especially the Magic Bullet ) were fired into Connally?
  10. The following view sharing is cynical I know. However, the mechanizations of our highest power election processes are inherently Machiavellian in nature. Huge monied self-interests manipulating these as much as they can get away with. That's almost always the most influential driving force behind who actually gets picked to run for president by the two parties imo. In that vein, I see these traditionally adversarial political ideology group exposure promotions of RFK Jr. with a wary motive eye. Fox News giving a "Kennedy" positive spin national presidential run coverage exposure? Uh... sorry but only in the land of Oz would such be a true reality. My lifetime common sense tells me that the highest power rungs of the corporate Oligarchy Republican party elite are seeing RFK Jr's Presidential election run as a real Democratic party dividing dynamic in the general election. They know he would never win the primaries. Yet they would love to see RFK Jr. run as a third party candidate in 2024. Kind of a reverse H. Ross Perot 1992 election run that divided and diluted the Republican vote enough that Bill Clinton won that election with just a weak plurality! George Bush only got 37% of the vote? Thank you H. Ross Perot! Just the Kennedy charisma effect alone could win him 5 million votes. And if the Corporate elite feed a Kennedy run enough, he could get even more votes. However, it won't be Trump Republicans switching to RFK Jr. It would only be Democratic voters. My concerned message to RFK Jr. would be ... give a primary run all you've got...but if you are not the final candidate, please don't do an H. Ross Perot Democratic party vote dividing end around.
  11. Putting the first linked call from White House attorney Abe Fortas to LBJ on the highest volume setting, I could still only hear and understand maybe half of what Fortas was telling LBJ. LBJ himself kept saying... "I can't hear you...can you speak up?" It seemed as if what Fortas was sharing with LBJ was so damning, that he thought keeping it just above a whisper was warranted. Fortas asked LBJ if it was alright to share what he was saying on that line. Obviously Fortas feared the line might be taped...which it was! The gist of what I heard was that LBJ's top aide Walter Jenkins was caught in a bathroom rendezvous with another man. A morals charge affair that LBJ's top people feared may hurt LBJ's election vote numbers in the one month away election of 1964. The incident was successfully downplayed and even purposely kept out of many top news outlets and did not hurt LBJ's huge majority election results. Still, Jenkins had to resign over the incident. His top presidential aide position was filled by Bill Moyers. LBJ asked his great friend J. Edgar Hoover if perhaps they had missed Jenkin's proclivity problem in their background checks of White House employees, especially since Jenkins had been involved in a similar affair in 1959. Hoover said "no...they hadn't missed anything." Hmmm...maybe Hoover didn't think this aspect of Jenkin's personal behavior was ... well ... worth worrying about?
  12. Jim Di Eugenio's essay on his Kennedy's and King site regards the full story of Sam Giancana is the definitive source to access to understand the full picture of him and this area of JFKA research. It's a fascinating read.
  13. Losing the President of the United States due to a security lapse in one of the top JFK hating cities in the country was one thing. Losing the number one "suspect" in the crime due to an even more outrageous security lapse in the same city and "right inside" the DPD building crawling with security just two days later is another. As salt of the Earth Union railroad employee Richard C. Dodd so eloquently expressed: " when a man can walk up and shoot a man handcuffed to two policemens and get away with it... why, I figure there's something a goin' on besides what should be." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jCnb_Sh… Witness Richard C. Dodd heard shot & saw puff of smoke … WebNov 26, 2022 · On November 22, 1963, railroad worker Richard C. Dodd was standing on top of the triple underpass, in front of John F. Kennedy's presidential motorcade on Elm Street.
  14. And don't forget that JFK and RFK were going to force Hoover into retirement if JFK was re-elected. Instead, LBJ takes over and immediately grants his best friend ( "like brothers" - LBJ quote to Hoover ) a life-time extension in his position as head of the FBI? If that fact doesn't raise the too close buddy protection suspicion hair on the back of your neck...what would?
  15. What an arrogant condescending crock of cr**! Just like VB... Immaturely labeling WC doubters paranoid, irresponsible, conspiracy buffs? Guess this writer also feels the Oswald assassination by a strip joint owner right inside the Dallas PD with 70 armed security personnel all around was just dumb luck and dumb negligence? Nothing more? This mob connected raunchy strip joint owner just saunters into the highest security minded and guarded scene in DPD history and unloads his 38 into the gut of the most important and threatened criminal suspect in American history from inches away ... and this also is nothing but more fodder for conspiracy loons? "Bugliosi is right that this case is, and ought to be, closed. And I share his distaste for the wild finger-pointing and often paranoid reasoning of the Warren Report's critics, from the overweening New York State Assemblyman Mark Lane in the 1960s to the irresponsible filmmaker Oliver Stone in the 1990s. Still, maybe there should be a place kept for the conspiracy theory buffs. After all, they care passionately about one of the most important political events in our history. In an age of indifference, their attention to public life, however corrosive, can be more valuable than apathy and indifference." * Alan Wolfe is director of the Boisi Center for Religion and American Public Life at Boston College and author of "Does American Democracy Still Work?"
  16. Hoover was way too cozy with Texas oil. The wealthiest men on Earth at that time. Hoover and his partner didn't stop vacationing at the Clint Murchison/ Sid Richardson owned Del Charro motel in posh La Jolla after 1957 did they? Other Del Charro guests included Richard Nixon and members of the mob. To what extent did Hoover go after the big mob bosses after the Apalachin bust with the exception of the "Top Hoodlum" heavy surveillance of Chicago mob boss Sam "Momo" Giancana operation? I mean how many of the attendees there were brought down or put under more scrutinizing heat because of their participation? Dallas's own boss Joe Civello was there. Didn't seem like it caused him more heat than normal. And Civello probably represented Marcello ( the top Texas, Louisiana, southern state mob chief ) who was a higher ranked boss than him for sure. Only when RFK became AG did Hoover even begin to pretend to do any real mob confronting. Hoover liked the good life. Beautiful home and furnishings, fancy vacations, finest clothing tastes, chauffeured cars and top restaurant/night club drop-ins, even rumored walk on the wild side, cross-dressing parties in New York? And don't forget hot inside tip horse racing track visits. Didn't Hoover and Tolson go to the track "just a day" after JFK was shot? Such lighthearted, public display play activities by one of our highest federal level government officials (considering the unprecedented somber mood of our nation at that time) seemed weirdly and coldly inappropriate and even disrespectful to say the least ... imo anyways. No stick in the mud Mr. Hoover be. Personally I feel JEH was corrupted by the seductive pampering good life which others of wealth kept him bathed in.
  17. Especially in a state and city known as one of the most rabidly JFK hating in the country at that time. Big time JFK hate. Racial rage hate. Extreme right wing political commie/traitor sympathizer hate. General Walker ( you had me committed to a psyche ward!) personal revenge hate. Interest threatened wealthy oil men hate - wealthiest men on Earth at that time. LBJ personal animosity JFK and RFK hate. Main Dallas Newspaper outrageously allows a hate inflaming "JFK WANTED FOR TREASON" article to appear in their copy just before JFK's arrival? Surprised our own SS didn't stop them from publishing that. Made their job a more heightened threat dangerous one. You bet open high-rise windows and rooftops looking directly down on JFK's open limo was a real and serious security threat. Especially in that city of all cities. In future video interviews SS agent Clint Hill many times weakly dismissed and downplayed the failure of high-rise window and rooftop security in Dallas by saying the SS simply didn't have the manpower to check all the open windows and unattended roof tops. We all knew that. That security detail should have been carried out by the local police and sheriffs department. Who DID have the manpower. And the SS should have made sure someone besides themselves were handling this very obvious security threat need beforehand. Like the Miami police did two weeks earlier.
  18. I began to read Bugliosi's anchor weight book. Checked it out from our local library. I didn't get far. Besides being too heavy to prop up on your chest in bed and constantly struggling to keep it open to read without one heavy chunk of pages from one side flopping over onto the other, I soon realized other aspects to the entire format that turned me off to the point of returning the book within just a few days. You couldn't fit the book through the opening of the sidewalk return bin in front of the library. And you needed both hands and arms just to carry it into the library and place it on the return shelf. I immediately noticed hundreds of pages of general knowledge JFKA minutia that seemed like it was just copied and pasted from other sources. Like a staff of young assistants were hired to do this as filler. Actual writing by Bugliosi himself was a much smaller percentage of the contents. And right away, what really turned me off was Bugliosi's constant insertion of childish, highly charged derogatory almost boogie man fear insult labels of anyone who believed the JFKA was the result of a conspiracy. Loons. Nut cases. Conspiracy buffs and many others. Bugliosi seemed compelled to repeat these insult labels over and over as if doing so would convince his readers that anything less than embracing the WC Lone Nut finding was truly a sign of mental illness in those who didn't. The man doth "insults" too much-me thinks? It's always an immediate turn off to read someone's contrary debate summaries when they way overdo the personal character insult thing in their effort to present and defend their differing view. It always deflates the integrity of their own proposition argument. Like it can't just stand on it's own nonpersonal merits? Reflects an intellectual insecurity imo. Whenever I come across any JFKA assessment piece that tries to frame conspiracy considering others with mental illness boogie man labels I stop reading immediately. The National Enquirer has more mature honesty integrity than that.
  19. There it is in your own words. JFK did NOT want to deploy regular infantry units to South Vietnam. That is where he was drawing the line. JFK is removed. And soon enough we have "500,000" military troops and support staff over there? 500,000? That's 50 divisions! And we also pour billions and billions of dollars worth of combat material support including massive naval operations including massive bombings in the next 9 years? And to what end? The fall of South Vietnam to the North? With us leaving in absolute anarchy chaos with hundreds of desperate Vietnamese clinging on the landing rails of our escape helicopters as they are lifting off to the navy carriers? This is what JFK feared might happen. Think of the domestic and social need infrastructure improvement and lifting we could have seen here at home with the massive spending and physical effort we put into that decade long debacle.
  20. How can anyone watch the 1963 Walter Cronkite interview of JFK where JFK says the famous line..."It's their war. They're the ones that have to win it or lose it." and not clearly see that JFK was "in the least" not wanting to commit our troops there except for tactical support in an advisory way? JFK mentions the fact that Viet Nam was embroiled in constant fighting for the last 20 years. You can tell that JFK held the view that Viet Nam was a trap of never ending conflict quicksand that needed to be treaded around very carefully lest we get stuck in that muck ourselves. This Viet Nam part of the interview begins at the 12 minute mark. Earlier in the interview JFK shares some very interesting personal feelings about the black American ( he refers to them as negroes ) unrest and civil rights movement which was growing exponentially under his term. The violence inciting repercussions of the Martin Luther King led Southern civil rights protests and marches in Alabama was specifically mentioned by Cronkite. JFK again clearly reveals his personal feelings of sympathizing with the movement and that black Americans deserved the same rights and privileges afforded all Americans under our constitution. He thoughtfully acknowledged that this effort was complicated and would not be without setbacks and would take a long time to deal with. Cronkite reminded JFK that several Southern states did not vote for him in 1960. JFK looked pensive while acknowledging that fact and even stated that he expected to again lose some Southern states in the upcoming 1964 presidential election. What most Americans who liked JFK or didn't personally hate him never really grasped while JFK was alive in my opinion, was the fact that JFK wasn't just unliked by tens of millions of their fellow Americans ... but hated to a "murder wishing" degree. Seriously, JFK haters ( millions ) felt that deeply about him. I'm sure the majority of those millions of JFK haters were shocked by his murder in Dallas on 11,22,1963, but not truly sorry that it happened. Our official history books do not adequately and honestly report this true level of JFK hatred that was imbued in the mind sets of millions of Americans during JFK's presidency up until his murder. JFK and his brother obviously underestimated that hatred and how much danger they truly faced when campaigning in public. 21:35NOW PLAYING September 2, 1963 - President John F. Kennedy's interview with Walter Cronkite 92K views2 years ago HelmerReenberg President John F. Kennedy's interview with CBS Evening News Anchor W
  21. I think this is what is happening. I still don't hear any "behave yourself" or "we can't hear you back here" comments watching the video.
  22. Loved the Beach Boys. In the 1960's/70's we didn't have the long, shallow tide, smaller wave beaches of Southern California ( except for Santa Cruz ) and our weather wasn't as sunny and warm...but we did have a lot of surfers. I spent almost every summer day at our little city beach ( Lovers Point ) in Pacific Grove from the age of 5 to 10. Learned to swim in the ocean. Rode inner tubes on waves starting about 8. Lot of kids did. Surfing really exploded in the mid to late 60's here. Just quit going to the beach at around 10 or 11. Too busy trying to make a few dollars in the summer. However, let me tell you...there truly were teen age "Surfer Girls" back then. Unbelievably beautiful. Blond, tan, bikini's. Santa Cruz was Surfer Girl heaven. The one I remember most vividly was named Marsha Mitchell. Bridgett Bardot type. Blond, thin, not tall. She ended up marrying a doctor. A lot of kids got into surfing more for the girls than the thrill of riding waves. No need to erase the past in that dream like environment.
  23. Could another reporter be shouting "behave yourself" to the reporter who over exuberantly kept shouting "nobody said what" or "we can't hear you back here?" Feeling his doing so was hurting their time with Oswald?
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